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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1931)
MISSIONARY MEETING ATTENDED BY OVER 30 A most interesting meeting was enjoyed by over 30 members of the Missionary society of the Evangelical church Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Garner read ex cerpts from the fifth chapter of the book, “A Cloud of Witnesses,” which told briefly the history of a number of ministers’ wives and Christian workers from foreign countries and religions. Mrs. E. M. Bliele lead the de- votionals and Mrs. E. H. Condit sang a solo. The visiting commit tee reported 107 visits had been made during the month and 26 bouquets had been taken to sick members. Cake and coffee were served by Mrs. G. W. Plumer, Mrs. A. U. Sauer and Mrs. A. L. Parker. Others present were Mesdames C. Armstrong, C. L. Brock, L. F. Austin, E. Douglass, C. U. En- trom, J. Greenman, Lee Hall, I. Mann, L. Mowe, W. A. McGil- vray, E. E. Yeo, C. Nicar, W. Kent, H. S. Strong, E. S. Thomp son, W. W. Wolff, D. Marshall, J C. Patrick, P. Wideman, R. D. ' .her, Miss Loo se Malmsten and ' v. G. W. Plumer. M’S. BAIRD GIVEN FAREWELL PARTY V '1STIMBER—(Special.) Mrs. A. R. Baird was the inspiration for a fare« 11 party held Monday afternoon, February 23, at the horn, of Mrs. L. R. Kern at Wesuuu or. A gift of an etching in color was presented the guest of hon or. Bowls of daffodils and yellow candles made attractive decora tions, and the same color scheme of yellow and green was carried out in the lunch. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. L. E. Steph ens, Mrs. E. Wilson and Mrs. A. F. Knight. Among the guests were Mes dames George King, John Klein, E. Wilson, L. E. Stephens, John Marchel, Glenn Peoples, A. E. Koenig, Wm. Krebs, L. M. Nick erson, Vida Winans, A. F. Knight, Wm. Ferlaak, C. H. Kern, A. Armstrong, and Mis ses Ollie Bemis and Neva Root. Mr. and Mrs. Baird have been residents of Westimber for a number of years. Mr. Baird has been in the employ of the Eagle Lumber company ten years. Mrs. Baird has been actively associated with the various or ganizations of the community, having served as Sunday school superintendent for some time and has done a great deal of com mittee work in the P. T. A. Both Mr. and Mrs. Baird leave a host of friends who wish them only the best of success in their new home. MRS. LARAMORE HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY RIVERVIEW—(Special.) Mrs. M. B. Willard and Mrs. Harvey Heath entertained their mother, Mrs. J. R. Laramore, at a sur prise party at Mrs. Willard’s home Monday, the occasion being Mrs. Laramore’s birthday. A num ber of friends were invited. She received many presents, and a beautiful cake with candles was baked by Mrs. Heath. The evening was spent playing games, visiting and telling stories, after which refreshments of sandwiches, cake, ice cream and coffee were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Parker, Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Plumer, Mesdames Bert Hawkins, C. N. Rundell, Ethel Batchelor, Carrie Smyth, Carl Enstrom, Lee Hall, and Misses Melba Laramore, Leone Tpv Willard; Mr. Willard, nd the hostes- A rd ind Mrs. Heath. <i ' 4ESSING EN ERTA1NS Miss Helen Messing entertain- - ’ me Saturday even- PAGE FIVE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Friday, March 6, 1931. ing. The evening was spent playing games. Refreshments were served. Those attending were Marjorie Holtham, Lor raine Space, Shelby Caton, Ruth Page Simmons, Leona Hillman, Marguerite Laird, Roberta Wil liams, Harold King, Earl King, Robert Cline, Melville Malmsten, Roy Barnes, Paul Jepson, Billy Bassett, Holly Holcomb, George Veith, Lewis Graven. Mrs. Min nie Aspland acted as matron to the party. SURPRISE SHOWER FOR EVELYN PETERSON A surprise shower was given in honor of Miss Evelyn Peter sen at the home of Mrs. E. P. Frank on Saturday. Those present were Mesdames L. W. Baker, Kate McDonald, Chas. Dübendorf, Ben Raymer and son, V. M. Whitsell, and J. E. Frank; Misses Grace Condit, Helen Petersen, Elizabeth Peter sen, Celeste McDonald, Louise Whitsell and the guest of honor, Evelyn Peterson. Mrs. M. Stolen and Mrs. H. Decker were unable to attend but sent gifts. Miss Petersen received many beautiful gifts. Refreshments were served by the hostess, and all enjoyed a pleasant afternoon. QUILTING PARTIES AT MRS. WOLFF’S Monday and Tuesday after noons Mrs. W. W. Wolff enter tained groups of friends at