Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1904)
Everything ■k i in Office Furniture, Undertaking Goods, and House t 1 Furnishings. BISHOP’S Iti j * Ive : 4* i i t> Biggest line of goods ever brought into Klamath coun- ty. My goods are not at the railroad. They are here. Call and inspect them j * > j * > > > B. St. Geo. Bishop. Klamath Falls, Oregon. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. ALEX MARTIN President BUY A HOMI: IN KLAMATH COUNTY Here are a fetv bargains at last years prices, before tho a-'rance in real estate. Klamath County is growing fast and values arc increasing, so if you are interested imestigate these bargains. Hfrite for prices at once. E B. REIMES, MEI MARTIN JR. Vice President. Cashier t f i K4*4‘4,»b»î;“I'‘4‘4*4‘4“il;*4‘4*4‘4*4è4,4‘4*4*4è4‘4*4*4*4*»l;*4*‘Α4*4‘4*4*4,4*4‘4‘4*X STORE i r I J i J Nik I. 126 acres in See. 36. Tp 36 S. R li E. m Sprague river near Bly, Good soil, land all irrigable. No. 2. 320 acres well improved. Land adjoins town of Rott'utza. No. 3. 40 see« five miles troni (Mene, on Lest river. No. 4. 280 acres alfalfa lami. all irrigable, near town of Merrill ex- cept tonally good ranch. No. 3. 40 acre tract on Lost river —can be bought cheap. No. 6. 165 acre ranch, well Im- Write for proved with water right, price. No. 7. 306 acres of good pine tim ber on Klani.itli river near Keuo. No. 8. 1000 acres grating and hay range forcatile. land on Aspen lake, well watered, No. 12. 160 acre ranch all under and controls extensive range. cultivation. 250 aerea outside range No. #. 160 acres eight miles from fenced. A tine two story house with Klamath 1'alls; 40 acres Irrigable and M rotatili Aliti closets. Also lee and set to alfalfa. smoke house ami a gissi barn 5Hx«2. No. 10. Ho acre ranch in Klam- Land all Irrigated and will raise at It Basin, 30 acres under present alfalfa. ditch, 20 acres In alfalfa, rest In No. 13. grain, all fenced. A gissi four twin tary saws, l*t to 20 M house wlili barn and shed. Corresoondencé Invited. Collections Attended to Promotly. Country Produce taken in exchange tor floods THE- EXCELSIOR tion would ever I m * allowed to get pa.-wd the public lands committee of No. 11. 600 acre cattle ranch It the HotiM. Should the Interests tq»- miles from Klamath Falls. Will Republican in Follile«, »nd devoted to the posed to land legislation lie unable to Timber. AfVlcultntsl. Stock »nd W< m >1 iaier«Ma keep the siihjeet raise 500 tons of alfalfa and about bo!tied up in tlie of the great Klamath Couul;. three times as much wild hay. ('an Senate and should such a matter pass also raise grain, fruit, potatoes and that body, it would die a natural and all klml.s of vegetables. Good outside rublnhed every Tburaday by speedy death at the House end of the Capitol. WESLEY O. SMITH, Realizing the situation. Represen Notke To Creditors. placed definitely. It would eliminate M. Gardner. E ditor axd P roprietor . tative Reeder Introduced a compre Klamath Lake. 1 —D. G. Rrewn. Notice I« herein given that < liarles II Hurtt much uncertainty frein the coolest at hensive hill amending the irrigation «lorf ha« been ap|<i*intr«| a liumiwtiator ol lhe Odell, I Not represented. the present time. All three of the estate ol Charli s Hnrc.lotf, ilt't’i'aMil ami all nuMK'nirriox ratw : act and repealing the above land |M<(»ona ha% Ing vlaiiu« agallisi aahl ewtat« are Total delegates 47, on laws, which, lie is quoted as stating, counties, which In the aggregate re»|iivMle.| h» present them duly \vrtilr«l lu the Ote rear (m advance). .............. Un«ler»tgue<| » it mouth» from the «late The commit tee on resolutions re of tim notile within number 32 votes, have been claimed ai Dalli. K amaili » «miitv i»r< allow for the procuring by speculators gon. VII tm M H Hi Hi.DOKF I ported a resolution endorsing ihe by the supporters of both Harris and Mt<k|>lc.« ()<><»<!