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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1929)
Thursday, November 21, 1929 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Page Four Coach Austin Hit By Flu For Few Days from old age, but from an in 1 jury received in his last football game for Vernonia high, He hopes that he will be able to play basketball, for he was one of the star players on last I year’s team and is known as Tord Berg.—M.P. THE TIMBER LINE' Monday afternoon, Coach Aus tin, had a little flu and didn't turn out to take charge of the I basketball practice. McIntire SUN MON TUB wp'nrj'rej Charlotte Green, Editor Vernonia School News took his place. -a ’-'V I'XV 1 2 r Mr. Austin returned to school 1 concerning new settlers and im- about ten thirty Tuesday—J.B. Spawning Time For Fishes pleased with their conduct that Members of Civic Class 3 >4 5 6 7 8 l ¡grants are in it, everything so Shaves Off Misplaced he says nothing. Give Talks Before in Nehatem and Rock | old that is is new to us! We Eyebrow, Disappoints thinks his But he certainly 13114 16 K 10 11 12 Broken Hearted Juniors Class Creek Streams Many Juniors call it interesting.—LAV. 23$ thoughts about the sophomores Members of the civics class in Fishes, fishes, every where, Use Glue To Seal Up 17 18 19 20 21 22 ------------------------- Why did he do it? The jun Vernonia high school have been I some are long and slim, others even if his name is soph. Wounds This pup came to the juniors giving talks before the class at Tord Berg Limps To School ior class wants to know. Was 24 25 26’ 27(28 29 uin, in fact short and broad, some have his- She was very vain, it because he didn't like it? others have not. They are in quite an unusual way. Mr. intervals for the past two weeks. To Visit School Mates so vuin that she heid held herself ( tory, tot Wilkerson who is the junior The subjects of these talks, ,. No, that can't be it, because 1 visiting the Nehalem River class advisor, won him at the are the various phases oi Oregon I From a distance a man was he seemed very proud that he $2.00 per year in advance high above the heads of people. Issued every Thursday She was impudent, for she because it’s spawning time. seen moving toward the school Millions of fish immigrate high school carnival last Friday government and the national house, an old man seemingly. had one. Was it because he was came Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922, at the post imitated everyone who night, playing the bucket game, office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. within her vision. Some she each fall, but only a few thous and donated him to the junior grange. He limped along with books un teased so much about it? Several weeks have been spent der Perhaps that was the reason. Member of Or "on State Editorial Association flattered, but to all, she show- and reach the upper part of class. his arm, what could he have in preparation and Mr. Wilker to do with school? He wore no Maybe he decided that it was l the Nehalem and 1 Rock creek ed her vanity. It is hoped that the blue pup Advertising rates— 1 ore ; n, : • e per inch; local, 28c per inch; She was handled with care, river. Many that ‘ have hatched jnay have an unbreakable life son, the civics instructor, says hat, and his hair seemed gray, growing too fast and was getting legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding that the pupils six weeks grades ( too long, so, off it came. Do wind their way toward many j there of and bore the marks As he drew nearer one could you think that was it? insertions; clarified lc per word, minimum 25c. hue.—J.M. will be greatly influenced by their old spawning grounds, fingers. see that his left leg was the these talks. Anyway the juniors are dis- PUBLISHER MARK E. MOE But in spite of her aloofness, A few are lucky enough to Those who have spoken are 1 one that caused him to limp. appointed, They want to know LEE SCHWAB ... ....... EDITOR ___ __________________ the jagged rocks J which Miss Williams Attends she took great pride in her escape Ruth Lee, Tord Berg, Mildred | When the old man reached the why Bob shaved off his cute f friends, and counselled them kill thousands each year, and Big Kiwanis Meet Hawkins, Morris Graves, Georgia door of the school, the reporter mustache list ni.'ht but perhaps TO PLAY WITH DAD i l strictly, i when they became dis- return to the salt water batter Guest of Editor Van Doren, Verna Ray, Grace got the surprise of his life. The ed and bruised. These same fish, Lee Schwab has shown a very Carmichael, Dorothy Carmichael, old man was not old, but a pop- the mystery Will never be s.i,- Ate we gaining the love of our children on the in- °r‘lerly in their appearances. ed.