Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1941)
< ) TAe NYSSA Published at Nvssa. Oregon. VOLUME XXXVI, NO. 10 « ) A rile Robertson Com pletes 2 0 Years Service JOURNAL GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS Fastest Crowing City In Oregon IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1941 $1,50 PER YEAR NEWELL HEIGHTS March Induction Beet Contracts Experimental Heath O fficer GETS NEW LINE Calls Ten Men Farm Approved Approved By A sks For C ity One of the indications of the im proved living and working condi tions on farms under the Owyhee Ten men from Malheur county Grow ers Hie bill for the establishment of Clean-up project is the rapidly increasing de will answer the induction call for an experimental farm for Malheur for electrical service and the month of March, according to Announcement was made here county Twenty years service as a Nyssa mand has passed through the state Dr. L. A. Mauldlng, city health equipment. In order to meet this de Robert D. Lflirtle, Vale, chairman of rural mail carrier was completed by- mand the Idaho Powere Company Is house and senate with an appropri officer, Tuesday that the Nyssa Factory before the city Artie Robertson last Friday. He en steadily at work increasing their the Malheufi County Local Board, District Beet Growers Association ation of $19.500, according to an council appeared last Monday night and tered the service on March 7. 1921 lines and adding new facilities and The alternates have also been nam have agreed with the Amalgamated announcement of Frank T. Morgan strongly urged the city not or'y taking the place of George Schwei- service to already established lines. ed in the call, which has been set Sugar company on the 1941 sugar chairman of the committee for the clean up the that g'ounds surreundiog zer who was then a substitute car The most recent line to be finish for March 18 at Vale. Following beet growers contract, following a experimental farm. city dump, but that an ordin their reporting to the local board, tri-state conference held over tire The appropriation Is divided into the rier. ance some “teeth" in it to ed is a four and one half miles ex- those In the call will be sent to the last week end in Salt Lake Ci y. $15.000 for operation and maintain- compel with those "A bushel basket would hold all tentlon line in the Newell Heights induction station in Portland. using the durvo the mail that we carried in those district which will serve ten new Those whose names have been Representatives of Idaho, Utah and ence of the farm for two years and grounds to dump their garbage on the growers associations met $4.500 for the purchase of equip grounds and not, as Is being pres Washington, D. C. News Bureau of days,” Robertson said. There were consumers. called are Michael J. O’Toole, Jun- Oregon with the processors representatives ment. The land and buildings must ently done, on the county ro d. the Nyssa Gate City Journal about 90 mail boxes serving about In building this line the post hole tura; Donald F. Burd. and Joseph on the contract. The new contract be furnished by the county. 100 families along the 33 mile route, digging was done by the farmers E. Wagnon. recommendation of Dr. Thomas P. has only minor changes from that The exact location of the experi Another WASHINGTON, D. C—Your post all of which reached by the usual themselves for which they were Raab. Custer Ontario; Mauldlng was that garbage haulers, City, Okla: Dolphes master, in about six weeks, will give unsurfaced, ungravelled country paid $1.25 a hole. There were fifty- E. Bingham, ^Healdton, Okla : Tak- of the 1940 contract, according t:a mental farm has not yri been def- other than citizens be required to you the first touch of war and na read, except for about 150 yards of two post holes dug besides those for asha T. Kora. Homedale; Stuart A. William Hogg and A. W. Neeley, nitely decided upon but the com comply with state regulations, and board of director members of the mittee has made it known that it make their trucks water tight. A tional defense. Every postmaster in gravelled road just south of the lines. The line crew of the Livingston. Somerton. Arlz.; Ralph Nyssa District Association. will be within a radius of 4 miles franchise, with specific requirements the country will have on sale thrift Nyssa city limits. The route has al anchor W. Pitts, Efpmett, and Jewel A. Idaho Power did the rest of thP