quilt ing parties at her home on 0. A. hill. Mrs. Wolff served refresh ments to her guests on each oc casion. Westimber Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren ________ On Wednesday afternoon of last week Mrs. L. M. Nickerson was hostess for a “pay to play” card party. The proceeds from which went to help make up the Boy Scout budget. Tables were arranged for “500”. Mrs. J. Klein received high score and Mrs. A. E. Koenig low. Attend ing were Mesdames A. E. Koenig, C. C. Harris, Geo. King, A. C. Ahlgren, L. R. Kern, J. Klein, Vida Winans, and William Fer laak. The first meeting of the Par ent-Teachers study club met at the home of Mrs. L. E. Stephens Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren was elected secretary. “Can a child be taught to eat what they should,” was the sub ject of discussion. The next meet in, will be held March 10. "What makes a good dad and mother” and “Motherhood as a profes sion” will be discussed at that time. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Marchel have been quite ill this past week with “flu” but are much im proved and able to be up. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Knight and son Douglas motored to Bridal Veil, Oregon last Monday. Mrs. Wilford Wolfe returned home from Portland Saturday. A pleasing program was pre sented Friday evening at the Women’s club hall at Gales Creek in observance of Founder’s day by the Timber, Wilson, Wash burn, Gales Creek Parent-Teach ers association. A resume of the history of congress of parents and teachers was given by Mrs. William T. Brice, state president . W. F. Brinkmeyer of Timber presided at the meeting. Songs were sung by the entire assembly and demonstrations were given by the Camp Fire Girls and Boy Scouts. A birthday cake, made by Mrs. L. R. Kern of Westimber was a feature of the refresh ments, which were served by the Camp Fire Girls. Mr. and Mrs. G. Sealy of Portland were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stephens. Miss Emma Stephens also of Port land spent Sunday and Monday with her parents. Ed Reynolds has been helping Ohler, Mrs. Hobart Engen, Mrs. Turner and Miss Nola Hoak were rented the old Spencer ranch I Lawrence Jepson build some fence J. B. Ohler, Mrs. C. G. Jensen, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wal and will farm it and run a dairy. Mrs. C. C. Bergerson, Mrs. Alice ter Bennett over Sunday. last week. Mrs. A. Webb, Mrs. Nuberg, John Mrs. M. J. John Mrs. Mary A Mr. Sheets has moved on to Lauretz Aamodt was working Mr«. A. A. Dowling Anderson, Mrs. Zola Christensen, and Mrs. E. Treharne visited at the Even Hall place here. on the telephone line Monday. school on Wednesday. Mrs. Helen Christensen, Mrs. Alta Thos. Throop began work at Mrs. E. T. Wallace was a vil John, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Baker Koster camp this week and nar Mrs. M. J. John, Mrs. Mary Wm. Bridgers was on the sick lage caller on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Myrtle John. made a business trip to Portland rowly escaped being killed the Norma Anderson spent the list several days last week with Miss Christine Mead of Mon on Monday. first day by a falling tree top. grippe but is able to be out week end at her home in Ver mouth, Oregon, and Mrs. Roland Judge Cleeton and wife and sis nonia. again. Mrs. Mary Peterson visited Towers of Vancouver Barracks, ter Mrs. C. A. Nuteson of Port Mrs. Buckley and Mrs. Rach- Washington, were week end guests land were guests of Aunt Sally iel came down from Vernonia with her daughter Mrs. Lindsey at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Tuesday. They were old Sunday and visited their mother, a couple of days last week. Mr«. Lee Hall Mrs. T. Crowder was a Ver A. F. Smejkal. Miss Mead and friends of the Spencer family. Mrs. Ed Reynolds. Mrs. Smejkal were roommates Mrs. E. R. Treharne and Mrs. o James Jones and family have nonia visitor Sunday. while attending college at Mon been visiting at the Eric Krow- Mrs. Oral Faulkner, daughter Sunell and Irene Spencer of mouth. Treharne visited Mrs. Spencer holm place. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ohler visit and Jack Spencer, grandson of Tuesday. Little Charles Weber of Port ed at the home of Mrs. Ohler’s Aunt Sally Spencer, were out Those who helped Mrs. W. W. land is visiting his grandparents, mother, Mrs. Gust Schmidlin, on from Portland Tuesday to visit Wolff Mr«. Jak« Neurer quilt Tuesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Melis. Beaver creek, Wednesday. Mrs. her. were Mesdames C. A. Malmsten, O. B. Malmsten returned from Schmidlin is ill with rheumatism, Mrs. Joseph Banzer went to Seaside Tuesday where he has Eva West, Eda Lindstrom, Earl Clatskanie Friday to i see the Irene Paarknon was a Sunday but is improving under the doc been looking after his home and Bleile, F. E. Malmsten and Lee tor’s care. doctor. She slipped and fell a- morning visitor at Natal. Hall. Grandma Souls was a Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Engen, cottages. bout a week ago while coming Mr. and Mrs. James McCor Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Johnston guest. from the fam, striking on her mick motored last week to Port Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ohler, and shoulder, and it had been bother- land, where they spent several Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Jensen spent and Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCal Mr. and Mrs. Francis Burn Saturday evening at the home of lister and two sons of St. Hel ham of Jewell were guests at the ing her quite badly since. When days. ens were guests at the D. R. home of his sister, Mrs. Merle the doctor examined it, he found Edward McMullin from Pebble Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bergerson Fowler home here Sunday. Cline, Sunday. one of the bones broken, and creek called to see his brother ploying cards. Mrs. Rhoda Morgan visited at Mr. and Mrs. John Estes and The pupils of the Kist school a dislocation of the shoulder, Dave last week. the home of Mrs. A. P. Bays on which he reset. She is getting H. Tracey was very ill last receiving 100 in spelling this the Timber highway Monday of sons Ole and Arie motored to Natal Sunday and visited their anlong nicely now. week, and Dr. J. A. Hughes from week were Florence Ohler, third this week. daughter and family, Mr. and grade; Virgil Rainwater, Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Folger re Vernonia was called. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gray, who turned to Portland last week. Ray Green left a few days ago Ohler, Irene Bergerson, and Susie have been residents in this vi Mrs. Dave McMullin. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Robins spent They have been staying at the for Eugene, where he is working Mae Jensen, fourth grade; and cinity the past five or six years, Knowles form with her mother on a dairy ranch for H. C. Gray. Carl Ohler, Glen Rainwater, and and had lived on the Spencer the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Burtraw on for several weeks. Mrs. Nels Peterson is here Harry Ohler, sixth grade. ranch the past two years, left Soul’s hill. Shady Lane is in Vancouver spending a few weeks with her for Eugene Sunday, where they visiting his sisters for a few daughters, Mrs. Noble Dunlap and have purchased a dairy ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Thor Roberts weeks. Mrs. Bob Lindsey. Miss Annie McMullin of Na moved this week from the Rose Mrs. M. Aamodt and family Oliver Burris spent a few days tal spent the weekend at the way apartments to 191 North have a new Chevrolet coach. in Portland on business over the home of her grand parents, Mr. street. The regular meeting of Natal week end. George W. Ford is moving to Lawrence Bennett won third and Mrs. John Estes. grange was held Saturday even Earl Smith from Vernonia was Bert Hawkins was called to Longview today. He expects to place in the county spelling con not a very large ing. There was a business caller Saturday at test held at Rainier Friday night. Sedro Wooley, Washington, Tues return for next Wednesday’s attendance. Natal. day to be with his father, Frank chamber of commerce meeting. Buster camp started Monday Mrs. Lee Osburn left Sunday Those attending from Pleasant Hawkins, who was seriously in A seven pound boy arrived at morning. morning to care for Mrs. Tom Hill were Mr. and Mrs. James jured by a scaffold falling with the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gordon, Miss Gertrude Murphy, A man was injured so badly Enneberg on The Burn. Hanna on O. A. hill at 9 o’clock from ( lulsa that he died on the way out ----------- Miss Beatrice Perry and her Marguerite Harris, Lillian Mur him. The Schmidlin brothers have Wednesday morning. Birkenfeld to Clatskanie, Monday . ' grandfather, _____ Oliver Burris were phy, Dorothy Webb, Mrs. Ben morning at Buster camp. We W: '■ business visitors in Vernonia Fri Benr»tt, Mrs. Walter Bennett, Byron Bennett, and Lawrence were unable to learn his name at day. THE LOWBOY—Ofen this time. He worked on the Mrs. George Taylor and child Bennett. faced walnut iaimet... Mrs. Geo. Baslington enter railroad, and fell 60 feet from ren spent Saturday in Vernonia Price $142. 