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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1931)
VOLUME 9________________ VERNONIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1931. NUMBER 31. VELDON PARKER AMY HUGHES ACTIVE Boy Scout Court County 4H Clubs Acacias at IS CLUB AUDITOR City Taxes IN U. OF O. SINGING No Decision Make About $1700 Of Honor Tonight OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Amy Hughes of Vernonia, stu Corvallis — (Special.)— Veldon at the University of Oregon, Top Place dent Reached as Four-H club boys and girls of Parker of Vernonia, junior in Explained was a member of a girls’ trio There will be held this even that was the main feature of a ing at the Evangelical church the Columbia county made a profit forestry at Oregon State college, radio program over KORE, Eu first Boy Scout court of honor of $1673.41 in their various club has been elected auditor of the In League gene, February 15, representing ever held in Vernonia. To 0-A Mill projects during the past year, forestry club. All of the 164 At C. of C. Hendricks Hall. Different or according to a summary of their men registered in the school of Athletics Advance From 4th Position To Second INDOOR Team Acacias ....... Athletics ...... Mildews ........ Federals ........ Legions .. ........ Knights .. ........ SECOND LEAGUE W, L. Pct. 3 0 1.000 2 1 .667 1 1 .500 1 2 .333 1 2 .333 .000 0 2 WEEK SCORES Athletics 29, Legions 17, 12 innings. Acacias 23, Federal» 21 Athletics 14, Mildews 10, Legions 10, Federal» 9 At the end of the second week of play in the Indoor Baseball league the Acacias have sole possession of top position in. the league while the Athletics occu py second place with an average of .667 The Acacias played on ly one game during the past week which they won from the Fédér ais after a hard struggle. The Fédérais played two, dropping one to the Acacias and another to the Legions in a close scrap. The Mildews played only one game which they dropped to the Athletics and the latter played two, winning them both to move themselves from fourth position up to second place. John Grady’s Legion team up set the old dope bucket Wednes day evening when they trimmed the strong Federal club 10 to 9. The game was very thrilling and was not won until the last half of the ninth. Bateman and Rob erts played especially good ball for the Legions. This same Legion team, which is now in the win column and which forced the Athletic club to go 12 innings before giving them the game last week is go ing to play a benefit exhibition ame with the Athletics tomor row evening, Saturday the 28th. The game will be called at 8:30 p. m. and a small admission will be charged. The box score of Wednesday’s game: Fédérais — 101 032 200— 9 Legions — 100 10,2 222—10 Umpires, Hartwick and Rich ardson. Athletics 29; Legions 17 The Athletic club and the Le gions put up the most exciting indoor game of the present sea son last Thursday, when the Athletics were forced to go 12 innings to defeat the Legions 29 to 17. At the end of the ninth inning the score stood 14 to 14 after the Athletics made seven runs in the last canto to tie it up. Each team made one run in the 10th and two each in the eleventh, leaving the score tied 17 to 17 at the end of the eleventh. Then in the twelfth the Athletics went hog wild and scored 12 runs before they could be subdued. The Legions showed considerab ly more strength in last Thurs day’s game than they exhibited on their previous start. The ad dition of Davidson in the box strengthened this club consider ably and makes them a contender now instead of a set up. Ray did the hurling for the Athletics in the final innings, re lieving Olson in the ninth. Dav idson, Hewes and Grady were the star performers for the Legions, while Olson and Ray showed up mighty well for the Athletics. The score: Athletics - 102 106 307 1212—29 Legions - 100 420 025 12 0-17 Umpires: C. Nance and Cole. Acacias 23; Fédérais 21 The Acacias retained their po sition at the top of the percent age column in the Indoor League and also kept their slate clean (Continued on Page 6) DAIRIES ALL O. K. REPORTS DEPUTY L. S. Leach, deputy dairy and food commissioner who inspected dairies in this district a week ago, working with deputy city health officer Harry G. Phelps, reports everything in good condi tion and suggests only a few minor changes. At this time a number of the ganizations on the campus are boys will be made second class competing for a radio and other scouts, and some expect to re prizes by each putting a program ceive merit badges. on the air. The court will be open to the Miss Hughes was first contralto public.