Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1919)
Plan Your Spring Building Now YOU INTEND TO BUILD THIS SPRING! * YOU WANT THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY! YOU WANT YOUR BUILDING CONVENIENT! YOU WANT YOUR BUID1NGS ARTISTIC! -----THEN Why wait until you are ready to build to plan for something that should have your eareful attention for months Planning homes and farm buildings is our business; wears equipped to do this to your entire satisfaction. This department being a part of OUR DIRECT SERVICE POLICY. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER COMPANY this 24th day of January, A. D. 1919. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE CLINTON F. TROW, Administrator of tho Eatate of Arthur MENT. ' W. Trow. Deoeaaed. -------- t ptions Filled doctor writes it Parma Notes NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE IN FORCLOSURE Apple Valley For Sale By virtu* of an Execution in Fara- Buff Orpington eggs for set- cloaure duly issued by th* Clara of the ing. Mrs. Frank Leuck. By Our Regulär CrraspondOe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, Notice is hereby (lven that the un< Notice ia hereby given, that commen (By Our Regular Correspondent) darsignad administrator of the estate cing March 1, 1919, ail water assess-; for Malheur County, dat«d January 16, of Arthur W. Trow, doceaaed, kai Tom Crosswhite has had a aiege of 1919, in a certain action in the said Cir Laalie Kerrick was a Caldwell visitor ments will be collected from the prop tiled in the Ceunty Court of the the flu. cuit Court for said State and County, State of Oregon, for the County of.Mal erty owner, and not from the tenant, last Saturday. J. Jackson ia slightly im- wherein The Union Central Life Insur heur, his final account of his adminis thia order ie in compliance with Ordi Tha W. C. T. U. met Friday at the 34 ft. fanning mill nearly ne1 com- M" ; C tration upon the said estate, and that nance Ne. 153. Of this take due notice. home of Mra, A. G. Fisk. ance Company, aa plaintiff, recovered plete with sacking elevator, 1 bay proved. Monday, the 24th day of February, against Jesse W. Kline mare weight about 1260. By Order ef the City Council, 1919 at the hour of 10 o’clock, a. m. J. C. Watson w.s . Boise visiter Ha‘lon StePheni waS in CaldW* " Judgment felter, Margaret B. Klinefelter, some J BOYDELL, Recorder. A. D. MOSES of said day. at the Court House Thursday and Friday af laat weak. Tue8 ay’ times known aa Belle W. Klinefelter, at Vale, Oregon, has baen fixed by Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wb.elerand f.m - w Dr’ ? ar“ in WM cal,ed t0 th* S*'bert wife of the said Jess* W, Klinefelter, said Court as tha time and place for ily wer« Boiie visitor« last Sunday. home Sun ay hearing said final account and settling M09* Mercantile Company, Limited, P R O F E S S IO N A L . said estate. and Fruit Growers Bank of Fayette, The ladies of the Matron’s Guild met The Lewi* and c ">s,white Any and all persons interested in said Idaho, defendants, for the sum of Four 20 acres en Bridge Island. House Thursday at the home of Mrs. Bessie have aKain had th# ,U' estate are hereby notified to aopeal Joe Lent °f Caldwell brother of Mr». teen Hundred Fifty four and 03-100 V. J- ENOS a t said time and place and fllethair eb and ether building«. 