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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1929)
Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Thursday, November 21, 1929 Page Three Vernonia and visited her mother Astoria Sunday to see their re Sunday, November 24 at 10 a.m. Tuesday. latives. Judge Phillips of the county The Wm. Bridgers family Mrs. Henderson from Astoria court, with county roadmaster, In cooperation with Ye«—WE SELL CROSLEY and son Harry from drove to Portland Sunday and San Fran Barney, spent several hours in U. S. Public Health Service brought Mrs. Bridgers home cisco were guests at tile Holm Vernonia Friday afternoon. Frederick D. Stricker, M. D., with them, she has been spend strom home recently. Collaborating Epidemiologist J. D. Dunn of Mist spent Sat ing the past week in Portland. Natal grange will meet ___ on urday evening in this city at Mrs. Devine and Mrs. Dowl Saturday night,. November 23, tending the grade teachers play uncomfortable feeling The for its regular session. at the Joy theatre. about the heart may in some ing visited at the Jake Dowling Most of the people from the •MM be controlled to a great home at Mayger Wednesday Lane who employed village and vicinity went to at Shady extent by the mind. Probably evening. Banks spent Saturday in Ver Clatskanie Thursday to attend one of the most favorable in- nonia. The Jolly 20 will meet this the funeral services of fluences exerted on the heart week on Thursday with Mrs. terson. when there is considerable de I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shay and pression is that produced by Earl Holce, it was postponed son Micky and Mrs. Lee Schwab The sorrowing family have the last week on account of the laughter. Attendance at the thea and sons, Bobby and Melvin of the entire commun- _____ tre and the enjoyment of good funeral services of N. D. Peter- sympathy were - - - visitors - Portland Sunday. ity in their sad bereavement. son on that day. hearty laughter huve brought re Mrs. Schwab and sons stayed lief more than in any other way. over in the city to visit friends. Mrs. Meri Lane was a Verno- Midway Apartments It is very probable that this nia visitor last Tuesday and is due to the fact that the up Being Remodeled Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander, and down movement of the dia Wednesday. Chet Alexander and Mr. and phragm in laughter causes di Mrs. K. A. McNeill attended the E. H. Salisbury, recently of Rae Taylor has been cutting rect massage of the heart and game at Eugene Sat- Tonasket, Wash., purchased the football therefore stimulates its activity.' wood for the Devine family. urday. Midway apartments in October, The diaphragm action is parti-1 Mrs. Reed Holding spent an • Believe it or not. The Verno Basket Social At has been in this city since Ray Early spent Thursday cularly on the thin-walled right ufternoon recently with Mrs. | and nia Eagle is large than the Ore November 1, remodeling the ap evening and Friday V/e-txmber Saturday heart which lies along the diaph morning Grover Devine. gonian. Hm, Hm, one quarter artments which are now ready here returning to his home in ragm. It is in this part of the j for occupancy. inch in column length. Portland Friday afternoon. A basket social and dance will organ, however, that the cycle Mr. Primbough was down __ Mr. ______ Salisbury conducted a movement of the heart begins, from v the ,,c Burn Saturday shop- successful Timber Th » famous radio—tone test sponsored at the farm 'at Tonasket" be teeth Mrs. Helen Mosher, mother of Ritchey received his new and theiefore it is not surpris- pjag the village, ¡fore moving to this city. ed by world-renowned artists— Mrs. Rose Fletcher is reported but being conservative, only dance hall next Saturday even- ing that direct stimulation this, critically ill at her home in this wears them when waiting on a inV- nov available at unusual re Mr. and Mrs. L. E. McGee - way regulates the action of the i Alusic will be furnished city. customer. heart. , i 'e|tx|tnded the card party at the W. C. Counts Injured ductions. Hillsboro orchestra. T' iT T Libel .iVxzil knxvxn QatlirzlaV »xicalii- k" F JT Perhaps