Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1944)
ÎHfc NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY JULY fi, 1944 level of the 1920's, when farmers producers realize that the period at the Lloyd Orris home Saturday. Sunday school will be held at 10 were In troifble but there was high of need for poultry expansion has industrial activity.” he asks, "or passed; chicks hatched during May am . next Sunday. Mrs John Zitter- cob was elected superintendent and will we let them fall to the dis were 2 percent less than last year— Donald Hickey, secretary and treas astrous levels of the early 30‘s, 221.787.000 compared with 312.468,- urer. when industry, too, all but col 000; eggs set during May were 49 Mr and Mrs Charles Barnhart lapsed?” percent less than last year—213,-1 and son of Elgin arrived at the RATIONING CHANGE ON RATES: Two cenU per word lor each Issue Minimum cash in ¡238 000 compared with 422.049,000 j »<*«* home Saturday for a IRRIGATION PUMPS visit advance Is 30c chicks booked were 28 percent less Endorsement by the state AAA Mr and Mrs John Hu^k and fam committee is now required by the on June 1 than last year; and many ily of Burns visited at the Bob Bar war production board on appli hatcheries th a t operated through ber home last week. cations for a preference rating on June last year closed for the sea and has qualified. MISCELLANEOUS son during the early May. NOW THEREFORE, all persons | an internal combustion engine over For Sale FARM PRODUCTS TO OUR • 20 H. P. or a electric motor over O re go n Trail having claims against the estate of 1 H. P. for use in an irrigation \L U E S FOR SALE -Cuthtoert raspberries Elizabeth M. Pillsbury, deceased, Food and other agricultural pro ! plant. The new procedure places The Merry Matrons club met for looker* July 12. Because of help are hereby notified and required to rationing of wed casing and pump- ducts delivered to our allies under Wednesday afternoon at the home cannot deliver. Send orders to Tay present the same, with proper vou . ing machinery on a state rather April lend-lease consisted of 36 of Virginia Rooks toll with Mary lor Berry Farm. Payette. Idaho. Br chers, duly verified, within six mon I than a county basis. Applicants are percent meats, 21 percent grain j j une whitman as co-hostess. The ing containers. Sixth avenue, south, ths from the date of this notice, to , required to state on their appli products, 13 percent fruits and veg- afternoon was spent embroidering on 12bh St. 6Jlxp the undersigned Lora E. Pillsbury, cations the basic information need- etables, 12 preent dairy and poul-' tea towels for Che hostess. New at the law office of Charles W. j ed to judge the feasibility and try. 10 percent sugar. 3 percent j officers for the next six months For Sale—One 9-foot hay ralce, 1 Swan, at Vale, Oregon, which place desirability of the enterprise. cotton. 2 percent fats and oils, 2 . were elected as follows. President, potato digger, 1 year-old Duroc- the undersigned selects as his place | Applications will be revelewed by percent special commodities, and 1 Marie Holmes; vl cepresident, Gladys Jersey boar, eligible for registrat of business In all matters connected county rationing committees, which percent tobacco. The British Em Byers, and secretary, Ola Ohard. received 62 percent of the Nine members and two guests, ion. A. H. Bishop. 6 miles north of with said estate. will make recommendations to state pire Nyssa, east of track on King aven Dated and first published June committees, and issue the neces total. Russia 28 percent, and other Tessle Olson and May Wuvl, an ue. 29J2xp 8. 1914. Last publication July 8, 1944 sary purchase certificates for ap claimants 10 percent. swered roll call with "something BEST CONTAINER ADVICE TO nice about your neighbor." The proved enterprises. LORA E. PILLSBURY FOR SALE—Commercial fertilizer— Administrator of the Estate of OUR MOST EFFICIENT WAR GET SUPPLIES EARLY. club will meet July 13 at the home ammonia nitrate and ammonia sul Elizabeth M. Pillsbury, deceased. With a serious shortage of con - 1 ^ j enn(e Benson with Alberta POOD SHIPMENTS phate. Frultland nursery, Frultland. The 18.000,000 pounds of vege tainers certain, due to the dlmtn Bowen as co-hostess. Refreshments Idaho. 