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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1953)
‘Trip to China’ for Sisters Enjoyed Friday Couple United At Friday Rite Miss Legenia Dutton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dutton, and Robert Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen, were united m marriage Friday, February 13, at Glad Tidings church in Van couver, Washington. Rev. Paul Trulin performed the C3remony. They were accompanied to Van couver by the bride's parents, her brothers. Dav?, Paul and Robert, her sister. Naomi, and his mother, Mrs. Charles Allen, and his brother, Lee. The newlyweds are on a wed ding trip in Washington and will make their home in Vernonia. Altar Society Members Entertained at Hall Mrs. Joe VanderZanden enter tained the St. Mary’s Altar So ciety at the Parish hall Tu.sday evening. The evening was spent decorating the hall for th? card party held there Saturday even ing. The hostess for n:xt month w 1 b? Mrs. Kenneth Anderson. Social Club Members Gather for Feb. Meeting Music Group to Present Operetta THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE, Wedding Rite Read in Tokyo THURSDAY. FEB 19, 1953 Circle Scheduled for Mt. Heart Social club members Meeting Thursday met February 3 at the home of MIST — Don’t forget, the Mist Mrs. Hazel Cook with President “Up on Old Smokey,” will be Helping Circle will meet next Irene Minger in charge of the presented at the high school audl- | evening. Several future plans Miss Joy Willard, daughter of week, Thursday at the home of torium February 28 at 8:00 p.m. | were discussed and also another Mr. and Mrs. M B. Willard, be Mrs. Sam Devine. by the high school music depart, i The WMS met last Wednesday progessive tea to start at the ment. came the bride of Major Jack home of Mrs. Stephen Waite at the home of Mrs. A. R. Melis. The story takes place in the Ap Tuesday, February 24 at 6:30 Todd, U. S. Army reserve offi Quite a gathering was there. An palachian mountains on Windy p.m. cer, in the chapel center at Tokyo, interesting Bible study was giv Ridge. The scene is outside After the meeting was closed Japan February 5. A reception Grandpa's (Robert Kimball) cabin. t n by the pastor’s wife, Mrs. Dug a delicious lunch was served by followed the ceremony at the Cindy (Donna Bayley) a young gan. Mrs. Melis served a de Tokyo officers open mess at Per the hostess and daughters. school teacher, has spurned the shing Heights in Tokyo. licious lunch at the close. The love of a mountaineer, Sam (Jerry Mrs. Todd is a graduate of the next meeting will be the second Herrin), because of her betrothel Vernonia grade and high schools Wednesday in March at the home to William (Johnny Daniels). after which she was a student at William has ventured to the city ' of Mrs. Robert Mathews. the University of Oregon where to make a name for himself as a j she became affiliated with Sigma musician. With the surprise re- | Kappa sorority. She graduated turn of William together with an The Washington Canton and from business college in Portland entertaining troup, events take ladies auxiliary No. 14 met in and has been e mployed in govern a drastic turn. the I.O.O.F. hall in Vernonia Sat ment civil service for the past The romantic interests of the urday evening. February 7 to in six years. operetta are furnished by pretty stall auxiliary officers. The of Major Todd, who plans to make The answers to everyday ambitious Sue Ellen (Jackie ficers who were seated that night insurance problems’ the army his career, is on duty Olinger and Frankie (Mike Gra were: By now in Korea. They will make dy). BILL AND REATHA HORN Lady Ida VanDoren, president, their home in Tokyo in early Other members of the cast are: installed as Junior Past Presi summer after he returns from Grandma, Pat Wells; Mr. John dent and presented the past Korea. Vernonia Temple No. 61, Py son, Terry Tuttle; Clem, J. R. president pin by her husband. thian Sisters, met February 11 Kirkbride; Gail, Pat Brissett; Cheverlier John VanDoren; Ber The Army and Navy versions of with all officers in their chairs Gary, Allen Hibbs and Marilyn, tha Thomison, president; Myrtle the Star-Spangled Banner are Oakes, vice-president and Helen not identical. and M.E.C. June Willis presiding. Rosalie Kirkbride. Salisbury, secretary-treasurer. The