■ A«lmini«trator ut Uie . state <M t'harlv» llurg and stockmen of the very public THURSDAY. APRIL 7. I »04. policy and administration of Preaident dori, deceased p Hermann. lands which it Is expected that the Dated al lilaiuath Falla, Oregon, March lo. Washington’s 13 votes »re credited Roosevelt and adwx'ating his renoml- IHM. 1. F. DAVIES, DAIRY, OREGON government will irrigate, and this democratic call . to Harris, both because of the re natlon, and also tile renominatitm of bill he had referred to the irrigation Notke l or Publication A democratic convention for Klam committee. A number of the mem ports from the primaries tn that Binger Hermans for congressman 0-0-00-000-0-00000000-0-00-0-0 ath county ts hereby called to meet bers of this committee are favorable county, and because It is remember i from tills district. MSt) Omul AT I.AKKVIVW tlgruoM, Tlie convention then procts'ded February 23. I <d ed that the delegation frein that at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Thurs to the consideration of the public Nolle«* I■ hereby given that tb.* following Tlie fol named «eitler ha« tiled noth*«' of bls Intention day. April 14. 1904, at 10 o'clock A. lands question and would vote to re county was for Harris last year, and with the order of business. to mase Anal proof in »upport oí lit« viali.’, Four and that «ani pn»oi will I» made bet« tv t II M. for the purpose of nominating a port on such a bill and get it before voted for him as long as his name lowing ticket was nominated: I " t'otninlsslouer «1 Klatuaih ■ delegates to the state and con» Withrow, was before the convention. As the Fall». Or on Vprll ’» t’«o|. vi« county ticket, and to elect three dele the House for a general discussion. FKKDKKh'K Hl I K KL greaaional conventions John Shts>k, gates to the Democratic State and This however is the very thing which same men seem to be in coutrol in of Merrill. Or . Il l \ ‘ . ai lor the N\V\ <»f NF\,^v r Tp »»R h» K W M II nam » Congressional conventions to he held the opponents of land reform desire to Washington county this year, there Geo. II. Merryman. C. IL Withrow the following wlili ««.« to pr«<ve hl* mntlnu I utd H. IL VanValkenburg. ou» resiih'uce upou and cultivation «>f »a <l is every reason to think they will in Portland, Oregon, on April 19. avoid. A meeting of the irrigation lami tlx t H M.rrlll. lohn T K mg halter For Sheriff—Silas Obenchaln of Lo- l*urdjr. Bert itavi», all vt Merrill '»r< „on 1904, and for the transaction of such committee of the House was held on lean in the same direction. J N.WATHON Register. At the present stage of the race rella. nominated by acclamation. other business as may properly come the 14th. and Mr. Reeder called up Fur Clerk—W. P. Rhodes of Mer before said convention. The conven his bill and the committee set a date local politicians have figured the Sit- Contea! Notke. rill. . , uat ion about as follows; tion will be composed of 37 delegates, for its consideration, It seems how-1 hrpsrim«n» ot the Interior. Vinteti Htata*» For Commissioner .1. W. McCoyof 1 '«f | lor Hermauu— Office. Lakeview, (H \<«v .V. I’Mtl apportioned as follows: ever that the bill is to be smothered, i A »ufhciviit contest affidavit hating b.-. n Fort Klamath, nominated by accia- Votes. fl|e<| in this "flì-'r by Jreeir An<b-r<iou ■ ••ntr«t ...» by one means if not by another. Af- ! ! County. Linkville Precinct I mat ion. ant. again«! HnmeMrad Entrv N«> .‘All ma I. •> Clackamas................................. ... 18 ! I'or Assessor—D. G. ‘ » I», au-t Plevna •• Brown of February 27. I'Af? lor ter the adjournment of the irrigation Nli'.NW» an«lN^N*W\ .«*•» *.• |P n s H lo K ... 9 ' Coos ........................................... ...s | Crystal. < Tule Lake •• \\ M. by f.»hn i H»*«tty . ..iit< »’< in which It committee meeting, its chairman con- j { Curry.......................................... 3 la allege«! that eahl llratty baa abandoned For Treasurer L. Alva ...3 suited with Chairman Lacey of the Lost River ■aid land« and left the country, and ie n«»t •> Ikiuglas...................................... ... 