from the junction of U. S. highways should be let as soon as possible w s Following the reaching of the stamps and other obligations of the ways been a daily one. and the whole job was com Blown and Raymond D. Reed both agreement with the growers, the 20 and 30 (Vale Junction). All ex the opinion of the heath officer. government. These stamps and cer In contrast to the number of pat work of Nyssa. These named as alternates Amalgamated Sugar company will periments in about five days. carried on by the Exten- Is what will be done on April 7 tificates will be offered for sale to rons on his route when he started, pleted Connecting with this line will be I are Fred F Freese, Vale. Gabriel have grower contracts available, tion Service, Oregon Stater College. This when the council will open bids for the general public. This is one device there are now 225 mail boxes and another Astoreca, Boise and Donald C. Jen of about th:ee and a half the garbage hauling. The contract the treasury has adopted for raising 273 families, all of whom can be from their field men, In the various will be for a period of three years revenue to carry on the cause of reached on either surfaced o;- grav miles which will serve another seven sen. Los Angeles. Cal. sections of the territory, by Thurs day of this week. and will require a bond of $200. The Britain, China, Greec and to pro elled reads. And the amount of mail familiies. Work is expected to start Nyssa F F A Club council has the power, by ordinance vide home defense. There is no limit has increased, “until at times a fel within a few days and due to the Prospects for the growers this to cancel any garbage contract for to the stamps, certificates and bonds j low could make good use of a truck,” more difficult terrain will take Funeral Services year, according to William M, Car- To Be H o st In about as long to complete as did the 'cccrdlng to Artie. failure on the part of the contractor that the treasury may sell. son, president of the association, to live up to any part of the gar Troops in the northwest, regulars, Another sidelight on the growth previous longer stretch. are particularly bright. This pros Speaking M ee t H eld For Rock bage ordinance. Councilman Thomp guardsmen and draftees, may he j cf the local post office, which has pect is based on the present price son is making negotiations to hire a sent to Alaska to an improsngi army advanced from what was then a of wholesale sugar, coupled with the Crusher Victim from Contractor Henry base to be established there. Al third class office to it’s second class prospect of a future rise in price. At The Nyssa Chapter of the Future bulldozer Horn to shove the garbe ge now on ready draftees and regulars are be rating now, is that there was only present sugar is quoted at around Farmers of America will be host to ing shipped from San Francisco to Elizabeth Thompson, post-mistress Funeral services were held in On $4.75 per hundred in Chicago, an 11 eastern Oregon high school teams the county road back onto the dump ground, and will make any other im smaller posts which are being built and Artie. They were required to put tario Monday for Ralph Edwards, advance of 50 cents over the same who will compete at the Nyssa high provements. as Interior roads in up in Alaska. Speaking of Alaska, in two hours work on each Sunday 20 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. period of last year. in a regional public speaking the grounds, such that Is deemed necess the territorial legislature is treat in addition to their daily week work Application forms for 1941 emer Edwards, Ontario who was killed The Nyssa factory district, like school and parliamentary contest March 21 ing the new governor rough. The ani no extra help for Christmas gency crop and feed loans are now last Saturday afternoon In the hock the balance of the sugar producing and 22. Winners of the contest will ary to put the grounds into a more condition. Intimations were governor addressed the legislature rush. At present there are the post available to farmers through the crusher just fcorth of Nyssa. areas In the United States, had its represent Eastern Oregon at the sanitary also given out that State police and and immediately after the law-mak master, three clerks and two car county agent's office at Ontraio, ac Young Edwards became entangled acreage state FFA convention at Corvallis. allotment from the depart ers