Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1944)
4 re <? NYSSA GAS XfoTtiMR' 5rmx TiU~24 LONGER USE OF BOOKS GRANTED gB Æ 1 i\tY^A,'O^ËGÜN~THÜRSD~AY'jUNE"29ri944' VETERINARIAN FOR Regulations Continues THIS AI^EA NAMED JOURNAL $2.00 y F ar ADRIAN CHURCH On BUYS New Manpower Nyssa Improvement Of WAR BOND Main Street Of During the summer the Malheur To Lag In 5th Dr. S. L. Bee of Portland has be Game Sustained church The Adrian United Presbyterian Stabilization is purchasing a »1000 war library is sending out fam War Bond Drive en assigned temporarily as deputy By Commission Set-up Shown Nyssa Assured county ¡bond This bond will be an invest- state veterinarian in the eastern ily libraries that may be kept ... . _ _ _ _ , ! nvent toward the building fund. until the opening of school. area with headquarters in N y ssa Man S ta te s Only1 Funds were secured for the bond Nyssa Is Designated As Vale Leading County Oregon Pendleton, reporte the state depart Change Is Made In Elk by budget allotment and from pri The same books may be kept for Controlled Referr With Percentage vale donations. Further donations ment of agriculture. Dr. Boe is a the two months, or those that have Season al Area Of 47 Quota for the building are being received recent graduate of the veterinary | been read may be exchanged. Re to be Invested in war bonds, and for particular books will be Nyssa continues to lag in the department at Washington State The proposed hunting regulations anyone interested ls asked to see The new manpower stabilization The state highway commission quests welcomed, although new adult bo fifth war loan drive now in prog College, Pullman, and prior to that tentatively formulated by the Oreg- k . I. Peterson, church treasurer program for the State of Oregon, has assured local officials that the oks may be kept for the regular will become effective July 6, main street of Nyssa will be impro period only. County Librarian Lill ress, according to Henry Hartley, studied four years at Pacific Luth- on state game commission in Port- j Plans for a church building is which 1» practically the same as has been eran College, Tscoma. He has been ialMj June pj were approved by the : bein8 considered by the church off- ian Nisbitt said. Those requesting Nyssa chairman. ved as promised by a former com in operation in the Portland met sent into fasten Oregon at thi, | oommlsslon wjUl exception of a ! tei*U L“ t week the bo»rt oI lr' these family libraries are asked to mission. In a letter. H. B. C.laisyer, give the number of boys and girls The latest report shows Nyssa with tame to be on the ground in event . 1 us tees went to Oreenleaf to look ropolitan area for the past eighteen change in the elk season, despite secretary of the Oregon state high reading and the grades each will total sales of *51,127.50, of which of a recurrence'nf anaiplasmceis th protests from Malheur county sp over the new Friend's church under months. The state manpower director has way commission told city officials be entering In the fall, not neglect only *20,062.50 are E bond sales. ere and, too to assist in the Bang's ortsmen. according to Bernard Fr construction there. The young peoples group of the designated Ontario and Nyssa as and chamber of commerce repres ing the children who go to school Vale shows total sales of *68.185.75, disease test work in that section. ost, who represented the Nyssa Adrian ohudeh as assumed the re controlled referraJ areas. A repres entatives that "Among other things this year or next for the first time. of which *46,031.25 are E bond sales Wild Life league at the commission sponsibility of purchasing an organ entative of the W.M.C. will contact If no specific books are requested. hearing last Saturday. mentioned by you when you app It will help the librarians to make I Ontario has sold a total of (101,406.- local employers in the near future for the new building. Mr. Frost said the opening date with a copy of the new plan and eared before the state highway co a more satisfactory selection if the 00 with »57.490.00 in E bonds. of the elk season was changed from mmission ait its meeting on May type of reading preferred is ment Percentage of quota shows Vale proper clearance forms. D. C. Scro November 4 to November 1. The 10. 