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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1953)
Library, U of 0 Girl Scouts Win Awards at Court Opening of Street Asked At Meeting Permit Approved by Council fcr Start Of New Taxi Service When the people who own pro. perty in a certain area on Corey hill present the city with a peti tion asking for the improvement, it will be possible to take steps to construct two blocks of new street. The street will be an ex tension of Columbia from First avenue to Third. Councilmen request' d the peti tion from property owners who ; would border the proposed new street at their Monday evening I meeting after hearing the request that the two blocks of street be opened up. The council also heard a request from Paul Weller and Edgar Hart zell that improvem nt be made of Washington street for about two blocks past the city pumping . TEN Girl Scouts participated in court of awards program Saturday under the supervision of Mrs. plant. The cost of that work Faith Reynolds and Mrs. Kathryn Wyckoff, leaders. From the left they are: Barbara Cline. Mrs. Rey would be carried half by Colum nolds. Carol Ray, Rosalee Badley. Sharon Aldrich, Marjorie Reynolds. Janice Hoyt, Peggy Mathis, bia county which owns property Mrs. Wyckoff, Sandra Walker, JoAnn Dibben and Laurel Wyckoff. bordering one side and by the At the court of awards for two property owners who made Vernonia Girl Scout troop II, the request. The street runs back held Saturday at the l.O.O.F. of the county tool shed. The city hall, Marjorie Reynolds received will determine the cost of the the four proficiency badges that proposed work before taking fur qualifi d her for th' curved bar, ther steps to make the improve By Robert R. Klemsen government of, by and for the the highest award that can be ment. State Representative people. earned in intermediate scouting. Mrs. Harriet Breedin will start Three girls, Sandra Walker. operation of a taxi service for this You may well be sure that I ’ This is the first of what I hope to b? a s-ries of news letters r:- shall oppose anything which j Laurel Wyckoff and Janice Hoyt, vicinity within a short time. Ap- were award d first class badges. poval was given by the council ot ft ding the happenings in the would destroy these rights. legislature assembly. Because I have received several letters i Barbara Brandow . arned a first a permit to operate when the mat your representative has mcmber- on my bill concerning the sever- j class badge also, but was unable ter was presented for considera sh p in three very busy commit- ance tax on timber. There is j to receive«^ it with the troop as tion. The new permit was au tr rs (Vice Chairman, Labor and, obviously many who disagree on she has moved from Vernonia. thorized after the council was Other troop mt'mbers rcce.ving informed that the taxi service Industries, Tish and Game and this bill, but it is my thinking ■ Medical Affairs) this series may that this bill if enacted would do badges were. Piggy Mathis, Shar formerly operated by Jack Barry a lot to perpetuate our forests on Aldrich. Barbara Cline, Carol ; had been discontinued. not be continuous. Ray and Rosalee Badley. Another official action of the There are many bills which and it is only reasonable to ex An investure ceremony was ev ning was the approval of a pect those who profit from this would in my opinion be detri held for JoAnn Dibben who was contract specifying conditions mental to the best interests of the resource to pay the bill. welcomed into the troop as a under which the bid for cleaning people of Columbia county and of The house passed the bill to tendtrfoot member. Refreshments the city septic tanks should be 1 the State. Among these are the allow the sale of $32 million of were served to the mothers who carried out. The contract has i bills in the House to require bonds for highway construction : attended. been drawn by Carol Bradley, i filing fees for initiative and re Monday of last week. My vote city attorney. on this issue was no because of ferendum petitions and a charge One piece of equipment which up to 15c per name to check the the limitation on amounts allow it will not be necessary to pur- i names on petitions. In the Sen ed per year. I believe that the chase for the proposed ambulance ate a bill to require full quota commission should be allowed to being sought by IW.| Local 5-37 ! of signatures on initiative and contract as much as it deems is a siren. The city has an extra referendums from three of the wise in any year. If the commis The five Cub Scout dens com siren that will be donated for us? i congressional districts in order to sion is not to be depended upon be placed on the ballot. These for wise use of this money (the prising 25 boys are scheduled to on the ambulance, councilmen de- j are direct attacks on the rights full amount) they shouldn’t be assemble at a pack meeting Fri cided. day, February 27. at the l.O.O.F. Another appraisal of the bank of the people and would destroy allowed to use any of it. hall for a pot-luck dinner which building was asked by the coun will mark the anniversary of the cil after considering an appraisal founding of the Cub Scout move that was made recently by