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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1929)
Attend “Kempy” Comedy Bv School Teachers Saturday, Nov. 16 Library, U of 0 , - “ Vernonia, Oregon \ nume 8 To Present School PI S a I u r d a y Td Be Shown In LIKES AMERICA To AlUUial Re<l Few Close Stores 6 Are P.M. Week at Day*, 8:00 Saturday* Parent Teacher* Will Joy Theatre Handle Detail* By Grade Teachers End Novt'mber 28 Play Means of Raising Funds For Athletic and School Equipment Fund Funds Raised This County Assist Paying Expense Of Health Nurse 13 th annual Red Cross M. Saxton of Birkenfeld The feature attraction at the yoll call is now in progress, French War Bride. Joy theatre Saturday afternoon I handled locally by the P.-T. A. e^d evening, will be “Kempy,” Like in every other city, town Chamber Meets Today a' three act comedy given bj i e Regular meeting of the Ver and hamlet in this country all Vernonia grade school teachers. call, Sponsored by colleges and Un nonia Chamber of Commerce will answer the annual roll the Our nation’s president is iversities throughout the country, will be held today at noon at »resident of the American Red “Kempy,” has made a tremen the Terminal cafe. Cross. dous hit with its audiences. Congress authorizes the Red The play which originally was .Cross to function; the president dated for showing at the Joy ' of the nation heads it. It rep- tfieatre November 2, was post ! resents both the government and poned on account of the illness i the people, but it is upon the of several members of the cast. people alone it depends for the Snappy with wit and humor, support of its work for human the story features around a girl Finally, after postponing their ity in the local community, in who marries a young plumber smokers several times, the local the nation at large, and inter- architect, and keeps the aud on laughing every second of every boxing commission has decided nationally. This essential support is de- j to hold the first boxing show of act. The teachers, most of whom j the fall and winter season Sat rived from membership. Every- | one has the privilege and the have had considerable experience urday, November 23. Making his debut as matchma duty of being a member of the as amateur theatrical performers that will star in Kempy are. ker, Earl Shay will present Roy Red Cross; the strength of the Miss Davis, Edwin Condit, Mi: . j Nelson in nn eight-round main ! organization is built upon this Kizer, Miss Taylor, W. W. Mc 1 event. His opponent has not yet representative, democratic mem- I bership. Crae, Miss Von Hoene, Wilfrc I ! been selected. Annually, from Armistice day In the semi-windup, Matchma Thomas and Fred Spi ing. Mrs. M. D. Cole as coach hi. ■. ker Shay will feature Chuck Ben to Thanksgiving, the Red Cross nett of Westimber and in the invites the people to join, or to assured Vernonites that the grade school teacherea who have : pccial bout, hopes to secure the renew their membership for an- -<• r of Lee Davis of «.«,!. given all their spare time to as ...... services this city, | other year. As the demands for sist in putting this play over The names of those in the op its services multiply, there is in- good, are indeed a splendid <01 o ite corners of Bennett and ' creasing need for a larger mem pany of actors and actresr.e , Davis havi e not been announc- bership. When you join you help di pnd here presents an opportun- <d to date, rt ctly to maintain continuously ity for local folks to witness n ! the practical, humanitarian ser play excellently performed. Gordon Furniture vices of your Red Cross. You Mrs. Alta Neil, will handle assist in preventing unnecessary details covering the sale of tick- I Co. To Move To New and death from avoid ets and is confident that every I Quarters Shortly . suffering able causes. You give instant and seat will be sold at the Joy effective relief to disaster-strick theatre for the afternoon and The Gordon Furniture com- en homes. You take part in pro evening show. puny, who have for the past two viding assistance to disabled war E. I years Mrs. Madge Rogers, Mr been in their present lo- veterans and their familes, in are W- Bell and Mrs. Krause ■at/on’, will move within the near bringing the benefits of public handling the advertising, stagin' future to more suitable quarters health nursing to thousands of and special number. formerly occupied by the Corey in spreading Several months ago in decid . store and fruit store next to th* communities of and proper methods of knowledge ing upon methods to raise fund Vernonia Mercantile company. for the athletic and equipment I Alteration and repairs are be first aid, life saving, home hy- fund, the teachers came to the I ing made in the new store giene and care of the sick, and conclusion that they would be which will command twice the nutrition; you participate in willing to offer their services | space