Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1941)
TH E NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L LINCO LN HEIGHTS Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Roberts and family and Myron Snyder ar rived Tuesday evening at the Lee 8mith home enroute to their home In Orovllle, Wash. Julie Huston Is employed by Nel son Orover. He Is excavating a hole for the erection of a new gas station Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes and son and Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Ross and daughter were Sunday visitors at the V em Smith home. Roy Parley was surprised Satur day evening when a brother, whom he had not seen for 31 years ar rived to visit him. Ruth Branom has returned home. She has been employed in Ontario for several months. Bill McElroy assisted Orla Bishop several days this week. Judge Graham was present at the farmers meeting Saturday eve ning and gave an Interesting talk. A large crowd was present and lunch was served. F ifty - three attended Sunday school Sunday morning. Jessie Clements visited Saturday and Sunday at the home of her sis ter and family Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettit and Carl. Roy McNeal reports his father, Henry McNeal of Meridian to be im proving. Mr. Dale of Midvale, Idaho spent the week end at the Jack Pettet home. The sheep from the Mendlola ranch of Valley View are being pas tured on the hills in this territory. Mrs. and Mrs. Helnie Lagston and daughter of Fruitland visited at the Avery Anderson home Sunday after noon. BUENA V IS TA Mrs. I. B. Allen of Nyssa Heights was Sunday dinner guest at the E. L. Jamison home. Alvin Cleaver was absent from school last week because o f Illness. Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff entertained the T. E. C. at her home Thursday afternoon. Delicious refreshments were served to the following mem bers, Mesdames Sid Flannlgan, Nell Dimmick. Garrett Stam, Alva Good- ell, E. L. Jamison, Clifford Nellson and Ed Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Day, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Florea and children at tended a family dinner at the Har old Robbins home near Wilder Sun day. Mrs. Joseph Calahan Is still 111 in bed but is improved. Mrs. Claude Day entertained • Out Our W ay" club Friday after noon at her home. Nine ladies en joyed the afternoon. M r and Mrs. Alva Ooodell enter tained with four tables of pinochle Saturday evening Mrs. Harlan Maw and Jesse Ford won high prize while Mrs. Jesse Ford and John Bartho- loma won low. Guests were Messrs and Mesdames Leslie Topllff, Ed Nelson, Harlan Maw, Orland Chil- delen, John Bartholoma, Jesse Ford and Lloyd Adams. Mrs. Frank Savage. Mr. Savage Sr. and Jeun and David Savage spent ten days with Darrow and Frank Near Portland, also visiting at Pendelton. Donna and Dorothy Florea at tended the 4-H Breakfast club at the Eckargen home Saturday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. W yckoff were Onatrlo visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jennings and Romalne were Saturday night guests at the O. L. Henry home at Welser. Mrs. Hendry returning home with them Sunday morning and spending the day. Cecil Florea was an Ontario vis itor Monday. A R C A D IA Leo Wagner who has spent two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M Wagner returned to Portland Sunday evelng where he is employed by the Union Pacific railroad. Glen Dowers has rented the Clar ence Barrett place for this year. Mr. and Mrs. Bellshaw of Powers, Ore., visited last week at the J. M. Wagner and Ellis Warner homes. Clarence Barrett, Walter Thomp son, Otis Bullard and Charles Bul lard were business visitors In Vale last week. • Mr, and Mrs. Warren Devoge of Powers, Ore., spent last week with Miss Devogue daughter. Mrs. Ellis Warner and family. Mrs. Dillbeck who has spent a month with her sister, Mrs. Dave Brady returned to her home in Phoenix, Ariz. Mrs. Angelo Marostica left last week for Seattle where she will visit for a while. Mr. and Mrs. John Carr and fam ily of Welser were dinner guest at the Lloyd Orris home Sunday. Mrs. Otis Bullard and Mrs. Anna Dali visited Mrs. Clarence Burd last Sunday. EUls Warner has purchased a new Chevrolet pickup. tduf "You v'introd uc'd me ^ , ^ P \ f a mighty smooth^ hour Ltl *.