1JTFC table seeds that we have shipped ishing rate of production, growers were served by the hostesses. NOTICE TO CREDITORS who start a last-minute search LOST Notice hereby is given to the cr since last July could have been for an adequate supply of second Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Goodson and shipped in a single 10,000 ton cargo daughters of Notus visited Sunday LOST—1940 Olds hub cap in Nyssa editors and all other persons Inter vessel with room still available for hand containers are inviting mar at the F. S. Byers and F. G. ested in the estate of Sid E. Smith, keting problems, WFA officials or on Alberta avenue. Please leave a few tons of other strategic Holmes homes. at Powell service station. OJlxp deceased, that the undersigned has materials, while shipping the food warn. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rookstool, been appointed executrix of said es produced from these seeds would Potential problems in the con who have been honeymooning at Lost—’License plate, 275.832 Oregon. tate and has qualified as such. All have required the entire available tainer field are increased by the Payette Lakes, returned home the Reward. Return Journal office. persons having claim against said space on 950 ships of the same ca prospect of over-all fruit and vege last of the week. 29J2xp estate are required to present same, pacity. table production considerably In ex Mr. and Mrs. Normand Doldort verified as required by law, together These seeds at current prices cess of 1943 when 'barely enough and children of Pocatello, who have with proper vouchers, within six would have produced about two containers were available to handle been visiting at the Walter Benson WANTED months after the first publication these crops. WFA officials also WANTED—To rent sewing machine of this notice to the undersigned at billion dollars worth of food, while caution that growers should be fa home, returned to their home Fri their approximate cost to us as day, by month. Write W. Cook, route 2, the office of A. L. Fletcher in the seeds was only six million dollars. miliar with other types of contain Mr. and Mrs. R W. Holmes and Nyssa, Oregon. City of Nyssa, Oregon, that being Based on our own standard of liv ers that may be substituted for children and Mrs. F. G. Holmes the place designated for the tran ing—the highest In the w orld- those normally used. It is highly went to Frultland for cherries Sun WANTED—Used furniture. Highest saction of all business pertaining to vegetables, raised from these seeds probable that many growers will day. prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa said estaite. would feed some 500,000,000 peopl. find that dealers do not have the Anne Hutcheson of Seneoa Is Furniture Co. lATFf Barbara V. Smith, Executrix about one-fourth of the world's type of containers that they pre visiting at the Wilson Winters Estate of Sid S. Smith, deceased. population, for an entire year. The fer. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES foi home. live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay First pub. June 29. 1944 LITTLE POOD LOST BY WFA economy of shipping seeds Is ab- Betty Alice Byers, who visited Last pub. July 27, 1944 ette. frlNtfc WFA has handled about 5 billion last week at the A. M. Goodson vious and illustrates why feed, seed and machinery will be the dollars’ worth of farm and food home near Notus, returned home FURNITURE WANTED—We pay main items needed to help the na products since March, 1941, and Sunday. highest prices for used furniture tions stricken and ravaged by war while most of these products are Nordale Furniture company. 21Jtfc to help themselves in the rehabil perishable, WFA's non-recoverable losses to May, 1944, amounted to itation period. Buena Vista FARMING OPPORTUNITIES FOR only one-fiftieth of 1 percent of Corsets Surgical gaim- the goods it has bought. VETERANS SURVEYED Mrs. Lloyd Cleaver of Califor ents About half of the seven million nia Is visiting at the George Cleav Girdles Brazzieres acres of U. S. land acquired from er home. private owners for military pur ALICE A. COLLINS Mr. and Mrs. Eart Gilbert and poses during the war can be de Box 500 Phone 122-J Mr and Mrs Lem Davis and ch family of Springfield, Oregon, vis veloped into good farms if the ildren of Ontario and Mrs Colwell ited at the S. B. Hoffhian home BIO PROBLEM FACES FARMERS land is not needed for future mil of Frultland were guests in the Sunday. Mrs. Gilbert is a cousin BUTCHERING itary use, according to the bureau Phelan home Tuesday. AND NATION of Mrs. Hoffman. In the after Custom butchering every Monday How to keep consumption of farm of. agricultural economics. Current noon Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hoffman Donna McDonald of Parma came and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. I products aibreast of capacity to pro- estimate Is that 8,000 to 10.000 Sanitary butchering guaranteed. j duce them Is the basic problem