Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1941)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL < ) THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1941 public has come to know as Labor. man. If there is aught for sale kettle such as our grandparents named Dorothy Anne. Mr .and Mrs. Ora Frlel and family ness Saturday; Union men. But there is, no effort round abouts one of these are sure didst tote across the plains and for Mrs Ersel Buess spent Saturday spent Sunday at the Glenn Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Chaihbers of among them to maintain the Union to know it and if it have a clear which we have had an eagle eye for afternoon with Mrs. Orval Child i n ! home in Wilder. Boise. Mr. and Mrs. William Lowler title or no. of these United States. Rather at many a long month. Also w didst Vale. C. M. Tensen started some sheep of Huston, and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. every turn do they thwart the pur ✓ And pioneers in this dairy busi look over and admire their fine as Lila Fife was in Parma on busi Sunday morning and took the rest Whalen of Payett spent Sunday at pose of their government. We fail to ness is the Shelton Dairy and the sortment of fine davenos which they ness Friday. out Monday for the lower range. the John Lackey home. see why, if the monies that has been Nyssa Gate City Dairy where pure sell at such bargain prices. Also O. Z. Matthews was in Boise on Lila Fife spent the week end with Mrs. Bill Ftndllng and Fred appropriated for their pay Which is milk, state inspected is sold and de didst see a gem of a small dining business Sunday. her grandmother, Mrs. Christine Koopman home in Ontario Thurs | included in the cost of all defense livered each day. More and more room set in walnut. Just planned for day. They spent the afternoon at Mrs. Klaas Tensen spent Sunday Jensen, in Parma. work is not just as much govern it is being proven the folly to serve some happy bride furnishing her with Mrs. Tommie Johnson in Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pierce the Joe Koopman home there. ment money as that paid out by the milk from uninspected dairies and first home and wilt long serve the Gilbert Klinkenburg is working on moved Saturday to the Richland pay master in the army and the herds. It may be the difference be purchaser. navy and being so why they are not tween good health and disease in And at A1 Thompsons didst pause the Robert Breckenridge home in district where Mr. Pierce is renting John Ostrum Injured— a farm. under the Jurisdiction of their top the family circle. to purchase some Purina chow for Nyssa on South First Street. While helping unload lumber at Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit a root and Mr Luther Fife was a business visitor employer the United States govern And perhaps no ether one insti- cur c*nine pack. They think its tops his lumber yard on Saturday even and Mrs. Jake Groot spent Tuesday n Vale Sunday evening. ment. tution in our town has done more j pooch food and do at all times ing, John Ostrum fell from the pile Things About Nyssa’s Shops Mr and Mrs. Ed Junkr of Nampa to the stack below and Just missed To do the will of that government towards developing and stabilizing keeP haPPy an<i frisky on it. But in Boise. Rikus Van Twisk of Valley View. were Sunday evening visitors at the suffering from a broken back. He cur commerce than the bank. T h a t! there didst marvel at the many The politicians and the wisemen when and where and how that gov chows and the different Kees Blockers of Ontario, and Dick O. Z. Matthews home. ernment sees fit even as the man branch of the First National Bank kinds has been unable to be out since. o f the land have deemed it meet who must take off his civies at the of Portland which took root here animal foods that the Purina mak- Groot spent Sunday afternoon at the Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Twisk and and right to prepare this nation for training camp and don the uniform ere the community had started to ers have concocted to make and pre- Pete Tensen home. amlly were in Parma Sunday. war. Vast sums of money have been of his government. If this is a na a new growth and when most citiz- serv>c One flocks and herds Scientif- Mr and Mrs. Jake Fisher attended Mr. and Mrs. Oeriit Groot spent appropriated for defense. So great blended ens were still in the doldrums and I icall> ’ and prepared ar? tion by and for the people as we be a pinochle party at the Ernest Mc the week end at the Andrew Boers- is the total expenditures for rearm they. lieve it is then every person is un abyss of the .