50, leu tubes. tained Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spen a bridge. shopping. • THE HIGHBOY- A cer, Miss Elna Spencer and Ben Wm. Bridgers and Ernest Yo- Some work wos done on the brown walnut cabinet cum were Clatskanie business vis- local telephone line last week Spencer at dinner Monday. with French doors...Fitted Mrs. F. O’Donnell and Mrs. L. itors on Monday. by Bob Lindsey, Ira Peterson, with TONE CONTROL The infant child of Mr. and Dave McMullin and Richard Pet Crawford visited school on Tues Price #179.50, leu tubes. day afternoon. Mrs. Tom Enneberg passed away erson. •THE RADIO PHONO Alice and Bobbie Stevenson are Sunday morning, living only a C. H. Newkirk was a Natal bus GRAPH COMBINA attending Pleasant Hill school. few moments after birth. TION— A handsome iness caller for a couple of days Vern Stevenson is attending Ver brown walnut cabinet .Fit Mrs. Lanyer was a village cal last week. ted with TONE CON ler Monday morning. Bud Baldridge is suffering nonia high school. TROL and HOME RE Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barnes The L. Carmichiel family mot from a large felon on his hand. CORDING equipment ored to Seattle Saturday to visit Mathews Brothers hauled lum and family spent the weekend at ...Price #285.00, leu tubes. Mrs. Carmichiel’s parents for a ber to Vernonia last week from the home of her parents at Sher •Remo« control optional u wood. Loretta Baker accomp day or two. additional cone their mill. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Jones anied them. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lindsay of Birkenfeld were dinner guests and son Floyd were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph George Mienen of Mist, Monday Nelson. evening, iit being the 40th wed Mr. and Mrs. M. Dooley and ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. The Kist home demonstration unit held their meeting at the Children motored to Portland Hugh M. Jones. Monday afternoon Mrs. George home of Mrs. M. J. John. Mrs. Sunday, returning on Tuesday. Mrs. J. Hurley has been very Mienen and Mrs. Hugh M. Jones Case had a very interesting les called on Mrs. Claude Johnson son on new styles of spring ill the past two weeks. Koster camp men started to clothes. Those present to benefit and little daughter. Ralph George hurt his foot from the meeting were Mrs. M. work Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hopkins quite badly last week while play E. Rainwater, Mrs. G. H. Ohler, Mrs. H. C. Ohler, Mrs. H. C. and family of Birkenfeld, A) ing basketball. Mist Riverview Natal Treharne and • * • KIST General Electric Radio Concert in Our Showroom ♦ • • rade in those old T unsafe threadbare fixes Listen to the rich low bass notes and the silvery trebles that the VuU Range Sensitivity brings in— Notice how every word of the songs can be heard dearly. Let us demonstrate how Full Range Selectivity prevents overlapping. And—let us tell you for how very little YOU can have the added enjoy ment of Full Range entertainment in your home today. Oregon Gas & Electric Co. 622 BRIDGE STREET VERNONIA, OREGON GE NE RAL@E LECIRIC FILL KAIV«E RAIMO FREE ♦Ire inspection and Trade-In Offer... no obligation Bargain Week-end Trips Continued SERVICE QUALITY Through March—Go FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS CALL 191 Return limits Tuesdays following dates of sale. Portland $1.25 2.60 Albany Astoria ............ 2.35 Corvallis 2.80 Eugene .............. 3.55 Forest Grove .... $ .90 1.75 Hillsboro Rainier .............. 1.25 2.15 Salem .......... . Seaside .............. 2.75 Whether it’s a big job or a little one, you’ll get the best service and the best work in our big, modern commercial printing plant. Ask us to quote on your next job. Other Points in Proportion Tickets on sale in both directions between all points for trains and stages of lines shown be low. Minimum 50c. UNITED HAILWAYS S. P. & S. TRANSPORTATION CO. (Stages) V V Gilby Motor Company Bridge Street VERNONIA. OREGON TELEPHONE 491 BOOKLETS------ BROADSIDES------- FOLDERS STATIONERY ------ BUSINESS FORMS POSTERS AND HAND BILLS VERNONIA EAGLE