Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 194» lOOtfo. account of her administration, and FOR SALE—Three acres close in. that Monday, November 18th 1946. Bernard Eastman. 29Atfc. at the hour of 1:30 P.M. on said' day and the County Court Room FOR SALE— 1943 Ford or Willys in the City of Vale, Oregon have Jeep, *850. New top, extra tire. been fixed by the court as the 310 tfc. time and place for the hearing of Powell Service Garage. HATES: Two cents per word tor each Issue. Alter one month one said account and any objections FOR SALE!— Good spuds, $1.75 cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. thereto, when and where anl per 3102XP per cwt. Signal Service. son interester in said estate may FOR SALE— 10x12 tent with floor, appear, file written objections Good condition. Stanley Relfett. 3 foot siding and door with fly, thereto and be heard thereon. Said 310tfc. 12x16. Also table, 2 chairs, 2 beds account is for final settlement and Rt. 2. and built-ins. A bargain. Inquire F O R S A L E — New commercial FXDR SALE— 1946 Ford tractor. at apartment 20, Veterans hous upon being settled and approved, said estate will be closed, and dis 3102xp building just completed. Building Stanley Reffett. Rt. 2. 3!Otfc. ing. tribution made and said Adminis is 50 by 70 with modern two bed FOR SALE— Dwelling lot, 50 by FOR SALE;— 1946 J. I. Case Com- tratrix discharged. room apartment. Excellent loo bine. Used to cut 200 acres. $1000. 147, insured title. Bernard Bast- Rhoda L. Mettlen, Administratrix nan. 19Sitc. with parking area in front 3!Otfc. Stanley Reffett. Rt. 2. Estate of William A. Mettlen, rear. Best at construction, FOR SALE—Hay derrick, *50.00 FOR SALE— New grates and re be seen to be appreciated. Bernard See Frank T. Morgan. 13JUC Deceased. pairs for any make of stove. Also First pub. October 17, 1946. Eastman. Phone 64. TNttc. stove pipe, dampers, flue stops. FOR SALE—Automobile insurance Last pub. November 14, 1946. 240tfc. Public Liability, Property Damage FOR SALE— Man's bicycle, new Nyssa Furniture Co. tires, in good condition. Phone Mrs. FOR SALE — Eight-piece dining Fire, Theft and Collision. Placec NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING in the best companies at lowe* Ethel Farmer at Eder’s or Bill room set. Phone 06R4. 24-Otfc. possible rates. Bernard Eastman. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Stradley at schoolhouse. 7Nlxp. Lois Knottingham, the Adminis la F tL FOR SALE— 12 new reducers, two tratrix of the estate of D. J. Knot- FOR SALE— DAIRY AUCTION, inch. Inquire D. H. Timmerman, FOR s a l e — 10-ton Fairbank truck THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 30 route 2, Parma. 2403xp scales. See at L. G. Poulsen on Al „mgham, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Malheur, County, HEAD GUERNSEY COWS. THIS 7N2xp. Oregon, her first and final account IS AN OUTSTANDING HERD. FOR SALE— 1936 model 114 ton berta Ave. of her administration, and that FARM SALE— Sat.. Nov. 9. 12:30 ALL JUST FRESH OR HEAVY Chevrolet truck. Good rubber. Be Monday, November 18, 1946, at the p.m., 5 miles north of Ontario, SPRINGERS. SALE TO BE HELD sure to see this. Watts Motor Co. FIVE MILES NORTH OF PAY Phone 144-J Nyssa, Oregon. FOR TRADE— 1940 Dodge truck hour of 11 o’clock a.m. of said day, then 14 miles west and 14 mile ETTE ON HIGHWAY 30 ON IDA with beet-bed. In excellent condi and the County Court Room in the back soufih on old Crane place. 23 HO SIDE ON HERBERT NORRIS FOR SALE!— Four jerseys, cow and tion, will trade lor late model pas City of Vale, Oregon, have been cattle, 2 horses, farm machinery. RANCH. BERT ANDERSON, AUC three heifers, to freshen soon. J. H. senger oar. Inquire at Journal of fixed by the Court as the time J. H. Davis, owner; Bert Anderson Boor. 3102xp. TIONEER; ED PAYNTER, OWN fice. 3103xp and place for the hearing of said and Joe Church, auctioneers. account and any objections that ER. 7Nlxp. FOR SALE— Eating potatoes. *1 may be made thereto, when and FOR SALE— Modern home i n ^ f where any person niterested in " , __ _ m ,n I son and Son. Phone 392-J, Payette, , ma. Five rooms, also bedroom in | WANTED— Beans, Red Mexican said estate may appear, file ob 310tfc. basement. New stoker. Electric h o t1 laano- or Pinto, top prices paid. See K. L. jections in writing, and be heard By Leona Anderson water heater. Insulated. Hardwood \ FOR SALE— No 1 field bags, 10 Jarrett. Veteran’s Hbusjng No. 10. thereon. Said account is for final floors. Built in 1941. Phone 113W, I unce burlap, vacuum cleaned and 3102xp. settlement and upon being settled PUMPKIN TIME Parma, Idaho. Harold Poster. 