1044, was the improvement of ggins, veterans representative of the Requests should be mailed In the lead with 47 percent, Ontario said they did not want the United States employment service Main street In Nyssa. You advised to ioned. second with 33 percent and Nyssa Members of the Malheur county officials the Mlalheur county library, On deer season and elk seasons to ov the commission that the former tario, Oregon. will be available for Interviews re bringing up the rear with 31 per nutrition committee, meeting Mon erlap. highway commission had promised garding veteran* placement and re cent. Malheur county as a whole day evening, June 26 in the county The Nyssa resident said the com this improvement and inquired of has purchased 37 percent of its qu liba rary in Ontario, heard a report missioners were very fair in con The resignation of John Young habilitation. Mr. Scroggins, a me the present commission of its pl ota of *606,000. Through the coop by Miss Jennie Marie Warren, ex sidering the Malheur county pro- as athletic coach and mathematics mber of the American Legion and officer for the disabled vet ans with respect thereto. eration of the post office and the home demonstration agent' tests and that they had a good ex- instructor in Nyssa high school was service erans, will in the city hall in '“T his was a new project Insofar rural mall carriers, letters and lit at tension large, concerning the special food ' planation for all of their proposals, by the local school author Nyssa once be a week. as the present commission was con erature were distributed earlier in preservation meetings held under I The commissioners have made it received ities late laait week. Under the program "No male cerned, inview of which I was in the week to nearly all local resid government's war food adminls- | illegal to kill a Chinese pheasant During his fifteen years as ath worker be hired by any emp structed to furnish the members of The Owyhee Riding Club of Ny ents. This material stressed the the tration emergency food preservation hen during the 1944 season, but are letic coach in Nyssa Mr. Young loyer In may the commission with an excerpt fr ssa was organized Sunday after- fact that this war Is the responsib program, the Portland metropolitan which she has been con allowing the killing of five cocks' developed many championship te- j area or In any other area In the om the minutes showing the action i noon at a meeting of fifty persons ility of everyone and that even th ducting throughout Malheur cou each day. Mr. Frost said the comm- a ms in all branches of sport, but state designated by the state man taken by the former commission. I j on the ball ground at the grade sc ough a bond salesman did not coll, nty the past two weeks. tssioners explained that a survey' was particularly successful with his did this and the matter was dis hool building. every Individual must buy as many The series of demonstrations wh revealed that too many hens were! baseball teams which were either power director at a priority referral cussed by the commission at its W. L. Lane was elected president bonds as possible. unless he presents a work cl ich were held have included dem killed last season so they want to , chanmpions or near champions ev- area earance and referral (form 100) meeting last week, at which time , and Dart O. Bybee was elected sec- onstrations on oanning particularly bring the bird population back to ery season. property out. The left hand the commission acknowledged th? letary. Twenty of those present OREGON NOT TO for the 4-H Mother-daughter clubs, the proper ratio as to hens and "His loss will be felt by the school side will filled be executed by the emp obligation and stated its intention ¡signed for membership, paying the freeing, drying, brining, storing, and roosters. and community and particularly by loyer or the U. S. employment ser to construct the project when It fee of five dollars per year. The HAVE STATE FAIR to meet the requests of the Mr. Frost said the commissioners the many generations of boys who and the right hand side will be considers that the matter is prop- club plans to hold a drill practice Oregon will not have a state fair pickling, communities. Miss Warren promised him that if at all possible had the privilege of working with vice executed U.S. employment ilous at the next meeting; which will be In 1944, according to announcement various reported Malheur county home they will provide a load of fish for him,'' Superintendent Henry Har service or by an the authorized referral "You will understand, of course, held the afternoon of July 9 at the made in Salem by Director E. L. makers in attendance showed keen the Owyhee river this year. From tley agent. that the commission is in no posit Bybee Livestock grounds. Purchase Peterson of the state department of Interest in bringing themselves up- 40,000 to 50,000 fingerlings will be Mr. said. Young will coach at Spring- "Women workers (excluding those ion. Just now to make any definite of uniforms for the riders will be agriculture following the regular to-date on the latest and most app planted in the river during the lat field, Oregon this fall. be Section VIII) who have commitment as to when the work considered. All persons owning sa semi-annual meeting of the state roved information as to food pres ter part of August. Mrs Young had announced her covered been employed In essential or loc will be done." ddle horses and desiring to join board of agriculture. Members of ervation methods, with particular According to a story appearing ¡it retirement from