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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1929)
Thursday, November 21, 1929 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon ! with two membe n of the board, Legion To Hold A Samuel R. McKelvie, represent Turkey Shoot Sunday ing grain, and Charles S. Wil son, representing fruits and vegetables. Vernonia post will sponsor a 1 The meeting was arranged by 1 turkey shoot Sunday morning the Oregon cooperative council» November 24, which will be held i at the Portland Chamber of one-half mjle east of thia city. Commerce, Thursday, November! Two traps, for amateur and Lee Davis Featured Nelson’s Opponent 121. The board members request-1 On Card Saturday ■ ed that most of the meeting be expert riflemen, and other events Bobby Green, Rated will furnish excitement for the As First Class Boxer spent in informal discussion, ac day. Lee Davis who is known for cording to invitations issued by For the past six smokers held his speed and boxing ability to George O. Galatio, state college Health Talka Sent By Radio here, lighter boxers have been furnish the fans with much crav- i marketing specialists and secre- A series of health talks are featured in the main event, and ed action, will be seen in the , tary of the council. being broadcast each Munday af- this Saturday the boxing com local ring this Saturday in sc ¡ternoon from station KOAC, pre- mission through its matchmaker, tion after an absence of over Oregon-Hawaii Game I pared by the school of health Earl Shay, presents a few wel six months or more of fighting To Be Next Saturday aild Physical education at Oregon terweights, in the heading of the at home. state college. Dr. Clair V. Lang Just what Ray De Pinto can card of Swede Nelson of Ver- ton, dean of the school, is giv nonia and Bobby Green of do, has done, is at present all I University of Oregon, Eugene, ing most of them on such sub hearsay, but this Saturday tells l Nov. 18.—The ticket sale for Pendleton. jects as “Dental Facts and Fan the story, when DePinto meets Mack Lillard, manager of Lee Davis in the semi-windup. j the Oregon-Hawaii football game cies,” “Conservation of Vision,” I to be played in the Multnomah Green, and well known fight pro "Air and Ventilation,” and “Body Here promises a match which moter, has the following to say hould gracefully head any card civic stadium at Portland, Nov Poisons.” This program is sche about Green: is a main event and make good. ember 23, was opened Novem duled each Monday afternoon a‘ ’ " “Bobby Green, while having If Davis can deliver the ber 13. The stadium ticket of- 8 o " ’clock. only fought 41) fights, has to goods, like in previous fights on I fice in Portland nt 19th and Chapman streets will be the his credit, 23 knockouts, and 10 the local canvas, DePinto y Farm Reminder, decisions, the other bouts being ride back to Portland in the headquarters for distribution, It is estimated that each year 4 draws and losing three fights back seat with his head resting Applications mailed there will be filled immediately in the order 3 per cent of the livestock in on decisions. ■n the generous lap of Mack» the United States die from eat “This for a young boxer, prac- Lillard, congenial Portland match-i ' in which they are received. j All sporting goods companies ing poisonous plants. tically new in the ganie, con- maker. | will sell tickets in Portland bidering the seasoned boxers Livestock farmers cannot be along with Meier and Frank, Lip | too careful in keeping their whom he has met, I consider re- Mack Lillard Returns man and Wolfe, Olds Wortman i yards and barns free of rubbish markable. With Boxers Saturday and King, Chamber of Com ! such as old wire nails, advises “Green uses a similar form of merce, Leonard’s Cigar Co. on j the Oregon experiment station, boxing used by Shurkey, and The return of Mack Lillard Broadway and Stark and Rich’s j Many valuable cows are lost carries in either mitt, a wel. to Vernonia with a good string I Cigar Co. on 6th and Washing ' each year through eating sharp concealed package of TNT. ton. In Eugene the sale will be j foreign material which enters While 1 respect the ability oi >f boxers is welcomed. Lillard is that kind of a pro-! handled by the graduate mana the vital organs and causes your Swede Nelson, and who 1 death. consider a good boxer, I firmly . moter that lends credit to the ger’s office. The Hawaii team will arrive An adequate water supply for believe that Green ~ will hand I fame. In several instances when the in San Francisco on November livestock is an important factor Nelson the fight of his life, 19, and leave directly for Port in good farm management, says meaning of course that Green houses here did not meet up to ilia expectations Lillard has lit- ■ land, stopping ... off in Ashland _____ »he Oregon experiment station. will win. .. All ........ animals require plenty of “As to whether by a knockout tie to say, just giving the card' f°r a light work out. The team..... Portland on No- water to enable them to utilize or decision, I will not commit as per schedule and without a | will arrive in myself by judging from Green’s doubt did not receive a decent vember 21 and then practice on j the proper amount of food, and ex-j » Multnomah field the following following ! many animals will not drink past record, I am sure that Ver compensation to even cover ex- .»»...„I. if the __ . trouble in jour- 1 dnv <•«)’ in in nrennrnfinn preparation for »In the game I ' .-nough water supply is nonia fans will well receive their ponses for his j far from the food ‘ supply, it has money’s worth in witnessing neying to this city with several j Saturday. _________________ . | been found, Nelson and Green battle through good boxers to assist making up j | Football Broadcast Set i It is both inhuman and un eight rounds in the main event the card. Somehow, with the support of Radio broadcasting of football | profitable to allow livestock to providing the fight lasts the full the surrounding camps, to ap-j games from KOAC, the state col- stand outside in cold rainy wea- limit.” pears to be logical that Verno-¡-lege station, will end for thiS|ther when a covered yard or nia can be built up to a good season with the Detroit-Oregon l shelter could be constructed for Good Turnout For supporting fight town, t that 1*“* state game to ‘ be played .... in the a small outlay, says the Oregon Basketball Practice should at least draw crowds of Michigan city, November 23. The experiment station. _ Dairy cows nom 300 to 500 patrons. i play by play account, sponsored especially need to be able to Twenty-five eager )ads anx Whether a lack of publicity or by the alumni association will rest a large portion of the time ious to make the team, turned just what, no one seems to ( begin at o’clock Pacific in order to convert their feed out for basketball practice last know, but with the boys coming ' coast time. into milk. week at the Hi gym. in from Wilark, Connacher, With material available this Koster, O. A., Keasey, I. P., East year good promise of a fast Side, llirkenfeld, Mist, Keasey team, is evident, however, much and waypoints, besides that sup-' concern is felt over the condi port from here, there is no tion of Tord Berg, who was in reason unless that of being jured in the Rainier game, an< short of funds, that we cannot! has since been crippled. stage a smoker that will outri-1 Until the season opens, Coach v».l many of those cards spon Austin will run the boys through sored by others of the smaller stiff practice, and during the cities. good weather conditions encour One dollar is not too much age the prospective players to to ask for witnessing some 20 outdoor practice after school to 24 rounds of boxing especial periods. ly considering the fact that the a\ erage dance hall charges one Apple Sizes Predicted dollar admission fee. Possibly of predicting the size commercial apples before' Moro Girl Win, Trip harvest time is reported by fed-i Oregon will be represented at f erul ‘l’lll investigators inVOfif in>nf AVo Ulkn who kn,,/, have spent 4- ' tl e national boys' and girl's club : a number of ’ years in research 1 „ i.i c< ngress in Chicago by just one valley, The delegate, Miss Viola Han en of in the Hood River valley. scientists have found that by Moro. Miss Hansen won the August 1 it is possible to make1 Montgomery Ward trip for be- a reasonably accurate furi-viM ' ' forecasting the most outstanding 4-11 of sizes of the commercial crop club girl in the state. She has so that shippers can better ar-, been in club work for five years, range for marketing in the most making a high record in county, advantageous manner. state, and northwest competition. Sport News D.partm.nt Of Agricultura Good silage fed to horses in limited quantities acts as at. petizer and tonic. It should not be given in larger amounts than 10 pounds daily per animal. A 6-pound hen laying 144 eggs in a year produces about three times her own body weight and one laying 240 eggs produces about five times her weight. For such hard work a hen must be vigorous and in the best of health. The American farm worker produces from two to five times as much as similar workers in the important European coun tries. The higher production ca pacity in this country may be largely attributed to the use of machinery. Get rid of scrubs and inferior stock—they are wasteful of feed. Reports from livestock feeders over the country indi cate that purebreds made about 40 per cent greater returns for their owners than do scrubs or common stock. If unhulled sweet-clover seed is used, it is better to sow it in late fall or winter. Seeding should be done so late that the seed can not germinate before spring. The action of moisture and frost breaks the seed coat and the seed is ready to sprout with the first warm weather in spring. Screenings, or dockage, makes valuable feed for livestock and should be removed before grain is shipped. In North Dakota alone the