7N3p ■ patched. Jermuluwske brothers, and approved said estate will oe Weiser, Idaho Phone 504. 5Stfc WANTED— To buy anything in closed, the assets distributed to the Fastidious housewives are digg WANTED— Stenographer, short tier' or "eal. Also buy banger cows persons entitled thereto and said ing into recipe files and going hand and typing, miscellaneous FOR SALE;—New Willys engine. or will handle for hide and offall. Administratrix discharged. clerking work. Amalgamated Sugar Watts Motor company. U dii Phone 31M or 011J1 22Atfc. Lois Knottingham. Administratrix through cook books for their fav Co., Mr. Whitaker or Mr. Larson. Estate of D. J. Knottingham orite pumpkin and squash recipes. WANTED— Will buy any model 7N2xc. And smart home-n.akers are too, Deceased. Wlllys cars, highest prices paid, FOR SALE— New Willys en for pumpkin and squash contrib FOR SALE!— 60 acres under the telephone 144J. Watts Motor com First pub. Oct. 17, 1946 gines, New Jeeps and Willys ute their full share of nutrients Owyhee ditch, southwest of Nyssa, pany, Nyssa, Oregon, authorized i Last pub. Nov. 14, 1946 parts. All makes and models as well as spice and variety to known as the Stam place, Klaas dealer, Malheur and Payette coun used cars. Watts Motor Co. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING over-worked menus. A new recipe Stam. 7N4xp ties. lAtfc. Phone 144-J Nyssa. NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that and a good one is “Pumpkin Cook FOR SALE;— 1945 two-ton Stude- WANTED—Dead or worthless ani Lois Knottingham, the Adminis ies”. baker army truck. Never been used. Spicy rumpkin Cookies REMEMBER THE HOSPITAL mals, horses, cows, calves, sheep tratrix of the estate of George A. Phone 122-J. 3103xc. DRIVE STARTING NOV. 15 and hogs. Phone collect Nyssa 102W, Knottingham, deceased, has filed 1/4 cup shortening. Payette 560J3. Pruitland 3713 or In the County Court of Malheur 1/2 cup sugar. FOR SALE FOR SALE;— New 4-room house 7Mtfc County, Oregon, her first and final 1 egg. 80 acres row crop land on Adrian Nampa 1000. with bath, laundry trays, large account of her administration, and 1/2 oup cooked pumpkin. porch. $4500. Between 6th and 7th bench. Fair house, good well, ihat Monday, November 18, 1946, at 1 cup sifted flour. on Park. 3103xp. 80 acres, four miles from town. _____ '________________ _____ Can be bought with or without FOR RENT— Truck with eight ton .he hour of 11 o'clock a.m., and the 2 teaspoons baking powder. FOR S A L E - 1935 Ford truck, good equipment and stock. Priced $8500 beet bed. Inquire Powell Service. County Court Room in the City of 1/2 teaspoon salt. tires, priced reasonable, can be seen, lur lanc| on]y. lOOtfc Vale, Oregon, have been fixed by 1 1/4 teaspoons cinnamon. the Court as the time and place 1/8 teaspoon ginger. at Signal Station. Finley Shuster, j 193 acres within four miles of for the hearing of said account and 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg. 3102xc. jjyssa. This place has been gro&- any objections thereto, when and 1/2 cup raisins. MISCELLANEOUS— I will not be where any person interested ini 1/2 cup chopped nuts. row-crop lorn.. Morion B,g B .nd Hoc ol eMpmcnt, responsible for any checks, bills or said estate may appear and file | Cream shortening and sugar to 814. milk cows and 900 pullets ready damage for Mrs. Gladys Geokan. objections in writing to said ac- ( gether until light. Add unbeaten Alex Geokan. 