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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1919)
- J me! T he G ate C ity J ournal , VOL. XVII NO. 25 NYSSA, MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. FEB. 28. 1919 PROSPECTS BRIGHT FOR THE OWYHEE PROJECT > ►j**.»**«»' i -o - IRyssa and IPicinity j A Brief Resume of the Daily Events in a Live Town— What Your Neighbors Are Doing. j f $1.60 PER YEAR OW YHEE k PER COPY A R C A D IA (BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT) BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT Judge Will R. King, chief ¡ficers of the District. Reports counsel of the Reclamation Ser- indicate that he is right on vice was the principal speaker the job and, in the language of Will Tittle was ,n Nyssa T ueaday^ “ Teddie” Hon was in Ontario Satur- at the meeting of the board of the poet, doing his darnedest, Jay Tietsort was an Ontario visitor'day. Wednesday. j Charley Crawford was an Ontario directors of the Owyhee Irriga Let’s all do the same. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Dunn visited ' visitor last Saturday. tion District, which was held in Miss Alta Ti.tsort was visiting the office of J. Boydell, secretary Mrs. T. P. Graham Recovering Ontario Wednesday. Clarence McConnel was in Nyssa friends in Nyssa last week of the board, last Saturday after Th« following information concern from Owyhee Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hixon visited noon. Ontario had a good repre ing former Nyssaite* is taken from the Mr*. I. Lax of the Lax Pharmacy relatives at Weiser Sunday. Weiser Signal: sentation present and a goodly "Rev. Thomas Philip Graham has visited in Boise Tueaday. Al Ervington was an Ontario visitor received word from Mrs. Graham who number cf Nyssa business men has Miss Blanche Landrith spent the the latter part of last week. been very ill at Walla Walla, o al and land owners were there but more encouraging nature than any that week end with friends in Payette. Hon. W. H. Brooke, of Ontario was haa came from her and he is corre P. M. Binkley is building a house for , in Nyssa on business Saturday. the attendance was not what it spondingly hoppy. He also ia rejoicihg should have been considering the that his son is on the way home from Mr. Perrin of the Arcadia neighbor Mrs. Arthur Cook and children, were France, on the George Washington, hood Ontario visitors, Saturday of last week. vital importance of the reclama with the other Idaho boys and ho ex tion of the Owyhee lands. As pects to see hlm intweor three week».” Mis# Mary Schneiter, of Idaho Falla, Misses Rubv and Paarl Morehsad re- is visiting friends and relatives in : turned to thoir school in Boise Sunday a well known business man ex Nyssa. evening. Stereopticon Lecture. pressed it. "I am afraid Judge Mrs. Archie Francis, of Boise is vis Miss Frances Ingle, of Nampa spent There will be a aterepticon lecture in King will tnink that we in Nyssa the Presbyterian church. Sunday even iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. the week end in Nyssa as the guest of are not very deeply interested in ing, March 2. at 7 30. The subject of T. Francis of this place. Mrs. Robt. Clark. the lecture is “ Korea, or the Chosen.” irrigation.” W. Smith and wife, of Succor Creek, Mrs. O. B. Mathews of Nampa is The pictures are very interesting and Judge King’s talk was most instructive. An otTerlng will be taken were in Nyssa Monday. They have spending the week end with her sis for missions. Everybody invited to bought the Frank Newbill place on the ter, Mrs. D. W. Gibson. encouraging and was just what come. Owyhee, of which they will soon take Barney Wilson is expected to reach was needed to stimulate the Owy charge. Nyssa from an eastern training camp hee Project boosters to greater Real Estate Transfer. Ralph Jsmes returned to Nysaa from next Monday er Tuesday. exertions. He said he was con Lovina P. Burbidge, Adm to P. and Camp Kearney, Cal., Wednesday morn- John Vogt, the gonial representative NaVa‘ oV’lW ^ 'w " J in fident appropriation bills having Dick Tensen, 5.71 acres in Sec. 31, Tp. iug. where