adopted a resolution protesting riers in the Nyssa office. Robertson cording to A. D. Stanton, district In a power driven pulley and shaft ment of agriculture cut. In 1940 the April 24, 25. and 26. It is expected county officers as well as local would “outsiders" being appointed by Sec has served under three postmaster supervisor of emergney crop and before the machinery could be stop district planted 19,526 acres which that 50 boys will participate, which probably be asked to help in appre those who insist on dump retary of the Interior Ickes, and during his 20 years service, Eliza feed loan office of the FCA. Emer ped his bodj* was whipped around cut this year to 14,182 acres. has presented a housing problem to hending ing garbage curbing the powers of the governor. beth Thompson, Dean Smith and gency crop and feed loans are avail the shaft, suffering broken bones, was county received an allot the local chapter advisor. Robert H. grounds. along the route to the Plans for using Alaska as a stepping the present postmaster S. D. Gos- able for crop production purposes, lacerations and one leg almost Malheur ment of 6,521 acres and western Sawyer. He is asking any person who Bills in the amount of $3887.10 stone for refugees from Germany to hert. including the purchase cf seed, gas severed above the ankle. Dr. Kerby Idaho can furnish a room for one night were read and ordered paid, and the 7,661 acres. enter the United States are still be oline and oil, feed for work stock was called aird he ^summoned the Applications (Friday, March 21) for two boys or ordinance fixing the salary of the for acreage sub ing pushed by Ickes, and this is Nyssa Fpneral Home ambulance, but minor machinery repairs, to all more boys call the Nyssa High mitted to the Amalgamated Sugar another grievance the Alaskans MERIT CERTIFICATE and farmers who cannot obtain an ade Edwards was dead before he reached company exceeded the government School. The Nyssa Lions club has water superintendent was Introduc have. and read. This ordinance fixes quate loan for crop production from the Sarazin Clinic. FOR LARRY DIMMICK ether already agreed to house about 17 of ed the salary at $115 per month. A class sources and who meet the re This is the first fatal Industrial allotment by about 4000 acres. the boys. If sufficient rooms cannot beer permit application of Floyd Having proved himself capable of quirements by giving a first lien on accident in t.ysrj for a long time. Thrift Sales to be Resumed— be arranged for they will have to “B" Dove was read and approved. Dove doing satisfactory Holstein calf club the 1941 crop financed. stay in Ontario, Sawyer said. There will be a Spring Thrift Sale work, will, if the liquor commission fur Larry Dimmick, route 2, Nyssa Those who contemplate making Those representing Nyssa in the ther held at the Parish hall on Friday has just approves the application, oper awarded a certificate application for a loan are asked to Kite Flier Tip» contest are Irvin Topllff, public ate and Saturday, March 28 and 29. by cf merit been the former "Bank” located on and Junior membership in have the following information on speaking, and the officers of the the Guild of St. Pauls Episcopal the Holsteln-Friesion highway in the northwest sec of hand at the time of the application; In order that kite flying cap be chapter forming the parliamentary the church. At this time perennials and America. Brattleboro, association tion of Nyssa. enjoyed to the fullest extent, the Vermont. wheat allotment, if any; allotment team, Wayne Haroldsen, president; other flower roots will be on sale should be free from the pos SALEM — In spite of the fact Harold Kurtz. Lloyd Boyles, Harold Two street improvement petitions All privileges of the association on other crops; total soil depleting sport from Nyssa gardens. sibility of danger, says E. E. Beck, that the lawmakers voted to In Fylingness and Marold Bayles. were read and considered at the except voting have been given to acres; 1941 planting program and safety Eworth League Waffle Lunch— him director for the Idaho Power crease the maximum monthly pay; The contest is open to the public meeting. The first asked for the the proper description of their farm. company, until he is 21 years old. He was in pointing out five simple ments for old age pensions from $30 which will begin at 8 p. m. Friday grading and gravelling of Ennis Ave The Nyssa Epworth League will