7N4xp. •ount and be heard thereon. Said egg and blend thoroughly. Sift FOR SALE;— Ebctra nice potatoes, to lay. Immediate possession account is for final settlement and flour and spices together and add Several Improved and unim $2.25 per sack delivered. Less in 10- Always buying at top prices. upon being settled and approved, to creamed mixture alternately sack lots. Ed Jamison, phone 65-J. proved acreages. said estate will be closed, the as with the pumpkin. Add raisins and Deer and Elk Hides 3!Otfc. KEN REN STROM, REAL ESTATE. sets distributed to he persons en nuts and mix well. Drop by teas SUCCESSOR TO A. L. ATKESON Raw Fur titled thereto and said Adminis- poons on greased baking sheet FOR SALE— 1939 K15 Studebaker Phone 47-J Hides, Pelts and Wool ratrix discharged. cabover engine truck, 16-ft. beet about two inches apart and flatten Jermulowske Bros. Lois Knottingham, Administra slightly. Bake in a 400-degree oven rack, 18:25 tires 2-speed rear axle. POR SALE— Dressed hens, phone Phone 504 Weiser, Idaho trix for about 15 minutes. (24 medium Estate of George A. Knottingham. sized cookies) Miscellaneous — Episcopal church Deceased. thrift sale every Saturday, 2 p. in. Parish Hall. 1705xp First pub. Oct. 17, 1946 Last pub. Nov. 14, 194 m MISCELLANEOUS— Storage. See MARRIAGE LICENSES Jake at Fix-It shop. 8Atfc NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Warren Benjamin Schlupe of IN THE COUNTY COURT OF MISCELLANEOUS — Guaranteeo THE STATE OF OREGON FOR Harper and Ann Mariea Bishop sewing machine repairing. Complete THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR of Vale. COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT stock of new parts for all machines In the Matter of the Estate of Lorraine Mosley vs. J. B. Mose Including electrics. Rebuilt macn- ELIZABETH M. PILLSBURY, ley. Divorce. ines for sale. Buy and trade. F Deceased. W. B. Reyburn, et. ux., vs. un "Lete" Sackett, Ontario. 20Jttc NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that known heirs of James D. Ruark. the undersigned, Lora E. Pills- MISCELLANEOUS—For better ra To quiet title. OPTOMETRISTS PHYSICIANS dio service bring vour radios t< bury. administrator of the estate Jennetta C. Horne vs. Samuel Nordale-Newsom Furniture store of Elizabeth M. Pillsbury, deceased, W. Horne. Divorce. DR. J. A. MCFÀLL SARAZIN CLINIC Gene Seybold. radiotrician. 13Jtfe has filed his Final Account as Earle E. Butterfield, et. ux., vs. DR. JOHN EASE Y said administrator In the County Dr. J. J. Sarazin MISCELLANEOUS—Duplicate cai Court of Malheur County, Oregon, Gladis M. Burah, et al. To quiet and cylinder lock keys made. Gam and that said Court has appointed title. Dr. K E. Kerby ble store. 250afc Monday, the 2nd day of December, PETITIONS, PROBATE COURT Estate of William S. Clelland, de Physician and Surgeons 1946 at 11:00 o'clock In the fore ceased. BUTCHERING Custom butchering every Mon noon of said day, for the hearing Estate of Alfred Modine, deceas day and Friday. Beef, sheep anr of objections to said Final Account ed. and the settlement thereof. pork. Sanitary Dutcnerlng guaran Physician and Surgeon NOW, THEREFORE, all persons Phone 21, Ontario, Ore teed Phone 05R1. A11 stock mus Phone 37 come In Thursday or Sunday after, Interested in the estate of Eliza Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 • noon between 12 o’clock and 6. No beth M. Pillsbury, deceased, are ..aljM C rS B X -aC JEWELRY STORES Daily—Except Sunday stock accepted on butchering day hereby notified and required to One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta appear at the County Court Room DENTISTS^ avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtf< in the Court House at Vale, Mal heur County, Oregon, at said time, DELICIOUS Union Pacific Time Inspector to then and there show cause, if Remember when J. R. CUNDALL JEWELRY — DIAMONDS any there be, why said Account nearly every home NOTICE TO CREDITORS W AT’HES should not be settled, allowed and possessed a chafing Dentist NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, to approved and said estate distribu Main Street a. Second dish heated by a Phone 56-J the creditors and all other persons ted and said administrator dis small alcohol stove? Sarazin Clinic Interested In the estate of Mary E. charged. Welsh rarebit-that NYSSA ORBOON Coulter, deceased, that the under Dated and first published October creamy mixture of signed has been appointed Admin 31, 1946. Date of last publication cheese, seasoning Sc Official Time Inspector for istratrix of the estate of Mary E. November 28. 