—L.W. I Even though she had heart if they still live will return kind interest in the Timber Line Irene Anderson, Norma Ander- j ular young man. . His hair was Stallment plan . , breaking ways, she was the close again, to face the hardships of and its reporters. blond, not grey, for he is a Myrtle Creek—Jones school, Is our conception of providing for our loved ones 80 friend of nearly everyone in her another long, hard journey to Not long ago Luella Williams, son, Dorothy Throop, Edith Mae Lindsay, William Culver, and Swede. His limp was not caused No. 52 undergoing improvements. their native water. who is one of the most ener Leanard Hall.—V.R. great, that we even deny the little tots, who practically re^nl- Her frankness and impartial getic reporters in the journalism worship us, time to play and be pals with them? V. IL An ----------------- Interesting , attitude finally proved the down... — Writes --------- ------ „ class, went to him for some in Nothing pleases your small children so much as to fall of this faithful little servant, [Story About Mrs. Snow Cat formation in regard to feature Rainier Wins County have you play their game, get down on the floor if need for whi,e being fought for by _ I ' Persons living in the immedi- stories. He brought out an old Jhampionship Rainier high school won the two worshipers, she was taken ate vicinity of North and Grant newspaper, yellow with age, be, and tusle them about, be their playmates. jf™m"h^"‘pUce "of g,”y. and streets may be interested in which has lain dormant longer Columbia county championship It is best not to start, if you cannot find time to keep accidently tom. learning that the proud owners than Rip, and which, if it could in football last week by defeat it up, for they love SO much to play with their dads, that- Samaritans came by and bound' • of Mrs. Snow cat have at last awake as he did, would see ing the Clatskanie Tigers. The Rainier team has St. Hel they J will look forward after the first 1 play, ’ to more and jinn up.h" wounds ’ pourinK is ,in B‘ue’ I ! . decided to let her be her nat- changes more wonderful in its liininr mirrnr ens yet to play but if they do and tnp the junior mirror is ncruin again ural color. own little native town. Pulls all kinds of small more such delightful hours. i hanging in its accustomed place I Snow has the distinction of Miss Williams was permitted lost to St. Helens, they will still .told the championship. Many who attended the father and son banquet several above her devoted subjects the having more mice to her credit to exhibit the paper in her class toys, up hill over At the first of the season evenings ago and saw grown sons present with their fa- •*—10r class' IA’ than any other cat in tjie neigh in high school. In it were stories of the Rainier was not considered to bumps and holes. thers as pals, could easily see that the great love born be-' That night she wouldn’t go to borhood but her owners leave pioneers who were then coming lave a championship team out the unimportant fact that tween the parent and his boy, was not so much from bed, she is the only cat in the neigh into the Nehalem valley to seek .hey came to the front and homes. If they were able to see defeated all the teams in parentage, as a gradual companionship over a space of 1 always go early she said, borhood. She has long been an object of the ’ possibilities of the valley, .eague except St. Helens, caused years, sharing play and graver problems, as the boy be- £ant 1 stary U.R toaiBht? This is the team which i lomorrow I will get up as soon interest and curiosity to any they returned to Portland or came older. as it’s light. chance visitor or neighbor for other parts of the state to fetch Vernonia’s league game defeat, There are other duties expected of the father, who In the morning she wasn’t the boy and girl owners of this their families, and, perhaps a by beating them 19-13.