he was discharged from ' the service. * for their object the reclamation 19 S., R. 47; $1500. j the city yesterday in the intereat of Rev. W. F. Shields of the Pzesby- ' his paper. of arid, swamp and logged off te n a n church spent seversl days this Mrg C. c Forbes Forbe# , nd daughter. Beu- Mrs lands would pass congress and week m Portland in the intereat «f ,ah< of Meridimn. sp en t th« week end in that as the Owyhes Project is church work. I Nyaga with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mc favorably known at Washington The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Carty. it stood a good chance of getting church will serve a chicken pi« dinner: K|more McLe|;an went to Nampa on the evening ef March 20 in the par ! Sunday to meet his brother, Dr. Me recognition, but he emphasized February 17 to 24. j Lellan, who has just returned from the necessity for hard work on Owing to the bad state ef the reads sonsge oasement. Dr. G. L« McLellan, brother of E l-1 duty overicas it has been decided to continue said the part of local promoters, as arive for the abovs cause ending more McLellan, has returned from! Mr and Mrs. Dick Tetsan. who there are hundreds of other pro March 4, 1919, thereby enabling those overseas, where he haa been in charge ; moved to Nygsa laat fall to enjoy a few who have not been approached to con ovorr jects clamoring for funds and tribute of a hospital district as they may see fit. months of city life, returned to the unless we. too, are alive to our The writer wishes to explain why a W. A. Norvell of Spokane, brother! ranch yesterday to remain diring the complete statement cannot be submit- of Mrs Leila Thompson. J ---- —J *— interests the funds will go to mitted in this week’s issue of the Jeur- departed for summer, week's s viait visit nal. First; Returns up to this dato are his home Sunday, after a week According to a letter received from other projects. Mrs. Ora Clark also was a guest at Mr. and Mrs, George Smith and Chas. Bradley made a business trip to the Roberts’ home. Nyssa Mi aday. Miss Ruth Barret spent Sunday with Mr. Onis Ramsey of Caldwell «pent Mrs. E. B. Butler Sr. several days visiting at the home of Misa Ruth Roberts spent Sunday hi# nephew, W. W. Smith, returning afternoon with Lillian Dail. home Monday. R. B. Thompson snd wife spent the Oce Schweizer is home again after day Thurcday at J. T. Long’s. six or eight months in France as a I t’s s big boy at Charlie Gossett's, soldier, and friends are glad to see him born Feb. 16. Mother and babe doing fine. safe home again. W. H. Pennington and wife. Jim Mrs. Ben Logan, president P. T. A., Fleming and wife, went to Ontario has received word from Mr*. B. F. Thursday. Farmer that Owyhee's quota in the Jim Butler and family are visiting impending Y. W. C. A. drive is the for a few days at his brother’s, B. B. munificent sum of three dollare. Well, Butler Sr. we’ll try to raise it, but it looks pretty Little Miss Evelyn Lackey spent last stupendous!?) week with her grand parents, Mr. and The school children are joyfully an Mrs. J. T. Long. Prof. Thornburg and wife of Entiai. ticipating the arrival of the new Wer ner’# piano, which is scheduled to be Wash., spent the week end with his sister Mrs. Will J. Roberts. placed in the school house in the near Lackey and wife era stay future. The organ which haa done ing Chester a few days with the former’s service there for many years will be mother, who waa operated on last week turned in to help pay for the piano. for cancer of the breast. Chas. Martensen, a member of the Frank Monahan had tha great toe en quartermaster’s depsrtment at Camp his left foot broke bv a horse stepping on it and went to Nyssa Monday to Lewis, ia home on a 30-day furlough have it set by Dr. Saraxin. and is preparing to start four fresnos Mike Joyce, better knawn aa "black on his ranch at the Butte this week mike,” bonght twelve tons of hay from and get it leveled up in a hurry. He C. W. Barrett last week at $12 per ton. will return to camp Lewis about the Mike has gone to Boise on business this week. middle of the month. The committee in