14 Klamath Falls, nominated n«»w and never wa« a legal resident of the Dairy public lands’ committee, and the lat <» -o—o « o — o— ■aiue, that there ta not now any claimant <in 4 mat ion. *) Klamath ................................... the «atnr but t »nt. slant Th«’ •• I allagi I Poe Valley I For Supt. of Schools J. G. Wight abarnce ter, waiting for an opportunity when from said land was not due to hla rm 4 Mr. Reeder and his friends were ab Lake............................................ • •• 4 I I of Bonanza. piovuteti! In tbe army. nav y or marine rorp» Wood River of the 1‘uth‘d state» a« a private woidu r. oihr« r ... 5 Lincoln ..................................... For Surveyor E. B. Henry of 3 sent from the floor of the house, Langcll Valley ■ramati or marine durinx the «ar with Hpam nr during anv other » ar In w bleb the I'niird • u Klamath Falls, by acclamation. 3 made the point that an error had Linn ........................................... Sprague River Ntatea may l»r engaged, «aid parties arc r. rrby For Coroner Di. Merryman of n<>tlflr«1 to ap(>rar. respond and ' fl r e* ideare ... 81 Marion....................................... Snow been made in referring this bill, and Klamath Falls, by acclamation. touching al<l allegation at 10 n*rl«ick a to ott Tillamook ................................. April 30, I'AM before <« H Wardwrl . I’ H « dm ......................... 1 Klamath Bake For Chairman County Central Com- inlswionrr that it was a land bill and he asked ' at fttlv« r l ake Orrgon. (and that | mlttee—L. F. Willits, by acclama Anal hearing will tw held at lo .< -lo. il a m .......................... 1 unanimous consent that the Reeder1 Odell on May U l*XH ta-forej th«' It. gister and R«- Total ... tion. reiver at the I'nlted »tales I .and office ai l.ak<- Being one delegate at large for bill be re-referred to the public lands ! For Secretary County Central Com vlew. Oregon. For Harris— each precinct, and one delegate for committee, which was done. Mr. The »aid contestant having in a proper affi mittee — W. E. Bowdoin, by acclama- davit, fllrd Octot-er ». I««i. *et forth fact» 1 W. W. HAZfiN, Proprietor, each 16 votes and fraction thereof Reeder's resolution is really to deter Benton ............. ti«m. which sb<»w that alter dur dihgrnev personal , * Josephine.. ... service n! Ibi« «oltre fintini be made. It 1« One commit toeman from each pre over one-half cast for Hon. Geo. E. mine the sense of the House as to ordered and directed that <tirb notlre i EAST END, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HI cinct was named by tlie delegates for hereby ba given bv «hie and proper publication In th«' Chamberlain for governor at state whether his bill shall be left in the Lane ............. Klamath Republican, publish'd at Klamath 15 the County Central Committee, Marlon............ Falla, Oregon. J N d atom. Register election of 1902. pi^vonholea of tbe public lands com Horse's boarded by day, week or mouth« C. I’ Holder. Receiver. 13 Nothing Equal to Chamberlain's Primaries will be held at the v»r- mittee or whether it shall be consid Washington . Hay and Grain bought and sold. Colic, Cholera and IHarrho^a Jous voting places in the several pre ered by the irrigation committee Petition for l iquor license. Passengers conveyed to all parts of Southern Oregon 61 Total . Remedy for Bow el Complaints cincts on Saturday, April 9, 1904, at with a view to some definite action to and Northern .1 lifornia at th»' very lowest rates. Doubtful — tn Children. T<> the Hon. County Court of the 2 o’clock of said day. save tho public lands from specula Wo have used ('hainberlaln'a C<>ll<*, State of Oregon, for Klamath county. 12 By order of Democratic Central tion and absorption by private in- Jackson........ Telephone Connection Between Stable and Hotel Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in We. the undersigned, residents and ¡ Polk .............. 