entertainment troupe, t~ It was reported that Sister Sil Appointive officers ar^: officer whom mountain hospitality is tx The Star-Spangled Banner be via Turn r had und'rgone an op of the day, June Ray; officer of came the National Anthem on QUESTION Is my Compre tend d. include: Bob Powell, Jen eration at Physicians and Sur hensive Personal Liability in the guard, Ch verlier Alvin Maly; March 3, 1931. geons hospital in Portland the nie Powell, Pat Brissett and Don force if I and my family rent chaplain, Alura Hines; color ser previous day. Letters from Jean na Nightwine. a cabin in the mountains this geant, Ralph Thomison; sentry, summer'’ Mountaineer members of the Crawford of Hillsboro and Ger trude Rusow of North Bend re I chorus include: Margaret Powell, Olive McKinnes; right aid - tv president, Beulah Morley*; left ANSWER: Yes, your Compre ported that both are recuperating Shirley Britton, Jun? Jones. Mar aide to president, Ruby Biggs; hensive Personal Liability po garet Miner, Donna Nightwine, from recent illnesses. licy protects you while you right aide to vice-president, Zoe The ways and means commit Deloris Olsen. Joan Peters, Jen are living in a rented tempo Whitsell; left aide to vice-presi nie Powell, Arlene Seibel, Doris tee reported plans for "A Trip to rary location just as if you dent, Marie Atkins; aide to chap were at home. China,” on February 13, and a gift Wantland. Margie Wells. Hank Bass, Joe Snook, Aaron Loft-, n, lain, Jessie Young; guards, John drawing on February 25. VanDoren, Ora Salisbury, Paul IN Vernonia Temple has been ask:d Jean Kirkbrid -, Rosalie Kii k- McKinnes and Orris Cooper. brid", Pat Brissett, Roy Miner, THURSDAY to "xemplify gaining access to The next meeting will be at the temple while in session at the Manlou Fredrickson, Frances Kas •If you'll address your own Hillsboro February 28 at 7:30 BACK par, Margaret Brissett, and Mil district convention at Forest insurance questions to this of after which a visit will b? made fice, we’ll try to give you Grove on April 8. They will dred Thacker. THURSDAY to the Beaverton Rebekah lodge the correct answers and there also present a stunt in the even Mrs. Mary Scmpert is directing for Rebekah degree work. will be no charge or obligation Bring To — ing. the square dancers who are: June of any kind. Twenty-six attended the meet A letter from Grand Senior Jones, Shirley Britton. Margaret ing hire from Beaverton, Hills BEN BRICKEL’S Jessie Sewell was read compli Miner, Jean Kirkbride, Roy boro, Forest Grove and Vernonia menting Installing Officer Laur- Miner, LeRoy Thomas, Speed BARBER SHOP and were served lunch by June eta Lamping on sending in a good Lusby, Richard Kerns, and Jim Ray, Ruby Biggs, Zoe Whitsell, report promptly. Britton. Myrtle Oakes and Marie Atkins. Following adjournment, a Val entine party was enjoyed with Members of Congress are not and Vai ntines being exchanged by eligible to serve in the electoral Bill J. Horn, Agent secret pals. Delicious refresh college. ments were served at beautifully 905 Bridge Street decorated tables by Grayce Bun Phone 231 — Vernonia The solid South maintained its dy and Jennie Lusby. The hostess political unity from 1877 to 1928. prize was drawn by Isabel Cul- Kenny Nanson and Ricky Bush were installed as Preceptor and I Sertson. Almaner in their DeMolary chap ter at Hillsboro Wednesday even Lincoln’s Life Topic ing, February 11. They took as Presented on Program their guests, David Strong and Mrs. Ralph Hartman was host Jerry Bush, Mrs. Art Nanson and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bush. ess on Tuesday evening, February The installing officers for the 10, to members of the P.E.O. Sisterhood. For the program, 1953 DeMolary officers were mem Mrs. Ben Brickel told a number bers from the Hillsboro Blue of little-known and amusing in Lodge acting as father advisors. cidents in the life of Abraham This chapter is the only chapter Lincoln and also read excerpts in Oregon where the father ad from the book, "This is America.” visors take active part in the De The next regular meeting of Molary installation ceremonies. the group will be held on Tues They added much dignity and day evening. February 24, at the force to the installation. Many home hf Mrs. Wesl?y Bolmeier father advisors from other chap with Mrs. Ralph Valpiani in ters were present