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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1941)
FAeNYSSÀ Published at Nyssa Ore.eun. VOLUME XXXVI, N O T •i^ÉlSSfc^ ~ m Vf JOURNAL GATEWAY TO THE OW YHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1941 Problem Still Hollenberg To Faces Lawmakers End Long Nyssa Dairy Ass’n To Lack O f Funds Meet In Ontario Stops County Fastest Growing City In Oregon $1.50 PER YEAR Beet Contracts Street Oiling Being Considered Project To Be SALEM—As the legislative scis Teaching Career Malheur County Dairymen have Road Work The 1941 sugar beet contracts are Under Survey sion enterted its eighth week indi now under consideration and nego been invited this week to attend a cations were that it would go into Leo Hollenberg. for the past 14 meeting at the Moore hotel hi On Road work, except on a very lim tiation between the Growers Asso The State Highway Commission, principal of the Nyssa Grade tario on Thursday, March 13, at 10 ited scale, was slated to close down ciation and the Amalgamated Sugar in response to the pleas of a dele if not through still another week years and up to two years ago. su March 15 when the County Court, company, with a final conference to gation from the Nyssa Chamber of before it cleared the decks for sine School perintendent of both the high and a. m. where the fieldmen of the Jer because of lack of funds “layed off” be held In Salt Lake City on Friday Commerce wUl conduct a survey es die adjournment. schools will end his Nyssa sey, Guernsey and Holstein breed County Roadmaster J. Edwin John of this week. At this conference a timate of the feasibility and cost cf Of course the lawmakers could grade teaching career on July 1, following association will be present to meet son and his assltant Don Seaman. joint committee of growers from oiling Main street from the school take the bit in their teeth, throw his handing board or school with those interested in any of the Only three men, patrol operators Utah, Idaho and Oregon are to meet to the underpass and also the in- the remaining bills out the window district 26 his to the resignation to take three breeds This meting has been will be retained for road work, Sam with the several processors. tallation of storm sewers to take so to speak and go home at the end effect little change is expected .--are on that date. of the water run-off. Such was arranged by the County Agents of McKinney, Nyssa; Homer Utley, in Locally, of this week. It is generally agreed Hollenberg, 1941 contract from that of the word given to the members of handing in his res fice. R. W. Motse, Extension Dairy Ontario and Don Wood. Vale. Main 1940. the according Washington, D. C. News Bureau of that no great violence would be ignation said in that to one member of the Chamber of Commerce Wed he had been man, will also be present at the tenance of county road equipment the Growers Association, the Nyssa Gate City Journal done the state through such a pro elected by the Parkrose and it is nesday at their regular meeting, by will be carried on by COC enrollees school dis meeting. cedure and there was some senti WASHINGTON, D. C.—National expected that due to this fact that Frank Morgan, secretary. “I'll be a Little Valley, as the work shop in trict (Portland) as superintendent among the weary legislators of that school. Going to his new po defense has created a serious living ment contracts will probably be out some very much surprised If the commis Vale will also be closed as an econ such a course. But for the most sition Hollenberg said that he faced problem in the national capital. In for time next week. omy measure. sion turns us down on this propo part the members of both House a $380.000 building program, and Roof Cave-in two years, at the present rate of and The Salt Lake conference is a de sition," Morgan said, in his report. Land contracts, the court decided Senate were for an orderly con population expansion, conditions sideration of the business at hand he looked forward to a busy time of parture from, the usual prcceedure Another item of keen Interest was will be brought up to date, although of will be grave. The district is 10 no matter how long it might take. it until the program was completed. Kills Cairo growers negotiating contracts In the Lions club project of a com Judge Graham said that the con that this Is the first year that the munity hospital for Nyssa. Fred miles square; had a population Still pending is practically all the His new school has an enrollment of 'racts that were delinquent amount have been discussed with Burgesser, who represents the Lions when the census was taken last 900 students. His new contract Woman ed to only $8000 or $9000 and were in contracts business of the session includ some growers from more than one state club in his appearance before a Mr. year in exceess of 600,000. More than major Hollenberg said was for a period of most respects In good condition. amendments to the unemploy three years, at “a slight increase in participating. Originally the grow Crulkshank of the Portland office of 100 new, permanent residents are ing By Mrs. A. A. Bratton compensation act, the work salary. ers from the State of Washington the Reconstruction Finance Corpor arriving each day to work for the ment Th colapse of a potato cellar roof, men's compensation act, “big truck” h?d agreeed to participate but