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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1953)
t "TRYHtsDAV, FEB. 19, 1953 4 ■ THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. Weekly Visit 7th Barber Shop TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr*. Luther Herrin ha» been < onfined to bed most of last week with flu. Mr. and Mr». M A. Oakes' Sunday dinner guests were Mrs. Oakes' brother, Mr. and Mrs. Marvis Taylor and family of Sea side and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tay lor and family of Natal and Mrs. Leona Taylor, Mrs. Oakes’ moth er. and Wm. Lindley of Vernonia. VERMONIA EXTENSION Unit rooked food tale Saturday. Sund- land's. 8tlc Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnson left here last week end for Coos Bay where they visited their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- E X p e-r t work. Finest materials. Work done pmnptlv . . . and guaranteed. Let us give you a free estimate. for ELGINS DuraPower Mainspring* Caartntrrd never to brrak in service! Available for nioet Elfin model«. «Made Elgilo»' mated Patent pending A. L. Kullander WACTHMAICER — JEWELER Official Watch Inspector. S.P irS Ry. I Guest* Entertained at i Valentine Party Friday I TREHARNE — Friday even- 1 ing Geo. Snyder, LeRoy Thomas, Shirley Britton, Edwina Siedel- Scenes of the ‘ 90s will come to bert New, until Wednesday. Guests at the home of Mr. and life next week in Forest Grove I man and Jean and J. R. Kirk Mrs. Frank McCabe Wednesday when non-professional male quar bride were guests of Speed Lus. of last week were Mrs. Margaret tets compete for the $300 first by in Vernonia at a Valentine Thiele and A. Petti of Portland. prize in the 7th annual Original party. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hawkins All-Northwest Barber Shop con Rosalie Kirkbride attended the and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kam- test and Gay Nineties festival high school class Valentine party holz were in Portland Sunday slated for February 27 and 28. ' at the Evangelical church Satur In addition to the $300 first day evening. aft?rnoon where they attended the Oaks park square dance for prize, to be awarded in silver Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride coins to the top quartet from which Cal Golden was caller. and Edwina Siedelman motor:d Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Leath spent Washington, Oregon, or Idaho, to Portland Monday on business. the past week end with Mr. and will be $700 in cash prizes and They had lunch and visited with Mrs. Lee Hall at Springfield. I numerous individual trophies for Mrs. Doris Young. While there they saw Mr. and i unique window displays, costumes Mrs. Florence Reynolds was Mrs. Ed Thinnss, Mr. and Mrs. and parade entries. hostess Friday at a birthday party Pete Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. ■ The Forest Grove Gleemen, at her home in honor of Mrs. Ann Elzie Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Sen- I sponsors of the affair, promise a Walker of Portland, former resi nett Drennan were visiting with full bill of activity to begin on dent of Treharne. Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Thursday evening with the Gay Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver VERNONIA EXTENSION Unit Nineties ball to take place in and children and Mr. and Mrs. cooked food sale Saturday, Sund- the Legion Hall. Quartet compe. land's. 8tlc tion will start Friday evening Don Reynolds and Birt Snyder Mrs. Essie Nance is much im with the eliminations contest be- motored to Forest Grove Satur day evening. proved from her recent fall, but ■ ginning at 7:00. Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Rey will not be able to work or be Forest Grove high school audi nolds, Michael and David visited in the beauty shop this week. torium will become the San Fran- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver and i cisco Barbary coast Saturday children Sunday evening. Mrs. night, setting the scene for quar Reynolds is faeling better fol tet finals and the Gay Nineties lowing her long illness. Review. Mail order tickets for th? Fri RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. day night all-quartet program C. I. Anderson spent Thursday and the two Saturday night stage night at the home of their daugh shows are now available. Tickets ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eben may be obtained by writing to John. They report that Lea John, Ticket Chairman, P.O. Box 13, TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. who is a victim of polio, has im Forest Grove. Include a self-ad proved sufficiently to start to dressed stamped enevelop and a Charles Thomas, Sr., of Vernonia, Charles Thomas, Jr., sister Laura school at the beginning of the check or money order. second semester. Prices will be $1.80 for Friday and Miss Edwina Siedelman mo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gatchett night’s program and $2.40 for tored to Portland Tuesday, F b- and children of Milwaukie spent each of the Saturday night shows. ruary 10 where Mrs. Thomas, Sr., entered the Emanuel hospital for Sunday visiting at the home of an operation. Thursday Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wyckoff. Thomas, Sr., and son, Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mitchell Jr., Betty Huntley, Mrs. Ed Sie spent Friday and Saturday in | delman and Edwina motored to Portland at the home of Mr. and Portland on business. The Thom Mrs. James Mitchell. ases visited Mrs. Thomas, Sr., and RIVERVIEW — Barbara Owen Mrs. Siedelman and Mrs. Hunt- of Portland spent last week at ley visited their doctors. Mrs. Jane Miller was hostess her parents' home, confined to her bed and being cared for by in her home Thursday at a stork her grandmother, Mrs. Chas. shower in honor of Mrs. Rose Cook. She was taken to Port Mary Smith. Mrs. Smith received land