____________________ (¿J of the University polyphonic choir1 Ships Out Lumber appearing Thursday evening ini Gounoud’s Gallia and other num-| L. F. Austin, science teacher bers. Only the best singers in at Vernonia high school, shipped each group are selected for the out 41,000 feet of lumber to his programs put on by the choir. ranch at Allard, Washington, Sat urday. This is the fifth carload Cornish Burt Goes East of lumber shipped there by Mr. Cornish Burt, formerly employ Austin. ed at the Vernonia Bakery and Morris Graves Injured more recently at the Golden Crust bakery in St. Helens, visit- Morris Graves was cut about the ed his brother Cecil, of the local ‘ ^a^.e when a car in bakery for a few days before which he and a group of his friends were riding ran off the starting east to attend the Dun woody institute, a school for grade at the mile bridge above town. The car was badly damaged. bakers, at Minneapolis. Mr. Burt plans to take a Train Jumps Track three month’s course specializing The Vernonia-Portland train in cake baking and decorating. jumped the track at Linnton Fri day afternoon. The train was delayed, and a bus was called out to take the passengers into Portland. No one was injured. Among the passengers were Mrs. F. W. Gough and daughter Cecile. The zone spelling contest was held in the Washington school MRS. BERGERSON’S Friday. Each school district was CONDITION BETTER entitled to one contestant in each grade in the written contest and Mrs. Charles Bergerson who the following placed first and suffered two paralytic strokes second in each grade: eighth last Friday and Saturday is much grade, Charleen George, Mist; improved and is regaining the Cecil Lane, Birkenfeld; seventh use of her limbs. Her condition grade, Geraldine George, Mist, was so critical Saturday that her Dorothy Webb, Pleasant Hill; children were sent for. Her Sixth grade, Lillian Murphy, daughter Mrs. Don Grabel of Pleasant Hill, Buster Nance, Ver Enumcaw, Washington, and her nonia; Fifth grade, Dbris Nixon, son Gilbert Bergerson of O. S. C. Vernonia, Lawrence Bennett, at Corvallis were with her Sun Pleasant Hill; Fourth grade. Mar day. guerite Harris, Pleasant Hill, Ruth Ek. Mist. L. E. Fredrickson Leaves In the oral contest each school L. E. Fredrickson who has op district was entitled to two spel erated the Vernonia Service gar lers irrespective of grade and age since its opening a year and Henry Aamodt of Mist placed a half ago has accepted a posi first and Cecil Lane of Birken tion with the Erickson Motor feld second. company in St. Helens and will While the written contest was move there with his family the being given a program was en- last of this week. joyed in the auditorium as fol- lows: Toy orchestra under the INFORMAL DANCING direction of Miss Constance PARTY AT MESSING’S Bougher; minuet by pupils of the Mrs. Thor Roberts, Mrs. O. T. third and fourth grades of the Lincoln school; quartet, Robert Bateman, Macile Roberts, Doro Noble, Wilfred Thomas, Dr. M. thy Holcomb and Verla Messing D. Cole, and E. S. Thompson; sel- were joint hostesses for an in ection by the grade school or- formal dancing party at Miss Messing’s home Sunday night. chestra. The final spelling contest for Refreshments of cake and ice Columbia county will be held at cream were served late in the Rainier tonight, when the winners evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wil in the zone contest will compete with the winners of the other lis Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wall, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hieb- zone contest. er, Marjorie King, O. Bateman, Harold Nelson, Kenneth Whitsell, Carl Casperson, Gloyd Adams, Harold Shipley, Bill Culver, and Marshall Malmsten. ZONE SPELLING CONTEST HELD Ford Promoted to Longview Position BRIDGE CLU” AT George W. Ford, manager of MRS. WAYNE HIEBER’S the Oregon Gas and Electric Mrs. Wayne Hieber entertained company in Vernonia for the the Queen of Hearts Bridge club past three years, has been pro at her home in the Roseway moted to manager of the Wash apartments Wednesday afternoon. ington Gas and Electric com Thor Roberts held high pany at Longview, a utility under Mrs. the same ownership. He succeeds score. hostess served a dainty The M. C. Allen, resigned because of lunch of chicken salad, cheese ill health. straws, sandwiches and coffee to Although Mr. Ford’s business the guests who were Mrs. J. E. interests will be in Longview he Kerr, Mrs. George Van Vleet, promises to retain his citizenship Mrs. Forest Harding, Mrs. Frank here, and to remain as head of Hartwick, Mrs. Thor Roberts, the chamber of commerce. For a Mrs. Henry Fogel, Mrs. O. T. while at least he will be associat Bateman, and Miss Macile Rob ed in an advisory capacity with erts. the local company. Mr. Ford achieved outstand The Kensington club which ing success in making over what met with Mrs. Earl Dial last was at the time of his arrival Thursday spent the evening sew here a bankrupt company into a ing. Refreshments