as it is hoped that other Blue Lodges will fol charge of the program. low the Hillsboro chapter in as The U. S. Constitution was sisting their DeMolary boys. signed on September 17, 1787. St. H lens’ chapter was repre sented by a group of their mem bers who presented the Hillsboro chapter with the traveling rab bit. The St. Helens’ Master Coun. cilor gave the following instruc tions for th? care of the rabbit: must be fed at 4 a m. and 3 p.m., carrots, spinach, and rolled oats and water. He also advised the Hillsboro chapter to pass it alohg to another chapter as quickly as possible as at present it is a rabbit, but it might be rabbits which means they would have to get rid of all the rabbits to othei thousands of jot» in farming, food Once upon a time oranges were rare, chapters. processing and distribution. It has re expensive luxuries. Only the richest A father advisor gave the kids in town could afford them. If you quired a lot of reaearch—which has Flower ceremony which was most produced better and more convenient were lucky you got one a year—in tire impressive. At the close, each toe of your Christmas stocking. food containers. It has iniTeased and boy took a flower from the altar, stabilized farm income. It has even Today, millions enjoy healthful red for his mother it living or meant higher property values in some orange juice packed in cans. The vita white if she was deceased. areas. mins and minerals you get this way Refreshments were served to In fact, it would he hard for you to go are just one example of an everyday the guests in the dining room. through a single day without enjoying miracle of modem living that every I Kenny and Ricky have been many of the benefits that have re Oregon family takes pretty much for | members of the Hillsboro chapter sulted directly from the activities of granted for the last year and a half. It the canning and can-making indus is hoped that a, DeMolary club What brought about this miracle— tries in your State. can be organized in Vernonia as and many others like it? The answer the first step toward the forming The 35,000 American Can Company is simple. It was your demand for bet of a DeMolary chapter if there people are proud of their part in thia ter. more appetizing, more healthful are enough boys interested. Mrs. story of industrial progress. foods of all kinds. These demands Art Nanson or Mrs. Floyd Bush • wen- met by American business (in Your free choice in buying more | will be glad to give any informa cluding American Can Company), de and more of what you need in cans tion to any boy from 14 years old voted to bringing you better products has enabled them to perform many to 21 years old that is interested. Pythian Sisters enjoyed a "Trip to China” on Friday evening, February 13. The group arrived by margic carpet at the Saw Yer Pagoda for a delicious Chinese dinner served by Cho Cho San, Lotus Flower and Sue Loo in native costume. After dinner the ladies went on a junket about town, finally arriving at the Lam Ping amuse ment center. They were bowed in by Ti Ling (alias Art Lam Ping) in charming native dress and were greeted with nostalgic fragrance of oriental incense. All entered into exciting games of bingo which resulted in prizes for everyone and the evening was concluded with the sipping of Chinese tea before the magic car- p>t returned the guests to reality and home. Officials for Group Installed Temple to Act At Convention Laundry and Dry Cleaning II *1 THE WISE OWL SAYS . . . For the Very Best in Oregon Laundry DeMolay Offices Taken Wed. num and ) ? The Mill Market and Lockers is the place to trade. Be Wise—Shop MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY : 10 a.m - 3 p.m PHONE 1391 1 VERNONIA INSURANCE Dry Cleaners The miracles that come in cans SUNDLAND'S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge Phone 581 Vernonia NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER’ — — _ • Do-Si-Do Club to Meet for Practice Do-Si-Do square dance club members and guests will go to the Natal Grange hall Saturday night for their regular practice session for February. I . ' | at lower cost. Satisfying your needs has created miracles in the past —and to promis» even greater things in the future. AMERICAN CAN COMPANY <as> CONTAINERS . . . to help people live better Made in Canco'i Oregon Plant at Portland