which the present store training the youth of the schools for unselfish service; you extend in assisting, and the proceed , furnishes. sympathy and aid to peoples of from the play, “Kempy,” will his Mr. Gordon will enlarge be the means of paying most stock, carrying a complete new other lands. Join this year. Ask a friend of the debts and bills for the | line of goods suitable for the to join. athletic events of the season, holidays. also purchasing equipment and other items for the basketball Road Meeting at Mist and track teams. LeRoy Malmsten New Bridge Over East Fork Nehalem Now Completed Thursday, November 11, 1929 Cross Roll ember Effective next Monday, Nov- 18, the Safeway store, Culver and company, the Verno- Meat Market and the Ne Call Now On nia halem Market & Grocery will The Receives Commission In R.O.T.C. At O.S.C For Road District 8 Vote For 10 Mill Tax At the road meeting held at Oregon State College, Corval Mist Saturday, for road district lis, Nov. 10.—LeRoy Malmsten No. 8, the taxpayers voted in The concrete bridge over the of Vernonia, has just received favor of a 10 mill tax, which east fork of the Nehalem river one of the twenty-six commis will m|an an appropriation of is now completed and should be sions in the Reserve Officers around $15,000 for improvements open for traffic by the 25th of Training Corps at Oregon State for 1930. college. Malmsten’s appointment P The Upper Fish Hawk road this month. Construction work on the as first lieutenant was . ordered , , Received 8 per cent, two per Mist-Clatskanie road is also com by Col ,nc’ H. R. I” ’ cent over tke 0ri8*nal amount commandant of cadets, as a re ■ ! 'asked pleted with the« exception of for in the budget, with ward for outstanding military some maintenance work on the jthe lower Fish Hawk road get- efficiency and scholastic ability. Clatskanie end of the load. ' ting 5 per cent, two per cent B'ss than was proposed in the original budget. Deep creek road received 10 per cent. Whittig road one per cent, Wallace road one per cent, Pete Banzer road, one per cent, Burn road six per cent, and the main highway road 68 per cent. On the main highway, the improvements will If you happen to be at Bir-. But before getting any ans- cover from the district line down kenfeld and call at the post of wer, the reporter inquired about to the county line, and from fice, 11ICLS meet AA. H. — M. --------------- Saxton, post deer, that delicious venison, and Neurer’s ranch down towards llLt, ! asked Madame Saxton if she Lee Osburn ranch. master and fire warden. There is nothing unusual about liked venison. meeting a postmaster, but this i “Oui, oui, venison is delicious, Join The federal employe puts on beau- now over near St. Pierre, in a forest . . .” Now Madame coup airs, for did not Monsieur ■ small Red Cross Barnard, mayor of Brest, France, Saxton is about ready to spring' perform the marriage ceremony , a good story about the hunting The Red Cross serving humanity, acts as your in June, 1919, when Sergeant ! over in France, until the ser-! geant comes to the rescue and agent Saxton, serving with the 8th in Do you know that 70,000 fantry stationed at Camp Pont- tells about the time the natives sighted a rabbit. The whole coun disabled war veterans were anazen, Brest, was married to tryside became excited and soon admitted to government Adeline Guroc. a thundering mob would be in hospitals the past year, and The wedding lasted three days. pursuit of that rabbit, for that that the Red Cron con “We were married twice,” said represented big game in that sec tinues to assist these men Saxton, “which is the cutsoin tion. a pitiful reminder of the and their families. over there, the mavor handlin'- days long past when Napoleon’s That the Red Cross is the civic details and the priest armies had little difficulty in your agency for providing relief in disaster. the church ceremony.” killing plenty of fresh meat for Feeding homeless thous At St. Pierre, a suburb of their needs. ands is one Red Cron task Br est, in an old church which This was not the first time in the first days after dis many years ago used for wor Saxton has sprung this story, but aster. Not an epidemic ship by such notables as Joan of Mrs. Saxton explained that years from disaster in recent Arc and Napoleon, Sergeant Sax ago, when a small girl, a fox years. The Red Cross has inoculated thousands. ton and Adeline Guroc were mar had been sighted near the hills There is no assured im ried by the priest following the of Chateau-du-Loir. munity from disaster for civic marriage by the mayor of Mrs. Saxton’s mother, Madame any community anywhere Fannie Guroc, and her three Brest. at any time. The Red Since landing at New York on smaller brothers reside in Brest, Cron has learned this in more than a thousand dis July 13, 1919. Mrs. Saxton has and hope some day to visit Am asters in 48 years. In the days celebrated 10 