recommended by the state club The maximum loan to any individ nue from First to Seventh Street. give a Waffle Lunch In the old bank leader and lie Is the 5834th Holstein ual Is $400 and the late of interest rules that will reduce the possibility to $40 Oregon’s needy aged will and 9 a. m. Saturday. probably have to get along for the cf hazard in the sport. building on Saturday, March 15, be calf club member to achieve this na is four per cent per year. The second, for the grading, oil sur next two years on a $21 monthly facing and curbing on Good Avenue tween 11 a. m. and 2 p. m. and 5 To be safe, kite flyers should ob average pension. No provision has from the railroad to Third Street, p. m. and 8 p. m. All the waffles tional recognition. serve these tips: made for raising additional and between Main and Good on one can eat at one setting will be 1. Use wood and paper in kite's been ADRIAN CLUB PLANS construction. revenues for relief or pensions and First, 8econd and Third Streets. offered. The public is cordially in Drivers Examiner SCHOOL. LANDSCAPE increased appropriation voted in This latter petition will perhaps end 2. Except for small nails, do not the vited. accordance with the governor’s bud up in the formation of an improve A traveling examiner of operators ADRIAN (Special) — The Adrian use metal or tinsel of any kind. Jack Brodie Wins Honors— get is only calculated to take care Walter Thompson, Malheur coun ment district, with property owners 3. Use only silk or cotton string and chauffeurs Is scheduled to ar Jack Brodie, son of Mrs. E. L. rive in Nyssa. Wednesday, March 19. Garden club is proceeding with for flying. of the normal increase in the num enabled to pay the expense of Jamison, won third place honors in and will be on duty at the City Hall landscaping plans for the Union 4. Be sure to fly the kite in open ber of persons on the pension rolls. ty Fair Board member resigned from being the work through Bancroft bonds his position Sunday, giving as hts over a speech contest, at Oregon State between the hours of 10 a. b. and 5 high school grounds following a suc country, away from pole lines. of ten years. City En reason ill health. He expressed his gineer a period college, sponsored by Delta Sigma p. m. All those wishing permits or cessful drive for funds to make the 5. If, by any chance, the kite Virgil Johnson was ordered purchase of necessary shrubs pos regrets, and said that he would still Phi. national forensic honor society. licenses to drive cars are asked to HEALTH ASS’N to prepare preliminary data and should become entangled in power sible. Landscape plans are expected be available for any work the fair Nine students participated in the get in touch with the examiner dur from the Oregon State college any wires, do not attempt to remove it. ANNUAL MEET estimate cost on the proposed pro board wished him to do. finals for the contest. Jack’s speech ing these hours. ject. Most of the property owners Instead call the Idaho Power com day now. according to Mrs. M. L. Under consideration to fill the va affected in this project signed the was entitled “Tickle, Not Tackle.” The annual meeting of the Mal cancy office for help. Judd, chairman of the landscape pany are Ivan Oheen, E. L. Jamie petition. “These suggestions that our com heur County Public Health Associa Nyssa Hospital— committee. Other members of this pany makes are in the interests of tion will be held at the Conklin son and Earl Weaver. petition of D. W. Hurly for At the Nyssa hospital the past Leaves For Navy— committee are Mrs. Dan Holly and safety for every child who wants to Thompson was serving his third the The closing of the alley in Block 6 week Mrs. Ed Wertz underwent a Frank Calvert, eldest son of Mr. Mrs. Carl Hill. school In Ontario on Saturday, minor surgical operation and Is re and Mrs. Ben Calvert left on Monday The predominating theme of the fly a kite, and parents should be March 15 beginning at 2:30 p. m. year as a member of the fair board. from the highway to Eight street that their children understand Election of officers, report of Mrs. afternoon for Boise from where he was read and the date of the hearing ported to be doing nicely. plans call for evergreens, sure the importance of observing them," Logan, county health nurse, com DEPOT BRICK WORK on the proposed vacation was set Joe Byron was also a patient at was sent to Salt Lake and then to landscape as far as funds