later ation said that the RFC would loan government. This is a number that legislation Tuesday on the Joe Watanabe farm APPLICATIONS ON Reminiscing on his work in Nyssa which is back in again withdrew leaving the three other 50 per cent of the construction and will be increased as the great gov Carlo Junction killed one woman, MATTRESS PROJECT states a modified form, school fund it may be recalled that during his at In the Joint committee. land value, the loan to be paid off ernment machinery grows, and no in injured another and two men. work here Hollenberg took the equalization, extension of vocation In a period of ten years. one knows what to do with these al schools, firemen's pension and a Nyssa school over when there was The dead woman Mrs. Joe Wata TO CLOSE MAR. 15 Just how soon the survey on the arrivals. rnlv 350 grade and high school stu nabe was rescued from the pile of The final date for filing applica number of other issues. oiling and installation of the storm, In Washigton are many hotels— The unemployment compensation dents, seven grade teachers and four debris and an attempt was made to tions to make cotton mattresses in sewers will be under way is prob- her through attificial respira Malheur county under the Mattress roughly 30 or more— and the Influx school teachers. During his revive which has been substantially narrow high lamatical but is expected that it will proved fruitless. The Making Project has been set as Sat has kept every room filled for sev fight ‘ ".rm he w?s instrumental in having tion ed down through House action be undertaken in the near future. eral months. A 1,000 room hotel has throwing cut bills which sought to he rymnasiuir built, the rebuilding ether woman, a daughter-in-law urday, March 15, according to an within the next week. Upon not had a single vacancy since last repeal the experience rating and in 1934 of the grade school building suffered slight injuries as did the nouncement from the county agents Farmers who have potatoes which Perhaps the completion of the survey the womans step-son. Thomas. A office this week. summer. Patrons are stowed away seasonality provisions of the act. following its destruction by fire. dead they wish to use for livestock feed will make their decision ranch hand, Horace Mahan was on cots, several to a room. The peo Labor however, is still insisting in an While the new building was under taken the Federal Peed Diversion commission In time to report at the next meet to the Holy Rosary hospital For the past week mattress mak under ple who use the hotels are not gov increase in benefits for jobless construction he located the several where he program should make application ing of the commission which will be was declared to be suffer ing centers have been operating at for ernment decks; they are contract while employers continue their fight classes throughout the city in what ing a broken a diversion authorization at the in April. leg and other Injuries. the Boulevard hall and in Vale county ever and wherever buildings were On the collapse ors, architects, cement salesmen, to hold down payroll taxes. agents office Immediately, where a total of 57 mattresses had according to information released powder salesman, dollar-a-year men Labor is also making a strenuous available. The new high school bors answered a of call the for roof help neigh and been completed up until Saturday this building was designed principally brought here by the government fight Only those farmers who increased benefits for in from his ideas and suggestions. werked furiously with the husband, night. During this week four addi had week. and who do not live on $1 a year, jured for potato allotments in 1940 and workmen and their depend tional c e n t e r s at Willowcreek, his son Thomas and son-in-law Joe and there Is the ordinary traveler. ents through the workmen's com- ; In civic affairs Hollenberg was Fug to free the victims. In fifteen Adrian, Nyssa and on Oregon Slope planted within the allotments are Arrivals on morning trains must pensation fund, a program to I never one to shirk his duties, taking minutes the rescuers had accom are being started. A seventh center eligible under the diversion pro wait until late afternoon before which the senate committee on in active part in the first and second plished their task, but too late to may be started in the Jordan Val gram for the time being. It is pos . . . . . . agreed . and which will. Annual Nyssa Fall _, Festival, a past save Mrs. Watanabe. who was ley area later. Only one mattress Is sible that the requirements may be Henry H. Hartley, by action of the they can obtain a room, wait until dustries , lodge, is present ., if enacted has into . , master of the Masonic up later. Under the program School Boards of the Union High someone checks out. law, cost employers 1 Deputy District Grand Master, dis extricated. being made per eligible family now opened potato growers who can feed pota School The government itself is hard of Oregon in excess District and District 26 has of $522,000 a trict 19 of the Oregon Masons. Pat but families of more than two peo to their own livestock or who been named pressed for room. Mushroom bur year in increased contributions to ron of the Eeaster Star and a Past as superintendent of ple may make an additional mat toes can sell them to other people for eaus are springing up and every this fund. tress