■ -ipv m "And just b'tuctn the iw0 0f Us, dad, it's mighty thri£2< too!" A National Favorite for the past 6 Year*! National Distillers Products Corp., N . Y. • S3 Proof w , Good Equipment PLUS Good Feeds Means Mofe Profits Brooders, Feeders and Drinking Fountains Good brooding equipment ia neceaaary to a success ful poultry flock. Come in and talk over your need with ua— W e carry a complete line. PURINA STARTENA and GROWING MASH There ia no “ gueaawork” about P U R IN A S T A R T IN G and G R O W IN G MASHES— They are acientifically blended, to give chicka the proper balance in vita- mina. Proper feeda in early life will aaaure you of a aturdier, better egg producing Poultry flock. A l T hom pson C r S o n s Phone 26 . w FEED - SEED • COAL Across from Telephone Office 2nd and Good Avenue . v . v . v . w TH U R SD A Y, M AR C H 13, 1941 M r and Mrs. Dale Lakey have hoved In the Campbell house, that J. M. Wagner farms. Mr and Mrs B1U Hlpp and girls visited M r and Mrs. Carl Hlpp In Boise Sunday. Ira Ure has rented the Joel Shaw farm for the coming year Twenty-five were present at Sun day school Sunday there were Serv ces Sunday night held by Miss Humphrey and Miss Cobb. Larry Marostica who went to Ft. Lewis for a years training has been sent to a fort In New Jersey Twenty-one ladles attended the meeting of the Arcadia Sunshine club March 6 at the school auditor ium, a pot luck dinner was enjoyed after lunch they finished the quilt, and the business meeting was held. Plans for the kitchen was discussed. Mrs. Glen Dowers and Mrs. Frank Lewis were appointed to over see the work. Twenty-one pennies were tak en in penny drill. Next meeting will be March 20, with Mrs. Elmer Strad- ley and Mrs. Frank Lewis hostesses. family o f Jerome, Idaho, were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Flaherty and daugh ter of Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ingraham visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ingraham Sunday. Miss Humphrey and Miss Cobb of Apple Valley visited at the George Stewart home Thursday. M r and Mrs. Andy Brown and son Darrell of Vale were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Minnie Brown and family. Mrs. A. A. Bratton was ill several days last week. George Ingraham was a dinner guest at th Cramer home In Ontario Heights. The dinner was in honor of Merle Cramer's birthday anni versary. Mr. Lomax of Nyssa took L. Rob ins and son and A. A. Bratton to Fruitland Thursday evening to the brotherhood banquet at the Metho dist church. NYSSA HEIGHTS There were several birthday gath erings in Owyhee last week, among them were, a dinner given by Mrs. S. D. Bigelow for her husband, her brother Doc Pullen and her grandson Dustin Jungquest of Ontario. The other members of the Pullen and Jungquest families were also pres ent. Mrs. Wm. Peutz and Mr. Geo. Nein whose birthdays also were last week were given a surprise party at the Peutz home. Beside the two families Mr. and Mrs Oral Hite and sons were also present. Delicious refreshment were served during the evening. Mrs. Martha Klingback had as honorees at a birthday dinne^ her son Kenneth McDonald ana her daughter Louise. Other guests were the McDonald and ylingback fam i lies and Jess and Wm. Gregg. Mrs. T. M. Lowe was hostess to the Pre School group of the Owyhee P. T. A. Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ern est Smith Vice-pres. officiating at the business meeting. After the dis cussion of the lesson refreshments of sandwiches, pie and coffee were served. Mrs. Martha Klingback was a guest. The directors of the Owyhee ditch made a tour of inspection of the ditch Monday to ascertain the work to be done on it th il spring. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Patton enter tained at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Skinnr and family, Mr. and Mrs. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Patton Jr. and Leslie Crocker. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crocker and family have moved to their new home on the Tiew project. Tuesday evening neighbors gathered for a house warming. Jas. W all of Creston, Oregon is visiting the T M. home. Mrs. Werner Peutz and Miss Georgia Din- nts left Sunday morning for a trip to Reno, Nevada. The Owyhee Community club will meet at the Lynn Kygar home with Mrs. Chas. Culbertson as assistant hostess. Mrs. J. P. Dunaway was an after noon caller of Mrs. T. M. Lowe Sat urday. Margaret Klingback o f Boise spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Darrow Williams and daughter of Arcadia were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barker Sunday. In the afternoon both families were callers at the T. M, Lowe home. Other guests who called at Lowes were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDon Mrs. Charley Korman of Payette accompanied by her son and wife Mr .and Mrs. Wallace Whitney who are visiting her from Kendall, K an sas were Sunday dinner guests at the O. J. Kurtz home and were call ers at the Dan Corbett home in the evening all being from that place. Mr Whitney reports that he has 600 acres of fine wheat and that they have had lots of moisture this fall and winter everyones wheat is look ing good. S. P. B Bybee’s report that they found their dog Mac which has been missing. Orville Black who is visiting at the home of his sister Mrs. Joe Woodard expects to stay through the summer and find work. Mr. and Mrs. James Malloy Neva and Delbert spent Sunday at the Virgil Me Gee home in Richland district. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corbett made a business trip Friday to Vale and Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Anderson were transacting business in Ontario Wed nesday. DonRardon purchased a new tractor and plow. A t the home of Mrs. Hight’s a 4 H Club was organized Tuesday even ing of which Mrs. Hight Is their leader. Garry, little son of Mr. and Mrs S. P. Bybee Is 111. It seems to be a relapes of pnenomia. Gene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Woodard was absent Monday from school on account of Illness. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cahill enter tained at Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson and Mr. Woods and Mr. and Mrs. John Qwlgley. Mr. and Mrs Burnice Gibbson and son of Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests at the Joe Woodard home. Caroline Daughtery and Pete Phillips of Wilder, Idaho visited Miss Norma Suiter Sunday afternoon. Mont Corbett was Sunday dinner guest of Lowell Halock In Alberta Valley Vianity. Sunday dinner guests at the Roger Tucker horn* were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Seward and daughter of Nyssa. SUNSET V A L L E Y Maudrean Evans entertained 15 members of the Worthwhile club March 6 Plans were made for the get-together o f clubs to be held at the Oregon Trail school house March 22. All clubs are invited to attend. The club members living on mail route 2 were asked to write to Walter M. Pierce this week in re gard to a daily mall route. Visitors at the club were Mrs. Darrell Williams and Mary Ellen of Arcadia, Mrs. T. H. Brewer, Mrs. Stanley Penn. Mrs. Ernest Barker and Carol May. Mrs. John Westfall and Joanna of Owyhee. Mrs. L. B Landreth. Mrs. Lloyd Landreth and Sharon of Nyssa. The club will meet March 20 with Annie Gregg. Ira Foster returned from Grand River, Iowa Thursday where he has been helping care for his mothr. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Case of La Orande, newly-weds who were re turning from a honeymoon in Twin Falls and Sun Valley visited his brother. John Case and family Sun day. Rev. and Mrs. C. Brotzman Phillip and Cathryn Brotzman of Apple Valley, Ira Foster and G er aldine Probst of Nyssa, Ed Hall of Klamath Falls were Sunday visitors in the Chas. Ditty home. M r and Mrs. Cash Turner were Vale business visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R W. Bolitho and daughters were Boise and Kuna vis itors Sunday. Charlotte Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ditty was bitten quite badly Tuesday in the muscles of the forearm by a dog. she at tempted to pet while he was eating. V A L L E Y V IE W Mr. Mrs. H. L. Brooks spent the week end vlsling relatives at Home- dale and Boise H. E. Noah is plowing his ground for spring wheat. Oscar Bratton attended the F.F.A. banquet at Ontario Friday evening M r and Mrs Ben McConnel were Sunday dinner guests at the B r a t-: ton home. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reynolds left Friday evening for Prairie City. I Mr and Mrs. Ernest Knull and 1 O W YH E E ald and daughter K ay of Homedale, Mrs. Martha McDonald and son Fred and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton o f Kingman Kolony. The Owyhee boys and girls base ball teams were victorious in the first game of the season which was played with Oregon Trail at the Owyhee grounds. K ’ N G M AN K O LO N Y The Mary and Martha Circle of the Kingman Kolony Community church will hold an open meeting on March 15th at the Adrian High School. Mrs. Raymond Chandler of Caldwell will speak on Missionary work in Korea. The meeting will be gin at 2 o'clock. The public is cord ially invited. Miss Dorothy Nielson of Ontario, Gene Cowgill of Payette and Miss Gladyce Holton of Boise were week end guests in the Raymond Holton home. On Tuesday the Home Economics Club of the Kingman Grange held an all day meeting at the home of Mrs. Allen Curtis in Adrian. They had a potluck dinner at noon and quilted for Mrs.""Curtis. Miss Marjorie Hopkins, Miss Ida- mary Prouty and Mrs. Mildred Hite met with the high school teachers one evening this past wek to make plans for th spring pageant. The Sunday school orchestra has made two appearances since they have organized under the leader ship of Mrs. Claud Cook of Adrian. Each practice for the Easter Con- tata bhings in a few more voices un til there are now about thirty people taking part. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Heater and son Rodney of Ontario were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Holton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton called on Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lowe at M it chell Butte on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Olson of Nyssa were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy and family on Tues- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark were In Wilder Saturday. Clark has con tracted with Northrup. King to raise several kinds of garden seeds. Pollyanna club met at the home of Mrs. Charles Wilson on Wednes day afternoon. The afternoon was spent in sewing for needy families. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Elsie Heitz at the home o f her mo ther Mrs. Frank Fredericks. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin en tertained at two tables of pinochle for Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newbill, Miss May Beaumont and Clifton Beaumont on Wednesday evening. Kern Thurman was a supper guests of his sister and fam ily Mrs. Wesley Piercy on Wednesday eve ning. Mr. Thurman was on his way home to Murphy, Idaho from Home- dale. The cotton for the mattresses that are to be made at Adrian arrived on Wednesday and work started on Thursday. Fred Beaumont, Clifton Beau mont, Miss May Beaumont, William Toomb and daughter, Betty Jean visited the Owyhee dam on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Nichols, Nadine and James Nichols were dinner guests o f Miss Agnes Nichols in Wilder on Sunday. In the afternoon they all visited the Owyhee dam. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark and family were dinner guests of Mr. £W fotj Easij-chair COMFORT * on a UNION PACIFIC TRAIN S I Relax as you travel . . . read, write, move about, enjoy superb comfort regardless of the weather . . . avoid high way hazards . . . please your appetite with delicious Din ing Car meeds . . . all at low cost on a modern, smooth riding Union Pacific train I Choice of accommodations Convenient schedules. Courteous service by trained p e r sonnel including Registered Nurse-Stewardess SAM PLE LO W ROUND T R IP FARES from Nyssa to: In Chllenger In Standard In Coaches Sleeping Cars* Sleeping Cars* *46.20 *53.50 L o 6 Angeles ..........<38.10 Chicago ................ 58.05 64.49 72.50 41.09 Denver ..... ........... 36 51 42.85 58.67 Kansas City ........ 51.62 65.65 17.85 Portland ........ 15.85 19.85 * Berth extra. Similar low fares to other points Liberal return limits. Also very low one-way fares. Ask about travel on credit— no money down— pay later O tte«, Hotel UUk Bldow ^ jssi f BOWLING is a Ladies game too! So bring your Lady with you. Let her enjoy t h i s pleasant, healthful game. | The “ Key to Thrift values in Furniture” does not depend on price only. Quality in furniture means longer life, Styles that are authentic, backed by dependable manufacturers. Buy Furniture On Our Budget Plan Nordales Furniture Store Phone 94 Nyssa A COLD STORAGE LOCKER is the most practical and economical method of storing your Fresh Meats and Food Products ■ • because through i Scientific Refrigera tion all foods are kept fresh for your tables. Through this method you can serve “ garden fresh” vegetable, the Qu,ck freezing— plus constant, scientifically controlled locker temperature seals in all the natural goodness of food. PRACTICAL ECONOM ICAL because that you save throughout the c o m i n g s u m m e r months will more than pay for the small cost ^ the food By makin* arrangements for y ® .Lr C° ? Storage now you can materially »ave on the cost of your food bill for the coming y C a r. 24 HOUR SERVICE Scientific Refrigeration Drlicaelea on Yoor Table All Winter ich 200 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD V -. .-T.-.r ing Wednesday. The Merry Matrons club met Wednesday afternoon at the home Land Made Ready— of Alice Holmes with Gladys Byers Tosh brothers are clearing and assisting. The afternoon was spent embroidering tea towels for the hos preparing for planting the Black tess. During the business meeting Canyon property of R. A. Thompson. plans were completed for the an nual gathering of all the clubs at the Oregon Trail school house Sat urday. March 22. This is to be an all day meeting with lunch at noon and a program following. Nina Boness, I Jennie Benson and Virginia Rook- stool were named as a delegation to the' park garden club March 13 to discuss ways and means of finishing the park and building a club house. Plans were started for the merry Matrons fourth anniversary party to be held Wednesday afternoon, April 2 in the Oregon Trail school base ment. Club will meet March 19 at the home of Bonnie Gregg with LADIES Mary June Rookstool co-hostess. Games led by Maude Cooper and W ELCOM E Nina Boness furnished entertain ment with Gladys Byers and Mary June Rookstool winning prizes. Twenty members and one visitor, Opal Holmes answered roll call with trellis suggestions. A flower ex change will be held at the next meeting. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fuhrman and family of Kuna spent the week CORNELL B O W LIN G end at the Torvald Olson home. A LLE Y S The first band of sheep from the Main Street Nyssa Eastern Oregon Land Co.’s sheds left Monday morning. SAVE Through For further details consult: E. C. C RA N D ALL Phone *7 Nyssa, Ore. --- Q«amlAgM»Psi M r and Mrs. J. E Bowen and family were dinner guests Saturday ily on Sunday evening. evening at the Wallace Hart home Phil Dunbrasky is driving a new in Emmett. tractor. F. G. Holmes who has been quite Mrs. Frank Newbill and Mrs. C. sick for the past week is able to be C. Cotton attended Sunshine club in out again. Nyssa on Friday afternoon. Lynn Snodgrass is plowing for Torvald Olson. J. E. Bowen made a business trip OREGON T R A IL to Hermiston last Tuesday, return and Mrs William Toomb and fam I ! M f T W a rW / / r n y z t i . Polar C old S to ra g e 6» Locker Plant PHONE 124 3 Block. North of “ Y ”