farms and ranches of various sizes to the Miller home Wednesday for and Mrs. Maize visited at the Ernest Maize home. Mrs. Maize a week’s visit. Phone 05R1. One mile west of Nyssa that farmers and the nation will could be set up on these acres. Mrs N. S. Phelan, Mrs Joe Bru- remained for a visit with her son on Alberta Ave. Jake Fischer. face after the war In the opinion BAE also reports th at If the rat* mbach and Mrs Grover Lee went and family. of Secretary of Agriculture Claude of retirement from farms continues to Caldwell last Wednesday morn Lt. and Mrs. Eh rione Greogry For TRADE at the same level as before the ing. Mrs Lee left for Los Angeles. of Roswell, New Mexico, and their TO TRADE—Good used washer to R. Wickard. Simpler problems facing post ■war, there will be about 500,000 The other ladies spent the day with parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Greog trade for refrigerator. Phone 64. ry of Caldwell, spent Friday at the 22JTFC war agriculture are great national family-size farms available to new Mrs Kyle Altizer. regional, and local readjustments as operators, including war veterans, The Jolly Janes met Thursday J. W. Jennings home. the needs for various products in the first 10 years after the war. afternoon with Mrs Dyre Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy were Legal Advertisement change and price relationships tend COLD STORAGE SUPPLIES UP A group of Senior Qirl Scouts Sunday dinner guests at the Leslie June 1 stocks of all food Items with their leader Mrs D. Patch, Topliff home. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO to shift: and the need for reap praising our acres from the stand in cold storage, except apples and enjoyed a picnic supper on the CREDITORS S. B. Hoffman received word IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE point of soli conservation and soil creamery butter, were larger than lawn of the F. A. Miller home th at his sister, Mrs. Hugh Nervis STATE OF OREGON FOR THE fertility. Commenting on these post a year earlier. Total beef in stor Wednesday evening. Plans were of Sutherland. Nebraska, had pass war problems, the Secretary said: age on June 1 was nearly three made regarding plays to be staged ed away last week. COUNTY OF MALHEUR “I dont like to think of what can times greater than on June 1, during the summer, The group Joi In The Matter of the Estate •happen to our agriculture and to 1943; pork 50 percent greater; lard ned in singing and Mrs Harriet of ELIZABETH M PILLSBURY, de the rest df our economy if we three times greater; eggs, 17 per Brum bach led a discussion on "St Su n sat V alU y . don't enter the peace years with the cent -greater; frozen poultry, six andards", in which all joined. ceased. Mr. and Mrs. orland Black of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ! same united determination that Is times greater; frozen vegetables, Mr and Mrs Cyrus Bishop tran that the undersigned, Lora E. Pills getting us successfully through the nearly twice greater, frozen fruits, sacted business In Caldwell Satur Nampa visited Sunday a t the J. A. Black home. about 20 percent greater. bury has been appointed adminis l war years." day evening. Bud Notheis Is home on a six-day SIGNS OF THE TIMES ON trator of the estate of Elizabeth M. I "We need to make up our minds Lt. and Mrs John Bishop and furlough. POULTRY FRONT Pillsbury, deceased, by the County ¡soon," the secretary warns. “Will children called at the Brum bach The dance at Cow Hollow hall Reports <|.i hatchery operations home Saturday as a farewell visit. • Court of Malheur County. Oregon, ' we let farm prices fall to the offer the following signs th at Lt. Bishop left for San Antonio. •was well attended Saturday. The music was furnished by the "Ida Texas to report for duty July 5. ho Ramblers". Another dance will Mrs L. Each us and Mrs D. Eng Bernard Eastm an lish shopped In Parma Saturday. Miss Mary Weir spent several days calling on Bend people solicit ing for the 5fh war bond drive Phone 64 Mr and Mrs Will Brewer of Van You save when you NYSSA OREGON couver, former Bend resident», are visiting frlencte and relatives In this buy; you save when you vicinity. Mrs A. Kochis. who has been til bake with Picket. tor some time, returned to Holy Roeary hospital in Ontario, where Enriched with Vitamin PERMANENT WAVE KIT she underwent an operation the “B” DENTISTS D o it v ourself a t fore part of the week. Her daugh Each k it contains Per OPTOMETRISTS ter. Margaret, who was employed Milled in this valley by m anent W are Solution, * In sh am p o o , c u rle ra a n d defense work In California, was J. R. CUNDALL