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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1919)
r c x a l l r e m i c i i n K a s t m a n PHONE 2 kodaks T H E O N TA R IO PHARMACY THE REX ALL STORE All Mail Orders Promptly Filled- SODAS, QANDIE8 NYAL’S QUALITY GOODS Prescriptions Filled as your doctor w rites it Service Courtesy # • t h e l a x p h a r m a c y “Y O U W IL L DO BETTER H E R E T*M WE CARRY EVERYTHING A DRUGGIST SHOULD CARRY N Y S8A 1 0 U R N A I on the Showing: made by Nyssa Livestock Exposition Building. J U U I U I A L mfn announced hi9 intention of Portland. Feb. 12—Leading livestock Good strong pump jack, nearly new. recommending that an appro* men from Oregon. Idabe, Waabington See A. D. Morey. Published »very Friday at Nyaaa. O re priation be made for the Owyhee and Montana. representing many mi!* gon, by liens of dollara worth of pure bred and prajact. This was a most satis range stock, w ere in conference here B utter wrappers printed at the Jour H. F. BROWN factory accomplishment on the and adopted definite plans for half a nal office. E nterait is eerunu-cuise w a ite r April part of the Nyssa boosters, par million dallar exposition building. A »• 1S10. at th e postoffii-e a t Nyaaa. ticularly aa the reclamation eerv* a jitab le home is w anted for tha annual *5.50. J. B. Stetson H ats at *3.59. i» ogan, 'indar the A rto f March S, 1479. Show and salaa of tha Pacific In tar L Lpier. ice had previously refused any national Livestock Exposition. A recognition of new projects. The a tru ctu re covering approxim ately tan SU BSC R IPTIO N R A T E S : One year, in advance .................... $1 60 war brought a halt to any imme e c re i of ground, with all thoroughly NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE 8-x month» in advance ................... 76« IN FORECLOSURE. diate efforts for reclamation of modern facilities for the ahowman and By virtue of sn Execution in Fore the Owyhee lands, but the peo ■peetator, is planned. The building will be erected thia sum m er and a big closure duly issued by the Clerk of the THE OWYHEE PRO JECT. ple of Nyssa have «ever had any Show held thia fall N ovem ber 16 22. Circuit Court of the S tate of Oregon, Malheur County, dated January 16, Our good friend the Vale En* intention of quitting until water Those interested in the livestock indue for 1919. in a certain action in the said terprise says it would like to see finally covers the project. Now try will head tha aubacription lists. Cfrcui' Court for said S tate and County, wherein The Union Central Life lnsur the Nyssa business man and the that fintano and Vale have ijot The annual exibitioe, now in its ninth ance Company, aa plaintiff, recovered y ear, will draw atten d an ce from aa far in the collar and are “rarin’ to Nyssa newspnper take a little Judgment against M argaret B. Kline E aat a t the Mississippi R iver and ex feltcr, Jesse K linefelter, J. E. Ingall more interest in the Owyhee go. good team work will carry »bit» ef livestock of all kinds from the and Fruit G rower’s Bank of Payette Reclamation project. I t gives the load over the top. Their e n tire Pacifle Slope. Idaho, defendants for the sum of Sev enteen Hundred Seventy-three and 48 great credit to Ontario and Vale assistance is thrice welcome 100 DoMars (11773 48), with interest for their recent, though belated. Let's all pull together and make thereon from said 16th day of Januar- Yes. Washington Knows. 