“depression.” Since Clure home in Nyssa Tuesday even rna home in Grandview. ament and mobilization that the Doest wish sometimes that thou ing. der the same obligation and duty as then it has bent its efforts to pro Fred Koopman attended a selec imaginations of the masses are un another. We h a v e no privilge moting of a health and permanen didst live in the center of the hum Mr. and Mrs. Ora Friel and fam tive service board meeting at Vale able to comprehend even the mean classes. What then are the unions? growth of the community. Its of of the defense activity and feel it ily and Mr. and Mrs. Golden Lea Monday. ing of such monies. It is high time that some one some ficers here are at all times coopera cf things so far removed frem all Mr. and Mrs. John Hemmock and Our young men have been induct place took them in hand and tive and willing to advise cn every these goings cn. Then hie thee and vitt and family were in Welser and family of Ontario spent Sunday at ed, in 1918 they called it drafted, in brought them back to the realiza financial problem that does beset thy good man to the Nyssa Theatre Payette on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot and the Rock Shelton home. to military service, the national tion of their duties as well as their r,ne. And many are the many easy on news reel nights and thous wilt Mr. and Mrs. George Doyle of When an Irreplaceable guard units have been called from rights and the privileges American easy payment plans they have on get a fine view of all manr.°r of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot spent lurney, California spent the last the hlways and biways of civilian citizenship. And if they be not cit financing. activity and safe within the com Thursday evening playing monopoly loss afflicts a family or at the Dick Groot home. Refresh f the week at the Rock and Bert life and commerce to active duty. izens then they have no rightful And last week it was brought to fort of this modern show house. Chelton homes. ments were served at the close. Dally long trains of uniformed men place to the protection and the Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad an individual, the mind again the folly of a home pro Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hollock and Pete Tensen was in Vale on busi are being switched about to new sta blessings of this nation. Or no vide. purchasing meat from every vertisers and ye wilt not waste thy ness Saturday. Edna spent Sunday afternoon at friendship of a.'l with tions and cantonments. They laugh place on the payrolls of the nation Tom, Dick and Harry. After the time and thy gas going farther. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Maxwell of the Herrinp home in Parma. and joke and lean out of the open whether the check is signed by a tate inspector got through with a Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and whom they come in Wilder spent Friday afternoon at the car windows even as their fathers civilian employer or a uniformed RICHLAND few sanitary offenders we were of a children of Adrian spent Sunday Jake Fisher home. did in 1917 and '18. They are Amer pay master. The government is contact is important. mind never to eat meat again. But . . afternoon at the Robert Toombs ican youths doing their duty for <T-:nscring and guaranteeing them Mr. and Mrs. George Jensen were home Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Terhune enter then didst remember that this same thier country even as American men both. The taxpayers monies meet It is our wish to extend Webb Pennlc „ worklng at the inspector is ever on hand at the tained the Morgan garden club at Sunday evening dinner guests at the have done since the first white man ' 'iii payrolls. Why not demand the Luray Trobert home. They spent the j their home Friday evening. Nyssa packing plant and always Cement Works in Onatrio this week. to this community the established himself on this contin r-.c co-operation from both. •Sunday dinner guests at the T. C. evening doest give them a clean bill on their _ , playing cards. Mr. and Mrs. Evans Jcnes and ent and began the business of form Grandma Stam of Oregon Trail Zelda Br0W11 and Mr and Mrs L In the days of our childhood un meats and in their plant. It is with Johnson home were Mr. and Mrs. sincere friendship of ing a new nation. They bullded and ten'sm was first putting in its ap a surety c f getting the best and the Nick Luck. Ann Johnson, and Mary was dinner guest at the Bill Ftad- x chambers were tn Bolse on busl. a true friend at all protected, those first settlers and so pearance in the west and was per ling home in honor of Mrs. Find- purest c f fine meats that a house Norco tt. is this generation carrying on the haps as much discussed then as it is The Thriftw Cookers 4-H club met ling's birthday Wednesday. Mr. and | ---------------------------------------------------- wife doest make her purchases at times. example, in modern dress. to-'ay. Seme for. some against. Our the Nyssa Packing, a pioneer in the at the home rf Mrs. John Rtdder Mrs.Gerrit Groot, Mr. and Mrs. They are none the less brave paternal grandmother did not ap meat business in cur town. Saturday. Members cooked and Gerrit Stam, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Vanderort and family and Mr. a n d , nor admirable, these latter ones prove cf such. She thought thatsjt Clean m :y bo the heir 3 and fresh served a luncheon. than these others, because they might lead to a distinction c f classes bedecked with wall papers and paint Mr. and Mrs. O. E Cheldelin were Mrs. Jake Groot spent the evening must be trained to kill their brother that P would take away the initi- and still be as unlovely as a last