wave set. Safe. Money back Guar DR. J. A. McFALL antee. Oat a Cttorw-Karl KR today. Weiser Flour Mill» sent for. Dentist NYSSA PHARMACY "Sec Me Fall ta g lo t Phone M-J Arcadia Sara an Clinic Serving 5 Counties NYSSA OREOON From the Largest Stock of Clarabe! Wright of Boise closed Oenulne a successful Bible school here last JEWELRY STORES week. A program was given Friday evening. All work was displayed. EYES IO HT SPECIALIST Students received certificates and PAULUS ONTARIO OREGON awards for perfect attendance. Wil Parts JEWELRY STORE ma Bullard. Marlon Hlpp and Alice Orders Shipped Immediately Union Pacific Tim# Inspector Warner helped with the classes. PHYSICIANS Mr and Mrs Norman Hipp and JEWELRY — DIAMONDS daughter of Seattle arrived at the WATCHES home of Ms parents, Mr and Mrs Main Street at Second Phone 40 Payette, Idaho BUI Hipp. Sunday. They came to L. A. Maulding, M.D. attend the funeral of Carl Hipp of WYGKOFF Physician and Surgeon Boise, who passed away In a P ort friends until the very land hospital last week. JEWELRY STORE Phone 91 end of life Mr and Mrs Lee Dali and family Hours: 10 to 13 and 1 to • Is within ithelf true gr Official Time Inspector for spent the 4th near Unity. Don M. Graham Dali y-Except Union Pacific Margaret Ada and Wallace But eatness. Pry : ler left Saturday with their grand ONTARIO OREOON Insurance Agency Our services beautify mother. Margaret Payne, for Mc- cal. where they wlH spend a week. that greatness. SARAZIN CLINIC Mias Ctaratoel Wright and her sla SHOE SHOPS ter, Orpha Hemphill of Boise, visit Fire and Automobile J. J. Sarazin, M. D. ed here Saturday. Abbott’» Shoe Shop Insurance N yssa Funeral Mrs Jessie Phillip and two gtris All kinds of shoe and harness General practice of medfctni of Folsom. California visited her repairing A-Ray Physio therapi Hom e Rentals Bonds brother. David Brady, and family Acroee from poet office last week. Mrs Lester Reece of Nyssa visited Classified Advertising A Fa mi WAR NEWS Big Bend Professional And l— Business Directory 0K0 not be held tor about a month. A shower was given Saturday night for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rookstool at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. Lila Mitchell Howard, Lily Mae and Betty Schnieder were supper guests Sun day ait the Ira Chadd home. Mrs Donna Stlner, Lucille Chadd Artie Ray Mitchell, Howard and Lily Mae Schnieder and Bob Ref- fett celebrated the Fourth at Mars- ing, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Chadd and daughter Lucille. Mrs. Donna Stiner and Artie Ray Mitchell shopped in Ontario Friday. E.W. PRUYN Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts Phone 56w To Portland— Wiiford A. Bybee was In Portland several days this week on business in S3 *d r. ic it Is y MAIL COUPON TODAY1 *- ED G A R W . S M IT H 10 C orbett B uilding P O R T L A N D 4, O R E G O N ii a P lea se en ro ll me in the “ M r. S m ith Goes to W a sh in g to n " club. Send me a sig n ed m em bership ca rd and p ictu res. Auto Repairing and accessories Bob Newgen took his beet hoers to Ontario Thursday to shop and to attend the show. N am e_ Address- C i t y _____ Pd. Adv. Smith for Senator Co mmittee, Leo Smith, Mgr , Cor bett Bldg., Portland, Ore. RODEO AND CARNIVAL SNAKE RIVER STAMPEDE “Wildest, Fastest Show on Earth” Nampa JULY 13,14, & 15 3 NIGHT SHOWS -Hey, Chum i Mfahna buy some nice -fresh kilowatts ? Picket Flour 59 To KEEP and Me Cluer- Manser To RETAIN I t ’S n o t likely th at a shifty, fast-talking gent will ever •Idle u p to yon with each an offer. Bootlegger* and B lark M arkets exist only where th ere are shortage* — and a chance to m ake big profits by b reaking ceiling prices. T here ore no Bloch M arkets In electricity, nor are th ere any shortages. And far fro m pushing against price ceilings, the price of electricity has stayed right down on the floor. In fact, over the h u t 15 year*, the average price to the average fam ily has been cut ju st about in half. Of course, you probably have m ore electric appliances and use m ore electricity today than you did then — but yo u ’re getting twice a t m uch fo r your m oney l Y our thanks for such a big bargain belong largely to your friends and neighbors who work with this com pany. T hey’re doing a better jo b every year. - — — H Mr A a g É L f m id . i iie l - w - I 1 ugp*i I T '" rtw •Mry W+diM — f a l a a d f s e wwwe prvfrvni meomeettm w a t f rn A fin — ***i a ah ivTiiMWii w w tYMfrf, i0JO, I.W.7., 1 A* lO N 'f WAITl’ l l f t T t I CI T Y IB I f M < A « M ft I f N'TIATIONIBI 4* I D A A C lT H O VPOWER I I g W W M C A g y * IT S g R V g S j ?