the accessory effect 4. home Saturday night Edward Salmonsen, owner of Newlyweds should attend the of laugh'.e, on the lungs has K‘ven in honor of Mra- Ge0-| the Vernonia Brazing and Ma ONCE MORE, Crosley sets the pace—with prices that A Correclion smokers in the city and learn something to do with the favor- •J°nea’ birthday, Mrs. Ed Rey-I W. C. Counts employed by chine works, was a visitor in establish a new standard of radio value. Never before how to deliver the K. O. without I I" thè 37th line of thè ar- able action on the heart. The n°lds also attended the affair, I tide signed by Albert Wood in the Koster Products company as Astoria Saturday. have you been able to buy so much for the money! using the rolling pin. i last week’s Eagle, a sentence jerky movements of the diaph- Austin Dowling spent a couple choker setter, severely injured Mrs. Marvin Eby and daughter )agt week with his bro. 1 his left hand November 13, when : Please refer me to thè ragm xn the midst of hearty of d Note the beauty of the 1930 model illustrated below— Louise motored to Portland nBV A Scotchman always saves !read Sat- _ * laughter consequent upon the ther Jakc Dowlln g at May g e r. law for so doing away with per j the choker equipment swung urday morning with Mr. and *hen reni<?n,b<ir that these sets are Screen Grid, with all himself unnecessary pain by sonal government. It should have interrupted laryngeal sounds | the tremendous sensitivity that comes from the perfect turning down all appeals for a i read as two sentences, thus: which acoempany laughter, cause1 The rock crusher on the Spinning his hand against a tree. Mrs. Sidney Malmsten. ed use of Screen Grid tubes. loan. the air within the lungs to be Clatskanie-Mist market road has Please refer me to the law for H. L. Palmer of Connacher confined at a rather higher pres- started up again, we axe told suffered an infected hand, caus- And check them, feature for feature. You’ll find they Night coughing can quickly be so doing. Away with personal sure than usual and this acts they have about three weeks ed from a bruise by a piece of incorporate every modern improvement: two 245 power relieved. Try cutting your throat. j government. directly on the heart, pressing run, the county trucks are haul wood last week. output tubes, connected push pull; power detection; Triple I it and probably stimulating its ing and filling in the holes in Hair will not grow where K. P. Employe Injures G. C. Peoples employed by «ange Control; phonograph pick-up connection—the very activity. Perhaps, " ‘ also, the in the road, up the river, also some brains predominate and the ed I the Eagle Lumber company at utmosi' that radio can oiler. Cheek While at Work creased oxygenation of the blood on the down river road. itor has still to buy his first Westimber injured his right | due to laughter has something j Dr. Marvin Eby spent Satur r bottle of hail- tonic. Gilbert Holt who received a'to to do with the _______ favorable in-' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Eastman day in Portland visiting rela shoulder and received several la were Clatskanie business visitors cheek while I j fluence fiuence that is noted. cerations last week. sliver in his right tives. If youx- baby scratches your at work at the Koster products' This experiment would scenx on Tuesday. face, it offends him. Try having Speck Ford, salesman with the Oliver Burris and granddaught ¡company camp last I week, has one - of the »uvovi most! Mrs. nust! Rose was « a aupuvi supper guvov guest . I to , indicate that ---- -- it lifted. Pacific Fruit and Produce com i been nnnmtnd :_ :„i__ x- for a pa- at rars, operated on on nnd and is is rpnort- report- important principles Austin Dowling Sat- er Miss Beatrice Perry of Natal pany transacted business , * • — —— g—— Cl V the 111V <~&VS0V.aa ** * * * *u\ home a^wuar* I ed to be recovering, were visitors in this city Friday. tient suffering from discomfort urday night. Lots of turkey shoots next I last Friday. ----- --------- — of over-consciousness of heart ac-l • , , Sunday. Many, however, , will ------- ,. ----- ---------------- Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Melis of >« An — tl , I Geo. Jones is improving slow- Beef calves on the range that tion is to insist on laughter The, ___ _____ I . shoot the works with a pair of spent Friday afternoon ini W. Downs employed by the are weaned in late fall or win-' patients are very likely to bejly> he will be in the hospital a Mist , O.