annual farm feed value of dockage is estimated at $5,- 000,000 or more. Clean grain commands a higher average price and costs less to ship than un cleaned grain. Horses at hard work and dairy cows producing heavily should be fed three times a day. Young animals need to be fed at least three times a day, with the in tervals between meals as even as possible. Two feeds a day for other animals are usually sufficient. MARK EVERY GRAVE Memorials in granite and marble at reduced prices WRITE FOR PARTICULARS ■ present in the midst of a cam Rev. Father Clancy left for paign to remove from the market Spokane last week to take part I tooth pastes, mouth washes, and in the religious ceremonies of similar preparations fraudulently homecoming at Gonzaga Univer labeled as a competent treat ment for this serious ailment. sity. The occasion will also see the first reunion in twenty years of the class of ’09 of which Rev. Father Clancy was a member. Members of the class will come from many parts of the United States, The football j at Vernonia Rink game between Gonzaga and Washington, will be one of the I » main attractions. SKATl NG Mark the pullets that start to lay early. Then select the best for breeders next spring. The birds can be banded with alum inum or celluloid bands. An easy way to determine the approxi mate time pullets begin to lay is to note the development of the comb and wattles and the width between the pelvic bones. There is no drug nor combina tion of drugs which can be con verted into a competent treat ment for pyorrhea, say medical Tues., Thur., and Saturday evenings, Sun. 2:30-5:30 Sat. afternoon all un der 14 years 10c Prize* given Saturday even- ing* on ticket* issued during the week. Legion Hall, Saturday, Nov. 23 8-ROUND MAIN EVENT Bobby Green vs. Neison Ray DePinto vs. Lee Davis, Semi-windup Portland Marshfield Adm. $1.00 no compromise with goodness! the Camel blend is a real smoke! Prestone Cnmcls are made for the knowing A roast, vegetables, pudding, all baked to a turn in a Hotpoint for just 6c! And the Hotpoint thrift cooker simmers pot roasts, steams vegetables, pre pares soups on very little electricity. Winter is again with us, bringing its joy in skiing and sleighing, but grief in_ fro zen radiators and cylinder blocks. There is just one way to take the worry out of freezing weather. First, be sure your radiator does not leak, then come to the Brazing Works.and fill up with PRESTONE guaranteed not to freeze, evaporate, bo 1 over, or make an unpleasant odor in your car. Byrd uses PRESTOIIE in his airplanes and we hope it won t be as severe here. Vernonia hvo other good prelims RANGE Relationship of Oregon’s 150 ,_____ _ ______ ...„ organiza- cooperative marketing tions with the new federal farm board is being determined this week at a special meeting in Portland of cooperative officials Vernonia Maxie Coxman vs. Jim Ryan, special event I Warning! Fo Old Friends and New Vernonia Pendleton CO-OPS CONFERRING WITH MEMBERS OF FARM BOARD for ijotii1 car >ond 1929 Mk i keres teed (num. Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro bakes entire dinner in ¿1 Dairymen of the United States lose about $40,000,000 each year by marketing low quality milk and cream, usually caused by sour milk, bad flavors or bad odors in milk, it is estimated. A chicken’s success depends u great deal upon its keeper. 7:30-10:30 Smoker Oregon Monument Works 6c ELECTRIC | authorities. The Food, Drug and Rev. Clancy Attends Homecoming, Gonzaga i Insecticide Administration is at Other economies of the Hotpoint electric range— your kitchen walls will not need retinting half as often. You’ll not have to spend hours scouring ket tles, washing gummy deposits from walls and win dows. A third economy comes from Hotpoint control and even heat. Your cakes and pies will always be per fectly baked. Your meats, because there is no scorching flame to sear, won’t dry up and shrink. Columbia Utilities Co. Agent Vernonia, Oregon FINNEY OF THE F CE By F. O. Alexander ones who seek the pleasures of a good smoke, and these smokers may he assured that the true Camel quality will ulways be maintained. Camels were originated and made to promote the pleasure of smoking. The most perfect blend that the greatest experts know how to make is the secret of this really wonderful cigarette! The most modern and skilful processes are employed in bringing this great cigarette to perfection! The pick of all Domestic tobaccos for satisfying taste, the rarest Turkish for added fragrance! Camels are vastly preferred by knowing smokers because they appreciate the soothing goodness of choice tobaccos perfectly blended. FOR hot event sidcr Emm 60-P( - ey. nome honej E. C> when they learn the difference ,hey flock to Camels Ç 1*2*. R. J Rm-Ill Tobara. Camp..?,, N. C. Well, That IS Neh* When spring comes, drain out the PRES TONE and save till next year. Come up and let us figure now how much your car will take. Vernonia Brazing & Machine Works Ed. Salmonten, Mgr. even