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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1931)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX “Sap” Lewis Recap tured Near Town (Continued from page 1.) Lewis wore no coat, and only a pair of carpet slippers were on his feet. He was unarmed. He had spent the night, he said, in A. D. Hall’s barn. Many Charges Against Him He was arrested last Novem ber, charged with stealing 15 typewriters from the Clatskanie high school, and was also wanted in Portland for burglary. He has in addition been accused of several automobile thefts. His home was in Clatskanie, where he was endeavoring to go at the time of his capture. Sev eral years ago he resided in Ver nonia, working on the construc tion gang at the mill, and has a wide acquaintance in this part of Columbia county. turn loose of a five dollar bill. Messing Collect» Data il Messing, secretary I the chamber of commerce, has been requested by Fred Lockley, feature writer for the Oregon , Journal, to prepare an article I on Vernonia and the Nehalem ' valley to appear in the Sunday Preparations have been under i Journal. Mr. Messing collected way since Monday for the open-; “““* ‘fnfon^tion'*"Wednesday' and ing of logging operations here I mailed it, together with photo Thursday, the first since mid-Dec- graphs of local scenes. ember. Jonas Larson is working for Mr» Wright Return» the Crown-Willamette company Mrs. E. C. Wright, former res- at Cathlamet, Washington. ident of Vernonia who went to D. F. O’Donell and family re- Minnesota and from there to turned to camp Tuesday. Omaha and still later to San P. L. McDuffee is working on Francisco, is visiting with her a highway near Grants Pass. sister, Mrs. O. M. Graham. Paul Highland and B. Sather Mrs. Wright says that she likes are working in Rainier. Vernonia and does not think that J. W. Wornstaff went to Mon she will go back to Minnesota. tana on business with his brother- She has many friends here and in-law Sunday. is known to the children as Grand Mrs. Westlin and Bertha Scott ma Rice, her name when she lived were Portland visitors Monday, here previously. returning Tuesday and bringing Mr. Wright will join her here Mrs. Bayer, the former’s mother, shortly. with them. Friday, March 6, 1931. Bargain Rate» Extended Locals Camp McGregor About the fastest man we ever saw getting down to first base in this indoor league is John Gra He is continually beating dy. out infield hits. Bats left hand ed which puts him about three steps closer to first base. When Connie Anderson smacks that old pill you can usually chalk up a base hit for he wallops them with a double “L.” A good name for the Mildew club would be the “Hitless Won- ders.” This plus a little assis- tance from the well known breaks puts them well up in the percen tage column. It is getting so the winner of these indoor games is the team that comes up last in the ninth Ellen Plummer of Seattle vi inning. sited at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. J. Armitage, over the so Wednesday night weekend. Miss Plummer is head Not though. The Legions held the of the confectionery department Knights in the last half of the of the Rhodes Brothers depart ninth to two scores. ment store. Mr». Kirk Given Shower Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Stevenson RIVERVIEW —(Special.) —A As promised last week, we ' of Portland spent from Friday are showing below the leading until Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. number of neighbors and friends run makers in the indoor league: W. J. Armitage, The Steven- j gathered at the home of Mrs. Lee Hartwick, Acacias ....................... 18 sons lived next door to the apart I Hall Friday afternoon to give a Hawkins, Acacias ....................... 17 ment house in which Mrs. Leona shower for her daughter, Mrs. Ray, Athletics ..............................16 Bowles met her death, and are Gertrude Kirk. Mrs. Rilla Snyd Norgorden, Acacias ..................... 15 witnesses at the trial now in er and Mrs. Charles Justice ar- I ranged to have Mrs. Kirk pres Drorbaugh, Athletics ................. 14 progress in Hillsboro. ent. She received many beauti Bateman, Federals ..................... 12 business Bill Armitage was a ful and useful gifts. Refresh Brickel, Athletics ....................... 12 visitor in Portland Monday. ments of sandwiches, cake and Linn, Athletics ............................. 12 The Vernonia post office has fruit salad were served. Tisdale, Federals ......................... 11 been flooded with mail order cat M. Miller, Athletics ................... 