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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1946)
^mSSSst. r/ieNYSSA VOLUME XXXXl--- KÔ.-41 Nyssa Interest In Election Is Rather Varied MANY WINDOWS IN NYSSA ARE BROKEN Many windows have been broken in business houses and semi-public buildings during the last tew weeks city officers announced. The greatest damage has been caused to the Bplsoopal church, where 40 window panes were brok en recently. Windows were also broken in the Herriman Motor company garage, the Masonic hall and pump-house No. 3. Children are believed to have caused the damage. The Episcopal church has offered a reward for the appre hension of the culprits. JOURNAL NYSgA, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1946 County Agent Says Malheur Dairying Good HEARING OF LEAVITT M v <s*-i H t w n i l i l CASE IS POSTPONED l ^ J a ö a i i u a p u a i The case of Opal Leavitt, admin istratrix for the estate of Elmer Leavitt vs. Henry T. Kondo, which Contract Drawn With Architect STATE OFFICER r OF tt d a v VISITS i« r P. x T. A. Traffic Hazard Again Subject At PTA Meeting Mrs. Claude R. Hagey of Port- land, treasurer of the Oregon P. ______ | T. A., and Mrs. Reed Blacker, La Rolls Will Be Open Nov Development Of Dairying 1,1 circuit c°urt here last Portland Man Says Site Grande. le«lonal vice president Recreational Program De were the speakers at the fall ember 6 In Usual To Help County’s i week' was adJourrud until the Jan- Southwest Of Town velopments, Goals council meeting of the Malheur Places Fafmers | uary court term afler one of the Satisfactory Discussed County P.T.A. hi Ontario last ______ ! jurors, E. L. Jamieson of Nyssa, Saturday. Election Interest In Nyssa seems The program of the Nyssa cham- asked to be excused because of A contract for the architecural Assurance was given by speakers Mrs. Hagey told of the conven to center about the measures to ber of commerce Wednesday noon the sudden “ “J“ of hls wife work on the proposed Malheur tion of the National Congress of at a meeting of the Nyssa Parent- ... .. , . . Attorneys conferring on the mat- be voted on throughout the state, at its weekly luncheon developed ^ were v re e d on adJournment Memorial hospital was signed with Parents and Teachers, which was Teacher association in the high the proposed people's utility dis into a general discussion of farm 0f the case until January in p r e Roald, Harrington and Schmeer •held recently at Denver. Both Mrs. school auditorium last Thursday trict In Malheur county and the conditions and prospects in Mul- erence to choosing an alternate of Portland at a meeting of the Blacker and Mrs. Hagey conducted night that additional steps will be election of four city comicilmen In heur county, with County Agent juror. Mrs. Leavitt, whose hus- board of directors if the Malheur a school of instruction on various taken to reduce the traffic hazard the general election to be held Fri Harry Sandquist leading the dis- band was killed last fall when his Memorial hospital association in phases of P.T.A. work for the confronting children required to officers and chairmen present. day, November. cusslon and answering the quest- car was struck by a car driven the city hall Monday night. Mrs. Ed flo st, president of the cross the highways near the grade The polls will be open from 8 ions. by Kondo, is asking damages. Elmer Harrington was here Mon Nyssa P.T.A., attended the meet school building. a. m. to 8 p. m. The poling places “The thing that is really out- . ---------- ----.. day afternoon and met with the ing. City Manager E. K. Burton said in Nyssa will be as follows: No. L,, standing in the county is the % issociation dir«tors Monday even that all the state highway com city hall; No. 2, Eagles hall and growth of the dairy industry”, Mr. S t U u C f l t S ( l O I M i? ing. He inspected the proposed site mission can do is paint'and install No. 3, Methodist church. The Sandquist said. ri of the hospital and declared it to signs that will have a direct bearing Dr. H. O. McCalllster of Boise Arcadia polls will be In the Christ Pointing to the great growth of be satLsfactory. He will draw a on the traffic situation. A state ensen home and the Owyhee polls district superintendent of the I carlrad ¿hipments o f ^ o d u ^ T r o m rough sketch of the plans within sign engineer was in Nyssa last in the schoolhouse. Methodist church declared in an Malheur county in the