for each two people with not livestock feed will receive a 25 cent both schools, beginning with the Commander of the Nyssa Post of the inch of available space has been While the House has passed the American Legion. over three mattresses permitted any per hundred diversion payment for school year this fall. With this ar rangement between the two boards, occupied. The great sprawling fed firemen’ one family. s pension fund that fight all potatoes used for livestock feed, Hartley will act with the help of Hollenberg said that he had en eral building (costing an average of still has to run the gauntlet of the joyed Application blanks may be obtain U. S. No. 2 or better. his long stay In Nyssa. and two teaching principals. $10,000,000 each) are crowded. War Senate. Inasmuch as this pension while reluctant or turned in at either the Farm grading to leave was looking Spring and ground squirrels gen ed As soon as the diversion Is auth Both boards are of the opinion department has expanded until it is program wil ltake about $100.000 a forward Secutlty Administration offices or orized for Individual farmers, the that by putting their respective to his new position. erally arrive together and 1941 Is no the county agents office but none potatoes wondering where it can locate its year out of the state’s general fund must be graded by a fed schools under one head a better sys exception If the number of squirrels March new personnel. Social security built and impose that much more of the 15. eral Inspector who will determine tem of Instruction will result, with a j already apparent are any Indication, a building but before it was com load onto property if and when the MALHEUR C. E. A. the percent of No. 2 or better po further possibility of economy In ad believes R. M. McKennon, county pleted National Defense commission income tax begins to lag, its ap tatoes in bin lots. These potatoes ministration. agent, who Is urging farmers to be moved in and SSB is as bad off as proval by the senate is doubtful GETS $17,000 will not need to be stored but only Hartley Is completing his first gin poisoning these rodents now If before. With government money while Governor Sprague is believed MORE FUNDS those grading No. 2 will be paid for year as principal of the High School they wish to avoid later damage from RFC an organization erected to be committed to a veto of the under the diversion program. Po having come here from Bandon these pests. a modem building recently and mesausre if it should get as far as An allotment of $17.000 for rural from tatoes so diverted will be colored where he was superintendent of large supply of poisoned grain electrification in Oregon was an- is A available Rural Electrification leased it for his office. with a special dye which Is not schools and was Instrumental in re at the county agents of G. E. Stanfield. Malheur county harmful ncnced today by Harry Slattery, ad years to come. It happens that this to livestock but which building them following the fire that and Is sold at cost to Malheur sheepman, was elected president of would prevent ministrator of rural electrification. fice building is at the intersection of two potatoes from be destroyed most of the town of Ban county farmers. Arrangements will the newly organized Malheur Stock- This allotment provides for the en be made at Vale. Irnoslde and Jor growers association when a group of ing used for the major streets. There are 700 em other than livestock don. largement of the Malheur Coopera dan Valley for someone to handle range livestock operators met In the feed. ployes in REA. most having auto The High School board elected tive Electric Association, Vale, Ore. mobiles. and there is no place for Ward Wleneke to serve the unex- Vale Community hall to set up an These funds wil be used to build 18.5 the sale of poisoned grain In each organization them to park. This is a sample of to assist them in meet DEPT. OF AG. ORDERS ptred term of Heinz Sonnekes. re these communities. miles of line to serve some 50 mem of Every bad planning. ing their problems. officers STOCKPENS CLEANED signed board clerk. All members of R G. Whitaker, president of the ground squirrel eliminated bers In Payette county, Idaho. This An agency has been organized and Nyssa Lions club, and Fred Bur- borrower previously has been allot- now will prevent the appearance of elected included Fred Other the faculty were also re-elected for Trenkel, vice is requesting everyone with a room gesser, chairman of the PoUomey- ed $180.000 to build 204 miles of line a number of young squirrels later. president; R. M. McKennon. secre- An inspector of the Department of another year. to rent to list it. Sixth inspectors Benefit Dance Committee an to serve 462 members in Malheur Poisoning with grain is the only retary-treasurer; R. Arrien, John Agriculture descended on the Nyssa look at rooms. During the first world litis that the benefit dance held and Baker counties. Oregon, $30,000 practical way of controlling ground Brosnan and Earl Lofton, members area and ordered several pig and war so many men and women were nounced last Saturday night in Nyssa had squirrels but it must be systematic of the executive committee. for the construction of a generating cow owners to clean up the stock brought to Washington that to solve netted around $86. ally done if results are to be suc plant, and $30.000 to finance house