will permit. Mrs. Beck said. for 9 p. m., April 14 at the city hall. the hospital a few days suffering San Diego, Calif, to enter the U. S. N. Judd said. mittee reports, a sound motion pic TO START SOON The alley in question is in the block Bernard Frost, local Idaho Power ture, musical program and an ad from an infected foot resulting from training station there. landscape committee wishes company manager, announces that dress by E. C. Preston, professor of occupied by the Pox Cabins and a nail- puncture. He has recovered Frank would have graduated with to The express their thanks to the fol any calls for help in removing kites history. College of Idaho and Can On Monday Fred Wells, construc store. sufficiently to be discharged. this years senior class at the high lowing clubs for their donations: from power lines can be made di yon county (Idaho) legislator, fol tion foreman for the new Union Eldon Sternweiss was appointed To Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sparks a school and enlisted at Boise the lat Wade, Owyhee and Kingman Kol- rectly to the office. depot returned from Salt lowed by a tea will round out the Pacific ter part of February but was called ony Parent - Teacher son was bom March 11. Treasurer to fill the vacancy association. Lake and work was started on the City To Mr. and Mrs. George C. Calla into active service until after his Modern Pioneers, Jolly Janes. meeting The public is Invited to left by Heinz Sonnekes. King- construction for the brick laying The police han a son, George Cassel, was born eighteenth birthday which fell on man grange and the Adrian Legion Sheep Moving to Hills— attend. report for February, At present only a skeleton crew Is March 2. March 10 . by Chief of Police A. V. auxiliary as weU as many individ This week will bring to an end the at work but a full crew will be em submitted To Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Ashcraft a Plant Carrots— showed that his department uals and Adrian merchants. ployed as soon as the brick arrives Cook feeding and lambing season in this Lecture to be Given daughter, Lorena May, was bom had made 13 arrests during the from Omaha. There will be a free lecture on district for this year as many of the Dick Smith the past week hauled cm March 7. month, seven for traffic violations, Christian Science by Gavin B. Allen, sheepmen started moving their The brick work was delayed be two for disorderly To Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Flip- 116 bags of carrot roots from Notus To Attend Medical Clinic— conduct, one for pence a son, Larry Lee, was born for the Baker brothers who are Dr. J. J. Sarazin of Nyssa will at flocks to the hills last week. On member of the Board of Lectureship cause special moulds had to be made drunkeness, two held for Investiga farming the Judge Downing place tend the 29th annual University of Sunday C. M. Tensen started his of the Mother Church, the First for the unusual shape of the bricks tion and one for stealing on March 7. city water. Church of Christ Scientist in Boston first ot out. Ralps Jones of the Ar to be used. After the moulds were To Mr. and Mrs. William Packer this year. The Bakers have con Oregon medical school alumni post ! a daughter was bom on March 6. tracted with Northrup King to raise graduate session in Portland March | cadia district expects to have his on Massachusetts, on Tuesday evening. ready the brick still had to be made To Mr and Mrs. Paul Ransom a carrot seed. 17-21. Thirty-two hundred North- ; the move this week and Jim Farmer March 13 at 8 o’clock. The lecture from them. However, every thing In daughter, Linda Louise, was bom on This is just another proof that this west doctors have been invited to manager of the Deseret holdings Is presented by the Church of Christ has now been made ready and work Max Goldman spent the week moved out with the flocks last Scientist, Payette at the Rio theatre, should go on without delay begin area is fast becoming a seed pro March 6. sessions to “brush up" in the J here end visiting In Boise. comer 8th and 1st Ave. N. Payette. ning next week. week. ducing region of no little merit. Be the fields of medicine. For the first time | Attend Initiation— several hundred acres of con this year's session will emphasize Troop Trains Moving— .At a district meeting of the Odd sides C. C. C. to be Tranferred— carrot seeds. Northrup and to small groups in clinics According to E. C. Crandall local On Wednesday 45 ment from the Henimna Clonlnger a Graduate Fallows in Caldwell on Wednesday tracted MARKETS King have already contracted for instruction and laboratories. Mrs. Sarazin will agent evening Ralph Beutler and Rommel 500 Nurse— enlisted personel of the Nyssa C. C. for the Union Pacific at least acres of yellow mustard, seed and accompany her husband. Moss were two of a class of 12 to CASH PRICE six troop trains have passed over C. camp were sent over the Union Henlmoa Clonlnger. daughter of receive their third dregree. Follow several of brown mustard. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clonlnger. Sun Music Directors Here— Pacific to the Ohio district. The lo that railroad to the coast since mo- i PRODUCE ing the degree work a program and Attend Open House— set Valley will finish her three cal enrollees Joined a train leaving bilization began. Besides the full Lorenzo Mitchell of Salt Lake, sec By Clowi rx supper was enjoyed. Members at On Monday evening four members retary of the L. D. S. Church gen trains there are special troop cars on Bums on which another hundred year's training course at Oood Sam First ............ Wiley — ------------------- 31c tending from the Nyssa lodge In of the local lodge of Eagles attended erai music committe and former many of the regular runs. aritan Hospital. Portland today. were being transferred at the same 29c cluded M. F. Solomon. Wiley A. an open house and Initiation of ten professor cf music at University of Henlmoa Is a graduate of the Second ---------- time. 32c Cowers, Edwin M. Tucker, Virgil new members put on by the Parma Utah was a Nyssa visitor on Tues Nyssa High School and will receive Premium ---- POULTRY Johnson .Lee Miller. R. A. Thomp lodge at Parma. A program and late day and while here gave instuction 4-H Benefit Party— her degree from St. Helen's Junior rouho tow 12c son. Lon S. Root, A. O Gann, Beut refreshments were enjoyed follow to the Ladies Sextette of the Nyssa The Richland 4-H clubs, under college. Portland when her class Hen’s heavy colored Hens, light and leghorns.......... 8c ler and Moss. graduates from training school in the leadership of Mrs. John Rldder ing the ceremonies Those from D S. church. He was a dinner Aden Wlson showing what the will give a 4-H benefit party, Fri May Springs ______ 12c On Saturday a group from Nyssa Nyssa were. E. 3. Frost. Bernard L. at the Malcolm Crawford well dressed business man should day night, March 14, at 8:30 p. m. Before entering training school Stags ______________________ 3c plan to attend the initiation cere Frost. Loring Taylor and Harry guest home. near, all decked out in that sym in the Odd Fellows temple in Nyssa. Henlmoa was well known for her Cox________________________ 3c monies of the Missing Link to be Miner. phony of brown and teale blue—or Pinochle, bridge and bunco will be dancing art and while living with Trade In on egg* 14 cents. to Enroll— put on at Huntington. On next Wednesday evening the Auxiliary green . . . Malcolm Crawfords played with prizes and refreshments her family at Bums and Jordon Val GRAIN On Saturday afternoon at the is red It cap Pinochle Party— degree team from Parma will come to home have gone with the The public is invited. By A1 Thompson and Son* ley and Nyssa entertained at many Sidney Burbrtdge be wind . . . must The Nyssa lodge of Odd Fellows j Nyssa to initiate six new members tween of the Mrs hours Norvall Leuck putting up per 100 pounds public benefits as well as teaching a of 2 and 4 p. m. is sponsoring a pinochle party to be | into the Nyssa lodge snazsy in the way of fen To Leave Nysua— Wheat ____________________ $1.30 younger group of children. members of the American Legion something given at the lodge hall on the eve From Huntington— ces . . . haven't spied Ellis Stoker $120 Auxiliary will be enrolled for Emerg at the seed counters yet this spring Mr and Mrs. Ike Brown plan to She has accepted an offer of a Oats ning of April 1 The proceeds from leave permanently for Portland on position in the hospital at Hilo. Barley ____________________ $130 Voluntary service. Mrs Walter these parties go towards redecorat Mrs Ed Dllly spent Wedensday in ency Hawaii. Corn . $1.15 Sunday Thompson, auxiliary president re- I Nyssa from Huntington. ing and furnishing the hall. Crop, Feed Loan Applications Pensioners Must Wait Increase Thompson Quits Fair Board "" ' ™'