Armistice * " J— : in - erica. past two years alone, it And what does this young wo this country. has been continuously en- And those who remember man think of America and Am- faged in providing relief France would naturally ask this ericans? or victims of disaster. It “We’re great!” Why shouldn’t „__ _____ _ young American good looking has served simultaneously how she likes America, if she she think that of us. Hasn't she ; in 28 disasters in 168 coun ties of 24 states. It has ex ever becomes homesick. And one five little Americans of her own! pended for relief since i emembers the vin rouge or vin There’s Lucy. 9; Violet, 8; Ade 1881, more than $80,000,- blane, and how she likes the line 7; Jean. 4; and Junior, 2, 000. timber, for in France forests which are one of the reasons she never gets lonesome. such as these are unknown. Five Young Americans Keep Former French Bride Well Contented With U. S. A The Red Cross Drive Is On, Secure Your Membership Today Number 14 Talkie Film To Make Survey Next Week New Attachment Arrive* N. Peterson For Joy Theatre Over Uncompleted Link of Jack Bush, owner and manager Dies at Mist of the Joy theatre, anounced the Vernonia •Rainier Cutoff arrival yesterday of the Pacent Sunday Eve sound new film attachments, which had been ordered several close their places of business at Delegat < Represent1 ng Rainier-Vernonia Tax months ago, but owing to vari 6 o’clock in the evening, week ous major improvements were de ’eys and 8:00 p.m. Saturday payer* Ask for Action; Will Probably Become layed. It will take at least one Severe Cold Develop* evenings. week before the installation is The following stores wishing Bond Issue To Be Voted On By the Taxpayers completed. Into Pneumonia to give their employes reason- In the new attachment the Pa- ible working hours will be go V- ■med by the new schedule, Ver- 1 The possibility of traveling road in a short time such e- cent Reproducing company an aonia Mercantile. Vernonia Meat over the still uncompleted link was desired by those present and nounces the elimination of all Market, Nehalem Market and of the West Coast highway be . he could see no other way oi catteries, of reducing the scratch tween Vernonia and Rainier doing it than by a bond issue level 80 per cent, of the using Safeway store. was one step near realization for that purpose voted by the of new amplif jrs, which in- creases the r.:g. notes and also Will Be Buried At Clatska- ! Saturday with the assurance of people. Nehalem Creamery | the county court that a recon- ______ ______ _________ ___ greatly accentua e* the low. The nie Today; Pioneer Several __ suggested that it might To Sell Raw And nuisance survey of the uncom- be possible to avoid a bond is- film head will be practically fool Is Well Known Pasteurized Milk pleted 12 miles would be made sue if a survey could be made proof. starting within the next week. ' to determine the probable cost While the sour I pictures have Wesley Vandercook and other and a loan made from a bank been as good .s the average _ Starting laut week the local One of the Nehalem valley’s In'est ntatives of the Longview to the state highway commission shown throughout the country, creamery, the Nehalem ’ Valiev y re prominent pioneers, Nels Daniel bridge company, and several for the road, with the money to uie new attach:: nt will repro company bridge company and Creamery Ice and 1 Peterson passed away at his started to sell raw milk ior from the Prlnt,P«l towns i in the be paid back to the bank by the duce the sounus through light home in Mist Sunday evening waves from the screen, and those customers wishing that eounty were Present at the hear- ‘ county. ing. I But the judge and commis- should show a marked improve iat th" age of 75. kind of milk. Vandercook made the • plea , sioners were unwilling to incur ment of 50 per cent, according! I Mr. Peterson had enjoyed ex- ’ 5uiu, aaiu mi. I . Mr. „ , said Mr. The raw milk sold, cellent health until a week be- Kerns, manager, will be from beio,r.e ,the court that the road. an obligation i against the eoun- to Mr. Bush. fore his death, when an appar lie paid out of future - the best milk only, of the highest would be extremely beneficxal to ty to I- ently mild cold developed into grading and tests, from ranchers both the bridge company and the revenue for more than one year a fatal attack of pneumonia. , county, since a large per cent | in advance. They stated their in the valley. persons Nels Peterson was bom in The creamery has been re- 1 of y the ne P ers°"a traveling over the [ r terms of office did not extend Sweden, on March 3, 1854. ___ __ that ___ and _ _ they __ j feared quested to handle raw milk be- w°uId de81ra a straight ' beyond When 18 years old he came to sides pasteurized milk and cream, road ... south, ~ or north, , connecting their successors might not be this country settling on a home “ .. of the same mind in