—J.M. extraordinary cat bad scarcely few implements. imagines that being a good provider earns him the re- He,r sickness was worse The unusual advertisements of Student Body With Funds I can tell. had her a month before they spect of the world, and the privilege of coming home tired Because of playing the previous decided they would rather have gun-makers supplies, of fine On Hand. Put $100 In or worried, picking up his paper and refusing his children day. I a pink cat than a white one and wines and liquors, of stage Annual Fund The high school student body [ their greatest delight. Their play period with him should In her bed she would have to accordingly she was dyed pink. coaches running between Cor- stay. She remained this way for two nelius and Vernonia, etc. held held a meeting Friday. Novem-j come first. By Maxine Scribner. years and then she received an special interest for those who >er 15, for the purpose of de The wistful look on the child’s face is not always other soap dye bath. This ¡time examined the paper. ciding what was to be done with The name and date which the the money obtained from the Advice caused from the fact that he must go to bed, and not be it was peach color. Later on she Large Sizes paper bore were Nehalem Jour- able to sit up with his mother and father, but a wish to If you start a thing don’t quit, was colored blue and at last nal, September 2, 1889. The arnival. . Don’t go off to work or play. green. These extremely young| that $100 It was decided play with dad. Always try to finish it, people were just aboot to dye editor was Gus H. Byron. should be put into the annual Mr. Schwab also saw that fund, and that $70 should Who knows, that these hours spent in play with our Even if it takes all day. her a brilliant red when the Miss Williams had an opportun head of the house put a stop used for athletics and that little ones, may someday be the greatest and sweetest If something happens, ity to visit the meeting held by remainder should be used Don’t let it worry you. to it. memories of all ? the Kiwanis so that she could various other expenses. If something’s wrong with your Now Snow is again her or- write up that story.—G.C. cattle or hens, Another question was raised iginal shade and though she h:.s Buy for Christmas, Now There’s always something you indeed been a cat of many colors by Howard Lee regarding the Hollywood Cafe Plans Bill Culver Sprains Ankle can do. failure of the athletic boys to she has retained her name Snow, TREHARNE To Remodel Place Soon If a hawk takes a lamb or sheep, Sec Our Windows At Basketball Practice receive their letters last year. through it all.—V.R. V Don't’ sit still. An investigation will be conduct Bill Culver sprained his ankle Miss Bobbie Laird and Miss Don’t fret or weep, Mrs. John Glas.ncr spent the November 18, while practicing ed and they are assured that Prof. Wilkerson’s Civic afternoon with Mrs. E. Morton Eddie McClincy, new proprietors Don’t act like a stump on a hill. Class Writes Many basketball in the high school they will get them. £ 1 of the Hollywood restaurant, one day last week. If something happens don’t sit Good News Stories It was announced that the I ' gymnasium. have recently added many im- still all the while. Vernonia After shooting baskets and photographer would be at the Mrs. S. O’Donnell and Mrs. povements to their place of Mr. Wilkerson ’ s civics class If you want help. then scrimmaging the first half high school to take the pictures R. Stanton were Vernonia shop- business and plan on remodeling wrote news stories for the Tim- I Don’t run for it a mile. and almost all the last, Bill, for the annual, November 18.— pel's Tuesday. tl.e entire establishment within When you can make it right ber Line Tuesday, November 19. fighting hard as he always does, I.A. A log truck was broken down i tl.e nefir future. The stories were handed in to jumped for a ball which was yourself. near camp on Sunday. 