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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1929)
» Thursday, November 21. 1929 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon -a— Miss Lillian Horn of Portland is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schwab. J. W. Snyder is the new trav eling mechanic of the Shell Oil company for the Vernonia ter ritory out of Kelso, and visited to in this city the early part of this week. t I t I I I i visiting with Marion’s mother. Mrs. Ted Lewis. Mrs. Robert Wood, R. Olson and Mrs. J. field shopped in Vernonia Mon- day. U. Passenger service to Scap- poose was delayed Tuesday Cleve Mellinger motored C. Bruce wa3 a Portland vis when the jitney broke down, itor Monday. Portland Monday evening. Logging on two sides was de Mr. and Mrs. William Culver, layed all day Friday when the Earl Knowles of Mist shopped A. De Rosia of Birkenfeld in Vernonia Monday. was in Vernonia Thursday on left Monday evening to spend big diesel pump broke down. several days in Portland. During Al. Hanson, assistant superin business. his stay Mr. Culver will purchase tendent is executing the duties Bennett’s variety store sports ‘ a new coat of dark red paint, j F. Mayfield has been added goods for "his new location in of Harry Bryson, foreman who to the relief force of the local the new Columbia building. is in Portland this week. Norman Green was a Portland Shell Oil company station and Mrs. Earl Pringle and sister Mrs. A. E. Jennings, a niece Mrs. Albert Bellique motored to visitor over the recent week end. is driving a truck. of K. Staples, arrived from Port Longview last week to visit their Ain Wallace of Mist ipcnt Culver and company recently land recently to make her home Tuesday in this city on business. purchased a new Ford delivery in this city. Mrs. Jennings is a parents. Mrs. Chas. Mackie entertained practical nurse and will practice Mrs. W. R. Eason of Seattle! truck from the Crawford Motor here. with a diner party Sunday in was in Vernonia Thursday and ■ company. celebration of her husband’s birthday. Guests were Mr. and Friday visiting friends. Miss Nettie Alley, county Mrs. Robert Woods and Robert Robert LaRocque, of Portland health nurse visited the grade Mackie. CAMP EIGHT ^visited with friends here Mon schools Friday giving GO stu- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sandon dents innoculations of toxm-rn- day. went to Holbrook Sunday to at ti-toxin. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sand tend an anniversary celebration. William Pringle Jr. of Natal Mrs. Noble Dunlap who has berg went to Portland Sunday spent Tuesday afternoon in Ver been seriously ill in a Portland to meet Mrs. Sandberg's nio- nonia on business. hospital will return to this city ther from The Dalles, who is to be their guest for a few days. Morris Bennett motored to Saturday or Sunday. BIRKENFELD Miss Bertha Brown is caring Portland Saturday returning to Mis. Anna Schultz was visit for her nephews, Jean and El this city Sunday evening. The Birkenfeld Logging com ing in Portland from Saturday mer Toodman, while their mo pany shut down their logging op McNeill Mr. and Mrs. K. A. until Tuesday with her son and ther is in St. Helens. erations Thursday, and unless spent Wednesday in Portland daughter. Joe Laffron and Ila Sessman the market picks up will not on business. visited friends here of Vernonia Mrs. L. Schwab and sons, Bob resume before spring. Mrs. Anna Schultz is taking a by and Melvin returned home Sunday. V. B. Curry employed by the Mr. and Mrs. John Hatfield Birkenfeld Lumber company suf rest at the home of Mrs. L. A. Tuesday after spending several Rogers. days in Portland visiting friends. were dinner guests of the J. C. fered a badly sprained foot when Hanna family Sunday. he fell off a lumber pile last Frank Hartwick attended a Mrs. E. A. Ritchey returned Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bryson week. Chevrolet manageis meeting in home Monday from Boise, Idaho, and children are in Portland for Mr. and Mrs C. H. George Portland Monday. where she had been visiting re a few days. are the proud parents of a baby latives. to Dan Strom made a trip girl born to them Saturday morn SA A. Ritchey attended a dis ing trict meeting of Safeway store Tom Riggle was sent to a Portland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Libel en Posters are out for the pie managers at Portland Alonday. Portland hospital Tuesday to re ceive treatment for an infection social that is to be held at the tertained a large party at 500 The Odd Fellows hall is being on his neck. school house Friday evening, Saturday evening. treated to a new coat of light A.’rs. Walter Carl and Francis November 22. r grey paint this week. Mrs. O. B. Malmsten of Sea Bob Allen installed a radio Burnham winning first prize and side, well known in this city, a the consolation going to Walter Mrs. W. W. Dowling with daughter of Aunt Sally Spencer, for C. O. Piert last week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carlson Carl and Mrs. Hugh Jones. friends were shoppers he-e i on had the misfortune to break her The way C. V. Kilgore wins and family spent several days Monday. arm last week. in Portland last week visiting the turkeys at the shooting matches we are inclined to think relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight und Turn Bateman returned from Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hanna and he must of been in the army, children spent Saturday and the city Sunday evening after daughter Dorothalee went to ! Mr. Kilgore walked off with two Sunday in Portland. spending the week end visiting Vernonia Friday. fine birds down at Jewell last Mrs. his brother, Cecil Baleman and Mrs. Jack Bush and A brush fire destroyed out-1 Sunday. I