paying this’ as most every dairy is now handl- Wltbo He pointed out that the best obligation as they were, stead in the Nehalem valley near ing the rxtw and pasteurized Mrs. Emma Edalia Zimmer Mist in the year of 1877. way to attract settlers to the! The temperature of the room milk. county is to make it possible for became a little warmer at this man Greener, 44, died at her In 1884 he was married to i them to see it to the best ad- point as one of the representa- home two miles east of this city Mary Lindgram, his widow, Mrs. To Discuss Police vantage, and that this can only tives of the bridge company early Saturday morning, from Peterson and four children were —_ _.:»u -> - stated that the bridge would heart disease. Mrs. Greener with born to this union, two of whom with — roads. Problem At the Next i be j. done Vandercook further stat never have been built had its her family resided in this vicini preceded their father in death. Council Meeting ed Mr. that he had heard the rumor promoters thought there was the ty for the past 10 years. Mr. Peterson was a man loved .... .. .. had been passed around that all least possibility this road would i She was born November 30, The considerable agitation, (joliimuia county had to do was not be constructed, as was as- 1885, at Engieman township, St. by his neighbors, and friends for charitable his kindness and which has accumulated since the I to sit back and wait for the sured by the county court early Clair, Ill. character, and leaves a host of council cut the allowance for road, because the bridge coni- this year. She leaves her husband, Her friends who now mourn the toes 1930 on police protection, will _ company . , represen- , - man C. Greener, three sons, Al of a dear friend. have a chance of simmering Ipany needed the highway for its’ The bridge success and It would see that the tatives then asked that a defin- len- R. Adams, Albany; Sterling down or flaring up again at the Two children survive him, hi* road was built if it had to do ite promise of a survey in the R. Adams, Garibaldi; Herman D. council Mrs. Alice G. Lindsay immediate future be granted by -‘ work at ita “wn cost. Greener, Vernonia, and a daugh daughters, evening, November 18, when the ; tb< "Such is not the case,” said the court to show that body’s ter, Mrs. Genevieve R. Land- and Mrs. Nellie M. Dunlap, his same subject will again widow, Mrs. Nels Peterson, a ,c Mr. Vandercook. “We will not willingness to push the matter strom, Hillsboro. brought before the council. Frank J. Peterson, and spend one cent for this road along as far as it was able, Funeral services were held brother At the last regular meeting of two grandsons, Floyd W. Deeds now oi any other time. We have ...... | , Judge - — Woods .. of — . . ...>■ ...« wuv« — Rain ’ er, Tuesday afternoon at the Donel- the council November 4, when completed an $80,000 do-1 president of the West Side Pa- son and Sewell chapel at Hills »nd Clarence R. Lindsay, all of some 28 business men were pres ju.-t nation for Columbia county in cific highway association, addres boro with interment in the Hills whom reside at Mist. ent protesting against a reduc connecting Funeral services for Mr. Pe the bridge with the sed the court, telling of the de boro cemetery. tion in the police budget, it was, highway, and terson will be held today at feel that we have crease in the assessed valuation pointed out to the council that I done our share.” of the county each year, that ' (Editor Note; This autobiogra-j 1:30 o’clock, in the Presbyterian before they reach a decision as Judge Philip informed those the coui.ty must go forward, phy of the life of Mrs. Herman4 church at Clatskanie. Interment to whether or not they will fol ■ will be in the Clatskanie ceme low the 1930 budget, that other present that the county had no especially to interest settlers to L. Greener, written by her short tery. Please turn to page 8 ly before her death.) taxpayers than those represented I ’• money with which to build this Emma Adelia Zimmermann at the meeting should be given J whs born November 30, 1885 in Christian Church the privilege of being heard in I Community Chest Aged Filipino Dies Englemann Township. St. Clair favor of or against the question | To Observe Father’s Board Appoint Their , Following Paralytic county, Illinois, the daughter of of the reduction. And Son’s Day Friday Officer* For 1929-.’O The mayor and council acted Stroke Last Tuesday Joseph A. and Anna E. (Dick- ! haut) Zimmermann. on this suggestion and decided The Christian church will that at their next regular meet- At a meeting of members of Eocibio Escolta, age 70, em- Wh!let stdl ,a b“by tbc mg which is this coming Monday, the community chest board, held ployed for the past two years 'nov"d t°. Nebraska, where they observe father’s and son’s day this would be heard. last Thursday, C. W. Reithner, ■ Hn the Oregon American mill, bved untd