6 acres in alfalfa Sherman. jections in writing if any there be, to 12 acre« levelled for grain. ($1454.03), with interest thereor, from Mrs. Ethel Eaverson and Miss Ctllie Li,ly viafUd in the ValUy MC*ntly' Chiropractor said final account and contast the same H. T. Francia. F14tf. Slovar art staying at the A. A. Albert- Addle Speer, a high school student, said 16th day af January, 1919, at the 9 to 12 A. M. Done and dated and flrat published - 7 to 8 P- M. rate of 10 per cent per annum until zon home. was takan suddenly ill Monday and had paid. NYSSA, OREGON THEREFORE. NOTICE IS HERBY Wm. Blinkensop of Parma and Ag- to be taken home’ nes Reuny of Raiwall were married at Lucias Mclntira and wife arrived GIVEN that I will on the 26th day of Caldwell on Tnesday. frem Seattlo Monday and ara at tha February at the hour of 11.09 o’clock < JAOB PKINZING, M. D. < in the forenoon of said day at th* main Surgeon and Disease* of Women E. G. Johnsan left last weak for a Robert McIntlre home- j -< door of tka Malheur Ceunty business trip to Iowa. Mr. Johnston J . A. Wilson has rantad the P. T. entrance i W. J. WEESE. M. D. Ceurt House, at Vale, Oregon, sell at | i will be gone for apout a month Kingman farm to work in connoctien Internal Medicine public auction to th* big! eat bidder or . * „ . , i. , , with hi» own for ths season. < bidders for cask, the following described F. Lee Johnson has bought 80 acrea i j EDGAR S. FORTNER, M. D, real property,to wit: from Mr. Abecombe, for $19,000. This Mra. Wilkerson earn« down from Eye, Ear, Noe« and Throat The southwest quarter of Section ranch is known as tha Gee ranch. Cambridge and visited a few days at twenty one (SI) in Township sixteen u jm , ... . .. her brother’* the Chas. Jenaen home. (16) south. Range fortv-seven (47) east OFFICE HOURS: Mr. and Mrs. Howard West and fam- u 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 1 Custom Grinding, both chopping grain and grindihg of the Willamette Meridian, contain ily arrived in Parma Tueaday evening. 1 A baby was born recently to Mr. ing 160 acres, together with all anl ! corn meal, every Saturday. Customers wishing work They had »pent aevoral months visiting ' »"d M” - Davl* w ho'1*« • " thB Sw*"‘ singular th* tenement*, hereditament« Office over First National Bank I done should bring it on that day. friend* and rolatives in tho East. J son ranch. Mrs. Ferguson was the ana appurtenances thereunto belong Telephone No. S3 J. Ontario, Oregon ing or in any wise appertaining and < ► The H igh School carnival which waa , nur3e' ail and singular the right, title and in-1 < given by the High School last Friday The milk truck was unable to get tereat of tha aaid mortgagors at law was a great success. About $110 clear, “ «rough the mud a couple of days this or in equity therein or thereunto, in W. H. Brooke - P. J. Gallagher dower and claim of dower; and . ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW was taken in far th* High School j w«ek- 8* the m,lk was •hlPP«d t0 cluding ► together with all and singular the im- treasury. j Nampa. j provements, priveleges and appurten : Ernest Andersen has arrived in The people who bought tha Power’» ances thereunto belonging and all lights < Parma after being for several months ! i" m h a v e moved into the Apple Valley af homestead exemption; together with Wilson Bldg < Ontaro, Or all ditch and water rights of »very na- j < in th . officer’s training camp at Camp’ total until the P. I. Speer family ture, however evidenced, used on aaid < land or belonging to the same or aaid Pike, Arkansas. Mr. Andaraon is very . mov,s out- Mr. Spier does not kno « mortgagor, or which may hereafter be R. W. SWAGLER - glad to be back again with his Parma . “ yet where he wl" move' < acquired or used on said land. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW George Kirtland came down from friends. He will resume hie law prac Taken and levied upon as tha prop Camp Lewis, where he received hi* erty of the said above named defend tice in Parma. Rooms 12, 14, 15 Jesse W. Klinefelter, Margaret Wilson Bldg. Herbert L. Price, grandson af J W. diacharge from tha army and viaited a ants, B. Klinefelter, sometimes knewn as Price who v n visiting relatives her* few days before going on to Melba, Belle Klinefelter, wife of the said Jesse ONTARIO OREGON the latter part of last weak, laft Sun where hi* parents new live. W. Klinefelter, Moss Mercantile Com A dinner was given Sunday at the J. any, Limited, and Fruit Growers day evening for his home in Seattle. ank of Fayerte, Idaho, nr as much DR T O. HUMPHREYS Mr, Price belanged to tha “ Last Bat A. Petit home. Those present were: thereof as may bo necesaary to aatisfy Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Petit, Mr. and Mrs. talion’’ of the Argonne Forest. He NYSSA, OREGON. said judgment in favor of The Union DENTIST was gassad and waa in the hospital for ' Geo. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Mi*, Central Life Insurance Cempany, and Office in Kcrrick Blk, Parma, Idaho five weeks. [ Intire, Mr. and Mra. Luciua Mclntira, against the said above named dafend- Phone 48. Misa ants with interest thereon, together A large per cent of the High School' Alice and Edith Mclntire and with all costs and disbursments that have or may accrue. atudenta attended the school service et -Charlotte Dewhirst thoroughbred Dated at Vale. Oregon, January 13, I) k . j . j . s a r a z in the Firet Presbyterian church last Sun-j Levi Stephens sold his 1919. PHYSICIAN A Hl)KOKON day night. Each claaa was grouped to* lamb* to W. L. Howard of Caldwell H. Lee Noe Hheriff. gether and the atudenta wore their and purcharad a dozen thorough-bred ByT. C. McElroy. deputy. Firat publicalirn January 24. 1919. Office between Second and Third claaa colors. Superintendent N. N. short horn heifers and sire Mr. ou Main street. Last publication February 21, 1919. Nash and R. B. Mitchell gave shert Stephen* ia leading back into the dairy business with the short horn cattle. but intereeting talk*. He used to have ene of the finest Hoi The furnace of the High school bioke steins in this part of the country. last Thursday morning and since then A petition if being circulated wher* • the High School roemshav* been heated with oil stoves. This was not satis by the mail rout* will be changed so as 1508 1510 Western Ave • • Seattle, Wash. fretory and as the furnace was not to serve the people who live on th# quit« ready, school was dismissed on main high way from th* foot of Sand Tueeday afternoon. A. A Baker and Point Hill to the Apple Valley school Pays HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for butter fat. Check OR BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE come to the undor- B. Mitchell have been working an and then east taking in Walter Iro ta and cans returned promptly. and J. J. Hicks. This will be an in it. signed: We can sell you almost any kind of a farm A banquet waa held Tueaday evening crease of two miles on tha route and you may want. At this time we have some good bargains. by tk* Friendly Mens’ Bible Class of will distribute mail to eleven mail The forty advertised in another column is a sample. Several tha First Presbyterian chureh at the boxes. Odd Feliows' Hall. The banquet was The Ladie’a Aid of Apple Valley met ♦ other tracts, including U<> acres. 80 of which is as good as can be found, and 80acres in pasture.- 150 acres in sage in honer of the Rev. Willsie Martin of at Mrs. Robeit Minton'» on Thursday ' Boise who gave the address of th« eve afternoon. A tpe-ial invitation had brush, 2 miles from town, 05 shares of Owyhee Ditch stock ning. Four minute talks were given been extended to all ladies of the com price $4000 (can you beat it). Houses in town for sale, some by Rev. Paul W. Gauss, F. Lee John munity to be present and hear Miss extra bargains. Also we write you any kind of insurance son and H. C Baldridge. Riddle the Countv Agent on “ Th* you may want such as Eire. Auto. Tractor; livestock againat A fir« airen which can be heard for Raising of Tarkeys. ” A lunch was accident, or life. Surety Bonds, and Plate Glass insurance. ac- Aid. On C. D. Simpson. Prop. miles has bean bought