teaching earlier in the club are Invited to attend the the board of agriculture and the emphasis on special wartime pro the Eastern Oregon Observer of the year. She served as dean of ally needed activities may be hired on the work clearance and referral. institute Planned— meeting. director considered carefully all the blems such as those arising from Ontario "The Malheur game league, women in the high school for many Since, it is not necessary Rev. and Mrs M. H. Oreenlee will angles on the fair before deciding the use of new types of closures for composed of local sportsmen, had years. Her girl’s glee clubs were for them however, to be referred specific leave Monday morning for McCall, At Lookout Station— previously recommended to the co known throughout the Snake Riv employer they may also to be a hired would be unwise to hold a fair sealing. Idaho, accompanying 25 members of Charles McConnell of Nyssa left It under present conditions. The meeting scheduled for Vale mmission that the season on Chin er valley as exceptionally able org the form entitled Statement on Of the Methodist Youth Fellowship Wednesday for Prairie City to wurk Any state fair that could be held on Friday, June 30, at the Orange ese pheasants and Hungarian part anizations. She was the originator Availability. Women may be hired group for their annual summer con for the forest service at a lookout this fall would ridge be extended to 60 days with a Hall will take the novel form of a of the Cinderella ball and directed be only a glorified ference. This camp Ls usually held station on the Malheur National carnival, the group felt. Several fa food preservation "clinic". All who smaller bag limit than before, sim its many presentations. She will by presenting a statement of avail at Wallowa lake, Oregon, but due forest. He has sold his residence to ctor* strongly influenced the decis have experienced food spoilage in ilar to the proposal made to the be sorely missed by the community ability only by an employer in ess to gas rationing Quaker Hill near George Sweet of Nyssa. Mr. MCCon- ion. The army recently renewed its any type of preservation are invit commission by the Orange"., ~J Mr. Howard Love Joy, who coach ential or locally needed activities, McCall was chosen this year for 'nell was accompanied to the look- lease on a part of the fairgrounds ed to bring in sample jars of the The season on the pheasants and ed at Adrian last year has been but any such employer may hire them. the district Institute. | out station by Mrs McConnell. and at the present time other br spoiled products far "diagnosis’’ as partridges was set for the period secured as a replacement for Mr, "Women workers who have not Iras completed his quota of missions anches of the service are negotiat to probable causes of the failure. from October 14 to November 12. Young. K. E. Keveran of Upton in the preceding 60 days been en meeting will begin at 10:30 Correspondence and telephone Wyoming will act as assistant co gaged in essential or locally needed as a member of a bomber crew. ing for enlarged uses of the prop The conversations between F'rank B. Wi ach. Moreover, as the war moves to with a canning demonstration. activities may be hired by any em Emil Stunz, who has been study erty. re the commission, in Portland Plans are under consideration for the west coast the fair sponsors feel ployer without restriction. It is the ing under the Navy V-12 program that further war uses may be expe a similar series of food preservation and of Charles P. Hegel, president of VACATIONISTS IN responsibility of the hiring empl at the University of Washington, cted of the state fairgrounds. meetings to be conducted In July. the local league, have been used as OREGON WARNED oyer to determine whether or not arrived In Nyssa Saturday on a 9- Following the recommendations a means of seriously objecting to a woman worker whom he hires day leave to visit his parents. Mr Postal Clerk Needed— adopted by the state nutrition com the tentative regulations. has been so engaged. If the employ be a treasonist this Fourth er has any doubt and Mrs Emil Stuns. The Post Office Department has mittee at the state food preservat In part, Flegel wrote. "We con t “Don’t he may send the July.” announced that It will accept app ion conference in May at Oregon sider it absolutely ridiculous to lim of That to the U. 8. employment se ls the word sent out \>y'Ed- worker Earl W. Jennings, aviation metal- lications for the position of temp State College in Corvallis, the Mal it our pheasant season to less than which will make the deter smith, second class of the Navy ls orary clerk In which there is now heur committee, as a coordinating one month, and also eliminate the mund Hayes, chairman executive rvice home on a 30-day leave from the an existing vacancy at the local group representing many organiza killing of hers in this area. The committee of Keep Oregon Green, mination." Aleutian Islands. He ls visiting his office. Written applications should tions and agencies, will assist in farmers of many localities are lod as a warning to campers and others Utahns Here— parents, Mr and Mrs J. W. Jenn be filed with the Postmaster, S. D. every possible way in making avail ging serious and Justified protest who will spend this Fourth of July Mr and Mrs Randall Schulthleta In the woods of this state. West Bountiful, and Mr and Mrs ings on route 2, Nyssa. Goshert, by July 1. 