-A. mill, was hit in the right bones (but not turkeys). Vernonia shopping. | ter should be fed liberally, as I rather disposed to depression couple of weeks longer. eye with a small knot from a they make better use of the feed |and they are more afraid that! A shooting match will be held board Wednesday of last week Bruce must sell another Mrs. Merl Lane has moved than when older. It is not us , laughter may cause their heart' thousand feet to make up back down to the village again, I at the Andrew Parker place a ■ and will probably lose sight of ually advisable to feed yearling his poor judgment in football steers and heifers so liberally. to stop beating. It has just the i after living up at Natal all sum- few miles from this city next his injured eye. bets. And Judd, who won the Two-year-old steers must be win opposite effect und once it has | ; mer in Clyde Johnson’s little bets, will sell Bruce the lumber. tered cheaply to inure profit in I been decided that the heart con-! ' house. dition is functional, the laugh So be it. holding them uiitil they are 3 I should be encouraged to as great Merrill Oysteroudt is staying years old. If steers come off the I extent as possible. with the Will Meadows family, A few hot council meeting! range in the fall fat enough, it We can save your shoes and your money he has been staying with Clyde would mean a great saving for nxay be more profitable to mar- Johnson. the taxpayers in the budget cov ket them at that time, If they ering the item of fuel. ~ Probably lack flesh for killing and the, Mr. and Mrs. Lanyer called MIST there is a method in Lester's feedex- is strong, they may be •on the Ed Reynolds folks the Vernonia 965 Bridge St. madness. [ profitably sold as feeders. last of the week. Mrs. j. L. Dowling came over , I Almost any variety of winter Repairing Done While You Wait If Al Kullander was Mrs. Merl Tiderman and small or fall apples will make good from Mayger last week and But wait until you hear these Crosley sets! You’ll in back as in front, spent Tuesday and Wednesday daughter visited her sister Mrs. " vinegar. Winter apples in general be amazed, delighted at their selectivity and their rich, great fullback this boy with her sister Mrs. N. D. Pe Chas. Hanson on Saturday, .¡Mrs. are best as they have the highest make. ¡natural tone—developed with the help of America’s fore. Tiderman lives at Jewell. average sugar content. Wind-fall terson. ! most musical artists. 1 apples can be used for vinegar, Mrs. Grover Devine and Mrs. Because “Tam” is a police novided they were mature at Donald Sundland was at home Your Crosley dealer has these handsome sets on dis dog is no reason he could not be ihe time of falling. Green apples from Forest Grove and spent !A. Dowling were shopping in Delivered To Ynnr and Called T . p’ay now. Visit him at once. Ask for a free demonstra- taught to walk the beat, ami don't make good vinegar, be Friday night with his parents at Vernonia Monday. save the city money. Maybe Rin- cause much of their starch has ‘ tion in your The primary room have a new Door For At »'Tin-Tin -would "be, for lie’s bright not been transformed into sugar. the Mist garage. „ , , . cutting table in their room, ............. —a star. Johnson spent jauretz Aamodt did the con- ; Frosted or frozen apples have Mrs. W. R. Johnson been used successfully for vine Tuesday at the N. D. Peterson strutting of it. Ed Holtham, who is sweating gar, but they must be pressed at Moffett's hot springs, writes soon after freeding and before home. Mrs. Maria Holmstrom and having lost 18 pounds, and still rotting occurs. Contrary to Mrs. Buckley came down from daughter Olga motored down to losing. Probably Ed could lose any Cro.ley 32-S, designed with painstaking care, is notable usual belief, sweet apples are 18 pounds and a few shillings not richer in sugar than s for its simplicity