Tlie stockmen forming the organ yards or close up. housing the government erected joint statement they had wiring and plumbing installation. cessful. One of the Important fac ization adopted by-laws calling for J. C. Coil Just north of town was many dormitories. These have since this In tc their ' The Nyssa Lions Club This brings allotments made by tors is doing the poisoning before election of an executive board of six ordered to clean up his hog pens, been tom down. Today there are wishes to say express thanks to those REA to the Malheur C. E. A. to a the squirrels begin to damage crops. men, three from the area In Graz change his method of feeding or SALEM —Theschool fund equaliza many more workers on government who helped make its the Dance total cf $247.000. ing District No. 3 and three from permanently close up his venture. tion measue—HB420—which passed payroll than at the peak of the first for the local Infantile Benefit Paralysis vic the area In Grazing District No. 4. O. B Hale who owns a herd of dairy BULLDOGS CLOSE Saturday by a vote of 33 world war. and this is only the be tims a success. The Lions club es The three executive board members cattle was likewise ordered to clean to the 25 house is now before the senate for SEASON WITH 7 ginning. Some talk of the govern pecially thanks the Nyssa Gate City FSA OFFICIALS from. Dristrict No. 4 will b elected up his cattle yard John Weeks was final conslderalon. If passed by the ment building barracks for men and Journal for the publicity and ad VISIT NYSSA WINS, 11 DEFEATS a meeting planned for Jordan Val also ordered to move his pigs to a senate and signed by the governor, women to be rented at a nominal vertising received and the Nyssa Completing their season with a at ley later this spring. more sanitary yard. Those who who has already approved the plan, price. 17-16 defeat at the hands of the Union High School Lettermens Club were warned by the department re R. T. Magleby. asistant regional J Emmett Huskies. Idaho state cham The objects of the newly organ presentative will be given a reason the measure will be on the ballot Eating is not such a problem John Young for handling the director of the Portland office of the pions, February 24, the Nyssa Bull ized association are to promote the able time, perhaps ten days, to clean for voter decision at the general Every government building has a and ticket sale and decorating the gym welfare and Interests of the stock- election In 1942. Farm. Security administration: Joe j dogs cafeteria and all the drag stores are nasium. Thanks are also due to King: ended with 11 defeats and 7 men of the county, both cattle and up their stock yards. personnell officer victories. Under the provisions of this mea lunch counters. There are no places those who purchased tickets and Newell assistant real estate loans Next year's team will be almost sheep operators. The pressing prob sure the state would be required to to Uve near government buildings were unable to attend the dance as and Bud Wright, an Idaho camp man completely composed of this year’s lem of Immediate Interest to those SCOUT COURT OF levy a property tax of approximately and workers must either drive a car well as to those who were present ager. all Bliss, organizing the association Is that of $5,400.000 a year for support of ele were in Nyssa Tuesday In veterans with only Richard Lewis, ride a bus or streetcar. Too far to to enjoy themselves." interest of the Malheur county dependable center, graduating. Cap predatory animal control. An effort HONOR HELD mentary and high schools. This walk. Those with autos get down The board of directors of the club the farm labor camp located southwest tain Eugene Brady, and Don Eld is being made by the asaoclatlon to Nyssa Troops 19 and 58 held their would be apportioned among the town early to find a parking space, will meet this Friday night to make of funds for the employment of on the basis of school at Nyssa. of Honor Tuesday In which counties redge will be back to occupy the obtain possibly a mile from where they final disposition . of the made additional predatory animal hunt Court tendance. , funds . . . . . . Present indications are that the Parma Troop also took part. guard posts with Frank Wilson and work. The traction company has available It is the plan the dl- L , camp wU, opened around Rex Shelley to depend upon for the ers. Multnomah county delega Those receiving tenderfoot awards tion The divided been buying new equipment and rectors to use this money to of the best on the bill in spite of March 15. with Roy Searles again were Neil Ransom and Arlon Har- forward positions. Coach Elder has puts everything on wheels into the advantage of the Nyssa victims of manager of the camp. Magleby said the fact that it will cost that coun oldson. Parma Troop and Revere high hopes of building a champion streets to handle the rush in the infantile paralysis. ty approximately $350.000 a year in NAPTON CLUB TO that he was well satisfied with the Chambers. J. B. Lewis, Dean Mau- team around these seasoned veter morning and the stampede in the support of education PRESENT COMEDY accomplishment of the cam.p last pin Donald Eldred and BUI Jackson ties of that state. in other coun ans. Also, new talent will be brought j afternoon. Getting a bus or street year, pointing out that the Nyssa up from the second string. of Nyssa Troop 19 Those who