1946. melted butter spread Union Pacific Coulter, deceased and has qualified Administrator of the Estate of on toast-was the ONTARIO OREGON Dentist as such. All persons having claims Elizabeth M. Pillsbury, deceased. favorite chafing dish against said estate are required to Ph. 187W delicacy. “Rabbit" Lytle, Kilpatrick and Campbell Sales Service Supplies present same duly verified as re Attorneys for Administrator feeds were after Wilson Bldg. quired by law to the undersigned hours pa rtles in girls' at the office of A. L. FVtcher In WORLD FAMOUS college dormitories. the City of Nyssa, Oregon, within Remember? six months from the date of the Cleaner & Air Purifier first publication of this notice and were in the service long en FUNER a L HOME General Contractor & that being th* place hereby desig ough to establish an MOS. you can E. R. Anderson now re-enlist very advantageously nated for the transaction of all Rt. No. 3 Sunnyside, Builder business pertaining to said estate. In a grade appropriate to your | Weiser. Idaho Lillie M. Crocker, Administratrix training and experience The army Estate of Mary E. Coulter, de has Issued a hurry-up call for Box 509 No. 1st St. FLOOR SANDING musicians. Openings In U. S. Army ceased. bands! Good pay—and excellent Nyssa, Oregon First pub. Oct. 10. 1946 New or old floors sancL opportunity to gain valuable add Last pub. Nov. 7, 1946. itional musical training. Bands ed perfectly. Large NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING men with MOS from 432 through commercial machine HEREBY IS GIVEN, that 440 re-enlist In one o f T ie higher and experienced oper NOTICE W. F. JAHN Rhoda L. Mettlen. the Adminis pay brackets. See your local army Dealer in hay and grain ators. Telephone Boise tratrix of tne esteate of William recruiting officer today! A. Mettlen, deceased, has filed In 419 Federal Bldg. Third at Good Ave. 6189R. the Oounty Court of Malheur County. Oregon, her first and final PAGE THREE ■ orders to 128-M. Classified Watch This Space Every Week For A New Advertising Feature Advertising For Sale New Shipment of Phonograph Records Just Received To Each His Own—Five Minutes More—South America Take It Away—Stone Cold Dead in the Market—Johnny Fedora— F ilipino Baby. Children’s albums, nursery songs, Peter Rabbit, The Little Red Hen, Little Black Sambo, Alice in Wonderland, Dicken’s A Christmas Carol. Newsom Furniture Company SALE CALENDAR Dr. G. W. Graves For TRADE WANTED -r Kitchen Chats i ' I *■ «, ill CONTRACTORS KROPP AND SONS Phone 85 Ontario, Oregon MISCELLANEOUS NEWS OF RECORD PH LANE Legal Advertising WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE ELECTROLUX Cleanest loader on the market Supply limited— Give us your order now, save labor costs later. 4 i,o miles south of Nyssa, Oregon on the Old Apple Valley road, then i/2 mile west on the old Pettet ranch, or 4 l/o miles northwest of Parma, Idaho and i/2 mile west. MEMORY ~F. BODMER MR. BEET GROWER— Place your order now for THE LINDEMAN BEET LOADER FARM SALE L. A. Maulding. M. D. PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Now at his new modern offices 718 Arthur St. * Phone 720 Caldwell, Idaho (Directly across from the American theater) For Rent Professional And Business Directory *\ Optometrist ~ if y o u ~ are T ~ MUSICIAN.... J. C. KRUL HAY BUYER Boise, Idaho NYSSA Monday, Nov. SALE STARTS AT 12:30, NOON 2 HORSES II 2 1 Black team, smooth mouth, wt. 2700 pounds. 1 Set of harness and collars. 10 CATTLE 10 1 Ayershire cow, 7 years old, heavy springer, gives 5 V 2 gallons when fresh. 1 Guernsey cow, 7 years, gives 5 gal. when fresh. 1 Guernsey heifer, 2 years, giving 3 gallons now. 1 Guernsey cow, 5 years old, heavy springer. 1 Guernsey heifer, 2 years, giving 2 gallons now. 1 Guernsey cow, 5 years old, heavy springer. 1 Holstein heifer, 2 years, heavy springer. 1 Guernsey cow, 5 years old, heavy springer. 1 Ayershire heifer, yearling. 1 Guernsey heifer, 2 years, giving 4 gal. now. Feed 20 Tons of alfalfa hay. 1 Ton of barley. Chickens, Livestock 1 Chester White feeder pig. 3 Doz. Rhode Island and Australop hens. Machinery 1 Kentucky 8-foot grain drill. 1 MeCormick-Deering mower. 1 Tandem cultipacker. 1 8 ’x8’ brooder house. 1 Com cultivator. 2 Rolis of 6-foot poultry wire. I Horse fresno. II Ten-gallon milk cans. 1 Milk cooler. 1 Tumble-bug fresno, tractor drawn. Forks, shovels and other small tools. 1 Rubber-tired wagon with rack. 1 Two-section harrow. 1 Spring-tooth, two-section harrow. 1933 Chevrolet coupe. Some household goods. TERMS: CASH LUNCH SERVED ON GROUNDS H. N. Ferrell, Owner Colt. Bert Anderson and Joe Church, Aucts. L. H. Fritts, Clerk