1 The excellent meals which the —By Maxine Scribner. the editor and the best ones thrown high over his head and First Newspaper Published Billie Smith, Vei n, F ’ chosen for the paper. Edward 1;dies are serving have increus- cqsne down on one foot which in Vernonia Praised Baker were to the show on Fri- 'e.l their volume of business and The journalism classes news whs turned sideways. ■ Those who received 100 in By Students day evening. | tne young ladies are planning ; spelling in the second grade are: . stories have also been turned in He was taken to Dr. Hughes, Yes, it is old, yellow with age, . ., ,, ,, for the Timberline. Mr. Troharne anil sons Ed- to interest the local Chamber of Melvin Powell, Pete I who said the ankle was sprained. and about to fall apart. Many I win, and Non, motored to Pa- Commerce to hold their meet- ’ Dollie Moyer, Frances McDonald, Bill Culver who looked very hands have held it and many Childs,' cific City on Thursday. [ iug and banquets at their e.s- ■ Joe Iloherson, Wilton Rogers, High School Proud Of Its promising for making the first voices have praised and exclaim gon t: blislnnent within the near fu- Alumni Who are Attend Mrs. Harry Condit and team may loose his place be- ed over it. For forty years some Kenneth Britton, Halgcrd Ove-i motored to Vernonia one day tur«- cause of this injury.—G.A. sen, Dolores Swimm, Evelyn Ty ing Colleges one has treasured it. last week. The Vernonia high school may rone, Willa Mae Godwin, Doro Perhaps this person knew that Construction of underground thy Myers, Madaline Mrs. Harold Smith and chil- Michoff, well be proud of its alumni re Junior Rings to Arrive someday it would be talked dren Donald and Inns were vis- telephone cable between Port Loren Kostur, Maxine Hanna, presentation in the institutions Next Week about and wondered about. And iting with her parents at Cor- land anti Salem progressing Kathleen Terrien, Gerald George, of higher learning throughout the The junior rings are expect it has been! Yes, the first news steadily. > nelius. Erma Kent. Richard Austin and state. ed to arrive the latter part of paper in Vernonia has been an house is 1 Astoria — United National Bank Never before in its history has Mildred Lamereaur. Geo. Doreth ’s new next week. The rings, which object of much attention. It was .with capitalization of $150,000, nearing completion. Laverne George entered the the Vernonia high school been should have been here two weeks called the Nehalem Journal and •will be established here soon, so well represented in our col fourth grade from Portland ago, have been delayed at the was first edited September 2, Mrs. Gilbert Holts motheri I Columbia county j, road crew ----- - leges and universities. This year factory. They were ordered 1889 by Gus H. Byron. from California is visiting with started construction work on fill schools. there are six alumni attending from Lee and company of Seat There are advertisements of ' Those who received 100 in . , . . , | from Prescott to Columbia River O. S. C., five attending the uni tle about the first of October.— fine wines and liquors, of gun t spelling in (i 1 grade are : Fred Lindsays are shipping out lum- highway. ______ . I versity of Oregon, six attending R.H. 4 makers, and of state-coaches ber this week. I I 7;„„ Plans o' proposed for establishing , Henderson and Howard MeGil- Oregon normal, and one the from Cornelius and Forest | vray. S. Baker made a business trip Yakima We will gMlr delljKPasqroa« Southern normal at Ashland. '-----—, Washington,- Portland. Hood River—First National Grove to Vernonia, things that of the marvelous Ptrileo ■Ma to Forest Grove on Thursday. 1 Oregon, airline. Those who received 100 in Ralph Reithner attending univer ds to v<rar home on afiaobrts^r Mrs. Harry Pierce was a Ver-I Beattty—Plans underway for spelling in 0-2 grade: Raymond sity of California. There are al Bank installed fire equipment. we seldom hear of now. Stories ■ rw Trial. Wa want you tn nonia shopper on Wednesday. erection of community hall and Hall, Alice Hoffman, Dorothy so three alumni attending Paci Cveto yourself Its matchless Two young ladies were out gymnasium. Nanson, Eva Chambers, Helen fic university, and two attend e, its marvelous selectivity nt Treharne selling tickets for and amasfng dialanaa ranga Ashland—$15,000 school build- Holgate, Helen Murray, Frances ing business colleges, the total the school play on Saturday. No obligation whatscavar. Bergerson, Evelyn Varley, Dor being twenty-four. ' ing here recently dedicated. Miss Nettie Alley school nurse . Ashland—Construction of tel- othy Dafton, and Sylvia Sesse- These graduates of V. H. S. A nd Easy Payments gave toxin antitoxin to the | ephone lines in Bellview district man. ranks high among other students Yea, a nd then if you decide Toa Pleasant Hill school children on (Completed. Those who received 100 in in college work.