1944 stating the able to every person doing food against the overpopulation of ph holiday "Forest fire danger will be great of applicant's age, education, exper preservation at home the correct easants in their areas, and there from Vernal Salter and children, and now on during the balance of Mrs Word has been received of the pro ience and family and draft statue. information as to approved meth certainly is no logical reasoning for Grant and daughter, Oertrude, the summer," he pointed out. "We motion of Richard HoUy, M.P. st ods. The use of films, news articles, the reduction of our season. Mr. are short of moisture now in the of Woodscross. Pvt. Martin Sayers, son of Mr ationed ait Slouz Falls. South Dak guest* at the Attend Convention— displays, reading shelves for liter Flegel wrote the commission futher, woods. With a combination of dry home of Mr and were Mrs Olenn Petter- and Mrs Forrest Sayers, Is now ota, to the rank of corporal. William Hlpp, Bernard Frost, Cl ature in library stations, and the "As to the Hungarian partridge, east winds and low humidity, the son this week. stationed at Camp Roberts, Calif aude Willson, Frank Morris, and A. distributing of leaflets through the they have constantly multiplied un ornia. Pvt. Charles West, Jr. of Adrian Chadwick have returned from The block leader system, all were dis til now they are on the verge of be entire western Oregon section could a fiery holocaust. Eastern ls now located "somewhere In No Dalles, where they attended a state cussed as possibilities. coming a pest. With the shortage become range and forest areas are Three young men formerly of the rth Africa”. convention for the Eagles lodge. Mr Three new members were added of shells, many hunters will n<yt Oregon bad off.” Lincoln community, are In naval Frost and Mr. Hlpp went to Port to the personnel of the committee: Shoot at the partridge when hunt Just Mr as Hayes POET’S pointed out that every With the fifth army, Italy—Cor land to visit Mr. Hlpps brother of Mrs T. C. MoElroy, Vale, Visual ing pheasants. It is apparent that training at Farragut. I<Jaho They poral invasion beachhead in the Pacific John F. Anderson, whose wife Boise, who is seriously ill in a hos Education: Mrs Leona Anderson, the partridge are very prevalent in are Clyde Hainline. son of Mr and Maude, lives In Nyssa. Oregon, has pital. CORNER _______ areas _________________ where duck hunting _ ____ pre- and the European theatres of war Payette, Idaho Power Home Service the Mrs Orlen Hainline; Robert De been promoted to sergeant. He is vails, and we believe it la essential *et>uire bllll°na of feet of lumber Advisor; and Mrs W. H. Brooke, gress, son-in-law of Mr and Mrs serving with the 3rd 'M im e" div for every purpose and cautioned Ontario, Publicity. that the partridge season should that Edited by Lee Smith, and Clyde Lat/ta, son ision of the fifth army In Italy. Here Frsra Pocatello— fire started here in Oregon fr open and close with the duck sea Mr and Mrs Normand Daidorf ol Mr and Mrs Clyde Latta, Sr. T. CAROL BYBEE om man's carelessness will be Just son in order to keep these bird* like shooting our soldiers in the and three children of Pocatello are Meeting Postponed— Pvt. Ivan Zesiger of the marine here visiting at the home of Mrs Ttie regular meeting of the R.N.A. within reasonable bounds in this back. Mr and Mrs Ira Ure have rece SECRET OF HAPPINESS arrived in Nyssa Saturday for Aldorf’s mother, Mrs Walter Ben scheduled for July 3 has been post county.” ived word from their son. Pvt. Ira corps week's visit with friends and re son. Give something away . . . poned to July 11. R. Ure, who is serving with an eng a latives. itCo To Nampa— been stationed at Every day. Visiting Here— ineer maintenance unit In England San Diego He in has camp and upon Woodscross People Here— Oakland I ^*rs cb*r'es Davi* and daughters. Visiting Here— Btmer Bowman of „ ________ »------.. This start* a friendship new. that "We are plenty busy and are his return he “boot" will go to Camp Pen Mr and Mrs Lorenao Marlon and Mrs R. D. Calkins of Washington, Calif, arrived Wednesday morning P0** aI,d Charlotte, left Mon Cast your bread enjoying our work, but well sure dleton. for Nampa, where they will Upon the water; four children of Woodscross. Utah D. C. arrived here Sunday night to visit hi* daughter, Mrs Emil St- day be glad to get this thing over." were Wednesday dinner guests at for a two-week* visit