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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1953)
Library, U of 0 VOLUME 31, NUMBER 6 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 195J Proehl Named To Top Post For Grades Principals Chosen Also at Meeting of Board Wednesday i j ! I ""HE MARCH OF DIMES from V-’rnonia was inc as c. by 5J Monday whtn lhe oliicial turn over of funds from the h«gh school was mad?. Re siv ng the check from Jerry Herrin, student chair man, is Jim Davies, drive chairman for this area H irold McEntire artcd as faculty advisor for the various school activities io raise the fund. Group, contr buting to the amount were: Senior class, $10.50.- Juniors, $10; Sophomores. 55: Freshm-n S .50: Lelterm n, $5: Girls League. S5.» Girls Athle tic Association, SS.40: Pep Club, 55; Timberline S-: Librarians, $3: Thespians. Î2 and Faculty Senior basketball game, 525.10. Death Claims Past Resident Death as the result of a high way slide claimed th? life of George Winfield Craford, former resident of Vernonia who was making his home at Sayler, Cali fornia. Final rites took place last Thursday at Seaside. The deceased was born Sept ember 13, 1916 at Hillman, Michi gan. He attended school in Ver nonia He sirved three years in the armed forces, receiving his discharge September 15, 1945 and w»nt to work as a logger at Sea side where he lived until a year ago. He was married to Gladys Mad den of Seaside April 7 1949. Surviving are: his wife; five daughters, Linda, Patricia, lien?, Sandra and Judith; his father, John D. Craford of Seasid ; two brothers, John of Seaside and Al fred of Portland and four sisters, Mrs. John Lee, Seaside; Mrs. Beatrice Kavin of Port Falls, Idaho, Mrs. Louise Kilby of Al sea and Mrs. Katherine E. Parrott of Willamina. Opinions Asked Amateur Show On Sky Watch i Winners Chosen Fines Total $142.50 An official report of the police department of th? city of Ver noma for January’. 1953 listed fines for violations tried in th? recorder's court totaling $142.53. The report was prepared and pre sented city city councilmen Mon day evening by Marshal A. D. Lolley. Tank Cleaning Bid Awarded Action Started To Purchase ; Ambulance LIlovd 1G. Gardner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Asthur W. Gardner of the HyV an hotel, r<.«c.'ived his com nnssH >n as 2nd li eutenant ot u. s Army Jan uary 17 at Local 5-37 Backs Fort Rile y. Kansas. He left the Move to Provide wing week for Fort Sam Community Unit Houiston. Texas for fuuther train- First definite action that will ing. He, and his wif and baby i lead eventually to the purchase dau ghter. Linda, an ' living at | of an ambulance for the us? of San Antemio, Texas. ' this vicinity will be taken on : Thursday evening at the regular I meeting of 1WA Local 5-37. At ; that time a petition will be start- j ed to obtain the signatures of ' people who wish to help financi ally to provide such a unit. Plans that have been worked out so far towards starting the undertaking were announced earlier this week by Jim Cox, business agent for the Local. The petition will be circulated not only among members of the Local, but among residents of this area who ar? not affiliated with that organization. It is plan ned also to ask for assistance in furnishing equipni nt from other community organizations, h e said, with the idea of eventually making the ambulance serve as a disaster unit. > Estimated cost will be approxi mately $3000 which has be n PVT. J. D. Blount arrived here itemized at $2500 for the vehicle, Monday, January 26, on a 10- $125 for stretcher. $100 for oxygen day leave from Camp Roberts. unit and $350 for insurance. Both the Oregon-American and California, At the end of his stay he will leave for Camp the Columbia Tree Farm have Sionaman. Pittsburg. California. indicated that employe»« pledge* will be handled through the pay Vernon Peterson is leaving roll deduction plan. _ _ _ I Wednesday for the service. He will be stationed at Fort Lewis. At a public meeting slated to Twelve contestants in last Sat take place at th? Legion hall urday’s Timberline amateur hour Wednesday of next week, Feb I program at the high school audi ruary 11, opinions will be sought torium won prizes as the result on the best procedure to follow of judges’ decisions at the annual in setting up a program for a event. In the adult division, Laura ground observ?r corps for this Mae Seibert placed first with a arsa. vocal solo “The Swiss Echo Song.” Announcement of the meeting She came here from Walla Walla time and place was made Tuesday college to participate in the ama City councilmen conven d Mon hv Ralph Hartman for the Legion. teur show. Second place went Charley Davis left January 26 day evening for their first meet The Legion asks that other local to Edwina Si delman. groups send representatives to The Rebekahs were judged first ing since January "5 and only for Fort Lewis, having enlisted the meeting so a plan can be for their