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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1919)
Cash Must Come! ATHLETE IS NOW VINDICATED TOY DOG HAS HIGH VALUE W ar Hat Provad Thai Sanatala lion la Sparla and Oamaa Waa Tima Wall Spani. V. • ruttala Qrlffan. Practically Unob tainable Ju ct New, Ic Likely ta ■scorna Popular Favorita. Mui'li waa «nlil bafura tha war Is Tha lim asela Griffon la popularly ilnltraclalliM of Ihn young man wbd knuwu a t “tha monkey faced toy dog,” iloTntoil lilmaair tu atlilrlloo, ramarka and ha It one of the brightest, sharpest III« l.nulavlll# O ourtrrJournal. Ills and gnmeat uf all toy breeds. The «•filly tlanlli wna |ini|ili<-*l*«l by lha Uriffou Is a erosa between lrlah ter on «y piling «lug u t a fallow who took rier. Yorkshire terrier and Yorkshire lila a io riU a « lili hla light altinw anil »panivi aud only tha fortunes uf war lil« rar mal Ion at har anil oararanaary. aud tha dldli-ultlaa of getting any di>g* \\ hanovar an alhlala died hla mu» out uf Belgium have prevented tha rular davalopuieul waa aal down as Ortffou from becoming a leader among lit« cnuaa of hl« iintlmaly ami. the toy hreeita that are so fashionable II h»« been iiitnl« plain by lha war I Just now. Ihol Ilia athletic youth la tha p re fe r Auterli-an breeder« of Griffons have aide youth to light lha enemy. It i a bit of advantage over Ihelr Kuro- B eie r wm » proved that ha waa lena pean confrere*. Inasmuch a« cropped aldo thiin otbara to tight llfe'a battles dogs are allowed to he shown In this In tho figurative «on«o of the phraae. country and there la no tjuoktloa that or that ha died aooner than the round* It does Improve the appearance of pntitu'hed, »oft iinnod, llahby-IrggviJ thla breed when the ear« are carried man. erect. In the army and In lha navy «tillar The smaller these dog« are tha lo »|*oil» and game« ara eiii-ouraged, more valuable. A Griffon weighing promo led. valued. Swimming, tennis, three or four pounds, that I« to aay. loving, rowing, football, ana regarded so small that he can he carried In a a« being worth more than the lima lady's muff. Is worth almost anything that la dev otad to them. Aviators tha fortunate poa»e«*or want« tu a«k who ara supple and wall art up. a t for him At the preeeut lima It Is well a« young aud courwgaou«, ara tha almost liupouilhl# to obtain such a j inu«t pnonUlng oandldafea It hat dog. boon found that the "light hand«" of the mini who ha* ridden to hound« arw What Cmptlnaaa May Da. a« valuable In manipulating an air* . | When a large »hell I« tired Into the plan.- „« they are In taking a spirited „ w, k„ ntorv or llk, ............. « J * un" “f " n,‘ o r * * fi ne.-, I'hvsiral training o f every sort N a g-o.1 « «»et for lha young man. nini how much more enally the candi date a ho Is forty or beyond has tilled himself lor military service If lie has kept up since college days the habit of exercise and out of door life. a— - L. SPIER’S GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE OF CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS AND SHOES NOW GOING ON! that of . Uv., rushing thmugh water. , lnluw)uiuly ,^ h ln J th, p ^ . u * „ „ ^ lKWky m|U# , mlnu„ , Urvuch the atmosphere there la a vacuum. The air family Is a quick mover at tilling such »i*aoe. but of course It Is more or leas confused aud tlastrwted by the uuevpected arrival and passage of the paojs'ctlle. and the vacuum la real for IN ABE MARTIN’S COUNTRY a fair portion of time. If there ta an nlrplan* going full tilt acr\v«s the wake I VV here VA ladani Center« and “tha of that tired shell Immediately l-chliul j ihe projectile, It must run Into the | World Do Mcva." but In Dacld. vacuum. Then It may be more seri adly Leisurely Manner. ously damaged than If It bad been VII thrown ivunly seemed to be walt- struck by the »hell. The air shuts to tng for ns when late we reached the gel her with a force that hurts all with "p v n lc crounds.