last few the next few weeks. Thursday to study the conditions Several field trips have been The local veterans for council address at a sub-district meeting years, Mr. Sandquist said "along Plans wore further developed for and confer with city and school committee have announced that oi Uie Men's fellowship of the tbat ^ tba growth of the Planncd for passes of the Nyssa the renewed financial campaign, The Adrian Antelopes went score district officials. State police off they are sponsoring the candidacies, Methodist church here Tuesday dalry industry. In 1920 the county hlgh scho° 1 by iK'ho° 1 administrat- which will be started November 13. less in their encounter with the icers will assist after the signs of four ex-servicemen for positions ' night that education and vital re- had 2500 cows in 1930 It doubled ors' The entire territory has been Bulldogs on the Nyssa grid- are painted. on the city council. I W o n must go hand-in-hand to and in 1940 it doubled the 1 The speech class was conducted mapped and each district has been Nyssa iron last Friday afternoon until The comer north of the “Y" is Elden Yergensen, manager of the produce the leadership and citizen- flgure again and now there are thr0Uirh 016 N>,;iSa theater and outlined for the solicitors. late in the fourth quarter, when the most dangerous because vision Owyhee Truck and Implement com ship that makes a good society. roughly 14,000 milk cows. It is learned theater by Mana**r A ° they scored a touchdown and made is short, Mr. Burton .aid. Parking Dr. McCalllster potpted out that not unreasonable to believe that Wells, who spent one and one-half pany, was with the International the extra point. The final score in front of the new building on hours with the youngsters. The VT » * a . • | Harvester company lor live years the group of men recently hanged j you may d0uble that again between the corner will be a problem. As was 14 to 7 for Nyssa. prior to entering the service. He In Germany were well schooled 1940 and 1950 thus becoming the students studied the arrangement XNCW ifl d ld * lc llS a result, the state highway depart Nyssa took the initial kickoff of the curtains and drapes for served seven months in France, men, some of them educated in th e | leading dairy county in th€ state and ran the ball back about 50 ment has asked the city to adopt b ij universities of Germany, b u t |Thls county is a natural ln Ule j sound effects and also studied the Belgium and Germany. yards to the Adrian 40 yard mark an ordinance to reduce the hazard. projection and sound equipment. Fred Bracken, owner of Bracken's they lacked vital faith and vital j dairy industry", The Junior traffic patrol will be and scored in three plays. Iseri The agriculture classes have clothing store, traveled for an religion. History has borne out j However, the county agent said punched the ball over on a line dressed in uniforms and equipped overall company through eastern that such men have trained minds that improvement in dairying is made several trips to farms in the play and also scored the extra with flags. Superintendent of Oregon and Idaho before entering without a sound moral and spirit necessary, pointing out the need vicinity to study weed spraying Wide employment gains in the point. Schools Henry Hartley said that and other phases of farming. the navy, in which he served three ual foundation and have brought of greater use of testing and the U. S. industry were foreseen by the Junior patrol has no authority The Bulldogs did not score again The journalism class will go to L. F. Livingston, manager of the and one-half years, including two terror and distress to society. benefits to be derived from arti Nampa Friday afternoon of this extension division of the Du Pont until the third period. Although over the vehicular traffic. The “We must as men come to the ficial insemination. in the Pacific area. they were in scoring position sev purpose of the Juniors is to dir Lloyd Wilson, now employed b y ' practice those vital principles Mr. Sandquist expressed the be week to inspect the plant of the company, in a talk before the On ect foot traffic. the Amalgamated Sugar company, j of religious life that will rightly lief that dairying can be increased Idaho Free-Press as a guest of Edl- tario chamber of commerce and eral times they last the ball on The efty manager said installa was traveling auditor for the In- f use our skill born out of high in