charge of the Ar menian Relief drive here “did them selves proud” in their efforts, having collected the sum of $102.00 as Owy hee’s contribution. Those on the com mittee were Mesdames Chas. Bradley BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT and 3. D, Bigelow and Messrs. W. W Smith and F. Klingback. E. H. Brumhach went to Vale Friday Much interest is being manifested in for treatment at Vais Sanitarium. the evangelistic servioes being con Messrs, Lyman. Schulz, Walker and ducted here each evening by Messrs. Stradley were Vale visitors the past Williams and Wilson of Nampa. Dr. weak. E. L. Tate went to Nampa on busi Mangum of the Northwest Nazarene College of Nampa delivered an in'er. ness Wednesday, purchasing a bean esti'ig address to a goodly audience sprayer while there. A. Cornell ia building a large tool not complete, some districts not as yet at the Thompson home. - Tom Wil«on he has arrived safely from Monday evening, returning to Nampa shed on hit ranch, ha also plan* build n e e m p n a siz e a m e ira p o u a n c o beard from. would be Mrs M. Durkheimer of Prairie and aeerseas and expected to be sent to the same evening. A number of con ing new potchaa on his house. of keeping the Owyhee Project* f « more satisfactory, both to the Mrs. Andrew Robinson and little son ' p 0rt Stevens, near Astoria, via Cali- versions have been reported. Let the , , . chairman and to all concerned, if each The committee thet canvassed the good work go on! before our representatives in district or solicitor would furnish me of Ontario were guests of Mrs. C. E. fornia. Bend in regard to High School or church congress and suggested sending with a list of individual subicrilyrs, Trueblood Monday evening. found the majority in favor of school. | George g Dear> r#presenting the • ^ . . . with the amount of subscription. This N. S. Phelan went to Caldwell Tuea a delegation to Washington at I will request all solicitors to turn in Harry Sharp of the well known firm Western Union Life Insurance com- day, where he closed a deal with Ed Pleasant Party at Sloan, purchaaing his ranch on Roswell the , proper time to impress on , the enable on r’r before March 11 1 of Sharp & Christensen, painters, cab ' pany, of which Britt Nedry is local r . t the ¡writer to publish in next inet masers and dealers in second hand ' agent, is sojourning with us tem- bench. Reclamation Service the advan- . week*« issue a detailed and complete goods, the Nedry Home Lowell Ashcraft waa tha victim of a made a business trip to Nampa porarily. tages of the Project and to make "^submit*Jd.n<C«E 'Z e V d T p 'to Saturday and Sunday very pleasant surprise party, Friday Mrs. E. B. Nedry and Mrs. J. J. evening, Archie Sinclair, an old-time chum of planned and surceaafuly car it known that the people really 1 this date: Born,to Mr. and Mrs. C D. Simpson- the Journal, was in town Monday from Sarazin entertained a number of their ried eut by a number of hit school at a Washington birthday party, want the lands reclaimed I f ; ou Sundny, February 23, 1919, a bounc th* Owyhee, where he is developing aj friends given at the home ef Mrs. Nedry last mates. this is done, he believed the de- Arcadia d istric t.......................... 59.60 ing baby boy. Charley is congratu ranch that promises great future re Friday evening. The rooms were Paulina Hatch, tha three year old district............................ 38.10 lating himself that he will soon hove suits. Let the good work go on. prettily decarated with fisgs. Enter daughter of Mr. and Mrs Harvey Hatch sired results would be obtained Kolony M. E. Sunday school. Nyssa---- 4.00 another driver for his drsy line. taining games were played and much caught her hand in the power wringer A movement is under way in Ontario At the close of his address he amusement was afforded by pinning laat Tuesday, drawing it up to tha al- Miss Stella Schoonover, former night having for its object the formation of cherries on a tree, prebably a direct haw. Fortunately no bone* were was tendered a vote of thanks Previously remitted by th« Kol- $415.05 operator at the O. S. L. Dep«t. is vis a Malheur county development league descendant *f the original tree that broken but tha injury waa vary painful. by the meeting. ony district..................... ..........