skit, the F. L club then with barely a quorum pre in the Paratroopers in Decem sent to transact city business ber. He was unable to leave at devised to place the skywatch in second for a drill and the Legion operation. Auxiliary third for a skit in the which demanded attention. that time on account of a recent One d cision of the evening The meeting will start at 8 outside organizations group. appendectomy. The Girls Athletic association j was the acceptance of a bid by o'clock. placed first with a dance in th? | C. W. Sprague of Portland for high school organizations group. the job of cleaning the two city Dance to Help Dimes For high school individual en septic tanks. He proposed to do tries, Patsy Brissett placed first the jol for $2250 for both tanks. This year’s March of Dimes dance- will take place Saturday with an impersonation, Bob Pow- The city will ask that the job be I fll second and Arlene Seible done by March 31. His bid was of this week at the Legion hall the low st of those submitted at with music to be furnished by j third with songs. For the grade school Dane two different bid calls made in the Music Makers. Arrangements instrumental, Robrta recent months. have been made for th? affair by Brady, ‘ Lloyd, impersonation and Gerald The council suggested to Charles Bill Wilson, who announced the ine Webb, seng, won in that Johnson, depot agent, that he date earlier this week. order. petition home owners in the north The Timberline cleared $86 on part of the city near the rail- ¡-the show. I road right-of-way for approval for a burner installation. The burner is proposed as part of machinery . to be installed by a Tacoma firm for piling manufac ture. The petition, if signed fa gers was MacDonald with 11 vorably, would make the burner while top count for Clatskanie Vernonia A?rie No. 2324, F.O.E., conform with a city ordinanc? was made by Harrison, with 20. Logger junior varsity zone de is planning to go to Astoria next regulating such installations. Sunday, February 8, to attend a Appreciation for the coopera fense work stopped the Clats- kani? JVs in the first quarter joint meeting of District No. 2 tion given city police by Seaside of th? preliminary, but in turn, Aeries in observance of th" 55th policemen was expressed in a SGT. Bill Sword is stationed with Vernonia couldn't score. It was anniversary of the founding of the letter sent by Recorder Sam lhe 85th Bomb, squadron in Eng Hearing aft°r a recent altercation land and has been overseas since the JV's off night too, as far as Fraternal Order of Eagles. According to Worthy President, between school students. Coun foul tries were concerned, for April of last year. He is fail Guy Hanson and Secretary Rex cilmen have given their approval they connected for only eight ot gunner on a B-45 jet bomber. 42 shots. The Tigers led 27-15 Normand, Sr,, a bus has been to the procedure followed by the at th? half. Both Cunningham chartered for this occasion and city of expressing apprreiation Delbert Fowler was discharged will leave the Vernonia bus ter for help given the city, for the Loggers and Hogan for from th? army and arrived at minal at the MacDonald hotel at Clatskanie were high point men • The petition for a malt bever the home of his parents, Mr. and 9:00 a.m. for Astoria and will with 13. age license for T. T. and Helen leave Astoria for the return trip Vernonia will stay at home Hatlett was approved. If the Mrs. Clifford Fowler, Thursday, j at 9:00 p.m. Friday evening to entertain Rai license is approved by the state At Astoria the anniversary meet nier and seek to avenge a 50-35 liquor control commission it will ing will begin at 1:30 and will loss earlitr in the season before make possible the purchase of | be followed by a dinner for the Loggers hit their stride. How Dick's tavern by Mr. and Mrs. ' which the Astoria Aerie is noted ever. the Columbians will floor Hatlett from Mr. and Mrs. E. V. • Dancing and other forms of en- a small but fast-breaking team Hanks, present owners. ! tertainment will round out the that is expected to provide plenty I day The application of The Com of competition Next Tuesday's gam? will also mercial Bank of Oregon for the keep the Loggers at home when Pomona to Meet Sat. establishment of a new branch they are scheduled to tangle with The regular meeting of the at Hood River has been approved St. Helens. That net aggrega- j Columbia County Pomona Grange by bank supervising authorities, tion will seek a win to even the j will be held Saturday. February An x-ray survey will be con according to George Remnant, loss they suffered at the hands of 7, at Beaver Homes Grange hall. the Loggers earlier in the sea { The meeting will convene at 11:00 ducted in Columbia county dur manager of the Vernonia branch. The new bank will be the 10th son. I a m. with Beaver Homes Grange ing August of this year according to J. B. St’ward, M.D., part- branch of The Commercial Bank Five on this year's squad, three as host. time