the county and the row crop .t° r .,Bf r'!ard Malnwaring, who ex- guests at the Moore hotel ln On fumbles. tion of a warning light would cost In the third quarter Dick Iseri, ternatlonal Harvester company atj intelligence", the speaker said. production maintained. He said tended t,he jnvltation while he was tario October 29. end, scored a touchdown and Bell- between *2000 and *4000 and the Great Falls, Montana before he| The church has a vital place in that livestock programs are needed | Visitmg in Nyssa several weeks a«°- New jobs, Mr. Livingston predic on went over for the extra point state 'highway commission would entered the army. He served four j the life of every community and ] to maintain productivity of the ted, will follow in direct ratio to Jackson scored the touchdown for not allow the installation because and one-half years, including two the men as well as the women1 sou - > ... .. _. . the growth and development of Adrian and Jensen made the “traffic is not heavy enough”. If and one-half years in England and must take their place in the o r-| The county agent said “We hope I n i l l i l t l O n H e l d new fields and to the extent that extra point on a pass. a light were installed it would not Germany. , | ganization, Dr. McCalllster said. : to have the artificial insemination 1 wa . • . expanding enterprise is given “an The outstanding players in the be paid for by the state. Ira C. Save, owner of a farm ' At the business session three program going by the first of the B Y ( l r i <111 T . T . economic atmosphere in which it game were the Anderson brothers, The matter of re-routing truck a.4V.n./vnt ~t aU V. _ — n M vnaa on li r n r o a liu v ia r l no m s * * 1 ^ southwest of Nyssa, ...■>. wmch he rents, Nyssa m men were elected as officers J I 1 year”. can live and breathe and continue formerly of Adrian, and Kayano. traffic along Good or King avenue served in the army for two and of the fellowship for the coming j The annual FFA initiation was to grow." Herren did a nice Job in the back- and one of the south-side streets one-half years, of which he spent year. They are Hugh Tobler, presi- The speaker displayed a number field. was discussed. Mrs. Charlie Grider ] held in the Adrian agriculture 19 months ln the Pacific area, dent; Oscar Bratton, vice presi- of new plastics, nylon, synthetic j building Wednesday. The Nyssa lineup was as follows; said the truck drivers would pre Sage, who was employed by Gibbs dent, and Merilldean Robbins, sec- _ _ . _ . I New members were made to rubber, rayon tire cord, cellophane, Toombs, center; Kayano and Orr, fer to have a truck route other Transfer company lor several years retary-treasurer. Members will meet flame-proof cloth and wood, ex J i l r i G l i r F e l l ] * dress’ a11 day. ln their pants four plosive rivets, and many other guards; M. Anderson and Christ than along Main street. is now working at the post office, from all sections of the valley Richard Maw reported on the j inches too long for them with hip ensen, tackles; D. Anderson and Candidates running for reelection in Boise November 8 to hear Dr., . , . , . . . . . _ chemical materials which he cited developments in the proposed es D. Iseri, ends Bellon, quarterback; to the city council are Bernard Bruce R. Baxter of Portland, bish- Mrs. Gladys Lincoln Broadhurst sl nac a a 1 B’ °°xy as “examples of what Industry has Church, fullback, and Herron and tablishment of a park and recrea , of Caldwell and her cowboy chal- I sh^ s' , , Frost, George Sallee and R. G. op of the Methodist church. to offer towad future employment." G. Iseri, halfbacks. tion district. He pointed out that Representatives from Welser, ffeur, Alvin Lee Williams, were Tbe offlcial ceremony was held Whitaker. Joe Sutherland has been Pointing out that peak employ The Bulldogs will play Emmett the P. T. A. will not build the nominated as the eighth candi Payette, Emmett, Boise and F ru it-; indicted by the Malheur county , 111 th ®. eve" " g' consisting of the ment ln chemical manufacturing lighted Held Friday project, adding that "It oan be v.arl° '^ reached about 750.000 workers dur- I on . . . Emmett's date. Four councllmen will be land attended the meeting. Supper grand Jury jury on a charge cnarge of oi first n ist repet!tlon h b of..the ,h cre!d' b anj Each bov , . . T _ degree murder in connection with sl f ec»es members. Each boy, | night in the last game of the sea- built only under