were served well established firm enjoying an to the folowing guests: Mrs. Earl excellent business. Equally note Smith, Mrs. E. S. Thompson, worthy have been his services Mrs. C. S. Hoffman, Mrs. Harry to the community, through his Kerns, Mrs. James Nanson, Mrs. efforts in the locating of roads Harry Culbertson, Mrs. A. L. through Vernonia and his con- Kullander, Mrs. Rose Fletcher, tacts with outside organizations. Mrs. Minnie Aspland, Mrs. M. His successor is E. J. Ludeman, D. Cole and Mrs. W. L. Van Dor- sales manager of the Washington en. Gas and Electric company at The next meeting of the club Longview. Mr. Ludeman has had will be on the afternoon of March many years experience in the 5 at the home of Mrs. E. S. public utility business, and be Thompson. fore going to Longview was with the Puget Sound Light and Power The Pythian Sisters are plan company at Chehalis. ning to go to St. Helens next Mr. and Mrs. Ludeman and Thursday evening, March 5, to little daughter are moving to pay a visit to the Ava Temple. Vernonia this week end. Mrs. Eddie Doyle and Edna Mr. Ford expects to be here the greater part of next week I Morgan of Portland visited making preparations for transfer|friends here between trains Tues- to his new duties. day. „ ; idMI Continuous Running Rests Upon Improvement In Market record books made by the 4-H club department at Oregon State college and sent to County Agent George Nelson. A total of 553 club members were enrolled in the 63 clubs of the county. Sewing was the most popular project with 31 clubs enrolling 260 girls, follow ed by 19 cookery clubs enrol ling 188 girls. Raising dairy calves was the most popular boy’s project with four clubs hav ing 23 members. Other clubs in the county include three in handicraft, two in poultry, one each in goats, sheep, garden, health-growth and art. The dairy clubs proved to be the most profitable with the club members, reporting a clear profit of $767.85. The total value of the dairy calves raised by the boys was $2031.67 and cost of producing them was $1263.82. Among the girls’ clubs the cookery project proved to be the most profitable with $513.31 showing as a profit. Value of the products in this cookery work totaled $1268.02 and the cost was recorded as $754.71. Among the boys’ projects the two poultry clubs enrolling 12 members Reported a profit of $28.38 for the year with a total value of products at $108.19 and cost amounting to $79.81. forestry are members of the club, which has as its purpose the pro motion of a professional interest in forestry on the campus and out in the state. Parker is a member .of Delta Sigma Phi, national social frater nity. Added Cost of Failure To Make Payment* Is Shown No decision one way or the City finances were explained other has been reached as to the PORTLAND BUSINESS BETTER by J. C. Lindley, treasurer, and operation of the Oregon-American Business conditions in Portland W. W. Wolf, auditor, at the mill after the present supply of have shown a very decided im chamber of commerce meeting logs has been sawed up, stated provement during the past two Wednesday. Judge D. B. Reasoner Judd Greenman, general super weeks, declares L. D. Cartwright, was chairman. intendent, Thursday afternoon. Mr. Lindley told about the deputy collector from the office “The situation is no different of the collector of internal rev need for maintaining compara from what it was on December enue, who was here Monday and tively high water rates until the 16, when we closed down,” he de Tuesday assisting income tax pay major part of the present in- clared, “except that we are two ers in filling out their schedules. debtness is paid off. There are months nearer improved condit As far as he has observed, re $35,000 of six percent bonds ions.” Continuous and uninterup- vival is not so noticeable in the maturing from 1933 to 1942, he ted operation must inevitably de towns, where the low prices of stated, $5,000 of five per cent pend upon improvement in the farm products have reduced buy bonds of the same maturity, and lumber market, he said. $20,000 5H per cent bonds mat ing power. Although the Oregon-American uring from 1929 to 1943. Water is technically not under the re rates lower than those at present ceivership, the receiver for the would yield insufficient income Central Coal and Coke company, to pay the interest on and re which owns eighty per cent of tire these bonds when due, he de the common stock of the local clared, and the deficit would company, controls the policy, and have to be made up by increased with him rests the decision as to The Vernonia Athletic club bas taxation on property. His opinion the extent of operation. ketball team defeated the Coch is, he said, that the rates should Reports that the mill is pre ran five on the local grade school remain for several years