Monday by Rev. and Mrs. many useful gifts. Those out- of-town people attending were: H. L. Russell for treatments. Martha Brown of Banks and Mrs. Albert Helland, son Norman Anna Cody of For . st Grove, aunts and Dorothy Wis back of Ellens of Mrs. Smith; NUs. Ann Walker burg, visited at the home of Mr. of Portland; and Mrs. William and Mrs. Rex Normand from Eberly of Banks, her mother-in- Thursday until Saturday. law. Mrs. Weber of Banks, an Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parker other aunt, was unable to attend and children of Nehalem spent but sent a gift. Sunday visiting his parents, Mr. Frank White, Sr., of Astoria and Mrs. Walter Parker. visited his daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buckner and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller, Sunday, children of Hillsboro visited at February 8, returning horn? Mon the horn s of Mr. and Mrs. Ed day. Buckner and Mrs. Artie Buckner Sunday. The latter went home Samuel Adams is known as with them for a lew days visit. the "Father of the Revolution. ’ Mrs. Glen Hawkins, son Billy, and Mrs. Frank Serafin and son ONLY THE visited at the home of Mrs. Clif- ford Felton at St. Helens Thurs day. Airs. Sarafin also visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Beeler, while there. IS GOOD ENOUGH Mr. and Mrs. Olin Robbins FOR OtJR moved from Vernonia into the Smith house at Sth St. i Victim of Polio Making Recovery I Hospital Entered For Operation Illness Causes Week Spent Here Rolling Log Causes Death MIST — It has been learned here of an accident in Fortuna, California Tuesday that tbok the life of Herbert Camberg. He was killed by a rolling log. His par ents and the 11 children were early pioneers of the Nehalem Valley. The parents now have passed on, but this is the first one of the 11 children to pass on. The mail carrier had quite an accident with his car Monday when another car crowded him off the road. The wrecker took the car out. We do not have the particulars at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hockman are visiting th? Chas. Sundlands. The Hockmans are from Ba ver ton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roeser and Bobby from Astoria were Sunday visitors of her parents, the Chas. Hansens. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Burnham and family from Portland spent Sunday at the Shalmon Libel home. Mrs. Joe Cechmanek spent a few days last week in Portland with her children. Mr. and Mrs. B. Wilson were callers at the Norman Hansen home Sunday evening. Several ladies met Friday at the home of Mrs. J. W. Howry for the home extension unit, Mrs. Knowles kept the small children at her horn? while the ladies were engaged at the meet ing. Mrs. Lloyd B?ach from Birken- feld and Mrs. Anna Wallace from Seaside wer? making calls on some old friends Friday. Geo. Jones was a Vernonia shopper Monday. State Bond Sales Increase in January Purchase of series E and H de fense bonds throughout Oregon during January jumped 51» per cent over January of last year, according to Philip L. Hickey, county defense bond chairman. State-wide sales of the E and H defense bonds amounted to $2,642,464, while county sales to taled $39,712. An additional $513,328 in ssries J and K defense bonds were also sold during Jan uary throughout the state. BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon Joy Theatre THURS.. FRI. FEB. 19 20 MILLION DOLLAR MERMAID Esther Williams - Victor Mature FEB. 21 SATURDAY I SHOT JESSIE JAMES Preston Foster - Barbara Britton Plus STOP THAT CAB Sid Milton - Tom Neal SUN., MON. FEB. 22-23 SON OF THE PALEFACE Bob Hope - Jane Russell Roy Rogers TUES., WED. FEB. 24-25 THE ATOMIC CITY Michael Moore - Nancy Gates Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon ^XNXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXft BEST CUSTOMERS Program Given At PT A Meeting FAR BEHIND IN COST Today's basic cost of living has risen far beyond the cost of telephone service. Al the same time the costs of providing service have increased. Constant telephone expansion broadens its usefulness—increasing its value to you. Truly telephone service, today's big bargain, is far ahead ia value—far behind in cost. i OLtrimu (win Vernonia P.-T.A. m.mbers heard several musical numbers as well as a skit Monday evening at the program which marked the ob servance of founder’s day for the association. Mrs. L. L. Wells acted as chairman for the pro gram and m eting. Musical numbers were present I ed by: the high school band, the grade school boys' chorus, boys’ | quartet, girls' chorus, a girls' duet and girls* folk dance. The Washington Sth grade dra ma group presented th? skit. The j Vernonia Bakery donated a cake i for the evening's refreshments which were made possible through th? work of Mrs. George Peters, Mrs. Paul Sisi t , Mrs. Harry Sandon and Mrs. Blanche Millis. H BAKING IS EASY WHEN . H The ingredients used NEHALEM ORIRV PRODUITS (0. Grade Pasteurized Milk & Cream i PHONE 471 _______ _ come from KING’S shelves. You will find that the results are al- H H ways better if you’ll just remember to shop here everytime you purchase baking needs. H !? mu H KING’S Grocery - Market Z Phone 91 Riverview H "Where Your Money Buy» More" At the Mile Bridge M *XHXHXHXHXHXNXHZ*XHXHXHX » r^XHXHXH^HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXKXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHZHZHXHZHXHX^ I SEAWRIGHT'S Vernonia Cleaners and Laundry 1 ’ 4 DAY SERVICE — FOR BEST SERVICE PLEASE LEAVE CLEANING MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, OR FRIDAY PLANT OPEN 6 DAYS WEEKLY: 9:30 A M. TO 5:30 PM. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY — 9 00 A M. TO 1:00 PM. SATURDAY H J SOUR GET-ACQUAINTED OFFER TO YOU:s £ HALF-PRICE ON ALL WATERPROOFING N LEE MOTORS BUILDING PHONE 1211 J VERNONIA, OREGON J JZNZNZHXMXHXNXHXHXHXMXHXHXHXNXZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXKXHXHXMZNXNZHXKXHXH^