were car is almost Impossible at any time NAVY RECRUITING camp remains open longer than any The squad has had a fairly sue- j Friday, March 7 at 8 o'clock the presented with Second Class Badges of the day. OFFICER DUE HERE other camp in Oregon Washington cessful season with victories over all Napton Community club will pre werp Bruce Westerfleld and Clayton I. O. O. F. CONFERS or Idaho. The past year the camp WEATHER REPORT three opponents ending fifth in j sent a three-act comedy. "Aaron Moran both of Troop 19. This pres INITIATORY RITES Chief Machinist Mate J P Wood- was open and provided employment but the Snake River Valley standings. I Slick from Pumpkin Creek," and a entation was made by Robert Dewey Oate City Lodge (Nyssa) of the Following is the weather report ling. State Navy, will be In for a period of nine months. box social. Oirls and women are to Scouters awards were also made to Independent Order of Odd Fallows behind Weiser one game as given for the past week by the Nyssa United at the American Legion Hal! Magleby said that it was particul The Bulldogs Ralph Lawrence, Scoutmaster of conferred the Initiatory Degree on played a surprising bring boxes local U. S. Reclamation office. on March 13 and 14. Thursday and arly gratifying to note the co-op Troop 19, Robert Dewey, assistant; Dr. L. A. Mauldlng and R. E. Moss ly close game with the Emmett Hus Music will be furnished by the H. Prec. Date I» of next week according to an eration cn the part of the local kies to end up their season. The Rythm Rangers. Carl Dietz and Herbert Hethering- at their meeting last Tuesday night. 43 56 .03 Friday Feb. 27 announcement from the Boise Naval farmers in employing their seasonal Huskies, expecting an easy vistory, ton. both of Parma Troop and Alva Witnessing the ceremonies were 19 Feb. 27 .....................84 52 .13 Recruiting office. help frotr. the camp members. started their entire second string White of Troop 58 Merit Badges Odd Fellows from Parma lodge and Mar 1 .....................41 56 .15 Due to the defense program the crop The dectsion to open the camp but were quick in putting in their were given to Ivan Thompson, Den one from a Minnesota lodge. The 34 56 06 Boise office is expanding its recruit earlier Mar 2 usual this year is based first five “Pug” Mayer was the de Fife. Melvin Thompson. Alva degree waa conferred by the local ROUND TOWN nis 33 57 .01 ing service, the announcement said on the than Mar. 3 fact that crop work is begin White and Ralph Lawrence cisive factor for Emmett, for with lodges team. 55 Mar 4 .............._._J4 That big "pour” that Henry Enlistments in the Navy are open to ning earlier and it is the desire of A one set play, "Faithful Queen” The Ways and Means committee, his unusual height, he had the ad Mar 5 ....................JO 59 Horn's crew made on the underpass unmarried men only, between the the FSA to have the camp operating vantage over the smaller Bulldogs. was presented by the members of through M. F Solomon announced Thre are impounded at the Owy- ages of 17 and 31. of good reputa early enough so that there will be no but it took the Huskies up to the j Wednesday . . . daffodils are in the Troop 19. a reading by Ray Lewis that a second pinochle party would hee reservoir 635.640 acre feet of tion who can furnish evidence shortage of farm labor, a situation | nfteen seconds of play to over gardens and spring putting in a real and a trumpet solo byl Scout Ander be held in the I. O. O F Temple water. To relieve a possible sudden ocod and appearance .. . Angie Cook wonder son furnished the entertainment on April 1. character and pass the rigid which is very likely to happen this POtne the Bulldogs. runoff in the higher altitudes which physical ing if spring fever is catching. . . year due to the national defense examination. With this surprise ending of the would result in a too sudden rise at The Navy now offers exceptional program which has been drawing season, the Bulldogs are looking its the first time in twelve years program. The next Court of Honor will be From Burley— the dam the needle valves and the opportunities for the young man farm laborers into the Industrial I forward to their best season next that we have heard the expression held in Parma, April 17, with the Mr and Mrs Joseph Bingham spillway were opened this morning, who wants to leam a trade. Pro centers. Nyssa Troops slated to take the and their family spent the week end “a shortage of labor' . . . the fire year and a shot at the state crown. according to Dick Stockham The that got took foe a ride on Monday leading part in the program. A cov in Nyssa and were house guests of to the higher grades are reservoir has a total capacity of motions ered dish supper will be served. An Mr and Mrs. Goats. On Saturday p. m. . . . In a possibility due to the large j In 750.000 acre feet of water and there also Invitation Is extended to the pub evening they were dinner guests of and Mrs Perry Ward spent Mrs D F. Taylor and Mrs Perry | are being release now dally 2500 sec increase in the personnel of the the Mr week lic to attend this affair. Mr. and Mrs. Bumail Brown Ward were Boise vlstors on Tues- end in Boise with friends. Naval Forces ond feet. Spud Diversion Plan Outlined Hartley Named Superintendent Early Rodent Control Advised Stockmen Form Association Polio Fund Dance Patrons Thanked New School Levy Bill Passes House