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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1944)
THfe iVYSdA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY JULY 6, 1944 Adrian Mrs Prana* M u n tjrv c rff s t u n C- «4 • I tm lir re union in P*y«tt* Su- nd*y »xaorlng th e M u, b n M a ) <rf Mr* A (ipl««a« gnindnK /'.nrr of Mr» M tm tjew crff L ro tu r M artin r u s o e t « m j dinner r***< ■* th« Osjrl* M irl.n bUM Mrmdsjr. arlor to Ms depan- o rt for o d u d l n i into 11» n a n n o Mr.-. M ate! H a rt of Vale vUttMJ a t O k Oiernr<Xid ft« n d < h tm » I r a n T uradsy until f n d » j Mr» Atwift U -Xiuum »*» an O n- •art» v u im Prtdoy. P ra n k F a ra w o rth who hn» be«* J i m P o rtlan d lor a num ber of t c a u and u n W arren Parnwor'.-i nave returned to UM vicinity Mr» Edna CHtaon and N orm an returned from P o rtlan d Tueaday rn o rn u m Ada C u rt» recently enrolled In he cadet m in in g courae a* N am pa visited her p a re n u laat Sunday Mr* Jo h n J a m » naa t'Jftt to Caa- ey. W aahm cum to be *i«h tter n e 'e r M rt Don LlnvUle «vho » 111. Mr» B ethel M artin atte n d ed tne m eetin* of the .»die* aid group In Roaeerell W ednesday Mr» Jo h n Oowey and W llm e and BiU are hom e from P o rtlan d Mrt Ootvey la convalescing from a re c e n t m ajor operation W E W inter» of P o rtlan d u vt»- I'.lng friend» In thla vicinity Mr* W alter M cPartJand and c h ildren of Nytea are vlaning a t the Dennla P atch home thla week Lily S tein er and Virginia Järvi» left thla week for Paeco. W ashing to n . where they win be employed flu» »uintner. Mr and Mr» Vernon P ark er and fam ily a re »pending th eir vacation In the W allowa m ountain» T he K I P etenrm fam ily and Dennl* P a tch were Boise visitor* T hursday Mr and Mr* W W S m ith and M r and Mr* L eonard S m ith were Sunday d in n er guest» a t the Alvon M cfhnnl* home Mr and M is Will M cGinnis were here from the dam visiting relatives on M onday Mrs D ennis P a tch e n te rta in ed for Mr» M cpartkm d a t a luncheon T h ursday G uests were Mrs O verstreet Mr» Judd and Mrs Elliott. Mra C het Purdy and d a u g h te r of O ntario. California are here vMIting her fa th e r-in -la w , C harles Purdy while her husband la convalescing a t the O ntario hospital. Mra Law rence Lloyd and »mall (laughter of Rollna Field, Georgia visited a t the Dennis P a tch hom e over the week-end. Mr* Lloyd la a slater of Mr P atch Je n n e th E lliott visited In N am pa Sunday Kingman Kolony Ml«a J e a n e tte M artin stater or Mra. W illiam Toomb, arrived a t the Too m b hom e Friday Mias M arlin traveled to Boise from Lewiston by airplane a n d to Nynaa from Boise by bus. Mr and Mra W W D efftnbaugh received word from th eir son. Pvt. Ray D effenhaugh. and wife th a t a baby »on. nam ed Ray, J r . waa born Ju n e 19 Mr a n d Mr» H erbert Bttaw were d in n er guests of Mr» Mable R ouin of W ilder Sunday B etty J e a n T oom b was a Sunday d inner guest of Ardyce H urst Pvt Ivan Z eslgrr of th e m arin e rvitpa arrived home for a week's visit before retu rn in g to C am p P e n dleton Nadine Wilson and Dorothy Toom b have been working In a 1 »arklng »tied a t Nyasa. Sam and H erb Shaw delivered a load of horses to the O n tario stock- yard T hursday T he horses will be shipped to Medford T h e 4-H Poultry club m et a t the Ardyce H urat Iwene M onday eve ning 'P ie neat m eeting will be held July 17 at th e Lorln Jensen hom e a t Newell Heights. Mr*. Floyd Hlllln and d a u g h te r, Noma