and quiet distinction. Its console of mat over dear ol’ England, or in a apples. The sweet taste ched walnut veneer marks it, at once, the creation of sweating poker game, but never I-'"sweet” apples is due not artists. Illuminated single dial control gives you immed Phone 104Í as long as eats are in sight in larger quantities of sugar but iate mastery of the air. this country. fto a deficiency in malic acid, Portland-Vernonia Truck Line and normally present in apples. Crosley 32-S, 7 tube A. C. Receiver, uses two 224 screen Saturday and Monday Hoff grid tubes and two 245 tubes in push pull. man offered $1 bills for sale for For Freight Orders 89c, reporting that only 100 took advantage of this offer, however many a housewife has sent a mail order out of town even il' she thought that she could save ten cents. There probably never was a lit le boy, who was a real boy, wi o liked to wear frills, ruffles, aid laces. They make even st.rdy little boys appear effem- in te, or as they would say s ssies.” Dainty, delicate colors • equally undesirabe for a lit- boy’s suit, but blue, green, , and brown are boyish colors and are always safe selections, if the particular color is be coming. Delicate rayon garments re quire careful laundering. Fox- in stance, it is best to wash them in lukewarm water, as hot wa ter softens the threads, and to use soapsuds of pure, neutral soap, never rubbing the soap di rectly on the garment. When clean they are hung over a line, It’s not true that the Arabs or in any other suitable place, threw a ham against the wailing !but never fastened with clothes wall when the religious jews pins, ns they are easily stretch were praying. ed and torn. Ore. State Board of Health Brown Furniture Co CROSLEY lends again with New Low Vices Monkey I Shoe Repairing Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop freight Trucks Leave Vernonia 9 A. M. Daily Cason Transfer Home Pointer. Knock-kneed o r bow-legged persons can camouflage this de fect to a large extent by keep ing the seams of their stocking! I in as nearly a parallel line as possible, rather than having them almost meet at the knee or vice versa. The amount of nap on a blan ket usually determines the warm th of the blanket. If the nap is allowed to mat down the iieat conductivity is decreased, and consequently the warmth of the blanket. A good blanket can bo re-napped. Local and Long Distance Hauling Phone 923 Office in Workingmen's Stoie DINNER. iT, LET US SUPPLY IT! Your Thanksgiving Dinner is THE Meal of the Year. Your Cooking Plus Our Meats Will Make It So. TURKEY CRANBERRIES POTATOES PUMPKINS ASSORTED MEATS C. BRUCE LUMBER Wholesale and Retail Vernonia Every modern improvement In these amazing Screen Grid sets! Lindsay Lumber Co. Treharne Phone 7F5I Nehalem Market & Grocery We Deliver Phone 721, (Lfiriaintaa (ftrrrtuuj (Uurtifi Weather Changes call for Car Adjustments Vernonia's long wet weather season has started, and it will be mixed with some snow and ice in another month. Y qu will save on repair bills and loss of valuable time later by hav ing your car checked up now BE PREPARED Vernonia Service Garage Repair Shop L. E. Fredrickson A Do i our Christinas SAVING Early CHRISTMAS Shopping is a real pleasure when you’re not pressed for funds. By saving systematically for fifty weeks be ginning now—be it 50c or $10 a week— you will have an ample sum to meet the cost of gifts. Bank of Vernonia Rarely does a custom become an established one without some good and vital reason, especially one of sentimental nature. In re cent years the sending of greet ing cards during the Christmas season has grown to enormous proportions. It is easy to under- stand the reasons, as it makes possible the remembering of friends at a time when practically the whole world has thoughts of happiness and good will. They perve as a connecting link be- ween friends at least once a year, and help form a tie that might otherwise lose its hold, The cards carried by the Ver- nonia Eagle are all exculsive de signs, not found elsewhere in this territory. A better selection and lower price rewards the early purchas- Iknumta Mrs. W. B. Lappe, Representative. Oregon American Lumber