$ 39.50 iting friends in Nyssa from Melba, Ida. to promote the interests of the Mal the Father of his Country chopped down The samo day. Mre. D. L. Miller bad remitted by the M when he was a youth F. D. Hall «'on her finger caught in the cogs of her Juige King’s address was most Previously E. Sunday school..................... 10.50 Mira Schoonover is enroute to Madbury, heur and Snake valleys. Count Nyssa in. the first prize and the consolation prize power washer, that is now healing Ida., where she has« position as oper timely and the information it L. C. Pounds and Glenn Pounds will went to Miss Landrith. Refreshments nicely. $ 60.00 ator. served. Those present were: go to their newly purchased ranch in were contained will be of vast benefit Making a total of................... $465.05 Mr. and Mrs. Delno Gibson. Mr snd Th« Journal regrets that it cannot the Wilder neighborhood tomorrow to Mrs. Bruce Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. K To go ov«r th« top (as we usually Furnishes Bond* to the local promoters. do) it requires $134.96, whieh ws trust report any change for the better in build a house and make other needed D, Hall, Mr. ard Mrs. F. J. Young, Mrs. E. R. Schutter arrested for al At the dosé of Judge King’s will be ac omplished by the 4th. In the the condition of John Ward, who has improvements. The family will move Mr and Mrs Dick Tsnssn, Mr. and leged sale of wood alchohol, in con Mrs. Arthur Boydell. Mr. and Mrs. J. of the State of Oregon, and been seriously ill forruany weeks. Mr. there about the first of March. address Judge E. H. Test read a name nection with the Riverside ceee of a Malheur County particularly, the un J . Ssraxin, Mr. Hnd Mrs. E. B Nedry, few days when four men died from letter from Congressman Sinnott, dersigned begs to thank all those who Ward is one of the ertrly settlers of the T. W. Claggett has resigned as Misses Bassett, Landrith, and Boydei). drinking age the denatured product, he.* Nyssa country, and a wide circle of agent of the Eastern Oregon Land com so liberally assisted, and special thanks in whice he sp o k e most encour to those who devoted their time as so friends are deeply concerned by his given bonds, to appear for preliminary pany and was succeeded by Ivan E. hearing before Judge E. H. Teat on LOST agingly of the prospects for the licitors. prolonged illness. March 4,—Vale Enterprise. Oakes, formerly of Jamieson. Mr. J. BOYDELL, Lost—Tuesday, between Sam Wat- Owyhee Project- In the letter Local Chairman, Peter Cbristemjen a prominent rancher Claggett. who is president #f the Owy ron’s and Rimey’s, a Ford chain. “ Our Nick” also stated that P.J. Dated this 27th day of February, 1919 of the Adrain neighbo.hood, was a hee Irrigation District and own* con Finder please notify Gertie Ray. Some County Rond. business visitor to Nyssa Saturday and siderable land in this vicinity, will de Phillips, a Nyssa war worker now Tha boulevard is past fording and tha incidentally stayed over night to jolly veto his attention to his private in EJ Rich teturned yesterday evening mail ia only making half the rsute this in Washington, had juat talked with the ooys and take in the program terests. from Boise, whe.e he had been since week, says tha Aieadia Correspondent The Smasher Smashed to him over the phone and made taking in everything of in at the Cczy theatre. Mr. Chriatensen T. L. Perrin and family are 'moving Saturday, of the Enterprise. te rist except the Salvation Army. an appointment to talk Owyhee Glsn Hansen, “ btggsge smasher” st has a magnificent quarter section under today to thsir island ranch bear Ar the O. S. L, dedot, got in a mix up Project matters over with him. Tueaday with a truck Toad of baggage the Owyhee Project whieh he say s he cadia. Mf. Perrin reigns ever an Mr. Phillips is a former president and came out second best. In some wouldn’t Mil for $10,000. island domain about 60 acres in ex manner the truck load of