even paring for an indefinite shut floor last Saturday night 43 to when the principal is diminished, order that the water users may down are without foundation, Mr. 12. As the score indicates the in help share the burden of the tax Greenman stated. game was very one sided and con W. H. McGregor, formerly log sequently uninteresting to the payer in paying off the other ging manager of the Oregon-Am spectators. It did, however, bring indebtedness of the city. Mr. Wolff explained the oper erican Lumber company, and now VERNONIA HOTEL out some mighty nice ball passing connected with the land and tax BEING REMODELED on the part of the local club ations of the Bancroft onding department, came to Vernonia which put them in position to act, whereby assessments against property may be paid off in ten Wednesday to pay Mr. Greenman The Vernonia hotel, which was score time and time again. .years time. Theoretically the in a personal visit. Accompanying taken over by the owners, Mr. Nelson was the big point getter terest which the city collects him was J. E. Cool, Portland and Mrs. F. E. Malmsten in for the local club, ringing up sales manager for the company. September, after having been nine baskets for a total of 18 on the improvement bonds sold leased for several years, is un points. Malmsten and Hawkins under the act, but in p.accice this dergoing numerous repairs. also showed up well for the lo I does not work out, he said. Fail The Malmstens, who operated cals, while Hamlin and Barringer ure of property owners to pay the the hotel successfully a number were the only Cochran men who assessments promptly when due forces the city to pay from the of years ago, have cleaned and could find the basket. general fund interest on the prin redocorated the rooms which are Saturday’s game was the last cipal involved, which in turn now Teady for occupancy. At Rev. E. J. Bulgin, D. D. Ph. D., present they are remodeling the of this season for the locals. Al means higher taxes. though they were slow in get who will lead a series of meet large corner room on the first The total indebtedness of the ings at the Evangelical church floor and have added several win ting started, the local boys show city under the Bancroft act is beginning Wednesday evening, dows. When completed this will ed much improvement as the $74,740.03, Mr. Wolff stated. March 4, has announced as some be used as a lobby in place of season progressed and in the last There had been paid in up to of his subjects: “God’s Test of the smaller room which now couple of games showed plenty of February 18 $33, 582.20, leaving polish. With this season as a Character,” “Ten Bumpers on the houses the hotel office. starting point, no doubt next $41,147.83 still to be paid. Of Corduroy Road,” “Wilt Thou be year’s club will be able to show that amount $10,258.91 is delin made Whole?”, “The Fall of Ba Pocatello Visitors Leave their opponents plenty of class. quent, representing $23,000 or bylon,” "If I were the devil, how 24,000 in principal on which no Mr. and Mrs. L. Thompson and I would run Hell,” “The Church, interest is being collected. Mr». McDuffee Leave» daughter Wanda Lee and Mr. her Authority and her Power,” Of the tax collected iin 1930 Thompson ’ s sister, Mrs. Meda Mrs. Paul McDuffee, of Camp “The Old Lean Cow.” about two-thirds was used to re O’Malley, left Saturday evening Services will begin at 7:30 p.m. for their homes in Pocatello, McGregor who has been visiting tire bonded indebtedness, Mr. at the home of her parents, Mr. Idaho. They had been visiting and Mrs. W. E. Bell, left for Wolff said. Owing to sewer bonds GRADE TEAM PREPARES in Vernonia with relatives and Grants Pass to join her husband. which mature this year, the 1931 FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY friends. Mrs. Bell accompanied her to proportion will be about 75 per TOURNAMENT MARCH 14 While here they were the Portland and will return in two cent. Logger’» Meeting Next Week guests of many lovely affairs or three days. The Vernonia grade school during their short visit. E. S. Thompson, chairman of basketball team is working hard the program for the next meet They were accompanied to in preparation for the county Portland by Lee Hall, Jr. ing, announced members must tournament which will be held in come dressed in old clothes, log Vernonia March 14. The tourna ging camp style, unded penalty GARDEN CLUB TO MEET ment will be played between of fines for non-compliance. The Vernonia Garden club will the class A teams of the four J. E. Kerr paid tribute to districts into which the county meet at the home of Mrs. H. George W. Ford, who is leaving Active preparations for reopen for Longview. He stressed Mr. is divided. The class B teams Veal next Tuesday, March 3, from each district will also com for the first time this year. A ing of Koster Products