9 Committee of Klamath County, Ore te rests. our faintly for years, says Mrs. j. B. ; legal voter» of l*ievna precinct, In Linkvillc. Phone Main 14 Yamhill........ 11 Cooke, of Nederlands. Texas, We i said county anti state, resrxftfully re gon. have given it to all our children, We quest that a license to sell spiritin>un, IRRIGATION I.N OREGON. Dated March 16, 1904. 3. have used other medicines for malt and vinous liquors. In I<‘ hn quan Total J. F. G oellkii . Chairman. the same purp<>se, but never found tities than one gallon, in said pre The following extract is from a bul J. G. P ierce , Secretary. letin issued by the Census Bureau on A STRONG TICKET NO/1I.NATED. anything to equal Chamberlain's. If ; clnct, for a period of six months from J. L. H anks . you will always use It as directed It tin- ith day ot Msjr, a . 1>. INM I m irrigation in tilts state fur4902: The Republicans Hold a Very Har will always cure. For sale by C. C. granted to Fred Flock, of Keno, in A thief can reform, but it is differ Klamath River Drainage Basin.— Chitwood. the precinct aforesaid, and your peti monious Convention—Candidates ent with a politician. Just east of the Cascade range In tioner* as In duty bound will ever Well DhtribuUd. Notke for Publication. pray. Said petition will lie presented Southern Oregon is an area of about The Republican delegates for the After a man has gotten there the to said Court on the 4th day of May, 5,000square miles drained by Klam I«and Office at l«ak«vlew. Oregon. several precincts in Klamath county whole world doe* not take the trouble March .1» iniM 1M4. ath river and tributaries. The whole 1 Notice Is hereby given that the following J E Newhanka, W F McCollum. met at the court house yesterday at name«! to examine the route he traveled. acflier ha« filed notice of her lntrntt«»n of Upper and half of Lower Klamath make Anal proof In supp«>rt of her claim Marcus Anderson. Daniel li Itoten. < 10 a. m. The meeting was called to to and that »aid proof will be mad«* before Geo T The worst feature about fishing is lakes cover nearly 130 square miles of order by A. L. Leavitt, chairman of Baldwin. County Judge of Klamath County. .1 Sly. C J .McCollum. C Willson. 1. W Oregon at bls office at Klamath Falls, Or , <»n Anderson, A l> Glllman, F II Down the lies the average man tells about this surface. The principal Oregon the County Central Committee. F. May 12. 1WM vig! ing. Geo Morgan, M C l>>w, E .M PEARL WE A DEX tributary of Klamath river Is Sprague the fish he never caught. J. Bowne of Bonanza was elected Hd entry No. 2HM for th«- N W t. « mt 2n. Tp «0 ”, Morgan. C W Corbin. C Nickerson. R 14 E W M Hhe names the following wit- river, which joins Williamson river Geo Ager, J II Batrett, Wal to prove h« r r«>ntInnou» reddenc«« upon The word -‘graft” like appendicitis to form the main stream about three temporary chairman and S. E. Mar nt-iM'i and rnltiration of said land, vlr K R < ter Anderson, L II Itoten, Thomas tin of Merrill temporary secretary. Williams. W II f ’ ««peland, R Cowlay and is only a new name for an old disease. miles east of Upper Klamath lake. Kealiher, John Flock, Geo C Wav. F. D. Swingle, all of Loreha. Oregon On motion the chair appointed com Ray Anderson, II W McCormick, C M J. >. Wat won. Register. It is only a form of stealing without Very little irrigation is reported from Madison, T J frowning. A Hhur, A F the attachment of crime or the possi the main stream, most of the irrigat mittees of three each on credentials, Notice for Publication. K o I ht I s . O its, W < < radtick, order of business and resolutions, bility of punishment. ed area in this basin being reported II F < hapinan, Fred Chapman. O A Land Office at loiter lew, Oregon, The meeting then adjourned until 2 March .10, jotd Burrows, R A Einmltt.J J Whitcomb from various small tributaries, enter o’clock. At tbe afternoon session Notice la hereby given that the following Don’t think that providence has ing either tbe main stream or Klam named settler ha« file«! notice of his Intel tlon F Flock. the report of tbe