a tax program". was served by the women of the elected. Petitions that will be circulated the 1HI1W „ f tho woman’, ih,.. ‘ who joined the club was required lng tne ttar- 10 tunes tne lala lev son for Nyssa. tne Killing oi tne womans nus- to . memorize the creed. , Those who ,,i vines ton noted While voting upon the proposed Nyssa church. e1, \Tr u ' Li oivmgsion noieo that unu the uie under the sponsorship of the P. T. An entertainment program was band, W. D. Broadhurst, chiro failed were only informally initiât- modern chemical industry progrès creation of a people’s utility dis A. may be signed only by free trict, voters will also elect five presented as follow^ L jan Law practor and well-to-do farmer, ed. ses “only by finding and producing holders, who hold deeds to their directors of the proposed district. rence, two violin numbers, accom Tuesday night in Vale. properties. If 25 per cent of the The following boys were formally things that the public doesn't now The candidates are Fred T. Berry, panied by Mrs. C. W. Buchner; Dr. Broadhurst was killed in Mal initiated into the FFA as green- know that it wants." freeholders in the proposed dis heur county while he was cn route H. N. Black, Ensor E. Bush, Neil Mrs. George Henneman, reading: “Twenty-five years ago, the pub trict sign the petitions, the pro Caldwell to his Jordan hands: Charles Chapin, Charles lic didn't realize it needed cello E. Dawson, Oris D. Dearborn and two selections, male quartet con from posal will then be submitted to Doty, Arlen Fehlman, Buddy Hard sisting of Spencer Lane, Oscar Valley ranch. William J. Jacobson. phane or nylon or many of the Four-H amateur night was ob the county court for its approval or District Attorney E. Otis Smith man, Bennie Keller, Vern Mich- other materials which have be served at the Adrian high school rejection. If the district is approved National, state and county can Bratton, Merilldean Robbins and am, William Ratigan, Guye Sparks, Rev. H. J. Gernhardt, accompanied has sent out extradition papers Delbert Stephens, Donald Hatt, come essentials of modem life,” Friday evening, October, 25. Pro by the county, an election will be didates are as follows:: asking for the extradition of Mrs. by Mrs. Buchner. (Continued on page two) Mr. Livingston said. "Consequently, ceeds amounting to *37.90 will be held. Broadhurst from Caldwell to Ore Louis Hoke, Joe Viers, Bill Fer there are thousands of people to used to send the boy and girl win The report of Mrs. Charles guson, Joe Nelson and Verl P at gon. Williams is already held in day making a living in the manu ner of 4-H club work to summer Schwelzer, goals chairman, was LOCAL BAKERY terson. the county jail at Vale. facture and sale of materials that school at Corvallis the craning sum read by the secretary, Mrs. Jake SPACE EXPANDED Mr. Smith said his request to! „ JR 108! lnitiai ed >nf°n»Uy were were not even ideas a few years mer. Norma Jean Dterking was the Simmons, an dwas approved by the Governor Earl Snell of Oregon for ^ SharP„ J‘? „ " ’T T ago." girl winner, with Barbara Hatch organization. John Emery, operator of the the extradition of Mrs. Breadhurst ald uJ„on“ ' Alber Mc? ln'lls' ®'i?dy Mr. Livingston said more than as alternate. Donald De Haven was The county council has adopted Sugar City bakery, and Andy Swan, wxmld be sent to Salem immed- • Smith. Don Saxton Burter Talbot, 2.000 persons are now employed ln the iboy, and Fred Deffer alternate. a set of six goals. They are:' owner of t)he building, are re Frank T. Morgan, chairman of lately. The request will then be Yosh Umenoto, and Dee M.ttel- making cellophane, which, until Tickets for the show were sold Provide an opportunity for ev modeling the structure to provide the Malheur county citizen's com sent to Governor Arnold Williams S I Following the initiation, cokes 1929, was a small item; 2,500 mak by the boys and girls of grade ery adult to recognize his school more space for the bakery. mittee, this week urged voters to of Idaho ing neoprene synthetic rubber, first school in a contest. The girl win and community responsibilities Emery will make use of the turn out next Tuesday and vote An Associated Press story said and cookies were scrved' made in 1931; and 3,000 making ny ning the prize for selling the most through membership in the local space formerly occupied by the “No" against the PUD proposal. __ _ earlier Tuesday ... that in Boise an lon, Invented in 