“ Abe Martin type« in reach Such a clapping of the hands hung rcitnd the roadway to tlie grv've. of air tu a sim ilar vacuum wade by a Ginger imp, orange cuter. Ice cream holt o f lightning makes the thunder It cones wi-rv- disa|>|*ewrlng down wsrm ts better to hear It than to feel I t and ihlrsty Min-at*. All thrvwvgh the Airplanes have been brought down In giovc there were grateful voice« talk* the world w-ar by that nieab-v Those Uvg gently of the saving o f the corn long American navy guns did that to a crop by the ial«v v'oata and collar» German twx>seated plane, and It came were not » * numerous sa on f i f t h ave- crashing down Into the Yankee Jo e * • e. but V I hearts and friendly visit- The pitot » a s dead. v sud ,w h a n g s ,-f iwnhdencea were >«» ev dent «s anywhere In all tb* »«•i'-' \ , ts is of V I wer» llokirg up their war with this, and one elab orate’ * wh!*Lered farm er earnestly oourtdisl to me “ I b-ught fvwir year« to make gvsvl tin có la '» wvvrd. ami t kv.w gtk--»« w ka r*.-a»«tly .NVitribu- guess oar tsiys hwtay will stand by t*d to tka L i b r i ; HaaJ tad Thrift Wvsslrv'w “ Stam p fu n i « f G.mau-g C« ago was Hone« homely, shrewd and wise, Ptwabb-n l a n u a l Horbart Murini »f they talked Aha M arita's language: Bastan U n.oars ty. “It's aloe f llye In s ttttte »«.'»at TW ugk prwaiJart o f ana a t :ko o dost where vow don't hsve t' give son'ebmt- s i boat uaivora t oa in tbo U n ta d ly a dt«»e ta hohl jo a r overcoat “ Stato«, tka « a i« • Vpar*. .•« o f From “A kicker Is «early «tiers w rong” V ayntpaihlier Is a feller Mist's fee Sant Marfan aa a aCwAoat. praaoNor and you a« liwvg as l( «hm 1 .vat aaythlaut" ■•» ioga proaaS a rt. o - a b ow k in to ■ IVtttfca Is '■.¡»t ,«■♦ dcseal cygar ab faatk tka -«ad and tka atragwtK- pwauian ter amvtki 1 « waa P IN-well la tha of *ì.-oo ng. «bosk k a i M i'U a r .-vl'.ogo l Ivtwg Gfattrvfa. Wtfaln «M fawrwirod m hm o f it and wk-.-k va l ko only MotVadvat .M-loga is SABBATH DAY IN C1SPUTE a I tfaat grast » botwoon Groo* R irar Wvaming. and L i O r t - u * Ova Bea iv Ne De»« ta l*»o-»»«t . - * » < : • ia, VA ban It* , ' M * n - , i Has Ita w tfa L 'l ao--«nd »»moat«- «at .-poa F*r»t tnat-twt-en. g and wttk aa -rtaaaa af - * * r I f f w « a t ia arrailm aot r x w l'«.-omk '. ere s o dedali« laforwaatsm as to » '< • the obaervatvoe e f tbs trat VX» Aaaatvoca a f tkva kvrdL larga or it*.' of the week was ssbagitated by K. aro raoox-vak; apoto-- atad and the t'hriattans for that e f the sev mar « « ka holpod tW r «war ;ry m basa en lb day the aweteat Je w 's * S*Sb»lV of a t ¡ ara N a takvrg a d v a r t^ o «f It andiswbredly arane amoisg the tfa» « f g a r t a a t t to aaoaat t í a tk» earlier ¡.sodica«* of ibe i'k r -* (i* a i-g o o : ,v <»c» ¡a Moik.>lt»-r « r.