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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1953)
Study Club Entertained Thursday Evening Mrs. Bill Horn was hostess to the members of Study Club on Thursday evening, February 5. Mrs. Ben Brickel reviewed the’ bcx k, ‘Down River,*’ by Richard Anderson. The next meeting of the group will b? held Thursday evening, February 19, at the home of Mrs. Em l Messing with Mrs. Mona Gordon in charge of the program. Social Proceeds To Help Funds Two Initiated Into Chapter Wednesday ■ Many Fishermen George Remnant and Thomas i Try Creek Luck F. Tomlin were initiated into NATAL — A pie social and Nehalem Chapter No. 153, O.E.S., ROCK CREEK — Plenty of party will be sponsored at the I Wednesday evening. Mrs. Rose ! fishermen are trying their luck Natal hall Saturday, February 14. ■ Brooks of Whiting Chapter, along Rock creek. Some quite ' The proceeds will go to the March nice fish are being caught and of ' Whiting, Iowa, was a guest. of Dimes funds and other chara- course some big ones are escap j The ways and means commit- ing. ties. I > tee combined fun and a white Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews Herb Counts was quite ill for were Monday visitors in Cor 1 elephant sale in the social hall, a few days last week. I nelius. I after which a delicious hot dog i Beverly Brady Cline wrote ! Sunday callers at the Noble I supper was served by the eats from Orly Field, near Paris, Dunlap home were Mr. and Mrs. committee. I France that she had talked to Bill Carmichael and children and A/2c Elmer Brown there and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hawken. it seemed good to see someone Ed Roediger was also a caller. from home. Max Oblack spent a couple of Chas. Brown, working for Ross days in Estacada on a hunting Dam Construction Co., Washing trip. ton visited his son, Roger, and Mrs. Wayne Pugh is assisting the DeWitt families. Ann Ha Id, at th? Mist store. TREIIARNE — Mrs. Otto Sie- a former neighbor in St. Helens Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor and delman, Mrs. Ed Siedelmati and accompanied him. girls were in Newport Friday. Edwina and Mrs. Byron Kirk The McCleary cabin was oc Mr. and Mrs. Ike Dass, Ed bride motored to Portland Fri cupied again this week end. al ward and Jean. tte were in Grays day on business. They saw the though the sign, "The Sleepy River Saturday visiting relatives. Kay West show and Mrs. Otto Bags," has come up missmg ter Mr. and Mrs. C. Waddell and Si delman and Mrs. Ed Siedei- the second time. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kyser and I man both spoke on the broad- family enjoyed the party at Al • cast. der Grove Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver, Bill Wolff called at the Pringle Paul, Charlotte and Vernon called home Friday evening. on Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and family and Edwina Siedel- man Saturday evening. Vernon Members of Deborah is better, following a siege of NATAL — Richard Peterson Circle Entertained flu and complications. started logging operations on his Mrs. Midg? Reynolds and Da place last week. The Deborah Circle met Tues vid are still on the sic* list. day of last week at the home ot Mrs. Sam Devine motored to Mrs. Dode Reynolds of Mist is Mrs. Bob Lindsay with a good Banks last Friday to visit her able to be up and about agam. attendance. A delicious dessert Jannelle Thomas of Vernonia father who is convalescing at luncheon was served by the hos j visited Jo Ann Kirkbride Sat- the home of his son, Ed, and tess after which the business I urday and Sunday afternoon. Jo family. meeting was held, follow:d by E. Blair and Mr. McDonald of the devotional program in charge Ann attended the show in Ver Manning were Thursday even nonia Saturday night with Jan- of Mrs. Paul Sisler. ing supper guests at the Robert nell. A new member, Mrs. Cates, was Lindsay home. welcomed by the Circle. Mrs. Geo. Jones called on Mrs. The next meeting is to be on Ern st Kyser Monday. Next Society Meeting March third at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pringle