an In ment. surance company appraiser. A To the dinner the Cubs are in comparison of the two valuation viting families and friends. The figures will then be possible dinner will also follow out the should a purchaser for the build Vernonia got off to a slow start > ped three of the last four games Cub theme of study for F bruary, ing be found. A. H. Abts of last Friday evening and couldn’t played, but might catch fire and table arrangements and decora Hillsboro will be asked to make ci ise the big gap occurring in prove the armchair experts wrong tions. the new appraisal. f.rst half play when the Indians as they did when the Seagulls Since the Cub Scouts were re played the local five earlier in organized her? last December, ; rao wild and led the locals 37-11 at half time and ended the game the season. six d:n mothers have been active — with a 52-41 edge. in the work. They are: Mes- The local five wasn't hitting at | dames Bob Cline, Ed Roediger, all during first half play while I Jr., Francis Raines, Lloyd Callis- the Indians were led by Hogan ter. Perry and Norman Hamnett. who garnered 20 counters by him- George Peters is Cubmaster and The baseball world series film Mr. Raines is chairman of the will be screened here March 3 se.f during that fatal period for committee supervising the scout 1 and 4 Mrs. George Peters an th»- Indian five and threw 31 Attendance at the me?ting work. points in all. The Indians played nounced Monday after receiving much improved ball compared called for Wednesday evening of word from Portland as to the to their previous fray when they last week at the Legion hall drew dates the film would be avail met and were defeated by the only three people, according to able. Place of the showing here j local team on the home floor. Ralph Hartman who made ar will be announced later she said. Hr>gan just couldn't seem to be rangements for the session. Topic | The picture will be sponsored by coped with during the first half of discussion at that time was the I the PeeWee and Cub baseball by the Loggers, with Jerry Her possibility of organizing a ground ' teams. The Commercial Bank of Ore rin fouling out guarding him and observer corps to man a sky- | gon. reporting deposits of $31 Arrangements for the showing several other members of the watch observation post here. were made through Marjorie L. million as of Dtcember 31, gain The servicss of at least 150 1 Vernonia team incurring fouls Bartle of the promotion depart people would be needed to carry ' ed 415 places in its standing ment of the Oregonian. against him. among the largest banks in the Vernonia’s main trouble during, out the skywatch undertaking it ; United States during 1952. is estimated. Various local or- I th ■ first half seemed to be they It now ranks as the 651st larg- I ganizations were asked to send I just couldn’t cope with Hogan est bank in size compared with ' representatives to last Wednes- ' and a definite weakness in shoot 1066th place at the end of 1951. ing The Loggers managed to day's meeting. The decision of This was revealed in the 1953 the three who were present was cutscore the opponents the second annual roll call of larger banks half, however, tallying 27 count- I to drop the matter. in the United States published by The social security representa- I ers to the Indian's 21. the Daily American Banker of Vernonia’s new transfer. Bob Students Slate Carnival New York. There are 14.000 banks tive for Columbia county will not J make his regular weekly visit to Long, saw some service against j in the United States. the Indians and should be quite | A high school student body car St. Helens on Monday, February ■ 23, since that day is a federal a help to the local in their few nival will be held at the high school gym Friday. March 6 An ■ Infant Buried Monday holiday. remaining games of the season. According to the repre sentative, The three-month-old daugh Friday evening Vernonia will interesting part of the evening ) joumty to Seaside to engage that will be a melodramatic one-act J ter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harmon Ev. Cummins, the next county i team in another LCL tussell. The play to be prisented by the facul passed away Sunday. Graveside stop will be on March 2, 1 00 to Loggers will be the underdog in | ty. The play will be the open services were performed at the 3:00 p m. at the St. Helens Court this engagement, having drop- | ing feature of the carnival. Vernonia Memorial Monday. House. Legislator Opposes Bills On Initiative, Referendum Cub Scouts to Mark Founding Big Gap in First Half Loses Game for Loggers World Series Film Date Set Skywatch Meet Attendance Small Rank of Bank Takes Big Jump SS Man to Miss Weekly Visit THOSE WHO ARE IN IT . . Fund Proposal For County Suggested Seaman Apprentice l.arry Sut ton is scheduled to graduate from coast guard basic training Febru ary 26. according to word received here a few days ago from Mrs. Money-Raising Fund Sutton. His last week of train Seeks Unified Drive ing is to be spent at Treasure For All Purposes Island where fire fighting instruc tion is being given. He has asked A unified one-time fund raising for a station in district 13 which drive for Columbia county was comprises Oregon and