county health officer. This of Oregon with it’s main office of them on the varsity, achieved announcement came after corres ! at Hillsboro. Other branches are honor roll listing at the end pondence between Dr. Steward : at Banks, Clovrrdale, Newbtrg, of the last six weeks. On the Examiner Scheduled varsity and also rating high in A drivers license examiner will and Dr. Heilman from the stat? Sherwood. St. Paul, Tillamook, Vernonia, West Slope, and Whecl- scholastic work were Bill Braun, | be on duty in Vernonia Friday, board of health. Many requests have been made ! er. Ken Nanson and Rick Fulton I February 13, at the city hall Before the opening of the new and on the junior varsity were from 10 a m. to 4 pm. Persons by various organizations in the wishing original licenses or per- county for an x-ray survey. The branch the capital structure of Pat O’Brien and Ken Parker. Box scores for Friday’s games, : mits to drive may obtain them last survey m Columbia county the bahk will be increased from $2,000,000 . to $2,200,000. Total , was held in March. 1951, I then. page six. Loggers Drop from Win Column Friday 43 to 63 Logger netmen fell from the victory column at the hands of Clatskanie th:re Friday night to the score of 43-63 after scoring wins over their three previous opponents Highlights of the first quarter netted scores for Vernonia when CTowston tallkd after driving down floor and again with Gill scoring on a pass play from Crowston and Fulton. That same combination also brought a tally in the second quarter along with a iong shot by Nanson. At the end of the half not much dfference in points separated the two teams and part of that lack of margin could be attributed to Gill’s work under the basket and the attempted shots he took off the backboard. Halftime count was 21-16. Second half play behind the high-point scoring of MacDonald and Fulton wasn't sufficient to offset the host team's floor work. Fulton accounted for two unas sisted trys that tallied and a blocked Tiger play resulted in another score by Nanson. High-point man for the Log- D arrold Proehl will take o v. r the duties of superintendent of the grad? schools as the resuli: of one decision that was made by the board of directors for dist riet 47 Jt., W dnesdav evening of last week. H- will relieve E. H. Condit who has been filling the post temporarily until a selec tion could be made by the board, but that change will not take place until the end of May, Pro"hl has been an instructor on the Vernonia grad ■ school staff for seven years and is acquainted with the details of op ration of the system. At Wednesday's meeting the board also named Hauton Lee, another instructor at the Wash ington school as principal. He has been with this system for two and a half years. The board met again Tuesday night of this week to establish salary schedules for the two men and to reappoint Mrs. Christen sen principal of Lincoln school. The board will decide at it’s March meeting about the rehir ing of the other teachers in the Washington and Lincoln schools. THOSE WHO ARE IN ÎT . . Soil District Election Dated | | | ! Aerie Observes Founding Date • To be decided next Tuesday, February 10, is the question of including the Nehalem valley in the Clatskanie soil conserva- tion district, according to Jack Sather of Clatskanie, chairman of the Clatskanie district. Bal lots were mailt d out last week by C. L. Waddell, polling super intendent, to farmers in the area owning 10 acres or more of land. The election time is set for .3 to 6 p.m. at the Natal Grang? hall. Sather points out that control of the district is placed in the hand* of representatives of the area, not in a government agency, and that it has no power to tax, levy bond« or make assessments. It’s opera tion is independent of any fed eral law or regulation. After the district is formed, it’s officials may request help from public agencies whether local, state or federal and from private sources for technical help for each particular problem of con- servation farming Engineering help laying out tile systems for drainage, building irrigation dan»;, planning irrigation systems and for other problems is provided without cost to cooperating far mers asking for such help. Virgil Lance is the technician in charge of the Clatskanie of fice of the district. Application for Newest Branch Given Approval X-ray Unit to Visit County deposits of the institution are now approximately thirty mil lion dollars. Remnant stated. Plans are going forward for opening the new branch as soon as quarters can be provided. A proposal has been submitted to the county court of Hood River county for the purchase of the old Butler bank building which is now being used as a court house Plans are being made for the erection of a new court house for Hixxl River county and an election will be held in February to determine the site for the new building. It is hoped that the new bank will be in operation within th? next few months.