company Ford’s services to the commun large attendance is desired as camp are being made, and work ity. pete for a trophy. will be resumed the first of the E. J. Ludeman was introduced Although the Vernonia team plans for the coming season will week. A crew is now being assem as the new manager for the Ore still has two games to play, it be made. bled, and the equipment is being gon Gas and Eleatric company. is assured of entering the tourna EVANGELICAL BIBLE put into shape for operation. Mr. Ludeman entertained the ment as the representative of Vale and Scott and Van Vleet group with a sleight of hand per CLASS ENTERTAINED this district. have been operating during the formance. The Bible class of the Evan past week. Wet weather inter KRAMER RESIGNS gelical church was entertained fered with trucking on Thurs Dr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Nich evening at the home day. olls of Portland were in Vernon FROM JWILLER’S Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hair at ia Thursday, Dr. Nicholls being D. A. Kramer, manager of the the Nehalem hotel. The evening EASTERN STAR on a fishing trip and Mrs. Nicholls local Miller Mercantile company was pleasantly spent in games, DISTRICT MEETING visiting with friends. store for slightly over a year singing hymns and repeating Bible verses, after which refresh The district meeting of Nehal announced his resignation Tues day. Although their plans for ments of sandwiches, cake and em, Waubanang and Mizpah East-' the future are not known Mr. coffee were served. An imita ern Star chapters will be held at; and Mrs. Kramer expect to move tion campfire furnished an at Rainier Monday night, March 9. i tractive background. Any Eastern Stars who wish to from Vernonia this week. Those present were Rev. and attend this meeting should noti Robert Sergeant, who has been connected with the sales force Mrs. G. W. Plumer, Mrs. F. E. fy the secretary so transporta her for about the same length of Malmsten, Mrs. S. V. Malmsten, tion can be arranged. Emil Mes time as Mr. Kramer, is acting as Mrs. C. A. Malmsten, O. B. sing has charge of arrangements. i ____ Malmsten, Mr. and Mrs. A. U. manager temporarily. George Ford's promotion to Elmer E. Kannard was taken Sauer, Mrs. D. Marshall, Mrs. Bill Briot, who is employed C. U. Enstrom, Mrs. West, Mrs. to the Veteran’s hospital in another field is a mighty fine with the Shell oil company of St. Lindstrom, Mrs. Lee Hall, Mrs. Portland Tuesday night in the thing for George, but not so good Helens, and was formerly lo Sarah Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. W. American Legion ambulance. He for Vernonia, Mighty lucky have cated here, was in Vernonia W. Wolff, Dorothy June Wolff, was thought to be suffering from we been to have had a man of his pep, personality, push, pull and Wednesday renewing acquaintan Mr. Troutwine, Mr. King, and the a sever case of asthma. Enoch Dumas, salesman in the plenty besides. ces and attending to business host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Ludeman’s cleverness at local Penney store, visited Will matters. W. E. Bell accompanied J. B~ H>ir' __________ amette University friends in Sa sleight of hand made some of the him on his return to St. Helens. J. H. Bush was down town lem Friday, Saturday and Sun boys apprehensive as to what Mrs. Frank Dickson is visiting will happen when he reads meters. in Portland this week. In her for the first time Tuesday after day. Ye editor surprised ye sports Dr. Marvin R. Eby and Dr. absence her mother, Mrs. Still having been confined to his well, is staying with the family. bed for a week with influenza. W. H. Hurley were Portland vis editor Friday by showing up at a gam*. Ye sports editor was N. S. Soden and James Nanson itors Wednesday. The Vernonia Athletic club Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Peebley of having his attention so occupied will meet next Tuesday evening attended the meeting of the at the home of Dr. and Mrs. R. Knights of Pythias at St. Helens La Fayette, Oregon, are visit that ye editor was surprised at ing their son and daughter-in- being noticed. A. Olson for their regular bus Tuesday night. No, brothers, the mill wasn't Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. McNeill law, Mr. and Mrs. Van Peebley. iness and social meeting. All A girl was born to Mr. and sold this week. Neither were any members are urged to be present. and son Freddy of Tacoma, Wash Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holcomb ington visited Mr. and Mrs. K. Mrs. Clarence New at their home Kansas City potentates out giving it the once or twice over. A. McNeill Saturday and Sunday. on February 23. motored to Longview Sunday. ATHLETIC CLUB BEATS COCHRAN Bulgin Announces Revival Subjects Koster Co. Camp To Start at Once Feathers And ... Talons. •