Washing the proposed plan worked out ton. Monday evening at St. Helens, The results of tests at the com when groups representing the pletion of training earned him | various communities in the coun top place in knot tying and se ty met to talk over the proposi cond place in his class in the tion. The plan would eliminate main final test. the many drives for money yffcv conducted in the county by cbm- Roy Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. bining, with few exceptions, all H. H Frank, is scheduled to i of the campaigns now carried out. start home today, Thursday, from The delegates going to the meet Clark Field, Phillipine Islands ing will present the plan to th? where he has been stationed. He organizations they represented in will report to Parks AFB, Cali their own communities for ap fornia upon arrival in the states. proval or rejection and meet In a letter received by his parents again March 2. At that time a late last week, they learn d also definite decision will probably b.~ that he had just been promoted made whether the combined fund to staff sergeant. He has 18 raising proposal will become ar months of service remaining be reality. fore being eligible for discharge. As proposed Monday night, each county community will be repre. sented by delegates to the coun ty organization which will as semble, elect a board of directors, name officers and appoint a bud get committee. This budget would contain the amounts of money requested for such items as the Red Cross, March of Dimes, Cancer, heart, etc. This county budget would be prorated to the various eoun ty communities. To each com munity budget would be add.-d amounts desired for use in that community. Each county community would select th? people u conduct this one drive for the year. This area was represented Mon day at St. Helens by Jim Cox, Bill Horn, Jewell Lloyd and Hen Lester L. Wells, son of Mr. and ry Ade who have asked people Mrs. L. L. Wells, signed to the in this area to make known their 44th Infantry Division at Fort opinions concerning the proposal. Lewis. Washington for basic train They point out that such a set up ing. He is assigned to Company has the endorsement of both the A. 129th Infantry Regiment. The national CIO and AFL. 44th Division is an Illinois Na tional Guard unit activated in February, 1952, and was stationed at Camp Cooke, California until last December. He was home last we k end for a short visit. IWA Men Select Vehicle Tuesday MM FA Tom Peters, son of Mrs llaeva Brimmer, arrived at Yoko suka Japan February 12 and is awaiting assignment to his own ship. He made the 12-day voyage over on the Gpn. A. E. Anderson with 2000 service men and sup plies. Pfc. Raymond S. Claypool, whose wife, Sara, lives at 847 North I^iwndale, Chicago, was released from active duty Feb ruary 4, at the army separation cent.r in Camp Carson, Colo. Claypool served for 19 months as crane shovel operator with the 453th Engineer Construction Bat talion in Korea. He has been awarded the UN Service Ribbon and the Kort an Service Ribbon with three campaign stars. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B Bjornson, who live on Keasey route. Final Rite Set At Madras Today Last rites for Mrs. Myrtle Ramsey, who pass d away Sat urday night, will take place to day, Thursday, at Madras, ac cording to information available here. Mrs. Ramsey, mother of Mrs. Ernie Christensen, Lincoln school principal, made her home here during part of each year. The Eastern Star chapter at Madras will be in charge of the services today. ' Club Slate* Shoot The Vemona Trap club is pre paring for a merchandise trap shoot Sunday. February 22 at the O-A ball park. Shooting is scheduled to start at 9:30. At an opening of bids Tuesday evening the selection of the ve hicle which will b? used as an ambulance was made by the IWA committee which ha3 sponsored the solicitation of funds started about two weeks ago. Announc?- ment of the bid award was made Wednesday morning by Jim Cox, IWA business agent. The bid of $2000 submitted by Hawken Motors for a panel de livery body and chasis was se lect, d. The other bid of $1936 was submitted by the Vernonia Auto company. The selection was made because of the greater amount of interior space avail able. The IWA committ e along with other individuals is scheduled to meet Friday evening of this week to start action towards forming the non-profit corporation which will have charge of handling the ambulance. Others besid?* mem bers of the IWA are being asked to participate in starting the cor poration so the entire commun ity will be represented. Pledges and cash received up to Wednesday morning of this week totaled $1700. Petitions to sign for pledges are available at the Vernonia Insurance office or checks for donations may be mad'- payable to the Vernonia Com munity Ambulance Fund. Pneumonia Claim* Life The small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H D. Thoreau of Pasadena. California died Friday of pneu moma. She became ill the day before. Mr*. Thoreau is the form er Margaret Anderson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Connie An derson. The Andersons left here Friday afternoon for Pasadena and the funeral which took place Monday morning.