Sunrtpy dinner guests at the Henry there. Ambulance Service Nephi Shears of Victor, Ida., vis man before they go forth to war. tlve cf the induvidual. Somehow she ypars bird nest. If the old chester- Hartley home in Nyssa. Phone 73W Nyssa The American wilderness has Ion» fr -'saw <n that far away time that f eM is belching and bulging with Sunday callers at the H. V. Maw ited at the Floyd Thompson home been tamed and it has been some | eventually there would ccme a time Ioosene(j stuffing and protruding home were Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Coch Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Par generations since our citizens must when the rule of masses would be as - rings, if the print from the aunt ran and family of Homedale. first hunt their meat and then j »r»m otic and as dictatorial ns that S.’ rah’s hand me down dining room A'lan Udlinek spent the latter ma were Sunday dinner guests at shoot it ere they could eat it and the ! 0f another individual or force. But set has begun to peel the last speck, part c f the week visiting in Home- the Bill Flndllng home. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen were in first requisites of a mans education ab:ut the time that the linotype was of paint and the rugs look like per The Richland 4-H clubs are plan was that he be a dead eye Dick. { replacing the man at the cases in manent habitants of atribe of moths, ning a benefit party Friday night at Caldwell Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot were in These under arms today are brave I the printing offices of the west her the Joys of house cleaning wilt come the Rebekah lodge hall. Fruitland and Ontario on business men and loyal. These that wear the sons became union members of the amiss. Wednesday. uniform of Uncle Sam’s armed typographical union and so have But such tragedies are soon rem Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burris and ALBERTA VALLEY forces. They do their duty, they remained. We secretly were always edied if thou wilt but pay a visit to Mrs. J. B. Clyde of Burley spent the have to or else— they work -at proud cf th wee golden stick that Trm Ncrdales furniture mart where GRIPS Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jensen were week at the J. L. Rassell home. the pay prescribed and at the tasks so many years adornd our father's he deest sell fine furnishings at LOW COST Mr. and Mrs. Pete Vander Oort set before them and as for as long coat lapel. And until the last few buyable prices and on convenient in Weiser Saturday. spent Thursday evening playing A dairy club was organized at the as hours as their superiors see fit. hitter years have been a strong pro terms to fit the family budget. SILENTLY SAFE They have no redress, they are in ponent of organized labor. But the And we have been wondering of Homer Hight home Tuesday even cards at the Jake Fischer home. Mr. and Mrs. Luray Trabert were military service under military dis giant has grown ugly and unlovely late just when it was that folks be ing with Mrs. Hlght as leader, E. M SURELY LONG WEAR of late, unruly, selfish and filled gan to speak of the “Depression" in Houser and Mr. Cox. the tester of in Welser Saturday. cipline. Ruth Matthews spent Sunday aft Most of them would want none. with greed, pride of power, a vari- the past tense, as Jack must have the Malheur County Cow Tester's They are doing their duty and like cicusness and maliciousness in high spoken of the giant when he clam Asscciation of Ontario were pres ernoon at the George Brotzman it. In years to come they will never places. Will it be like the frog in ored down off the bean stalk. Sure ent. Francis High« was elected pres home in Apple Valley. Luther Flft and Mrs. Jack Gan regret it. But there is a brand of the fable that puffed up on such ly It has gone with wind and is as ident, Marjorie Gropt vice-president bupiap male* aqroard ip the land unholy thinking until it burst and extinct as the Dodo bird. It died andnews reporter, and Marie Sebum non left Monday for Yakima where ittfio wear no uniform, nor take or in the end the working man will without right of burial and may It secretary. They will meet at the dif Mrs. Ganndn will join her husband. Mrs. I. L. Cooper and Thelma ferent member’s homes. Mr. Houser ders from any governmental agency, find himself worse off than he was never be revived. rather do they dictate. Hours and in the beginning. Unwanted and But through good times and bad and Mr. Cox gave the club some were in Ontario Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Buess and wages and working conditions, and without honor among his own kind. the Wilson grocery store has carried instruction*. Refreshments were ser family of Vale were Sunday dinner 2nd and Main Street Lovely lie tha snow capped moun on. It has served our folks in good ved to the groups at the close. hiring and firing. Government job, A daughter was bom Feb. 2# to guests at the Ersel Buess home. defense work or what. It makes no tains that fortess this green valley, times and bad with the best of difference to them that we face a their pritsine whiteness shimmering groceries at trie lowest possible