at the home un* and Mrs Stunz, brother and visit for one week with Mr and Mrs It will come back to you. Dale Oannon is in Nyssa on the home of Mr and Mrs Olenn Pe- of Mr and Mrs Frank T. Morgan, wife. Mr and Mrs Mervln Bowman Fred Davis. Charles Davis enlisted Word has been received here that a Cox. 30-day leave after active duty In tterson. Mrs Calkins, sister-in-law of Mrs of Richmond, California will arrive a month ago in the navy and is at Give of your time, Pfc Plynn Carpenter has been wo Ouadcanal, the present time stationed at 8an Olve of your food, New Brit- Morgan, will go to Eugene from Saturday morning for a week's visit. Diego unded in action He is in a hospital tan and the Bougainville. island of North Geor Attend Banquet— Give of your courage and praise here. somewhere in Italy. Pfc. Carpenter gia He experienced having his ship Mr and Mrs Mark Child, now ag You’ll be more than repaid Viali Here— waa awarded the Purple Heart sunk from under him. His mother ent* for the New York Life Ins. Co. Ill In Hospital— Before very long Mrs Bert Thompson and Mrs V hits Sister— June 5. is Mrs Walter Benson. were In Boise Saturday evening to F'rank Savage is very much Im Jack Dickson, grand daughters of Eva Boy dell left by train Wed In a thousand different ways. nesday evening of last week for a Charlie West of Newell Heights Pfc Blair Hendricks, who has be attend the banquet for the Idaho proved after suffering a serious Mrs Addle Wilson, have been her visit with her sister Mrs E B Ned- DM not God has written from North Africa, say en working with the railroad eng State Underwriters Association, giv heart attack. He will receive treat house guests for the past week. rey of Tigard, Oregon. Give unto you ment iti the Ontario hospital for ing that he is getting along fine. ineer* corps, has been transfered en at the Owyhee hotel. The power to see and hear? | the next six week*. New Members— Give unto others Called T* Army- Six new members were admitted Visit Here— Morris Deffertbaugh has Joined to Fairbanks. Alaska. to the LD6 ward here Sunday Mr and Mrs P. J, Patton of La Now, my friend the many Newell Heights boys now Pvt. Donald Snader. who is stat Tom Church received word to re | Examiner Coming— in England. Ray DeMenbaugh Is ioned at Camp Roberta. California, port at Fort Douglas. Utah by July A traveling examiner of operators Sanford Kay and Lee Anderson Grande were Saturday guests at the Why hesitate and fear? 6 for Induction in to the army air and chauffeurs 1* scheduled, to arr were advanced in the priesthood Henry Hartley home. Mr Patton Is stationed In Italy. writes his parent*. Mr and Mrs W. corp. Prom there he will report to ive in Nyssa. Wednesday July 5, and became deacons superintendent of schools at La Do unto others Grande Snader. that he la enjoying his Amorlllo. Texas by July 14. As you'd have them do | and will be on duty at Eie City A former student pastor. Wallace E training the infantry, even th k a saying old. yet true Hall between the hours of 9 am. Fmtrral In Boise— Jamison, now a chmpHan in the ough the in hikes eight mil«* long. Harne Fro* The more that you give Mr and Mr* Richard Taylor had i Return From Portland— and 12 noon. Navy and now stationed in Africa, Out of 200 boys, are over half of them Don F3d ridge arrived home this AU those wishing permits or lic a* week-end quests Mr and Mrs | Dt an<l Mr* L. A Mauldin* and The more you wtll have visited Bill Kurtz in Italy early In "feH out" before a hake was com week from Oorvalia Oregon to sp ensee to drive can are asked to get Harold Campbell and children of' daughter returned home Saturday A camming back to you. May. Chaplian Jamison waa en- pleted. • month’s stay In Portland end the summer with his parents. In touch with the examiner during Bobe Mr and Mrs C. D Chrtattaon route to Egypt, the land of his bir Try It today. Mr and Mrs Tam Eld ridge Mias 0va Ray Pope, and Mrs El vs these hours. th. on a ten-day leave. Returns From Utah— Joe Council of Northwestern tr In unassuming way; Pope of Emmett Miss Ilene Hartley returned to Some of your treasures Impart; In Utah— Technical Sergeant Wayne Plerry aining center at Evanston. 111. la Here From Denver— her home in Nyssa after a month’* The more you give of NewrH Heights arrived home \ visiting hts parents. Mr and Mrs Beverly Donahue of Denver «rill Mrs Kenneth Co tote and son. Lyle To («aneli— Monday from Kaly. where he was.O. P Council He is taking th* ar- arrive today to be a bouse guest eg am enjoying a three weeks visit wi Parley Fetk was a business visitor visit wtth friends and relatives In The mors you'll have Ogden. Utah La Rue Ny* Of happiness in your heart. j th relatives In Lewiston. Utah at Council Tuesday on active duty With the army. He,my V-12 training No Commitment Is Made As To When Work Will Start Discussion Held On Saving Food Riding Club Is Organized Here Young Resigns As Nyssa Coach Our Boys In The Service r