Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1944)
THE .VY5SA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY JULY 6, 1944 Macalester college at St Paul He| You trill altravs find a welcome the other millions which have al- , week-end with her parents, Mr and certificatimi. Clyde Ward, rural route. Baker. Oregon, phone 786 it now »erring as clerk m the army | at the Church of the Namrrne ready been used during the liscai) Mrs Dick Oroot. air forces. CJ2XC year 1914 The allied armies take a Mr and Mrs Dick Oroot called at ADRIAN FREE METHODIST then rolls ] The couple left for a short Wedd i district or country and the Oeorge Smlt home In Parma CHURCH FOR SALE—Holstein bull. 18 mon j ing trip to Sioux FaBt. South Dak Adrian, Oregan | in the supplies for distribution am Thursday afternoon. ths old Oeorge Stelllng. north Th iota Mr Fields reported for duty at F. H. Reiman. Faster ong the populace. When the army Mr and Mrs C H Carshadon ' Greensboro North Oarokna June Sunday school __..... _..... 10 A M ird street. 8J2xp has mopped the territory and mov were ln Caldwell to attend a picnic ! 29 Mrs Felds returned hcane June Preaching . ... _ U A ll for the people who formerly lived ed on to a new theather or oper MARJORIE GROOT OF >c*i and pink rosebuds completed 30 for a short vtat with her pare- Message by the pastor following at Roberts. Idaho ' ms NYSSA WEDS SOLDIER I (telr roetumes Young peoples meeting .... S PM ations it invites the United Nations Mr and Mrs C. M Tensen and Relief and Rehabilitation adminis Miss Marjone Grow daughter of F»lo» mg the ceremony a wedd- Led by Mr Joe Nelson. son left last week for summit Prair HOSTS AT PARTY Mr and Mrs Dick Oroot of Nyssa j In* dinner »-as served to the bridal Prayer meetings at the Noble tration to take over the handling ie for the summer. Mr and Mrs Giea Billings were Pullen i Independence Day) and Loyal R Fields son of Mr and party at the home of the groom's home In Ridgenew of relief. The UNRRA has asked for a tre And as Moses lilted up the ser Mrs Irl Fields of Jasper Minnesota parents A three-tier wedding ewkr hastes to friends at tiro tables of Wed at t PM and at the A H Too Late to Claaaify centered the table The place cards bridge Friday evening High score Shaw home in Kingman Kolony mendous sum with which to buy pent In the wilderness, even so must were married June 21. The double ring ceremony was fatured a bridal couple In minia was won by Mr Billings Thursday at 1 pm. Come and wor supplies for carrying on this work, FOR SALE-200 bags of small seed the Son of man be lifted up: That and asked for more money than it potatoes, netted gems 1 year from whosoever believeth in him should performed at the Methods« parson ture Favors were in a patriotic des ship with ua » ENTERTAIN AT DINNER can spend in a reasonable period age in Pipestone by the Rev Albert ign M annr Cromer and Lote De- not perish, but have enteroal life Mr and Mrs Tom Loe entertained The request has been somew’hat re E Tuck Wayne DeSsri cousin of Sait served John 3 :14.15. at dinner Friday honoring Harold duced. for investigation shows that the groom, and Mrs DeHart were The bride, a graduate of the Ny- When our first parents listened to there are already stockpiles of m at the only attendants The grooms ssa high school, attended Oregon Loe. who lelt to enter the navy at the suggestions of Satan ln the gar erial which can be used without the State college and Boise Business Carroll s college Helena. Montana parents were also present- den, the sin principle, which cau UNRRA making additional purch The bride wore a street-length university She is now employed by Those attending the dinner were ser estrangement from God, began ases for some time. For example, dress of dusty rose with black acc- the Idaho Mutual Benefit assoc»’. - Mr and Mrs Irvin Frank of