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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1931)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FOUR Friday, March 6, 1931. sing an average capital of $400,0 Union, are assisting in our de- will go untouched, uncomforted. the words that tear away the each. ’ That is the number of velopment. Sing us a song of the first robin leaden sky and let the stars shine —Oregon Journal. of spring delayed. Speak to us of through. practical 1 form farm ■fnmilipss families lnpfltinp locating ' in all parts of Oregon as a re the good we have done afore Could you perform a greater GOOD NEWS sult of the advertising and de time, and prophesy of the great service than this? Is there a velopment work of the State things we are to do by and by. higher calling than that of trum (A Worthwhile Editorial Selec Feed us with faith and arm us peter of good news? Great is Chamber of Commerce. Pacific Coast Representative ted by the National Editorial Al During 1930, 1003 such famil Arthur W. Stypes, Inc. with courage, and we will go out he who hews out the way, but San Francisco ies made the journey to Oregon, leviation.) and accomplish the impossible, greater still to the hearts of purchasing 96,533 acres of our and return singing songs of men, is he who whispers the Good news is a word fitly spok praise for the sustaining strength right land, and brought into the state word of hope, inspiration THE MARKET ROAD LEVY en. It has a value beyond that of I $3,703,0000 of new capital. Hun of your good news. and courage. Every good deed, Member of National Editorial gold and precious stones. * The Be a harbiner of good news. every worthy action, every pleas We have in the past pointed out dreds of retail stores provided power of good news is as evident Association and Oregon State that real tax reduction can only these new folks with household as the air we breathe, as neces Forget the bad news. Many of ant thought that has graced and Editorial Association. be brought about by wiping out goods and sold them farm ma sary as meat and potatoes and is us are too conscious of our blessed the world, has been born earthbound condition. It is ever of the good news that some shin some of the big taxes we have chinery and equipment, building nourishing. materials and other supplies. ourselves, but we present, weighing us down. Doubt ing soul passed along the line. imposed upon A word of approval, a smile Issued Every Friday $2.00, Per Year in Advance have always urged that before These 1003 farm families are now of appreciation, and simple praise and fear have tied clogs to our When you start out tomorrow wiping them out we be quite permanent customers for Ore- releases within us something feet. Ignorance and misunder morning, try to see how much Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post sure gori-made commodities. ; It is that we wish to relinquish briskly regenerative which kindles standing have laid heavy burdens good news you can pass along, office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. what the tax pays for. A case estimated that the average farm to flame the smouldering fires upon our backs. and the help you can give your We look to you who know us, fellow men, will help you. in point is the $1,000,000 saved family spends $2000, a year for Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; by discarding the market road household goods and farm sup of ambition and aspiration. It who work beside us sharing the —Senator J. V. Weber, Her legal notices. 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding levy. The million deducted pro plies with the local stores, On is as though a weight has been fortune of the day, to speak good ald, Slayton, Minnesota. taken from one ’ s back. insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, portionately from the state tax that estimate the 1000 new fa Reality springs from the hard news while our ears may still 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. Use the Eagle Classified ads will mean a reduction, but not milies have increased the an- core of the impossible. Real ac hear. Speak and set wings to great in the individual tax bill. nual buying power of our popu complishments in this world have our heels. Our great need is for for quick results. On the other hand the market lation $2,000,000, inspired by the voice of a RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher And now the cost! The State been road program is very likely to silver trumpet sounding good .......... _ ....... ___ _____ Chamber invests approximately be interferred with. Looks like1 news. the lesser of two evils with those ^6® 'n its work of interesting Have you such a word for us? such a family in Oregon and in affected figuring out which is the MAIL ORDER MERCHANDISING you, our friends and neighbors; actually getting it located on lesser. have you a word for us who are —Hillsboro Independent. the soil of this state. Railroad, struggling to do a day’s wefrk irrigation and other companies well before the sun goes down? Upwards of 1000 mail order catalogues have just consider $200 to $50,0 a rea Say something to hearten us. THE CAPONE COMPLEX passed through the Vernonia post office. One firm alone Mr. Alphonse Capone, known to sonable sum to attract a substan Give us the word that will set sent two-thirds of this number. the public as Scarface Al and to tial family to sections they serve. us afire with resolution to do Some thirty years ago, when rural free delivery was Chicago officialdom as Public Economists estimate the value of better and to go farther than No. 1, was surprised and a new family in a community all ever before. first established, the mail order business made normous Enemy shocked, not to say outraged, the way from a minimum of