Mr. and Mrs. George Ray formerly national crisis, that perhaps the in the spring sunlight more inspir prices. And always cne finds on cf this community. They now reside unity and life of this nation as we ing than the jewel studded Taj Ma their shelves packaged goods of in New Plymouth. The girl has been know it and as our fathers before hal. More beautiful than any paint known and reliable brand* as well as us planned it is at stake. Perhaps ing that adorns the halls of noble the freshest of seasonable green jnust face a triumphant dictator's houses. And their beauty is free for vegetables and some that are not so Notice T o H og Raisers army that has already plowed down everyone to see. To look Oh and to seasonal. Right now they do traffic learn a litttle of Infinite Peace and every other opposing nation- in a* fine and as tasty a canned With the installation of a new These are the group the reading Permanence and Presence. When all peach as any that ere won a prize at scale at the wars have been ended and man the county fairy. THE RAILWAY STOCK YARDS ha* at least ceased to fight with his The fruit of it has been pwked we are now receiving your hogs brother and all swords shall have dead ripe and »vaiuo hi the can with become plow shares, the hills and all its delicious fresh flavor. there every Friday,, paying the the beauty will still remain to teach highest price the market permits And on the last day of the week him beapty and sted-tastness and didst stop for a chat with our and seeking to serve you in every courage and that in spite of man friends at the Nyssa Traders and possible way. the glory of his God remains. there dldstn purchase a beautiful But tls not only nature round Cantoneses hot wafer pot and an FRANK KULLANDER about us that is bringing the clean old fashioned three legged iron liness and beauty of early, spring fo), «very housewife does now turn her thoughts to spring house clean CARL H. COAD ing and refurnishing and splcking up the homestead. Chief among ATTORNEY-AT-LAW them is that problem of what to d° PHONE 31 with the grime apd soot e* winter Nyssa, Oregon that does ever accumulate on ths walls. And more and more wall Beef for the Hide paper is becoming the favorite its L. A. Maulding, M.D. Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 color and pattern can do so much to Physician and Surgeon give distinction to any room. It is Cutting 1 cent per lb. easily brushed and cleaned and in Phone 37 Grinding 1 cent per lb. a pinch can b applied by home tal Hours: 18 to II and 1 to 5 Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. ent with not too great labor or mis Dally—Except Sunday doing. And at the Stunz lumber Fry Building yard we didst see some lovely pat terns in all manner ol colors and patterns and prices. Some as color TOW NSEND CLUB ful as grandmother's flower garden, MEETINGS others trim in the modem way. all Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday in modern shades and design. PHONE 6 at 8 p. m. at City Hall Too. this week we didst talk to a A. L. McClellan President man learned in the way of commun nini mrfmrm ity growth and future possibilities. Don G raham _____ Secretary He was a stranger- that stopped an The Publlo» U Invited 'U t\l\\li"....... heur or so here on business affairs. ^ - - But in that time he did tell us that NYSSA AERIE many people not living here did think that Nyssa would become in F. O. E. NO. 2134 verity an inland business center Meets Wednesday Night haring great growth and expansion AT EAGLES HALL not now »uessed at by those of use Visiting Eagles Welcome who live here. Also that this Snake HARRY MINER, 8ec. river valley would be one of the BERNARD FROST, Pres. leading dairy centers of the state and nation if not of the world. And 8 . J . M ITCHELL, M anager G ATE CITY LODGE new was the time when the wise person would buy himself property No. 214 and build a home for In the not too Proof distant future city property would be at a premium. But that net need worry one. This matter of wonder Meets Tuesdays ing what and where to buy. for we | 8 p. m. have some reliable real estate agents I.O .O .r. Temple in this town who know thetr coun- : First Street, South try and whese werd can be trusted Virgil E. Johnson. They are Frank Morgan at his o f Noble Grand fice cn Main and Don Graham Just KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY M. F. Solomon F I N A N C E Y O U R N E W O R U SED C A R W IT H TH E L E A D E R ! a cras the way from him and down Secretary National Distiller* Produrti Corporati*«, Mm» ï t * at the end of Main but still in the business district is Bernard East- Ye Snooper’s Column o{ I ) NYSSA FUNERAL HOME For QUICK, SAFE, SMOOTH STOPS LI NING PRUYN’S GARAGE Professional Cards CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING FIR ST NATIONAL O H Ct 1fOUt Let us do your work! BUILD YOUR CREDIT REPUTATION f o r o th e r NYSSA PACKING CO. é m B a n k L o a n s ... m on e y fo r a ny purpose w hen needed 3 3 SAVE TIME & RED TAPE 47 C o n ve n ie n t B ra n ch e s... ENJOY LO W MONTHLY PAYMENTS a rra n g e d to f it yo u r bud g et 93 CHEERFUL AS OLD S unny B FIRST RRTIORflli RRRR OF PORTLAND