October> 1892- *hen for the congregation and friends _____________ was elected president, and G. W. djed Tuesday morning, following ^bey to,, Oregon, settling at 6:30 Friday evening, Nov Ford, secretary and j - treasurer. a paralytic stroke suffered last first at Corvallis. À year later ember 15, in the church social the aaasssasjr family *aavwu moved to w * Portland v* w*MU hall, a program that will fit The committee which consist Thursday. :and from there onto the place both father and son win be of Judd Greenman, G. W. Ford, j Escolto had resided in C. W. Reithner, Mrs. M. E. Moe,1 city for the past two and this known as Roseland Farm, five given. main speaker of the even- and Mrs. W. E. Bell, have decid I half years and lived on the one_ miles southeast of Hillsboro, ing The is W. S. Lemon of Portland. Rock where she spent the rest of her ed that the community chest creek road. girlhood and young woman The theme: Ideal Men. Tickets funds, which now total $1173,: for the occasion are being sold. Vernonia post of the Ameri will be used for emergency cases Relations that survive him re hood. Every man, a member or a can Legion will allow no outside only. side in the Philappine Islands. j She was a graduate of the class of 1901, Hillsboro grade friend of the congregation is help to assist them in putting school. She later took a business requested to secure a boy if you over their annual carnival this Springfield — Construebion of course in Portland. haven’t one of your own and year, which will be held Decem Car Wishing To Be bridge across Willamette river I On September 3, 1905, Miss come enjoy the evening together. ber 12, 13 and 14. Well Heeled, Crashes practically completed. Zimmermann was married to At the regular Legion meet Into Window of Shoes ing Tuesday evening, E. A. Fred D. Adams and three chil- Oregon Head Of ' dren, Allan R., Genevieve R., Ritchey, was appointed chair The Legion I. O. O. F. Visit* the Unable to control his car Sat and Sterling R., were born to man with Clarence Nance and Needs You Vernonia Lodge the union. After four years the H. Mayfield on his committee to urday evening when the gears tar locked, Floyd Day, and handle the carnival details. couple separated. Ex-service men of the made a straight bee-line from- to make SL.nignv uee-ime xiv.ii Emil Peterson, Astoria, grand ; On December 8, 1917, Emma The Legion intend 1 to make maae Worlds war. A. Adams was married to Her master of the I. O. 0. F. lodge this year’s carnival, bigger I ___ and ’ ^e opposite side of the street into window of Reithner ’ s ! the vrir.du “ ef ; You who are interested better than ever, with numerous man L. Greener of Hillsboro of Oregon, attended the regular in the welfare of your less and the couple moved to Ver meeting of Vernonia lodge No. side shows, concessions, dancing, Store, and crashed through the fortunate comrades, who large plate glass window. and other attractions. nonia, where they have since 246 Tuesday evening. rest disabled in the many Day. an employe of the Con- In behalf of his lodge H. E. Special attractions for the kid resided. One son, Hiram D. was government hospitals should Stevenson, N.G., welcomed the dies will be evident this year i ,nacher Logging company had born to this union. join the American Legion, Mrs. Greener was active in visiting honored guest, who re-' as it is the intention of Mr. completed his shopping and had who are at bat at all times, church work and the work of plied complimenting the Vernon- 4 Ritchey to stage a small circus, started his car on the homeward fighting for the best in terest of the disabled vet even if he has to use animal trip when the accident happen the Women’s Relief Corps, She ia lodge on their splendid work ed. erans and for your welfare. was also a member of the Py- which was being carried on in crackers. The strength of the Le thian Sisters. this city. One of the special features of gion, rests in its numbers. Some 60 present were surpris the carnival will be the coffee State Legion Officials I Besides her husband and four With a million members and r---------- pleased when and cake and lunch room, which leaves two little ed ____ children she _____ __ _______ ------ members strong this year, each bill To Visit December 18 grandchildren, numerous relative'! of the Rebekah lodge served a will be held up in the Legion presented before the House and friends who mourn her loss, supper following the meeting. club rooms, many complaining and Senate approved by On December 18, many prom the Legion should receive last year, saying _ _ that seats inent American Legion officials favorable consideration, for should be provided for those who will be present at a special meet-' such a large body of ex- wish to rest and consume light ing held by the local post in service men, working for refreshments. their >«u..or. the best interests of the disabled veteran and you, Sid George, Department com Member* of Legion is not to be ignored, We mander, with Jube Moreland, need you in the American district commander, Carl Moser, Po*t Address High Legion, the one ex-service department, adjutant, and Bob mans organization which re School Students Dillard, state service officer, ceived its charter from the „ — 2‘ Estimated for — road 2 di»- A road meeting will be among the guests of Federal Government. You held at ____ the city Trageser road from Baker Carl Davidson, H. E. McGraw, ’ honor. 