11 Bob Carland Back W. Gregory, Mildews .................11 alogues during the past week. The heaviest consignment weigh Bob Carland, who went to ed 1610, pounds and cost $57.96 i .Portland Wednesday expecting to As will be noted from the postage. I undergo a second operation for above the Acacias and the Ath- The Eastern Star Social club rupturei was informed after ex letics are well represented in will meet next Wednesday after-, aminatjon that the injured part the leading run scorers, Out of pzxzx»» ir» 4-V»z» Ifaannin tnmuln «it- i» » by »A itself, 1» and .1 At _A in the Masonic temple at wag » healing that the eleven leading run getters noon 2:30. I an operation would be unneces the Athletics have placed five Mrs. K. A. McNeill was host sary. He returned Thursday, and men and the Acacias three, while ess to the bridge club at her ! will probablv be able to resume the Federáis have two and the home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. F. I work soon. Mildews one. The Legions and Hartwick was honored with a the Knights are not represented shower of useful gifts. Mrs. Thor Roberts won the high score prize. in this group as yet. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. McNeill. Those present were Mrs. W. R. Culver, Mrs. F. Dick Chinese Immigration Prior to the discovery of gold In son, Mrs. M. Gründen, Mrs. F. California In 1848 there were no M. Ruhl, Mrs. T. Roberts, Mrs. Chinese laborers in the United A. L. Kullander, Mrs. States. From 1840 to 1850, accord Pearse, Mrs. F. Hartwick. ing to Immigration records, only 35 entered the country, but during Camp 8 Road under Consideration the next decade 41,397 came to the The matter of declaring the port of San Francisco. About 1870 Chinese coolie Immigration began proposed route of the Camp 8 to be a political issue and the road a public road, enabling the treaty signed November 17. 1880, beginning of construction, is un gave the United States the right to Vernonia Store 1436 regulate, limit or suspend the im der advisement by the county migration of new Chinese laborers, court now in session. The deci sion expected on Wednesday was but not to prohibit it altogether. postponed because of pressure of other business. And the race keeps getting hot ter and hotter. Mathematically the Knights still have a chance to cop the pennant and with their Pioneer Association to Meet recent reinforcements who knows Local participation in a move ACACIAS AT TOP OF President White of the Colum but what they may. However, to bring business back to the bia County Pioneer association it looks like too much Acacias LIST IN THIRD level of previous years is to get has called a public meeting of the to us. under way today when Frank WEEK association and of old time re Hartwick, local Chevrolet dealer sidents of the county at Clats Dr. Eby overdid himself while (Continued from page 1.) leaves for Portland, with E. S. kanie, March 14, 10:30 a. m. A pitching for the Mildews last Thompson to attend a novel re tail sales convention being held I pushed over a run to break the luncheon under the auspices of Friday, He had to go to Port- the local Kiwanis club will be a land to see a doctor the other there for all Chevrolet retail I tie and win the game. The contest was played in fast feature of the session. Mr. day and we understand he is now salesmen in the Portland zone. More than 450 are expected j time and was plenty exciting to White wants a large delegation of carrying his arm around in a to attend the convention, which | the crowd of spectators on hand. pioneers and their families to be sling. opens with a luncheon at the , This game does not count in the there for the day and help make While we are on this boy Mar- Multnomah Hotel and consists of , league standings. It was staged the meeting a successful one. vin we may as well continue. a full afternoon of instruction t for the benefit of the Vernonia . NOTICE OF LIEN UPON Some wit (or maybe it was a at the Oriental Theatre. A feat Athletic club, who took in a little CHATTELS ' half-wit) in the stands last Fri ure of the luncheon will be the , over $7.00 at the gate. Drorbaugh and Bateman were i R. B. Early, doing business as day remarked that Eby got rid installation of the officers of the “100 Car-Club,” a star sales the stars for the winners while i; Vernonia Service Garage, vs. of the ball like he was trying to Welsh, Grady and Davidson i Frank Karnath, Defendant. man’s honory organization. Notice is hereby given that R. ment of a lien of the Gilby A car load of special scenery, played nice games for the Le- B. Early, doing business as Ver- Motor Company for storage on and other theatrical equipment gions. The score by innings follows: : nonia Service Garage claims a said automobile in the sum of including talking motion pictures has been engaged to put on the Legions .......... 006 110 030—11 lien upon Pontiac coach, motor $70.00, said automobile having presentation, which is said to be Athletics .......... 