Parma. »■■day Sehaal Party Planned— operating in man. This led to deep essories and her attendant wore bl- jion of Boise Mr Fields is a grad- Mrs Pearl Frank of Boise. Mr and er and deeper enirangletnents and The LDS Sunday achool officers there are $21,700,000 worth of raw Mrs Charles Frank of Meiba and wool and $43,200,000 of raw cotton ue crepe Corsages of white sweet- uate of the Jasper high school and 'bondage to Satan until the whole and teachers will give a lawn party Mr and Mrs Harold Jacks at Pay at the home of Mr and Mrs Leo in the United States owned or con At race became under S au n 's rule, ette. Child. July 12 at g:30. All teachers trolled by agencies of the federal There had to be a Deliverer that government. There is a stockpile of — i— ______ I.ET I S PROVIDE A HOME MARKET FOR TOUR FAT HOGS and their partners are invited. Leo mankind might again enjoy the gl BRIDGE CLUB MEETS $190,000,000 worth of canned meat, orious liberty of the Sons of God Sell where there is no commission to pay. no shrink, no un The Thursday afternoon bridge Child adult class leader is chair and more than $10,000,000 of dried There was a time ln the lives of the necessary expense incurred through a great number of men club met at the home of Mrs Geo man of arrangements. The bishop- beans, peas and soya products; an rick and stake presidency and par USED CAR MARKETS children at Israel when they were rge Mitchell last week High score required to handle your hogs and where you can see and check other item is $16,000,000 of canned bitten by firey serpents and the tor club members was won by Mrs tners will be special guests fish--approximately the cost of the the weight of your hogs yourself. sting of death began running thru E D Norcott. The hostess invited I G . y , p tn u n s entire salmon pack of the north- 1942 Dodge Sedan. We buy hog* every Friday at the stockyards la Nyssa. Ore. their blood like torents of liquid an extra table of guests. Mrs B w n i Baird her grand- a e st’ 92.5000,000 of cheese, and $55 - fire (death reigning in their bod i and Homed ale. Idaho. 1941 Mercury Sedan. daughter My m a Baird left Mon- 000 000 of C4nne<1 milk These S'**15 ies). God made a way there in the For Friday s price phone III R. Nyssa. between the hours of ; FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN day for their home in PbMand af- are now ln stockpile, waiting, form of the serpent of brass which Mrs T Carol Bybee and daughter. ter a two-week visit here with f r-, New suPP!les necessary to buy 1941 Chev. Tn. Sdn. 5 P M and 9 PM on Thursdays or 53JLJ Homedale on Friday. Moses was commanded to lift up DaTThel Bybee entertained Satur lends and relatives ¡will be $17.000.000 worth of farm FRANK KULLANDKR on a pole and there was "Life fur day evening for Donald Tyler prior ! machinery. $88.870.000 of woolen j 1941 Pont. Sdn. Cpe a Look" to those who looked When to Mr Tylers departure for his Enterv Serviee— ' garments. $22.800,00 of cotton gar- Christ was on the cross of Calvary s army station in Los Angeles Dr Tom Church left Wednesday for | ®ents, and $38.250.000 of shoes. The 1941 Nash Sedan. hill. He took that serpent's pla • and Mrs Tyler and daughter of On Fort Douglas. Utah Church, who army has iu rellef appropriation. for "He hath made him to be s..i tario and Mrs Shirley Tuttle of Em and now UNRRA has its money, 1941 Ford 4-door. enlisted last February in the air for us. who knew no sin: that we mett were out-of-town guests Re corps reserve, will be sent from Port | t^le two combined amount to might be made the righteousness freshments were served u> 10 Mot Douglas to Amarillo. Texas for cl $1,012,000.000 for foreign relief 1941 Ford 2-door. of God in him." 2 Cor. 5:21. With ion picturs at the guests were taken assification. England has contributed its comp rocks rending, earth quaking as