committees were to make final proof in siipf>ort of hl« ria m N oth r. The undersigned will on Phone, Ram 199 been derelict and hasn’t properly at ath lake. In 1902, the different and that «aid proof will b-' made before Geo tended to its business because you twurces of water were drawn upon by beard after which the meeting pro- » T. Baldwin , County Judge of Klamath County, Wednesday, the 41 li day of May, I9o4 Oregon, at hla office in Klamath Falls, Oregon, apply to lite County Court of Klam were not started forward on the road 66 systems. There were 28,244 acres (■ceded to the election of permanent on May 11, 1MM vU : ath County, Or., for tile Issuance of WILLIAM If officers. M. R. Potter of Pokegama of life tn a bright red wagon, pre on 161 farms irrigated, at an average Hd entry No 2423. for the W’tJtEU. RE’.HW’i, the license to me as altove pruyed for was elected chairman and W. E. Bow •e< n Tp TIM, R 1! E W M. He names tl.e fol- ceded by a brass band. cost of «8.67. The total cost of con doin of Klamath Falls, secretary. At lowing wlttjesM-s to prove his continuous real- In the above and foregoing petition, dene* upon and cultivation of «aid land viz: of which all persons may take due no struction was «230,010, and the com Thoma» Wiseman. M. A. Wiseman. Mtanley F red Fits k . the roll call the following delegates Vaughn of Bonanza. Or., and L M VanMeter tice. TO PRESERVE PUBLIC LANDS. bined length of canals and ditches responded: of Bed Reid, Or. J. N. Watson, Register. W ashington , I). C., March 31.— was 173 miles. Sprague river alone Notice for Publication. Linkville precinct, 12—C. C. Lewis, (Special)—Representative Reeder of furnished water to 3,690 acres on 25 John Shepard, Thus. Martin, O. B. Land Official Lakeview. Oregon, Kansas has a resolution before Con farms. The 18 systems cost «25,560, .Gates, C. C. Brower, W. E. Bowdoin, March di), 1MM Notice is hereby given Notice )■ hereby given that the following- an average of «7.20 per acre. There gress, the vote on which may show to ' F. H. McCornack, A. Kershner, C. named nattier ha«i fl led notice of hla Intention that there are funds in make final proof hi support of his claim and Some extent who favor the plan to were 39 miles of canals and ditch««. | H. Withrow, R. T. Baldwin, C. K. to that Mgid proof will be made In-fore Geo. T for Baldwin, County Judge of Klamath County at the county treasury preserve the remaining public lands FROM Brandenburg, Fred Applegate by G. bls office in Klamath Falla, Oregon,on May 13, NEW STEAMER ORDERED. the redemption of all HMM, vii: for settlers and homemakers who will I H. Merryman, proxy. ELMER MOORE, lid entry No. tilt for th«* NUHW«4, Rec 2, NE‘4 Klamath county warrants live upon and cultivate the soil and Captain George H. Woodbury, Tule Lake, 6—C. T Oliver, Fred «E», and Lot 1?, flee 4, Tp 4H H. fl II F. W M what members will support the west formerly a well-known Portlander iStukel, Ed. Martin, Henry Anderson, H<- natnrg the following witne«»«« to prove protested on and prior to bls continuumi residence upon and cultivation Inter ern land grabbing and big stock rais and now with the Klamath Lake Nav i Carl Ilobley and W. H. Musselman. of said land, viz: ( M Gardner, F. B K< ter, January 15, 1900. AililresH, F. O. Hunting, Lakoviaw, Oregon. Frank VanMeter and J. B Casey, all of Bed- ing interests whose chief desire ap igation Company, Is here for the pur est on same will cease Dairy, 5—M. C. Shook, John field, Oregon. J.N, Watson, Register. pears to be to prevent the settlement pose of letting the contract for a Logue, J. I. Donald, Jacob llucck from this date. Notke Eor Publication. of that part of the country and the small steamer to ply on that body of j and Wm. Woods. Dated at Klamath Falls, L*n<l Office st Lakeview, Or. division of the public range lands In water. Tbe boat will be framed to Wood River, 5—F. G. Butler, J, Oregon, this 24th day of Merrh 17. ir«H. to farms. Notice li hereby given that the following gether here and then knocked down W. McCoy, D. Cronemiller, Geo. March, 1904. nemed ,ett|er her filed notice of her Intention The House committee on public and shipped by rail and team to | i Denton and T. B. Kinsman by 8. B. to ineke final proof in »upport of her claim and H. H. Van Valkenburg, that raid proof will be made le-fore the R.