100 262 002—13 i No. P93630, License Oregon 1929 been stored with the undersigned Acacias 21; Mildew» 23 185-706, for and on account of at Vernonia, Oregon, on August the first and largest of its kind to The Mildews were lucky enough i storage, labor, skill and materials, 2, 1929, and having been de- be staged in the automobile {in to come out on the long end of ' expended and performed upon tained for storage charges for dustry for retail salesmen. When They Stick The meeting is one of 52 to be a 23 to 21 score in a hectic ! and attached to the above des- more than 30 days. Resume» Beauty Shop The best way to remove the Dated February 19, 1931. held throughout the United States game between the Acacias and | cribed property in Columbia coun feathers from wild ducks Is to dip Mrs. Earl Dial has taken back ty, Oregon, as follows: Brake GILBY MOTOR COMPANY the Mildews, played last Friday. the ducks in boiling water and then during March. By Frank Hartwick, Manager. wrap in a heavy cloth. The steam the Annette Beauty shop which I The Mildew club had considerable lining and labor of installation will soon loosen the feathers and she has leased for the past two I difficulty getting next to Nor- $8.50; Storage Mar. 20, 1930, to First published Feb. 20, 1931; Mercantile Stock Inventoried the “pins” are very little trouble. months. The stock of the Vernonia Mer gorden’s slants but managed to Jan. 20, 1931, 10, mo. at $5.00 Last published March 6, 1931. cantile company was inventoried get the biggest share of the Mo., $50.00. Total $58.50. That Wednesday by C. W. Reithner, breaks and with a little assistance the name of the owner or reputed Curtis Johns and J. E. Frank. from his majesty, the umps, were owner is Frank Karnath; that Frank Karnath, the authorized Mr. Frank is custodian, the place able to win the game. The Mildews started off strong agent of such owner, and having having been attached by credi by cracking out six runs in the the lawful possession of said pro tors. first inning. The Acacias marked perty, requested said service and Aunt Sally Spencer Ill up one score in the first and materials; that the said lobor, Aunt Sally Spencer has been tyo in the second and then broke skill and materials were so ex confined to her home by illness loose, scoring nine runs in the pended and performed upon the since the first of the week. She fourth before they could be sub- said chattel property by claim Prices for Saturday and Monday, March 7 and 8 However, the Mildews, ant between the 20th day of is reported as doing nicely, and dued. her condition is not regarded as got all these back and some more March 1930, and Jan. 10, 1931; serious despite her advanced age. too in the last of the sixth when that sixty days have not elapsed they ran up a total of 12 runs since said storage, labor, skill FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE in the most hectic inning of the ■ and materials were expended on Fverv , ' said chattel; present indoor season. Every- ____ that ____ , said chattel ,__ ,____ is * thing in the book and some things Ist'11 storage, and 60 days have G. D. Byrd, Pastor not in ... the V..V, book xzvv» occurred in thisi v.axo i no^ elapsed since that time; that Services for the week. March ..wv 8, Sunday school 10 a. m. Morn canto before the Acacias could I ,ne 7 amount claimant demands A Big Saving on This Pure Granulated Sugar. ing services 11 a. m. Evening get settled down sufficiently to for said storage, labor, skill and materials so expended is $58.50; service at 7 p. m. retire the side. that no part thereof has been Prayer meeting Wednesday 7 Norgorden, Hughes and Me p. m. Ladies’ Aid meeting on pherson were the stars for the (paid; and there is due and re maining unpaid thereon, after Thursday afternoon 2 p. m. Acacias . j while Malmsten, i , .. Taylor' i i ucuuvung deducting uu all jubi just uremia credits and en You are welcome to these ser and j T Laird showed up particularly offsets, ,______________ thp sum of $58.50, „____ , in tiro 11 for r nr thn 1V1 i1 r( niua _ . _ vices. well the Mildews. which amount said claimant now The score follows: claims a lien upon said chattel CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mildews .......... ( 600 “ 1112 120,—23 property. 1 on C11 A 041 04? ' _ __ ._______ ____ . . . Acacias .......... 