Ray of Riverside. C alifornia, were Sunday overnight guests at the H M Shaw hom e T hey plan to re tu rn to C alifornia W ednes day Mr and Mrs Del«* Poster re tu rn ed home from Jo rd a n Valley S aturday evening Mr f t » te r re tu rn ed to Jo rd a n with Mr P rre t to bring hark a load at ra ttle. Mr» A rth u r Case has re tu rn e d hom e from th e hospital a t Caldwell S h e 1» im proving M yrna L ane waa hostess a t a d in n er Sunday a t her hom e G uests were M ary Ann T hiel and Shirley S parks Mr a n d Mra Elm er S parks were a t th e sale In Caldwell T hursday D rills P ie te r will leave soon for P ortland. ' Upp«r S unitl Mrs Agnes K astm an and d a u g ti led. Virginia and M rs Roaaell Howell retu rn e d home from P ort - land Friday They report Arch K aetm an't condition la itUI quite •erto u a. Seam a n F irst d a m P ra n k K n o tt- Ingham , who has seen two y e a n •erv lre. Is ta m e on a M -day leave. Ills p a ren t* are Mr and M n D onald K notU ngham Mr. a n d M rs U K P a rk e r and son w ent to Vale th e F o u rth to visit M r ajtd Mra Ja c k B a r dm »a» .V « \ * What news will Gen. Eisenhower get from what we've heard from him. W e’ve heard that Eisenhower and his Americans have hurled themselves like a thunderbolt against the bristling defenses of Hitler’s Wehrmacht! You kn o w now W a 'v a h e a r d that they are smashing at our foe — spar ing neither steel nor sweat nor blood in one final, furious assault that marks the supreme military effort of this War! A nd w h at new s do Eisen how er an d his men expect from us? Men and women of Amer ica — what the Invasion is to our fighting men, the 5th War Loan is to us at home! For us, as well as for them, this is the crisis — the time for tremendous, over whelming effort! Make no mistake! The 5th War Loan will undoubtedly be the big gest, most vitally important financial effort of this whole War! If the 5th War Loan is to succeed, each one of us must do more than ever before — must buy double . . . yes, triple . . . the Bonds we bought last time. Our men expect to hear that we are buying double — that we are matching their sacrifice as best we can — that the American nation, soldiers and civilians to gether, is making one gigan tic effort to win this War! That’s the news our men expect to hear from us. Will you personally see that they get it^ A nd here are 5 M o re reasons for buying Extra Bonds in the 3thl 1. W a r Bondi a rs ths bait, tha ia f s it Invaitm ant In tha world! 2. W a r Bondi roturn you $4 for ovary $3 in 10 y sa ri. 3. W a r Bondi halp kaap pries* down. 4. W a r Bondi will halp win tha Poaco by Irxrooting pur chasing pow ar aftor tha W ar. 5. W a r Bondi m oan aducation for your childron, security for you, fu n di for retirement. k 5 ™ WAR LOAN SacttieJfaat/- BUY MORE THAN BEFORE \ This is sn official V , i- V U. S. Treasury Advertisement—preparad under auspices oi Treasury Department and War Advertising Council Inter-State Oil Co. Towne’s Garage Food Mail Al Thompson and Son Stunz Dumber Co. Idaho Power Co. Gamble Store Nyssa Packing Co. Nvsaa Lumber Co. Wilson Brothers Atkeson’s Clothing Store Main’s Cleaners Chadwick’s Drive-in Ronald’s Shoe Shop Powell Service Station Nyssa Furniture Co. Inland Oil Co. Farmers Supply Co-op Etler Hardware Co. Gordon’s Drive-in Frank T. Morgan Moss-Ninemire Motor Co. Nysaa Bowling Center Polar Cold Storage Plant Thompson Oil Co. ^ Hollingsworth Hdwe. & Imp. Co. Nyssa Elevator Boise Payette Lumber Co. Wray’s Dime Store