16 was 1 ______ trict can have no grievance line south, grade and M. E. Carkin and Levi Austin, *, For w occagion For thig this special occasion a against the Legion for the hall Saturday afternoon for the gravel .................. ..f 160 representing the American Le- |smoker wi)1 be gU(ted with other American Legion is at your purpose of voting a special road TrZi^r road from culvert gion, r ------- the high school ‘ | forn)s of entertainment for the addressed service at all times, each south, grade tax. - and gravel ISO post working as a unit, car student « i. body, „ j .. Friday «...a... afternoon. • |benefit of the distinguished vie- ing for its own district and Each year near Armistice day, Guy Mills as chairman, with Adams road, grade, gravel 500 lending its support to di O. Nickerson road, grad* members of the local Legion post Lester Sheeley as secretary, call visional department, and and gravel ....................... *00 are present at the program national headquarters. cd the meeting to order, follow- Beaver Creek market road sponsored by the high school in Noble Dunlap Elected The American Legion ing which a motion was made by from Hyland to He** Master Of Grange honor of those who participated card is a just compensation bridge .............................. 8000 William Pringle Sr. to vote "tax in the World war. for services rendered to or no tax.” The motion waa aee- Upper Pebble Creek road.... 500 The ex-service men were Twenty-six members attended your Uncle Sam. Pebble Creek and Beaver thanked by Professor Wilkerson a Grange meeting in the Natal Join the greatest of ex- onded and carried. Creek connection ............ 1000 service mens’ organizations. for their interest shown towards i Grange hall at Natal November Voting by ballot the results Hillsberg road (Wood* cut The big drive is now on, the school and welcomed to re 9 for the purpose of electing showed 15 against the raising help Vernonia post go over off) ............ ......... .......... turn for many other years. new officers. of a special road tax for 1930 big by November 18. Endon road ......... Lead by Miss Dorothy Hol Those elected to office were: and four in favor of a tax. Remember that all bills Bay* road, grad*, gravel. tham, cheer leader, the student Noble Dunlap, master; Richard passed in our legislature At road district 9 Saturday, Crooked Cr**k road .......... 1500 body gave the American Legion Peterson, overseer; Floyd Deeds, favorable to the ex-service before one of the largest turn Down river road, surfacing | and its members three hearty secretary; Frank Peterson, treas man was sponsored end outs at any road meeting in (foot O.-A. hill, city lim passed through the influ yells. urer; George Banzer, steward; years, 35 voted in favor of a it* to bridge, 1 mile eaet ence of the American Le Bernard Dowling, assistant stew 10-mill tax with 25 against. i gion, your friend. city, down river from ard; Alberta De Rock, lady as Lindsay Lumber Co. Get in touch with any The district 9 valustion ia pavement .....---------- sistant steward; William Car of the following Legion $4,397,005 with the 10 mills Up river road, surfacing, ^stalls Additional michael, doorkeeper; Herman Da naires for your 1930 card, approved giving $43,970 for the city limit* to J. B om * Logging Equipment vis, lecturer; Grace Carmichael, Connie Anderson, post budget presented by Supervisor idence ----- - Nellie Dunlap, and Golda Davis, commander; H. E. McGraw. Pete Bergerson, which calls for Cleveland road ..._...... - E. A. Ritchey, Lee Schwab. The Lindsay Lumber company court girls; and Mrs. Austin around $40,000, to be expended Rock Creek road Gene Shipman, Harold May have added another Fordson Dowling, chaplain. on rosds during the coming year. Ballard road, by Lee Hall's field, Jim Covington, Jul* tractor to their logging opera- After the meeting adjourned Lindley, A. L. Rutland*:' The special budget estimated Riverview road tions, several miles from thia a delicious lunch was served, or M. E. Carkin. ___ district 9 by __ for _ road Mr. ____ Bor- Sehmidlin road .. city, and have employed an ad- Th* next meeting will be held gerson for 1930 waa as follow*: Stony Point road ditional force of three men. November 23. Here 52 Years Mrs. Greener Dies Saturday Legion To Stage Carnival Here Dec. 12, 13, 14 Road District 16 Lotes Down Special Road Tax For 1930; District 9 Approves 10 Mills