the ____ - * - lete allotment, a matter of $320.000,- 1940 Chev. Tn. Sdn. OUKSTS ENTERTAINED powers of hell beneath raged and 000 Altead Mrs Taft Pett entertained several hissed ln the face of Christ our gr Denials to the contrary, the rum 1940 Olds. Tn. Sdn. Mr and Mrs Gir» Ruling» and friends at a party given Saturday al eat Deliverer, by one far-reaching, or persists that a special airplane son. George and Mr and Mrs Al her home in honor of Mrs Joseph master stroke our blessed Lord br Meet your friends for a refreshing drink at job " has been built in California 1940 Chev. Coupe. Ward and Mrs Fred Cox of Pocate Kuehn and daughter Joan attend for the use of the president when oke the hold of Satan and declared ed the rodeo in Baker the Fourth llo. who are visiting here The even emancipation for a race tn bond our Soda Fountain. he wishes to make a trip to Lon 1940 Ford 4-Door. of July ing was spent in playing rook. Pr- age! What a Saviour (What a Del don. or Cairo, or Teheran, or China. .res were awarded to Mrs Nathaniel Here Fra iverance! Christ tasted death for There is no good reason for mak- 1939 DeSoto Tr. Sdn. Vi Ashby and Mrs Cox Lunch was ser- every man that all might be declar Mrs Forrest Moore and two dau- i ®8 a denial if the plane is a fact, bed to 14 guests. ed righteous and at liberty as sons gbters of Nampa are visiting Mrs ITb* president has as much right to 1937 Ford Coupe. of God; but there is the Look, my - 1 - ____________ have a special plane as he has to Moores parents Mr and Mrs S C CLUB HOLDS MEETING 1937 Chev. sedan. friend—have YOU done that? it use a special railroad car. A Nyssa Civic club board meeting McConnell you haven't you are still in bond The Rexall Store COLUMBIA AVENUE Comer 8. W. 1st and 3rd I was held last Friday at the home Ga Ta Baker— age to Satan and as such you can j >f Mrs Carl Coad. president Plans Mr and Mrs Sid Burbidge and Mr and Mrs Z. Davidson of P ar Phone 14 only expect his pay in hates, wars, ! were made for suoxner activities. racial persecutions, torments, fears ma entertained Sunday for Mr and family Lloyd Marshall. Mr and Mrs | The board decided to dispense with and death. Arise, look to Christ the Max Goldman and LeRoy Williams Mrs G em i Groot of Apple Valley. j the club's July meeting, but is great Liberator and rejoice in the ¡went to Baker the Fourth to attend Mr and Mrs Dick Groot. Mr and I arranging for an August mefUat ; the Oregon Trail Days celebration Mrs Dick S u m of Oregon Trail and Liberty wherein Christ hath set j The date will be announced later you free! Mr and Mrs Pete Tensen. —I - LLOYD N. POUNDS j Vis»» In Payette— Mr and Mrs Edwin Morrison and ARTHUR BURSON, Mgr. CLUB BUYING BOND Mr and Mrs T H Ekiredge and son. Dale, spent the 4th in Boise. THE FULL GOSPEL Since we have had to abandon the low pres The Worthwhile dub of Sunset P h o n e 137 spent the Fourth at Payette Mrs Loyal Fields returned to Bo Ontario Nyssa. Oregon sure, here are a few simple rules we must foll I valley expects to buy a war band family visiting Mrs Eldredge s parents. Mr ise Tuesday after spending the Phone 159W | during the present drive and each «nd Mrs C S Fulton ow: member is assisting in the drive Do not water from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. either by buying a bond herself or Here From Alaska— soliciting someone else to buy Do not allow hoses to lay in one place long Mrs Russell L Clithero of Sitka At the last meeting of the dub Alaska is here on a 10-day visit BUY enough to waste water down streets and side La vlna Howard was co-hostess Two with her aunt and uncle. Mr and BACK walks. new members were added to the Mrs Frank D Hal. Mr and Mrs EXTRA membership roll. The next meeting Clithero operate the Sitka hotel. Water must be off from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. THE will be