—L.H. Want Io own oue of these splen Friday afternoon. did Balanced-Unit Phileos, yon spelling in the 7-1 grade are: Mrs. Rhodiger brought her J WASHINGTON SCHOOL can have it on very easy pay Rhoda Bell, Helen Brimmer, Basketball Season Opens children to receive toxin anti-1 Pii» Neotrodyae-Plus Lowboy only ments. Just a small smnnt Shelby Caton, Thoadeus Lang, At Local High School Mary toxin. down; balance monthly. Margaret McNutt, June Miche- Gymnasium Mrs. Geo. Holt visited school Little Mary’s mother would say, Call At Our Store ner, Ruth Simmons, Benji Wil Basketball season opened last on Friday afternoon. ‘’Please get to work and quit kerson, Dorothy June Wolff. We are taking care of Free Wednesday night at the gym at Tubes Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schntidlin your play.” Trial requests as rapidly as wa The one who received 100 in I Extra had their baby baptized Sun "Oh, mother! just u minute spelling in the 7-2 grade is: seven o’clock. can In the order we receive Coach Austin had issued a day. more. them. You owe it to yourself Ethel Christinsen. call and about twenty-five boys to telephone us or call at Mrs. S. Baker and daughter Then I will work for sure, Screen Grid, *13»*® turned out. Austin stated store as early as possible Loretta called at the home of Mary’s mother shook her head, UTflUi MODELS EHOM 672.00 TO <215.00 full details. they would try to get Mrs. J. Mitchel. Little Mary is never good she game in December before said. tion. Gardiner—Construction work She will never have a good At the second practice some being rushed on 53-acre mill home. of the boys didn’t come back site here for erection of 100-ton With her play she will always but many more were there than We thank you for your patronage in the paper mill. roam. at the first practice. The team this year has a very past and invite you to visit our new store. good chance to take the cham- pionship because of the material Coach Austin has to work with. —J.B. ¿21 Ikrnntiia Eaglr A Real Loy Tractor ioy Au lomo bile & Trucks Hoffman Hardware k in own home the new all-electric BALANCED-UNIT RADIO I We Have Moved Into more spacious quarters 8139’° Better equipped with a complete line of FURNITURE Gordon Furniture Co VVE’RB READY Photographers Take Pictures at High School Monday to show yon tlie 1030 OVERCOATS AND LATEST SUITS And what a fine s.ock—never better never so all embracing, never such won derful values. And what appreciation will be voiced in making selection from one extensive group at a feature price. Workingman’s Store Vernonia’s Money Saving Style Shop Ed. Holtham, Prop. Vernonia Service Garage Pumpkin Pies F’arker I louse Bolls Fruit Cake Mince Pies Vernonia * Bakery Phone 201 Three photographers from Coffey studios in Portland were at the high school Monday, Nov- ember 18, for the purpose of taking _ pictures for the annual. ______ They took group pictures of the junior, sophomore, and freshman classes, and also group pictures of the glee clubs and Inst year’s track team. Individual pictures were taken of the sen ior class, student body officers, annual staff, football team, and I some of the teachers. They also took a picture of the high school building. These photographers will re turn to the high school next spring to take pictures of the . play casts and the athletic I teams.—L.W. Blue Bull Pup New Pet Of Juniors Well, the juniors thing else to boast it is a blue bull watches over their and day. This young pet and mascot. He hava some- about. Now dog, which room night pup ia their' ia to well THEY'LL FRAISE Vernonia YOUR BAKING Win praise from the family with these nicer muffins made with Sperry Drifted Snow Flour. The improved results you get with this muffin recipe will be re peated with everything you bake when you use Drifted Snow (the West’s largest selling ilour). Fol low directions carefully. Bricquets A clean way of heating your home The cold snap is here Phone 682 and place your order today Vernonia Trading Co I 2 cup, l»nr 1 well-beaten egj 1 cup aulk 4 Ixvel CMpouns Lit inf po* J«r 2 tablespoons of 2 c.blcapooa. melted shortenia« tusxr 1 teaspoon *al< SPERRY Sift dry ingredients lato '°g bowL Beat egg well, milk. Than gradually add mixture to dry iagradiantt beating until smooth. Add • horteniag. Half fill well- greased muffin pans and bake about 20 i oven (42J-).