tent, and isn’t sure whether he lives of the Owyhee District, and be mysterious J. A. Felton is visiting in Nyssa ana' baggage alighted on tep of him and id Oregon or Idaho, but he is sure that vicinity faom Hansen, Idaho, where h« ing located in Washington for flattened him as thin as a railroad sand wich, but he emerged from under the has been living for the past two years. the island is built up of soil of mar- some time he is in a position to load without any broken bones and was Mr FaKon has so'd hi* farm near Han | velous richcss snd he is hastening there be of great aid to the present of- soon on the job again. sen and ia looking around for a new lo to put in a crop of barley. cation. He may conlude to wait for the J. T. Hooker of Cody. Wye., write* construction of the High Lin« and ie to tne Journal this week for sample cure some of the fertil« lands that wi. 1 copies of th# paper. He says: ” 1 sm be watered by that irrigation system. somewhat interested in your part ef the state. I have sold out here and Ontario was well represented at the xpect to investigate Oregon in tbs irrigation meeting in Nysaa Saturday. m ar future.” It is to be hoped that Among th« prominent visitor* from Mr . Hooker comes this way. We be- Capacity —- Ability»— Willingness th« metropolis were noticed J. R. K«v t h* will lik* Nyssa. Everybody Blackaby, W. F. Homan, E. II Greig, else, toes, Ma.*i*n Dunn yesterday received and others. All to«k a lively interest HE »urn total of these element* means “ SERVICE’ Must be in the hands of the Internal Revenue werd I’rom hie son. Sergeant Chester in tk« meeting end gave evidence of a Dunn, thet the latter was once again —and nowhere ia service whieh fits tha need of Collector not later than March 15. desire to further the development of in “ the land ef the free the customer better expreeeed than here at the Mal the unrivaled Owyhee project in every the home of the breve. ” having heur County Bank. Thia institution is the outgrowth If you are a single man and received an income lust arrived after long service over wav possible. of local needs and it ia succeeding through local of $1,000.00, or a married man and received seas where he was in the thick of DEEDS. Rev. C. E. Truebloed was in Boi se thing* snd helped to make a fugitive $2,000.00 during the year of 1918, you must file of Bill Hehenzelleren. He is now st Monday and Tueaday attending the We're interested in your ranch and in your buaineea. Cemp Merritt, but hopes to be home a report. Missionary Centenary Conference at ward bound within a few day. Chet A f,et us help you with the one or both. that piece. A large number of the will lock good to Nyssa. Call for proper report forms free of charge at pastors of the Idaho conference w ete Nvsaa awoke with a shiver this in attedanee. Dr. Mecklenburg of morning and looked out to discover Helena, Mont. Dr. W E. Dougherty four inches of snow »here lest night ground wes bare It hed all fallen of New York, Dr. Clifford of North- the between 1 a. m and getting up time cott, chaplain U. S army, ar.d other and by noon the ground was again lesder* in the church, veer-; present here, the only aign of the recent pre and gave inspiring addressee A eub cipitatien being on the high hill* Juat what the stockmen end farmers would n y ssa o b so o n district training conference for church have ordered, as it soeked the ground werker* for a group of *.<rwaa, tnelwd up nicely and will give the grass grase and ing Nyssa. will be ooM at Fayette spring crop« a big start, You (c an't A. G. KINGMAN. Pres. FRANK D. HALL, Cashier. heat the Nyssa climate. March 3 and 4. I íO W ! GS and g Men’s prices to ty to buy >rice. and iferior in erate and year ago . It is a >sent and ces up in ie ad van* ill b« the KE ARMENIAN AND SYRIAN RELIEF S! IJig Bend I Iweaters. oday. on will be •orisknit close out ts. small th over newest l and rill be irta and lose out rth 50c, le coat. Your Income Tax Report T ay of th« », ara hereby •0U-« of »*'d . at itt regu- Lack. p. m. ard any they have. m mtd p e t i t » ' > m taxi Pi af the iDftn.'t jILIItettrllottntg THE BANK OF NYSSA 3 i a u k Q