held July 20 at the home of BONDS Above all else remember that any time the Victoria Schweiaer with Ada Sch- Visit .At Lake— ATTACK fire siren blows turn off all water. This will weiaer as co-hostess NOW Mr and Mrs George Mitchell Mr allow more pressure to fight said fires. j and Mrs A. H BoydeU. Mr and Mrs GOALS HOLD MEETING Jess Thompson and Mrs E D Nor Girl Scout troop D met at the coll spent the Fourth of July holi home of Mrs Ronald Campbell We days at Payette lakes dnesday afternoon Thirteen mem Citv Water Master. bers and their leader Mrs W L. Lane, were present Mayor E. B. Cole has been made -5 - j squadron commander in the air for lillM«MMMMMMNNMmiUHMNHUMNttNMinU4MMnmiHHMim«MMMNHm4n>- CLUB PLANS RECREATION ces at Hendricks field Sberin*. Fl The Nyssa Business Women s dub | will meet at 7 20 p m Tuesday. July orida according to word received in Nyssa by Mrs Cole i 11 in the city park for an e.emng of recreation under the leadership _ : Mrs Royce Cole All wlv« of *er- w ! “ !“ Mrs A. H Boyydeil returned home i ice men and all college girls are last Friday from Butte. Montana invited to attend as guests of th e ; where she visited her mother lor eight weeks Sermon LOCAL NEWS It’s Trading Time Jesse M .C h ase M ac Says: N y ssa P harm acy Behind the Postoffice To Water Users JULY Claude Willson CLEARANCE NYSSA Phone IOÒ PROGRAM M en's Year Round Suits THEATRE Double Feature FRIDAY and SATURDAY JULY 7—8 FULL MEMPHIS BELLE” •MARSHALL OF GUNSMOKE” Also a Three Stooges Comedv Mat.. S at, 2:2$ Adn> S5e-Se ta r. Tax' A fa Evening*. Mr-fr. Inelndwg Tax SUNDAY Bnd MONDAY JULY 9—10 “LOST ANGEL” Sports and Musical “Free Movie Days” For Bond Buyers. Buy a Bond Either Sunday or Monday at this Theatre and See the Show Free. M at, S o t , 2:91 M a t , Mr-9r tar. Tax 89r-9t. l a r M a » Tax — BARGAIN NIGHT— (•wiwHMnMi mmmwm— m w tam iii k WBwwttawi»«wnitaH«mwi>tew “YOU CANT RATION LOVE” rOp fcve Pop Eye l Cartoon and New Serial “TIGER- WOMAN”. ■ WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY JULY 12—13 m “ALI BABA AND THE 40 THIEVES” 8 •r -tr . ■$$* ta rb k a g Tax M M M M iiin im m m im im M m m iii H otW eather Is Here 1 [ To please the conservative tastes. Colors to sat isfy your gayer moods. Smart patterns in br own. greys, blues and tans. For the best select ion. come in now. X L * "1' s*y,m* B,"h »»'! .I"ublc h,,L«7 mL,i' % S | SUITS SUITS Here’s a bona-fide clearance event you can’t afford to m iss’ Eve is from oui regular stock - - that means pure wool fabrics faultle Farmers! Prepare yourself against the haz- Marie Montez. Jon Hall, Turhan Bey and Andv Devine in Lusty, Gusty. Gloriously Bold, . . A Wondrous Spectacle of the Mystic East in Flaming Tech nicolor. Shorts and News Famous Worsted K J F b o o . Pastor. 10 a m Sunday achool K H Par ker superintendent We have classes far all ages and good chirsnan teachers for all el- WeMungton. D C_ July 8 —In die asset military MU for die fiscal year 19- 11 a m A good song service with As beginning this July 1. there a rooimunton service following an appropriation at gSC2.000.000 to 7 am to 7 15 young people's and be used for relief in the territories junior meetings j recaptured from the German army t p m Evangeiatx to n e r 'in Europe This a m addition to TUESDAY JULY 11 Tu UHUKCH (W I BUH O F T i n NAZABBNB Bettv Rhodes and Johnnie Johnston in A te. tSr-9r. U GOSPCL Uayd N. Faaads. Sunday school at 10 Morning worship at 11 A M Evening evangelistic service at $ o'clock. A special fellowship dinner Sun- • day after morning service Russell Havden and Tex Ritter in Margaret O’Brien, James Craig and Marsha Hunt in Special Values In O ur Church Services The Fighting Heroes of a Flying Fortress and their Famous Ship in ards of fire. s! Insure Your Hav With X Frank T. Morgan I 3 3 = 5 ALEXANDERS ONTARIO “Where Good Clothe. Cogl Le».” OREGON