120 91 0 341—211 I R. B. EARLY, Doing business F. Claude Stephen», Minister. Umpires, Cole and Nance. as Vernonia Service Garage, In the services for March 8 Athletic* 20; Knight» 9 Fancy Red Spitzenburgs— wrapped Claimant. is the following: 9:45 a. m. Bible Fancy Blue Rose Rice — Large fuU and packed. The Athletics romped all over J. E. FRANK, Constable. school; 10:45 a. m. Divine morn grains. State of Oregon, BOX ing worship, and theme, “The the Knights last Thursday night, important word coming from the shoving them off onto the short Counfy of Multnomah, s. s. I, R. B. Early, being first duly end of a 20 to 9 score. They had Bible for today is Caution.” things pretty much all their own sworn, on oath say that I am Services for the afternoon way, holding the Knights score claimant named in the foregoing 6:30, Christian Endeavor. claim, that I have personal know No evening service, on ac- less for the first six innings. count of evangelistic meeting at In the seventh the Knights got ledge of the facts therein set Large Fancy Grapefruit. the Evangelical church. to Doc Olson for two runs and out; that I have heard the same then put on a little rally of their read, and I know the contents own to mark up six scores in i thereof, and believe the same to the eighth. With the exception of be true. R. B. EARLY a final run in the ninth, this was Safeway Coffee in bulk, lb. 34c Subscribed and sworn before the sum total of their efforts. me this 12 day of January, 1931. SWAPS AND TRADES The Athletics scored eight runs B. T. HUNTINGTON SWAP—Columbia Victrola, fine in their half of the eigthth to Notary Public for Oregon. nullify the Knights ’ effort to ral condition, 50 records to trnde (Notarial Seal) for small bathtub, or what? Mid ly. Olson pitched his usual good My commission expires brand of ball for the A ’ s while way Grocery. (321*) Jan. 7, 1932. Spring and Brickel did some First Publication March 6. 120 STANDS BEES. Will trade mighty nifty fielding. The stick for cattle. Bees now leased in work was pretty well divided Last Publication, April 3. From young beef. 14/» vatley. Good contract Good with Ray and Drorbaugh doing NOTICE Pound ........................... 14C fireweed location near Timber. the most husky batting. Fogel Rich full cream Fresh Corn Meal, — Box 54, Timber, Ore. (321c) and Nelson bore the brunt of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN cheese for cooking yellow or white— the attack for the Knights. that the undersigned Gilby Motor FOR RENT The score: Company will sell at public auc and table FOR RENT—2-room apartments, Knights ............ 000 000 261— 9 tion to the highest bidder for Pounds Pound new, clean and quiet. Hot Athletics .......... 540 0,20 18x—20 cash in hand a certain Star Se- water; water, light and wood $15 Umpires, Nance and Hartwick.; dan bearing Motor No. 3428808, --------------- •---------------- (On Friday, March 6, 1931. month. P. Hill, 875 Second St Pancake Flour Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. This sale will take place at APARTMENT for rent at the W. J. Armitage were Mr. and the garage of the undersigned at Pound Bik K self rising Standard Peas— in Roseway on Rose Ave. (32tf) Mrs. O. M. Jackson of Portland, 493 Bridge street in Vernonia, pancake flpur. •>nd H. O. McManus of Longview. I Oregon, and is for the enforce- large cans. FOR SALE HARTWICK. THOMPSON LEAVE FOR CONVENTION The United Railways company and the affiliated stage line have decided to continue throughout March the bargain rates for week end trips in effect during Feb ruary. According to the plan, a round trip equal to 60 per cent of the usual one-way fare is granted each week end. 8 POUNDS . ....39c A Group of D ress and S ports C oats Apples RICE 4 Pounds 19c Smart coats tor «very occasion fashioned of the new soft wool ens .. in skipper blue, black, tan and high shades ... at $9.90 they are exceptional value* I GRAPEFRUIT COFFEE Classified Ads 3 LBS. $1.00 Safeway Market Savings Cheese Beef Pot Roast Com Meal 1 7n 9 P°S 27c lit PEAS FOR SALE—Baby chicks from pure Hanson W. L. Hens, ma ted to males from Hanson world winning blood line with dam’s record of 260 to 314 eggs. Price $14 per 100; $130 per thousand. Branda's Poultry farm. Gaston, Oregon. One mile south of Dilley.__________________ 26tf 8 rZdg 42c 3 CANS 29c New Rural Potatoes MAIL BOXES Yakima Netted Gems—Good No. 2 grade—nice and smooth. FOR SALE—By owner. Two acres—new six room house and garage. Close in. Low price—Easy terms—Inquire Eagle office. 322* WANTED DRESSMAKING—Any kind. Mrs. Chas. Ratkie, H-mile along pavement. (312*) Pure Lard 2 25c Bacon Squares 16c Rib Steaks Small and tender Pound ........................... Hamburger Freshly Ground 2 Pounds .... _. Pound llofimaii lid wo. Co j 29c Boiling Beef POUND SACK SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT—IT PAYS 1 On 1Ï/C 12c Reasonable Orders Delivered Free. Phone 741 S ilk D resses for only »6.90 Bright dresse* ... printed oi plain ... in new rtyles .. , emphasizing the two pteefl and jacket effect* that will look so »mart when yo< wear them without a coa^ At this price you can stafl the season with two or thres new dresses I 4