mo- Scheduled February 17 James Smith at Pittsburg. I tored to Portland Sunday even The Columbia County Histori ing. They were accompanied by cal society will meet in the Clats Mr and Mrs. Joe Howard. Pythian Sisters Asked kanie Methodist church base Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack were To “Trip to China” ment Tuesday, February 17. Pot in Forest-Grove Monday to con- luck dinner will be served at j suit an eye doctor about Larry's All Pythian Sisters are cordial- noon followed by the regular | eyes. lv invited to “A Trip to China” Recent guests at the Robert I Friday evening, February 13, at business session and program. 7 p.m. This affair will start with The history of the Marshland . Lindsay home were Mrs. Cassie a Chinese food dinner at the and Woodson areas will be fea i Livingstone an<j Mr. Van Stike. — — - home of Mrs. J. C. Sawyer, 642 tured. Mr. and Mrs. Vilas Shep I Weed Ave. Then the group will ard and Mrs. Ernest Frederick . journey on to another home for son of Clatskanie are making the Father Visited in program arrangements. Longview Hospital an evening of bingo and fun. NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kyser motored to Rainier Tues Card Party Proceeds day to visit Mrs. Kyser’s sister, Turned Over to MD Mrs. H. Parcher, who just re BTRKENFELD — Mrs Lewis turned horn? from the hospital. entered the hospital at Longview Mr. and Mrs. Ike Dass were in Monday for major surgery. Longvi w Tuesday to visit her The Winema H.E.C. sponsored father, Mr. Cook, who is a pa a card party Saturday night. The tient at a hospital. proceeds ar? to go to the polio Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay fund. motorej to Clatskanie Saturday. The members of the Eagles They were accompanied by Mrs. lodge, from here, went by bus to Noble Dunlap. Astoria Sunday. It was a 50th Sunday dinn r guests at the year anniversary celebration. Sam Devine’s were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pfieff.r of Portland called Tom Gillespie of Taylorville and on Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Sunday. Mrs. Gust Engbloom of Svenson Francis Nordstrom was taken and Lois Stunkard and Bill to the hospital in Astoria last Nickles of Corvallis. Tuesday. He suffered a kidney Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howard were ailment. He was released from Sunday visitors at th? Bill Pringle the hospital this week end home. Part Taken in Radio Program Your Valentine will Love Sweetheart Cake rn lovely , LUSCIOUS, ONLY •bJLOl' ' • Doesn't matter who you love! Sweetheart's the cake for Valen tine's Day! Ileart-ahaped and •weetly sentimental . . . twirling pink fronting over moitt layers of delicious cake. Topped with ■ colorful cupid and cellophane rib bon. Pretty as a picture and oven fresh, too. Order yours today! VERNONIA BAKERY Phone 991 the home of butter CRUST ARDEN BREAD AND ICE CREAM Relapse Results for ! Victim of Flu Case NATAL — Mr. and Mrs Rich, ard Davey and children were Wednesday evening callers at the Bill Pringle home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kyser and family were in Forest Grove last Saturday. Noble Dunlap has been quite ill with a severe case of flu. He had a relapse last week. Ira Peterson was a St. Helens business visitor Monday. Home Occupied By New Family RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs Robert' Long and two sons have moved into the Tyacke house on 7th St., coming from Castle Rock. Washington. Visitors at the Louis Huntley home over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McCool and children of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. George Fell and brother. Bill Fell, of Beaverton, Nate Huntley, Mary Teel and son, Tom. of McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gibson, Mrs. Clara Barnett and Henry Patrons of Seawright's Ver Henrici of St. Helens enjoyed nonia Cleaners, new owners of dinner Saturday evening at the the business purchased a week or home of Mrs. Keith I.aioli at so ago from Mr. and Mrs Bob Cedar Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler Cline, have announced plans for and Mrs. Cora Biggs spent Satur service to the Vernonia area. Three pickups weekly will be day at St. Helens visiting his made for dry cleaning on Tues | sisters and their families, Mt I and Mrs. E. D. Johnston and day, Thursday and Saturday. For laundry two pickups will be | Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McAllister. made weekly on Tuesday and Thursday. Cleaning or laundry may be left at the same place as was occupied by the Vernonia Cleaners before. Mrs. Marvel Russell will act as agent here for the firm and the finishing of dry cleaning will con tinue here. IN The new firm also offers cloth THURSDAY ing repair service, cleaning and blocking of hats, garment water BACK proofing and a full line of tailor THURSDAY made suits and slacks. The office here will be op.n , from 9:30 to 5:30 Monday through j Bring To— Friday and from 9 to 1 Saturdays BEN BRICKEL’S with the exception that it will be BARBER SHOP closed from 1 to 2 during the lunch hour. Firm Announces ! Service Plan Logging Started At Natal Place I Laundry and I Dry Cleaning Oregon Laundry Squares to Hear Calling of Renney and The Nehalem Valley Squares will enjoy the calling of Clint Renney on Friday, Februivv 13. All visitors are welcome. Dry Cleaners SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM Featuring... Olives — String Beans — Com Peas NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 KMIVIIMN <IOHS — hid IV IM N .IOHS — KH I VIKIN dOHS Why you get more for what you pay with new Dodge Trucks! • Famous Gyrafoaw washing action If you’ve been looking at trucks, you can't overlook thia all-important fact. Dodge gives you more for your money! For example, listed at right are 17 features that you need and want for low-cost hauling. Yet of the 3 leading makes of trucks, only Dodge gives you these vital features! And these are only a few of the extra values that make new Dodge “Job- Rated" trucks your best buy. Dodge puts more value in its trucks . . . you get more profits out! Stop in and com pare the new Dodge trucks, feature for feature, value for value. Get the facts before you buy! See us today! Needs no bolting down • Completely auto matic • See it demon strated todav! SUNDLAND'S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge Phone 581 Vernonia •NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER’ l/a-tM through 4 ton., come in today! Of the 3 leading makes, only Dodge trucks are "Job- Rated” to give you these and many more advantages more than is offered by the other 2 leading truck manufacturers, to assure you of the right power. 3 engines brand-rfew. 7 POWERFUL ENGINES, TRUCK-O-MATIC TRANSMISSION, with gyrol Fluid Drive, for the best in shift-free driving. Available in Vi-, 34-ton models. SUPER-SAFE BRAKES of the ad vanced dual-primary type in 1- through 4-ton trucks. Of the “big 3,” only Dodge offers these brakes. GREATEST MANEUVERABILITY of the 3 leaders saves time, effort. Greatest Vision Area of the "big 3" lets you see more . . . increases safety, handling ease. Widest Seat of the 3 leading makes. More Power in the 134- and 2-ton ranges than the other 2 leaders. More Pick-up Bodies than the other 2 leaders, including new 116” wheel base Vi -ton pick-up. Greatest Vi-Ton Panel Payload and capacity of the 3 leaders. 2 Fuel Fillers on all models to assure cleaner fuel and a cleaner engine. Floating Oil Intake selects clean oil at top of crankcase. Wator Distributing Tube on all mod els cools valve seats . . . means longer valve life. 4-Ring Pistons on all engines save oil, upkeep. Independent Parking Brake on all models is simple, efficient, powerful. Rivetless Cyclebond Broke linings last longer, are tapered and molded on many models for quiet stops. Or ¡flow Shock Absorbers on Vi-, 34- and 1-ton models give smoother riding, greater driver control on roughest roads. Better-balanced Weight Distribution for extra payload. And many feature! — just adopted by other leading maker-have been standard on Dodge trucks for yean! DODGE M W"TRUCKS HAWKEN MOTORS » 968 Bridge Street Phone 501 VERNONIA, OREGON