-*t ckarvh. »»*1 • »» regarded «a ¡be *::y a* «ay oxtro ¡ •vaatmaot ao tka r m -X itay to be hetd sa ores'. Ne-awwe in the worsts a f ,me of the fa th e rs “It Is the •mt day ta « k \ h C«-v! changed dark* INoubvfarrva* Church rev*, and ;he wsaae day. »«»\ Jesws X'hrtsg. ,war SavKvr. roava from ha b a s to » F i ' a ó t postor 'bw d * The several reference« :■ the N a a -tia g at I H f a. m hew Tvwraaaeat te the lo rd '» Aay. sed to tha I t rag Aay eg the week.* "A aigarm g -o a r a m » "* Sur-tay cirfai al at K M » » m. K. IL w tii of evaraax be Ksree la mtwA \ a Moas mhh'.hMMd raaavms taken fren» D m : $ a s t. ( V w t x a gwidaaoar M h y • Soa the xVhJ Vesr»a»eat a e r e ».Gw reed by otberw e f the e s r i j Bathers la ty p yow«. ' Vfarm uar.ty m d tfao t » o n «f poet e f the .b w cy aaca e f thta Aay The Sari taw. edhae >«eaaaasgswi ea -aya-m o». -g « a d -*-o xv a W | >‘ " k K» »h tch the «abbatv«. .-» « e rr m ■ M.wav tka A .-d Toax . b a . «n «■ve e f SwmAay ta t v s r te have brea T and S tko t a » » - : . orda,wed i» » a vd*,-y e f v W gaasm a. oaaon's Alomomar» i o n a t i YVsra v I ' f i t . b i b A t a g ah week tag rvs>nww'« Vea»«« An ea the mlsaafy das at I fa' p a i t tfaa k»m- af Mra. Gooding College ». All Goods Must Go! *>eaerah»a 9taaAay * ta the TV m A o - S* F FoaOar faV ari. *X.Vaooe. shaa code it ta sajuteed that Nm $mt- •kay. ngktfhlty Araggaated >y e a r t » .m aera aa the l a n h Aay. a~ i * a L ,'i * « t «U-.S sad patate ba a a rau a ta “ cea«»* ___ _ ckM l at )* a. m. staca the aJath eaanar* A * J a y kaa h a a .M -g i l i t a S k k .w . km brea a t n aggkly - - - - ¡ f a i l rxeO- Wa Ffaatfafk- » » • « - « . ' ■ • *iv a k» , 'V t s m a o m t r ia a M a Aay t * » . k g a«r»’«re M * 3* a m. < e f rea» a ad t i k p u k i M w v e v i d eae raeaapr riva» hay .vvapatteaa «ff PVwvdr pvarely M i-ah r har« .ere ae.epg « a t * •t* Ufa as " e a e a» ,-iaaare. c. s. Farmers Ct>-Operative Creamery Company EVERY ARTICLE SUV'S at- Wilson Bros, or Nyssa Trading: Company BUY NOW! a : j Bays' S U ItS . OVERCOATS» FURNISHINGS and SHflES, and thousand« of dollars of every day needs at prices to defy sny ccmpetition or mail ercer koufe in ihe United Stales. The man or boy that misses this opportunity to buy wearing apparel will regret it many times in the future. The world war has sent everythin* ‘ sky-high” in price, and there is no telling: what unreasonable prices you will be compelled to pay in the near future for merchandise inferior in quality to the kind we »re sacrificing at this great Closing-Out Sale We are cutting price* still lower in our desperate and final effort to CLOSE Ol’T every Dollar's Worth of Merchandise before MARCH FIRST. If we had told you one year ago that you would be paying today such high prices for all kinds of merchandise, you would never have Believed it. It is a fact just the same and prices are stiil going higher. so by h !I means let this be a warning, figure out your present and future r.ex'ds. and take advantage of this last and only chance to save, for the great World’s war has sent prices up in leaps and bounds, merchandise is going to be scarce, hard to get. and of an inferior quality, so by all means take advan tage of this sale, buy for le*j than wholesale cost in almost every instance, anticipate your future needs, it will be the best investment you ever made* BARGAINS! Lwvys' All Wool Overcostr. worth over will be ck>sed out at BARGAINS! Men’s Tennis Shoes: worth |2. on sale to close out per pair 98c $3.95 Choice of one K m of genuine Fiber Suit Cases, to dose out at ________ $1.45 ___ Five hundred pairs of heavy Can vas