for the town of prepared by th* Ladies If given to us your business will be protected, Parma. The fire department of Parma count of the muddy conditions of the Notarial work solicted. (Ask for a Calendar.) has not been very well equipped and i r0ad Mis* Riddle w ti unshla to K«t fire insurance companies have demand hare. She came ae far aa Parma but it - ed that better equipment be supplied. being eo lata the turned bark toward* The airen will b« operated bv a motar Caldwell. PATRONAGE SOLICITED and will be controlled from th* tele A valentine party was given th* J. BOYDELL, Manager. Oregon phone sffice. It is expected to be on young people of Apple Valley by Mrs. hand to«n. Nvi Hcrshey at th# parsouage Friday eve Aa the furnace of the High Sbhc«l ning. Tha rooms war* decorated in will not b« fixed far sometime the High red and white heart* and arrows, and School atudenta are “ enjoying" acorr* games appropriate t* the oceaeion ware ........................................................................................................................ . ndaigad ir. About $6 young people spondene« course. There will b« about on* and on* half were present. Refreshments of iee hour* of school in tho morning during cream and eaka war* served. Mr*. which the lestona will be assigned and Hershay assisted by Mesdamee Steph House Furnishers; and Funeral Director*. th« papers redacted. It ie hoped by en* and Morris. A very enjoyable time everyone that the furnace will ha fixed waa the expression of tha yonng folk*. within a week. I. H. Kellar, in charge of Parma Store. Phone 50-SS Quit« a bit of excitement waa cre ated by a mad dog scar* this weak, House Phone 50-SSS when Walter Irains’ dag appeared t* Glycerine Mixture have every aymotom of rabies and bad Stares at Caldwell and Parma, Idaho. For Appendicitis bitten n rombar of dogs. Tha dog waa I Nyssa people can prevent appendici killed with a number af other dags tis with eimple buckthorn bark, gly known to have been bitten and aama cerin*. etc., aa mixed in Adlarika. that war* nat known. Tbe abaep ONE SPOONFUL fluahe* tha ENTIRE herder's dogs were all sacrificed. Own bowel tract aa completely it relieves a n of dogs in tha valley should ba vary ANY CASE sour stomach, gas or coo- watchful and heap thair dogs tied un OU who are without Telephone Service; compare its Btipation and prevents appandieitia. til all danger has passed, for it la not daily coat to yon with many other things you buy Tha INSTANT, plaaaant action of Ad known haw many bava been bitten. each day. We believe yon will find that it will save yoi lerika aurpriaa* both doctors and pa A. R. McCARTY, P rop . money Try it. tient* Leaves atamach clean and First Class Meals---- Moderate Prices. strong. S. F. Foster, Dimgfiet. For Sale For Sale )REGON ilding Farmers Mill, Grain, Feed & Seed Co. 1 g build- ir plans re your l : Both Stores Handle Meal I iber Co. PH O N E NO. 8 eats arefully selected iluding (usages of va- I, etc., in fact, to-date shop. • House ie sanitary con- 1 meats are pre- rn s of perfect \o inspect our aiket I Chick Feed Recleaning Hatfield Bros, j & Attention, Dairymen *★ *★ 4 .NH) ********* ******** ****** *********** *********** THE RED SHIELD CREAMERY COMPANY, Inc. Nyssa Realty Co.j F TELL YOUR NEIGHBOR Simpson’s Transfer Drayage Auto Service Feed Yard NYSSA REALTY CO. PECKHAM CASE CO. STOP A MOMENT HOTEL W ESTER N SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COMMERCIAL TRADE Chicken Dinner Every Sunday Y Lost For Sale One 1| hors* Galoway en-l Tba front Hd of a Majestic ranga. ina, bought laat spring and run only a Loat between Jehn Ray’s and Jim Dun w days, starts on magneto; pumping can’s. Finder please return to Laa lack and belt. 5-gallon gasoline can Boyd and receive reward. Inquire Ja*. Dannie Nyssa, Or. j t t t f R Malheur Home Telephone Co