Be generous, spread your good strides. Whether or not one sympathized with local mer when a federal judge in his home $1500 to $5000, according to the news far and wide, so that none I chants who no longer made the sales that they used to city sentenced him six months in number in the family and their within the sound of your voiceI financial condition. jail for contempt of court. when everybody had to come into town for his mail, it had This is not all of the story. He couldn’t understand it. It to be admitted that the mail order concerns performed a was the first time in his rather During 1930 the Oregon State i useful service especially in the rural districts. They saved lurid career of crime that any Chamber received letters from 1458 other families that stated the farmers time and money, and they made available a court in Chicago had dared to they intended coming to Oregon inflict a penalty upon him. He range of merchandise that village stores could not hope had, to be sure, been accused of during 1931 and would have $4,- to carry in stock. almost every misdemeanor and 566,320 for investment purposes. va That the story of Oregon’s ad Of late, however, conditions have changed, and the crime in the calendar from had vantages and opportunities is be grancy to murder but never mail order houses have been forced to adopt new tactics he been convicted, and now, for ing told is shown by the state to maintain their volume of business. The automobile merely being late in presenting ment that 41,021 families ans-i wered the State Chamber’s ad and good roads have enabled the farmer to get to a size himself to answer an indictment, vertising in 1931, and to these! a judge orders that he spend six PAPER HANGING able town without loss of any considerable time, stocks months in prison,—he, Al Capone, families were mailed 183,108 let-1 have been greatly enlarged in all but the smaller com master mind of gangland, king ters and folders. AND TINTING munities, and economies in buying and distribution have of the underworld, often called An Oregon outpost is the Los’ Angeles office of the State ruler of Chicago, the arch enabled local merchants to compete with the mail order the J. C. Henderson racketeer and terrorist who had Chamber, equipped with perma houses in price, not infrequently even underselling them. put the death sentence upon nent and seasonable displays of Phone 1021 Oregon farm and factory pro-j The fact that one big mail order house has been during more men than forty judges. ducts. Over 200.0 interested peo Books of 1930 Wall Paper un- It was It wasn ’ t right, the past few years developing into a chain store organiza ple arc now calling monthly at Samples Now Here thinkable, “We’ll have to tion is evidence that the mail order business of itself is another court to overrule that office. One of the staff On Display relatively on the decline. court,” he is reported to have calls in the homes during even ings, and often a dozen families Indeed, under present conditions, the advantage lies commented when he recovered are Vernonia represented by men and wo from his first shock. Speken like with the wide-awake local merchant who can display his one who has been accustomed to men from the surrounding neigh Paint Shop wares, push certain items, and invite trade in a manner have polititions and office-hold borhood, all interested in coming to Oregon. wholly foreign to the impersonal relationship of the mail ers do his bidding. Al was himself Vernonia Oregon’s going ahead, and the order house. Furthermore, there is the growing realization again. average of 100 new families, And so he posted $10,000 bail on the part of up-state customers that money- spent with while his lawyers prepare an ap bringing their wealth and experi mail order houses is lost completely from their communi peal. This means a thirty day ence from eevry state in the stay of sentence, and, in that 30 ties, while the bulk of that which is spent at home stays days we shall see whether the home in the form of profits, wages, rent, advertising, fuel, edict of a United States court REEHER & LUEBKE light, etc., and may eventually come back, directly or in can be overturned by the most New And Used Goods notorious outlaw of the nation. directly into the hands of the customer himself. Furniture & Bargains In —Astorian Budget. For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on Stoves Except in isolated districts where distances are still this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business Ave. Forest Grove, 11 First and professional people. COMING TO OREGON reat and local stocks inadequate, it is not unlikely that Oregon One thousand new families each North le mail order house will in the future cut as little a figure year! Substantial folks posses- ANNOUNCPMFMTR Krrtumia What Other Editors Think House And SIGN: PAINTING Oregon-American Lumber Co. Professional and Business Diredorj i trade as does old Dobbin in transportation. ANNOUNCEMENT GEORGE W. FORD Freight Delivered To and Called for at Your Door In the promotion of George W. Ford to the manage- lent of the light and power plant at Longview Vernonia TRUCKS LEAVE VERNONIA 9 A. M. DAILY ses a resident who has been outstanding in his service Long Distance Furniture Hauling to the community. Generous as to pocket book whenever Between Vernonia and Portland the public welfare would thereby be promoted, he also Portland-Vernonia Truck Line gave freely of his time and energy to promoting Vernonia’s interests. While others might be content with wishing or W. A. Davis, Local Manager. hoping, he got busy and brought things to pass. RES. PHONE 443 OFFICE PHONE 1041 Just now, when there is so much to be done through aggressive leadership in bringing to Vernonia the roads it needs and would like to have, and in forming