1938. . was Mary Stoker, and the boy Joe unit and to share ln the work oi Nyssa Electric company, operated "The voters gave their verdict attorney for three sisters of Broad- NATION OBSERVES “Many additional Jabs.” he added, Keller. The boys out sold the girls. the group through personal service. by Mr. Wimp, as a part of his last May 17 against forming a PUD | hurst sald they would contest hts AIR MAIL WEEK "have been created in supplying The program for the evening was Every member an active parti sales room. All of the building will ln Malheur county, and there is ^11 drawn September 25, leaving _______ raw materials and equipment for announced by Mrs. Threlma El cipant in some conference or study bo redecorated and new floors no reason why their opinion should his entire estate to his widow. The The Nyssa post office ln con- these new products, and in using liot as follows: Group singing with group within the organization. will be laid. Lon Root Is doing the be changed now." Morgan declared, doctor was reported to have been Junction with the postal depart- (Continued on Page 4) Mrs. T. E. Deffer leading and Bet Every unit working to promote work. “The citizens should not be sub- "worth” about *100,000, but carried ment throughout the United States ty Jean Toomb accompanying at safety ln the home, the school and Mr. Emery expects to Install new jected to voting on P>UD again so oniy about *3000 ln insurance. 1 ts this week observing National Here from Corvallis- the piano; piano solo, Donna Pet the community, with special em fixtures In the front part of the soon after the defeat last May, but A hearing for proving the wtll Air mall week, October 27 to Miss Merry Norcott spent the erson; duct. Justine and Larry phasis on the highways. bakery as soon as possible. the anall group of sponsors evl- has been scheduled to be held Noevmber 2. | week-end ln Nyssa, and was a Sun- Kreager; piano solo, Ilea Kreager; Promotion of better health and fh i •! n eve VOterS WU1 relaX November 7 ln probate court in The use of air mall was sUmu-! day dinner guest a t the 8 P .'B y -lv o ail duet, Adele Hammon and phtslcal fitness for every child, Mother Is Iff— their vigilance. Caldwell. The attorney for Broad-1 lated October 1 when the rate was bee home. She is attending school j Diane Hardman, accompanied by stressing daily health habits, pur Mrs. Bernard Frost went to Twin “The citizens' committee of 200 hurst's sisters said a request would reduced from eight cents to five at Corvallis. Betty Jean Toomb; vocal solo. Myr- ity of milk and water supplies and Fails last Friday because of the Malheur county voters said last p*. filed for continuance of the cents an ounce. na Lane; piano solo, Avadrva Pet both immunization from and quar- illness of her mother, Mrs. J. W. May that PUD is bad business fo r, hearing so that additional evi- Postal officials said that in- Visiting Son— erson; vocal solo. Betty Ann Def- (Continued on page seven) McDowell. She Is expected to re Malheur county, and we are of the dence could be developed j auguration of the new five-cent Mrs. H. A. Wieneke of Portland fer, accompanied by Betty Jean turn home this week-end. same opinion today. We recognize United States flag rate October 1 arrived Tuesday for a visit with her Toomb and vocal solo, David Hurt, Here From California— in PUD a dangerous threat to all Go to Homecoming— immediately brought a sharp rise son. Ward Wieneke. and family. Major Hudson played several num- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Olsen of Visits M other- taxpayers and to users of electric Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Brown and in air mail volume, Raptd air Mrs. Wieneke has been visiting ln bers on the piano accordian, which Nort*¿ Hollywood, California, Jack Miss Twlla Crawford of Portland service. We don’t want Malheur son, Stephen, visited briefly over mail service offered for the first the east and is en route home. were greatly enjoyed by the aud W Olsen of San Francisco and visited Saturday and Sunday with county to become afflicted with the the week-end with Mr. Brown's ( time at a low postage rate should _______________ ience. Keith Olsen of San Jose were her mother, Mrs. Ethel Crawford, same PUD troubles as in Union parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bumall stimulate commerce, they said. ) Go to Twin Falls— E. M. Hauser of Ontario, the visiting at the home of Mr. and and other