family. Florence Jepson spent Monday buildings at the Chas. Lewis! Janies Miller and John Nelson in the city. I drove to Vernonia on business Mrs. . Oscar Weed, Mrs. Lee home one night last week. Quite an interest is being last Thursday. Edward Holtham, J m Eriel Hall and Aunt Sally Spencer | shown in the Sunday school I Leon Malcom was in town for son and Gust Alatson of this cit., visited Airs. O. B. Mai ms ten at ¡that was recently organized! a few days last week. Leon has are resting at Moffetts IB. Seaside this week returning home here. Twenty-five attended last r been employed by the Tideport Monday. Springs and taking hot baths. Sunday. ’ company the last month. C. VanClcve of the Reid Mur- Kenneth Whitlow of Vernon-1 Robert Douglas left Sunday Mrs. John Laramore and so John, returned Sunday from dock and company, with head- ia who was employed here as a for Big creek camp 18, where chaser was injured he will be employed the rest of Idaho where they have been quarters at Portland spent Mon- landing day in this city in conference severely last week, when a log the winter. spending their vacation. with William Culver and George rolled onto him. According to1 Ernest Yocum, saw filer at Mrs. William Briot returned Ogg, regarding the new Vernon- reports he is recovering nicely, the mill received a broken arm from Portland Sunday after ia Meat Market and Grocery,' Mrs C. R. Lewis, daughter d„„\' ' Monday - - putting ’ _ on a belt. while spending several days in the city who will handle the Monarch Jean, and grandson Marion 2 ~ Fred __ 2 Daggett Z_ — were! ----- 1 John Cahill __ and visiting relatives and friends. brand of groceries. in Portland over the week end were visitors in town Monday. Why Pav More Than At First= Atono Compare and Convince Yourself Santa Claus Headquarters 1RISTMAS GIFTS EASILY WITH OUR DEPOSIT PLAN Make Your Selections now SHOP EARLY The Modern Thanksgiving To load the festive board bountifully with delicious edibles on Thanksgiving Day our fore- fathers had to depend upon their skill. ) Today—in practically every neighborhoood—th 3 finest foods gathered from the four corners of the earth, are assembled for you at Safeway. Your Thanksgiving table can be more heavily laden with foods of better quality at a nominal cost and practically no effort when Safeway is your source of supply. Let Safeway Supply Your Thanksgiving Dinner this Year. Savings to be thankful for at Safeway from Friday, November 22, to Wednesday, November 27, inclusive Safeway Syrup Peels A cane and maple syrup that will show you some thing extraordinary in wonderful flavor. Made from pure cane sugar and Vermont maple sap. For plum puddings, mince meat, fruit cake and other holiday delicacies. You’ll want them perfect. Be sure your peel are fresh and of the best grade. Citron Orange and QQz» Per pound Lemon, lb....... K M lb. tin 83c 10 b u„ $1.58 Prunes Fancy quality, new crop Oregons. Finest grade of Broken and slightly imperfect slices. Packed in a rich sweet syrup. 6 ib»........ 69c $1.39 3 Large Cans Tomatoes Best grade of standard packed from the famous Umpqua valley. 4 Cans Golden Ilallowi, just arrived. 2 29c lbs. . Thanksgiving Necessities Cranberries Sadi™ 2 ib8.45 C Celery Large White ................... 10 C Sweet Sptuls 4 ibs. 25c Golden Q OK« Bananas Ripe O lbs. Oranges Good size, d0Z. 59c Fancy Golden Bantam sweet, young and ten der. Free from husk and silk. Safeway Flour Folks are getting so they refuse any coffee but Safeway. The extraordinary high quality of this carefully selected, blended and roasted coffee ap peals to all discriminating coffee drinkers. This expertly blended all purpose flour is the inest on the narket, Safeway label is our own pet brand and verything put out under this label is guaranteed 1o be nothing but the best. lb. Sack bag Ebl. $1.33 Butter Safeway Brand. Made from fresh sweet high test cul tured cream. 1 49c Fresh from the oven. A healthful food for the kiddies. $7.79 Maximum Brand, rich condensed Safe and economical. .......... 49C 49c 6 Cans LIMITED 3 lbs. Pumpkin The Margarine quality. Maximum Brand. A cooked rich golden yel low pie filling. No. 2 Vi cans. 2 Cans Fancy Franquettes. New crop. Every Nut good. 29c 85c Pure cane, fine gran ulated. 100b'.bg’6s13 25 $1.63 Powdered Heinz Tomato. Always served when the best is wanted. Sugar XXXX Brand 29c Dainty Walnuts A clean fresh stock of Carmels, Dollar Mints, Burnt Peanuts Chicken Bones. Sweet Cider Wafers Made from select ripe washed apples. Chemically treated and will not get hard. . GALLON JUG ?.. Standard pack of sweet tender mountain grown peas. Ungraded. 29c 69c A crisp flakey salted snowflake or Honey Made Grahams. 2 lb. Save Money carton .. 33c Ketchup Raisins Heinz Brand. This na tionally known product is made from select field ripened tomatoes. New crop fancy seed- less, Packed in econo mical family sized pack- ages. X.... 45c 4 lb. Per lb. pkg. Safeway Market Values Pork Roasts Seen Behind the Scene of crop New Safeway Coffee You have the privilege to select any of our toys, dolls, or Christmas gifts now. Make a small payment down, and we will hold any item you care to select. By making weekly payments you will never miss the money and by paying cash you can make your Christmas dollars do double duty Toys All shoulder cuts of young hogs. The kind with the right flavor. Per Pound at Miller’s Open Kettle Rendered Watch Our Windows Bulk Dates Pineapple 25c Pure Lard 3 Tounde Store 225 Turkeys and Chickens Bacon Eastern Sugar Cured By Piece Per lb. We will have plenty of A-l birds from which to choose. Your Thanksgiving dinner, must be a success. To make it so—It is very important that your meats are of the best obtainable. With Sherry flavor. Maxim um Brand. Young Turkeys At A Saving 2 lbs. Vernonia Mince Meat 35c Phone 741