-alr- lands apparently reached the conclu Klamath lake. The Navigation com 1 Gardner, proxy. tor and Receiver at Lakeview, Or., on April 26 1904, vlai ’ County Treasurer. rit tliv <>1<1 Ntnnd sion early last year that no land re pany has two small boats now In ser-1 Plevna, 4—B. E. Kerns, A. F. AMELIA PETKKfrrKINKR, Itelr at Law, of Joeef ifalweir, Ud entry No. form bills should get past its doors, vice, but Its business has grown so Padgett, Dan Doten and C. B. Mor zao for the HE1, Hee ■», Tp » H, l< ||l^ K, W M Hlie name, the following wltneaaer lo prove and this year s committee seems to rapidly of late that it h;w been found gan. We now have the hlr contlnnotia residence ujw.n and cultivation be of a like belief. Last year Repre necesary to increase its fleet. Cap- ; Snow, 4—M. It. Potter, and D. II. of-aid land, via; Fred Reck, Godfrey Heck, Michael Rulek, Conrad Stoever sentative Powers of Massacbuaetts in tain Woodbury says many new peo Yeager, W. D. Wicks, Riley Hutch j. N W'ateon, Register. troduced a bill repealing the timber ple are going Into Klamath county ison, all represented by M. R. Potter, Notice for Publication and stone act, the commutation and as soon as the last gap of the proxy. on hand ive have ever had made up. Land Office at Rotebfirt, Oregon, clause of the homestead act and the railroad has been completed, things ! Lost River, 3—A. D. Harpold, F. March :vi, HO4. Notice It hereby given that the following desert land act, but this measure was are expected to boom there.— Oregon J. Bowne and A. T. Lange)). Our Stock is complete in every detail. Our alm Is to 1 real named wttler baa fllcd notice of his Intention I to make final j>roof in wpport of hla claim, promptly pigeonholed in the land ian. Langcll Valley, 3—John T. Brad and trade right and give the best values lor the money ihat »aid proof will be made before Chas. L H < on)in|»j«i'>ner. nt his office Mt committee, and a similar bill, intro ley, Geo. Noble and W. C. Duncan by Nichols, Medford, Oregon, on April 30 l»l, viz; HERMANN OR HARRIS. to be had. Repairing and Carriage Trim duced this year has thus far met a MOR II MEH A EDDY J. T. Bradley proxy. II E Entry No IT2M2 for the HUNK'4, MWUNK'4, ming done by competent men. like fate. Not only this but some There will be 177 votes In the con Sprague River, 2—W. F. Reed, Her I m , Tp :n H. KAE, W M names the following witneMeii to prove members of the committee have an vention, of which 89 are necessary for Frank Obenchaln by W. F. Reed hin lf> continuous residence upon mii «I cultivation of sal.l land, viz: Daniel it Yeager, ul Pokeg nounced with apparent satisfaction a choice. If the delegations from proxy. arna, Dragon, Mqnlrt A Parker. Iflll Parker Or«'gon. Miat none of this radical land legisla- Jackson. Polk and Yamhill could be i’oe Valley, 2—C. H. Kester and C. an«! Isaac Muorc oi AOiland, Main Street, - - - Klamath Falls, Oregon, J. T Hodges, Rvglater. Groceries, Dry Goods. Clothing, Furnishing Goods< Boots and Shoes. ti complete mid up to date line of WAR DECLARED ON CHINA Commencing April oth, during the entire month of April, Crockery and Glassware will be sold at cost Baldwin s Hardware and Crockery Store. EXCI I ANGE STABLES Livery. Jas. Sigler, Prop’r First Class Horses Fine Carriages Feed Stables* Teams with or without Drivers HEREFORD STOCK FARM. Drews Valley, Oregon TREASURER'S NOTICE. BULLS FOR SALE :i<> HEAD Registered Hereford Bulls 12 month to 2 years oil Until May 1st I will sell one or all at one hundred dollars eiefr. REMEMBISR Wearc still Doing Business MRS. HONG SING RESTAURANT I, A U N 1) R Y Finest Line of Harness and Saddles Japanese Curio Störe BRADLEY & GUNTHER,