favorable contacts with other communities, Mr. Ford’s presence is particularly valuable. His promise to retain his citizenship here and keep in touch with local needs minimizes what would otherwise be a serious loss to Vernonia. From a personal standpoint, however, congratulations A. F. & A. M. Order of Eastern Star are certainly due Mr. Ford, whose advance to a larger and Vernonia Lodge No. 184 more responsible position is a testimonial of his value to Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu A. F. & A. M. meets the company he serves. nication first at Masonic Temple, timber, mills, and wood manu ASSESSOR ISSUES facturing plants pay 33.63% of STATEMENT OF TAX ASSESSMENT ROLLS the taxes. Rural property pays In the statement of assessment and tax rolls issued by W. S. Roberts, county assessor, statistic lovers will have an opportunity of figuring the amount of taxes and sources of tax revenue in the county. It is well shown on the report and charts in the back of the pamphlet show graphically the percentages of each depart ment and each source of income. In the disbursements the schools require the largest share of the tax dollar with a total expenditure of $478,512.91 or money. Roads are 47.46% of * the ‘ next in line with $156,122.52 or 16.48% with drainage districts taking $108,115.05 or 10.7J%. The expenses of the county in cluding salaries, warrants, poor and pension, etc., total $105,- 080.52 or 10,429« of the total. City taxes take $73,341.22 or 7.28% and state taxes take $68.- 710.30 or 6.82%. The bonded debt requires $15,000 or 1.49% and the fire patrol $3,316.59 or about one-third of one percent Sources of the tax dollar as shown on the graph indicate that 22.32%; Incorporated cities pay 19.04%; Public utilities pay 13.96%; drainage districts furn ish 10.72% and the fire patrol one-third of one percent. The total tax based upon the assessed valuation for 1930 is $1.008,199.11 as against $993,- 497.94 for last year. The total valuation is $17,814,- 375.00, as against $18,264,560.00 for last year. —St. Helens Mist. CONGRATULATIONS TO VERNONIA and third Wed Stated Communication nesdays of each First Thursday of each month, at Ma month. Special called sonic Temple. All visiting sis meetings on all other Thurs- ters and broth day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors ers welcome. most cordially welcome. Mrs. Leona McGraw, W. M. E. G. Anderson, W. M. Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. W. E. Bell, Secretary. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 WOMENS RELIEF CORPS Meets third Thursday of each No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in month at the I.O.O.F. hall. I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit Mrs I,aura Sriuer, President. ors always welcome. Grace, Sunell, Noble Grand. KN1GHTS OF PYTHIAS Helen Fogel, Secretary HARDING LODGE 11« Meats every Monday night in the W.O.W. Pythian Sitters hall. Visiting broth ers welcome. Vernonia Temple 61 meets H. Mayfield, C. C. every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in W.O.W. hall. H. Culbertson. K.R.S. Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. Clara Kerns, M. or R. & C. I have leased and am now op erating the Sessman Black- smith Shop. Repairing of all kinds W. M. Faulkner RURRFP ■ JVy Marvin R. Eby, M. D. Physican and Surgeon Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 ■RESTAIJF ANTS m-inp« BARBER shop Haircutting for Men Women and Children Expert Work Guaranteed WESTINGHOUSE AND SILVER-MARSHALL RADIOS SALES and SERVICE J. A. OWEN BOX 311 VERNONIA DR. J. A. HUGHES DAD’S SANDWICH SHOP Physician and Surgeon Vernonia, Oregon Office Phone 663 Res. Phono 664 Delicious Chile and Sand wiches—Also Roasts and Short Orders CARD ROOM Eyes Tested PASTIME CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Lloyd Baker, Prop. DR. C. O. ANDERSON Eye Spelialist—Optometrist 1st Monday in Each Month. At Kullander’s Jewelry Store hotfi CHNTPACTOR«- JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor Mason Work, Building LUMBER Vernonia, Oregon TERMINAL CAFE The Right Place to Eat Excellent Cooking « HOTEL GORDON Newly Furnished Room» Hot and Cold Water Mary Kato Next to Post Office Very Reasonable Rates Chop Suey Restaurant Hotel Hy-Van STEAM HEAT C. BRUCE Wholesale and Retail Glasses Fitted You’ll enjoy a bowl of delicious Chop Suey after the show. The best for those who appreciate the best. TRANSFER — tRUCK CURLY’S TRANSFER BAFFORD BROS General Plumbing Vernonia DENTISTS We have read with much in terest the story in the “Vernonia M. D. COLE Eagle” that the Oregon-American I. O. O. F. Lumber Company mill had re Dentist sumed operation after a shut American Legion down which was prolonged be Vernonia, Oregon Vernonia Pott cause of the parent company go I.O.O.F. — Vernonia Lodge No. DOCTOR a ing into the hands of a receiver. I 1 9, American 246 meets every Tuesday night Electrotherapy, Physiotherapy We surmised that the shut-down at 8 o ’ clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis Legion. Meets was temporary. The pay-roll of itors always welcome. 4th 2nd and DR. R. A. OLSON the company is one of Vernonia’s L. H. Cates, N. G. each Tuesdays Chiropractor dependable assets and we are Chas. Holt, V. G. month, 8. p. m. i glad that the pay-roll dollar is John Glassner. Sec’y. Tel. 671 1117 State St. Dan Nelson, Ad Mike Miller, Treasurer. in circulation again. Vernonia. Oregon —St Helens Sentinel. jutant; P. Hughes, Commander. R. C. Stanton, Fin. Sec’y. Phone Business 221 Residence 653 là AT HOM! hotel M c D onald 4 Local and Long Dis tance Hauling MORTUARIES COMPLETE« «^FUNERALS MONEV TO mtn Money to Loan On improved real estate; long time and reasonable terms. See Attorney John L. Storla, St. Helens Oregon. CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’« Store