Gloves will be closed out at less than wholesale cost, per pair 15c The best *2 Fult Boots will be closed out at Men g and Boys. Wool Jeraies, rorth to over *3. will be closed out at $9c $1.98 Choice of any John & Stetson Hat in the store, worth to over *5. for One lot of Men’s Dress Shoes, val ues to $5. choice to close out $3 69 $ 3 .9 5 ^ Misue* ^$.50 Mary Jane Slippers will be ckwe«3 out at per pair $1.98 Boy's best *1 Hats will be closed out at 69c -'w* lo» of Men s Heavy Work Sbouu- worth to over »-'.on sa * at $3.45 1 hie ot of Mon s Hats, good styles, i worth over $2 60; choice to close out $4.95 Genuine 'Head ight»‘* “Carhart" and Lem Stnusa ‘ Kb Overall» worth over f t S ' to rkwe out $6.45 Boys’ best $1 Union Sniis will be closed out at 79c ^ Summerweight Poriaknit onirts and Drawers, choice to close out I9c * ’ne lot of Men’s Overcoats, small sizes, values to $15, choice at $6.95 ti go7*!. .,cho° l Shoes, worth over $3 6 0 , choice to close out All Arrow Brand Collari, selling ' ery place for 2 ’c. choice to close out The famous Gordon Hats, newest styles, sold everywhere for »4 and *5, choice to close out at lO c _______ 89c Mens test quality Shirts, worth $1.25. for $2.89 $2.85 Men's »125 Drees Shirt* will be cl seed out at Hlue Work One lot of Men’s Ribbed Shirta and 1 rawer*, worth *1, on sale to close out 90c M* « >- » M u*, l'anta u per pair $1.95 nhSK « $1.95 O U R N f C k t !^ACTAKP Men’s Heavy All-Wool Sweaters, worth over *8.00 wholesale today, on sale at Men's best quality »25 Wool Suita vili be closed out at One lot of lint's Negligee Shirts, small si'**, values to 12.60. choics at Owe lot of Men s Dm i, worth to ever J7. chotee at B o ,'• C w worlh “ '• 19c ÓS l Y s !Ì l k ° COME!1-0'* ° f M' rrk,ndi« ‘ '• f o «t lo«, (k u .hot,nato cwL La SPIER'S STORE, Nyssa, Or. NOTICE w m es b T«Ì Owe*, tfa* S» SK» and «« that M m ^ m af tfad N* SKg and . » m of Ih. 9W| IS tak,. N t N W j . f g , , that m«.U *f lk* N a ^ „ iv,lc4 ,k . * iSW ’ BY « m y »-«a mm »Md at I ». ' * K. A U U * ,M N|NK| a f g^. ►S.TÎ'nL“* „ ml M M i a f tk * N j M M H w r a f tb * S K i * f S * r h h m u a a w t b . V . . U . tv,, :* * NS * * ^ “ * > ' * * * í ^ » .wd » • S « mrné tfa* ¡H.VWI mt *** ^ M d tfa* * ; >*,- r « * » h « fU a l| rf W* r . -------fc **■* • m Z «' •"* Mwtik af Nacad« |>,¿? “ l « I that «»Mia«, tf u N **• •"< 'N* NWts» . •"< •» , T . « ia *» « W th * SaU aw iiif '****. ala* ,k. Tw* ) 1 & . L d t , • u .T "**»>. af s., Mg •* ami *f ik* ^ ® L S L W . I virai ^uiiratiua Februiiry zi! U»l9. • ing on Turwffjty, Ja m ary 2K l.aat NO RESERVE! REM EM BER! THIS IS YOUR LAST AND ONLY CHANCE to buy CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS and SHOES at WHOLESALE COST ana less. There is r.o half way doing: things here. We are selling M en’s or payktr Hauler here all dav Saturday SACRIFICED! •'•d from tka „ . •u i,.“ * ? 'fc* J J " J* 9 * * * ^ ••<!»- I Hairt*t Irrigaltan » I ' k U a g g a ^ ^ ____ All para*aa intaraatad in. or <rk* ma' ''• • »sated fay such rkangaa o f tha '« • '"ia n a a a r tfa* D iatriel. ara harafaj '¡^•'11*4 ta appaar at tfaa a A ra o f MÓ ■••rd. at N r**a 0 ragen «t ita rage «aaltng ta ba S*M * « T u sad .* “ •'<■• L taifa at S a 'rla rk . p . m . art •fa«» - au** m writing, i f any tfaayhavr. ’fa» tfaa land daaenbad in aud politic •««■'•dad f r a * aaid Dh •Mat and Ik * hawindan^ a f tfa* iDatri t •••'*ad «Praadlnglp >•< rauei Owyfadd Irrigst P. a m « j» 4 t