1919, at the rate of 10 per cent per an interest, and evidently th in k s a noise like a reclamation project. O ntario geta the honor e f sta rtin g the num until paid. that we over here are not alive THEREFORE NOTICE IS HERE m ovem ent to fu rth e r the conatructien BY GIVEN th at I will .,n ths 25th day to the situation. That this is far We are strong for Secretary of the Owvhee project. Vale has ef February at the hourof ll:1 5 o ’clock from the facta is evidenced by Lane's free farms for soldiers, proven her in terest by co-operating in in the forenoon of said day a t the main the statement in the Enterprise but how about wives for the sol evsry way passible N yssa will be entrance door of the Malheur County Court House, a t Vale. Oregon, sell at that "Washington knows the dier-farmers? Too many wotoen much more benefited than auy ether public auction te the highest bidder or tow n. We would like to see the new s bidders for cash, the following de merits of this project and all will not stav on the farms, and paper and business men of N ysst s scribed real proparty, te-wit; that is needed i9 a little per aien will follow the women. The south half ef the southwest little more enthusiastic about the p rep ,- suasion and insistence to have si tin t. W ashington knows the m erits o u e rte r of Section thirty-tw o in Town- snip sixteen, south of Range forty-six these merits recognised." That If you want to see Nyasr be- of thia pt eject and all th a t is needed is E est of W illamette Meridian; and Lots a little persuasion and insistance to three and four and the south half the project has reached that de cone a second Twin Falls, boost of the northw est qaarter and the have these m erits recognised. We ur- sirable stage is due solely to the ' ¿~r Owyhee Irrigation pro- d rstand th a t th e reclam ation depart southw est quarter of the north east quarter of Section five in efforts of the people of N yssa.' jact. • m eet as well as our Oregon re p re se n ta Township seventeen. South of Rang- the land owners of the project tives favor the project; but it takes a ferty six, E a a te f W illam ette Meridian, containing 322.01 acres, together with and the officers of the district Holland has about recovered p e rsistan t effort on the part of som eore all and singular the tenem ents, heredit That certaiely does not denote from the fiu but is still suffer to hack up these officials or else soiro am ents and appurtenances thereunto o th er section w ith more " p e p ” and less belongm gor in any wise appertaining, a lack of interest on the part of ing from the Hohenaollerns. m erits will earn th e favors. — Malheur and all and singular the ri-fht. title and Nyssa. intereet of the eaiu mortgagors at law E nterprise. er in equity therein or thereto, includ That the project is not still America is willing to feed and ing dower or c'aim of dower: and to further advanced is due largely clothe the world but hopes that it g ather with all and singular the ini WorldC'hampion as Pancake provemente. privileges and appurten to a lack of team woik on the will sieep at home. ance» thereunto belonging and all rights part of the three leading towns Frier • » • “ PMon: together with of the county. Nyssa. in the Ensign Fred Anderson, of the Salva all dltehee and w ater right» of every evidenced, uaed on the tion Army in France, claims the w orld's said land j>°**ver !e«d. has been pulling the load or belonging to the same or Seed Corn clsm p io n th ip as a pancake frier, with said m ortgager, er whiehjmay hereafter alone for more than a do^en W« have high grade seed eosn—Iowa record of $.000 hot cakes in seven be acquiree er used open said land years and has made sufficient Silver Mine w hite corn and Yellow uent a teun Taken and levied upon as the ie prop hours. T h a t's w hat he claims. •rty of the ai d above named defend < progress to have the project com . fa r eel*. These w ishing teed Now comes C larence D. Brooks, Jesse recognised in Washington a a the should send th eir order a* soon aa P«e- mess serg ean t in th e air service e f the K linefelter, J. E Ingaile and Fruit most desirable in 0rwgon. In - ■**•> not leti-r then the first of March. A. E F.. in a le tte r to his friend, Pri- grow er's Bank of Payette. Idaho, or as be necesearv to fact just before the United States “ w' wi" ,h p ‘ f,*r 0ut v ste Jam es B ritton, e convalescent at much thereof ju as J fo may te u t in favor efThe , . - . date to aa ear Urn «eed Mcmae. OREGON f t A T F C IT Y UAIC C U I e n te re d tht* w ir , v>wrct&ry Lane* NYSSA r HATFIELD BROS, FLO UR M ILL Sails Flour and Feed Chopping and Grinding Grain bought and sold If you are in need leave your orders you money. I can save M. w a r r e n ;, p r o p . W alter Reed H ospital, casting dawn his g au n tlet w ith a reeoeading wallop H is le tte r, which appears in the cur ren t leswe e f the Cowse Back, the W el ter Reed H ospital weekly new spaper is in p a rt as follows "1 ana. or ra th e r w as. a mesa se r geant in a non-cem betant unit While in thia line o f duty, I wee placed in charge e f one of the largest camps In France. I d are not tell the name of th e place, for it would cause every sol aicr in the A. E. F to ge A. W. O. L to so# this w eederful kitchen. I w ent tail you the num ber of men we fed there, for I d o n 't w ant to give the im pression th a t I am trying to kid seme l men (. entrai Life Inturance Comp anv. and a g a ia stth e taut ab, v* named defendants with interest thereon, to g ather with il lr o e tt anddiebureements th a t have er may accrue. 1919*te^ ' *l#' p. , ..® V T- 1 _ J» n«arv 18, SELLS Plan your spring build ing now. See our plans and let us figure your estimates. NYSSA, OREGON *X>O<>0OOOCOOO< X>0O0OOOOOO0<9> Choice Meats We keep constantly on hand a carefully selected stock of cLoice meats, including Beef, Pork’ Mutton, Veal, Sausages o f va rious kmds Hams, Lard, Veal, etc., in fact, e\erything found in an up-to-date shop. Sanitary Slaughter House W e are especially careful abo«t the sanitary dltion Of our slaughter hnn>. An-] -II y pared forT he^hfew ' 'all m eT tsY e ^ I »red for the block under conditions of perfect cleanliness. Patron, are invited to inspect our slaughter house at any time. Nyssa Meat Market C. W. de BOER. Prop. JUST ARRIV Fifi M,-Elroy, deputy. New Carload of Autos L*at publication February 21.' 1919 tht famous Fifty D ollars Reward BRISCOE & LIBERTY motor cars I will pay *60 rew ard for informe tine leading to the conviction of the party who stole e 50-gellon tank ol gasoline from Kingman station __ ___________ Wm. P suij nB* °P*n fory*ur inspection at ce ™ al garage UATr * BEEF Everything kept sweet am i clean PHONE NO. 8 H- U * Noe. Sheriff Nyssa Barber Shop : Gem State Lumber Co. rir»t publication January 24 , I9iy "T h e hitchen was 926 feet wide and l.SSS fe e t lee«, it toeh eigeteen firemen For Sale. »♦♦♦♦eeeaae ............... « « « « ■ » ♦+ te keep it hot: we bed 519 eooke and 1 » K. P .’e. We maehed potatoes with . l i T * " 1'" * *"<l twe raws a pile d river end around coffee with a Fred Keet pman. » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ •♦ •» » ..M l 300 H. P. L iberty m eter They bailed ,51S* ........................................... I c a t d irty pens on railroad care end the W an te d -W o m an or girl f „ „ „ „ . , 1 K P .'s w ent ea toiler sk atev ' As 1 wee mass eerg v art 1 rede up housework by the hour, dev or we. k ard down th e hitebee on e motorcycle, r a w r Weahcr. Mrs W. W. Foster shouting orders through e megaphone "N ew fa r the flapjack*. We mixed | h a tte r w ith tw elve eerie re t a m ixers Fir»t c as4 ba»f at moderate prie««. B n f emu bo had «very h e« a Heard shew»! moving egg she is aw*y frees the deer and six K. P .'s d»y in Ihe w*«k from 4 a m, to 19 P- m . a t « y p ia r« « f with nnde strapped ee their feet s k a t business. ing ever the c n id ts te keep it gw ease When I tefl you th a t en throe -r«»sn« I wee forced te fry hU the cakes mp- self yea wtil agree w ith m e ie th in k - lag I would have sam e show hi • eo r. tre t w ith Mr. Andersen . "1 am wilting te M e ee the elhed forces se d e r any ti they wish te name, bbssdfe Sharia*. Hair Cattine cuffed, one eye t-iaoed. 'em with e Hot unì Cold Hatha t«ek wwd eey old way they cere te de H O U SH Spring B uilding S A C K E T T . ¡»rop. ome and Look Them Over |H 4 S 4 e t , t t > t< d y e * ° AP k v s s - c o « - ' " w r i t e g WRU * WITH W ATERM AN MOUNTAIN PENS H r I K T I J H K Ö W ,TH KASTMAN kodaks FOSTER’S DRUGSTORE