relatives. county, where the PUD has levied Brown. The baby remained wlthj on e business man said, “The! Mrs. C. C. Cotton left Friday county club agent, showed Inter- Mrs. J. C. Olsen for a week and some (45.000 in taxes, and has not hls grandparents while hts father j post offi-e department has taken j for Twin Falls where she will ---- vis- esting and educatio&l motion plc- engaging in pheasant hunting. Leaves Hospital— yet gone into business." and mother attended the homecom- a leaf from the book of American it relatives. She also expects to Mrs. Letha Jeffrey, former Ny Morgan said the towns of Nys lng of the University of Idaho at j business, reducing the air mail I visit in California for a month be- tures on South America, entitled "Amazon Awakens". Astrology Letcure Set— ssa resident, has been dismissed sa. Vale and Ontario voted against Moecow Saturday. rate and simultaneously offering | fore returning to Nyssa. A director of the Brown Founda from the Brlckenridge hospital at PUD by large majorities last May, better and faster service. A lower flu b Meets— tion will give a lecture Friday, Austin. Texas. Mrs. Jeffrey's health and that the rural areas voted ag Guests at Big Bend— price requires one thing to succeed Missionary III— Members of the Owyhee Riding November 15 at 2 p. m. ln the high is much improved. ainst PUD by approximately 2 to I. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Walters or —larger volume"’. Mrs. Ersel Bens, stake missionary. club met at Che home of Mr. and school building. He will talk on "The citizens' committee urges Ontario were Sunday guests of for the Weiser LDS stake, has been Mrs. Lloyd Marshall Friday even the relationship of the heavenly Nursing Home Notes— all voters, in both the towns and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brum bach of Observe Navy Dane. ill the past week at her home. ing. Among other business, plans bodies to present science. The talk Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Snyder oi rural areas, to vote ‘No’ again on Big Bend. Mr and Mrs. Herbert Fisher a t for a Thanksgiving dance were dls- wtll be Illustrated with slides. In route 2. Nyssa are parents of a the proposal." Morgan stated. tended the Elks formal dance at Hental Clinic Planned— cussed. A lunch was served, with terested parents are invited to girl, bom October 26 . She weighed Visit Relati the Elks hall at Caldwell S atur The Kingman and Adrian grade Mrs. Ieonard Marshall and Mrs. attend. 4 pounds, 1 ounce. | Juniors To Meet— Mr and Mrs Orinyer of Eleroy, day night ln observance of Navy school will hold a dental clinic Lloyd Marshall as hostesses. Mrs. Fred Scott of Parma and The American Legion Juniors Illinois, who have been visiting day. Monday. November 4, beginning | _______________ Attends Concert— Louis P Thomas of Oakland, Cal- wtll meet Friday a t 4 p. m. at their daughter. Mrs. Don Sherwood at 9 a. m. at Che Kingman school- Wins Roping P ris e - Mrs. Glea Billings. Mrs. A1 Ku- ifomia were dismissed from th e ' the home of Mrs E. K. Burton, and family of Hermlston. arrived V eit In Nvssa— house Examinations will be made! Lynn Snodgrass won third place ehn, Mrs. Bernard Eastman and nursing home Wednesday. „ . „ . . AU slsters and daughters of vet-j in Nyssa Thursday, accompanied Mrs. Mary Foster of Centralla, by Dr. F F. Bodmer of Nyssa, I in the calf roDing contest at the Mrs. Grant Lewis motored to Boise Rnd ' m , Van I^icbard,on erans are lnvlt*d to attend A trip by Mrs. Don Sherwood and baoy Illinois and Mrs Marge Medlock of assisted by Mrs. Lois Olenn. PT.A. Ontario Jamboree staged by the Monday evening to attend the first of Parma are the parents a 9 to Baker to meet with the state They spent a few days at the H. j Salt Lake City are visiting this health Chairman. The clinic wUl Sage and Saddle club Members community concert of the season J “*“ *1' 1 °“nc* ^ rl- born October junior chairman. Mrs Joe Boyer. R. Sherwood home Don Sherwood week with Mr. and Mrs Dean be free to school children and will of the Nyssa Riding club were ln- featuring Miss Jean Watson, con 31 a t the Nyss. Nursing home. I is planned for the near future. spent the week-end a t Ny*a. Smith I be for examination only. ■ vlted t o . W W tT iraveiunch. tralto. Religion Held Vital To Life Nys ?a Defeats Adrian 14 To 7 On Field Trips Are Discussed By Livingston A A. Jurors Indict 4-H Observes Amateur Night I Morgan Apposes P. U. D. Proposal J