Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1904)
— ■> I I ho year were over HM> per cent superlntebdrnt It. looker! as If some- cigar and the compliments of tx-lng found greater than tlie prevloiet year, and I one itxtk It u|x>n htmrrlf to rr-prv x*nt Ute biggest lot of fools (x, ATTONNF.YATÌAW, Private dining rooms al Ihr r < n with all th« IntptuVenieiiie made, < ah II preciix t, wl ’ I. h id n<, <j,.|, gate tills side of Nalein. Will the repub t ml < .'afe. everything wa« promptly paid uit'l prcM-nt. ’l l ® llrst vote wan 21 each licans be chased across ttie line again? Itcmvmlx-r the iisu.v’ Sat unlay tlie year c1<>»<»l with a »Stull balance ' for .1. I*. Wight arttl W. H. Wordert I hardly think no, provided the re tin tlie second ballot Mr. Wight w.i» publican delegation» to tlie conven in th« t rcuhiiry. night tlaiH'e at the oprru house. tion do the square tiling Win, ever $ Ml»« Gertrude ftl< hardson, who lia» elected, r* etvln ’ 2.'» Vole*« Nahi Vuilgitt, ths Kcno Yi’riYhant, heard of n democrat voting the re 'Tlie t raton of th • <•< nv -ntlon were i»-, ti i i » ii Ing home folk», near Bea was In the city over Wcduc*day. * A. D. Ilarpold of Bonanzi, anti C. T publican ticket)’ Echo answers, no D. H. liiirtith, tlie saw mill man, gle, aluce tlie tit»t of (lie year, re K eno . Oliver and W. H. Musselman of Mer one. turn) tl Wiilmwlay to Klamath Fall», came down ftoin <xl'-ssa Tuesday. m ar w lili lí plat e »lie will comment e a rill. To the brilliant efforts of lile ALFALFA AS A MII.K PRODUCER. ’ ’ar of luirl> wire anil nails al U lin of »rhuol levelling u>'(t Munday. latter two was par dally dne the vic Hixirgti fluni’* Hardware Stoic, h.tsl onicv in th» K kithiii as Hull.ling. To T h « G azyti r fteeently 1 h.ul NW * Mi»» Ill.'hardHoti i» making a doclded tory of tliefr candidate for clerk. I'.n.l ♦ > Klamath / all*, Oregon. a talk with Mr. A. J.. Sayre, who Is Kiici'eM of tcuchlng anti I» tle.ervingly Llnkvllle precinct with It* 12 vtrtwi II. E. Smith, U. II. M. rrlll ami W. |x>piilrr In all tlie »ehtxil» where »lie was completely »tint out from the | not only a business man but art ex (.'. I >altxai were up from Merrill Mon tensive farmer and Jhe stock man tn lia» taught. Medford Mall. important offices. Thia will give the MARK L. BURNS day. W. I'. Reed, the hotel loan of lily, republicans from th« outside pre Madera On, Cal. Mr Rsyre's farm Ciuie un<l try t><> cents worth of consists of xo4 acres. Of this amount BROKER waa In tlie i lly yeaterday attending cincts no eicusc for not sup|x,rtlng I dancing Saturday night al the opera 225 acres are in vines, 100 In alfalfa ' (lie entire ticket. the rcpulillcan convention, lie came Klamath Falls, Oregon. liouse. i and the rest M devoted to grain rais I in with a four borae team and ex- Silas Olx-nchaln. W. I'. Rhodes, D. ing. Together with ills other enter- Attend (In* dance Saturday night |H'cta to take back 2500 |x>und» of G. Brown and J. <». Wight the suc- ■ prises Mr. Sayre runs a creamery, | nt the «per* b<iuM' tlom * until 12 i freight. Mr. Reed aaya that Hie re- ccrsiful candidates were present at * which he calls tbe Sierra. o'clock. jM.rt of tlie impassable condition ol the convention ami resprxided in a His dairy bi rd ranges from loo ro (■■'m Hid lunches set veil at the the roads lias practically stopjxtl all short s|a-ech, thanking I lie delegates 'GENERAL FREIGHTER, 125 cows, which are Holstein-Fries ¡Cafe, free from 12 to 2 p. in. ami from the travel from lit re and Lakeview tor tlie favor shown tiiein. ian and Hbort-born gradi-a. He is a .'i I if Prompt and careful attention ; 10 to 12 p ID. anti has euuaed him conaiderable ios» •I; great liellover In alfalfa and f< • <ls hl» to all unter« DAIRY ITEMS. Ilian A. C. Griffith, the »tenmlxiat ol I. us I ik sa. He say» that the roads dairy stock upon it exclusively, not i>f the (tpper Lake, brought down a have Ix-en In very gtxxi condition for Unmistakable spring ha* put in It* deeming either a root or a grain ra Ixxiin of logs for Moore Bns*. 'I'm-s- some tline appearance at lust. The frog* are tion necesRary so long a* he has plenj ■ j day. Married A quiet wedding, which giving their nightly concerts; the ty of gmxl sweet alfalfa on hand. He .L I’efcr Bolinger arrived In the city wa» some«hat of a surprise to the blue bird* and doves are here; the feeds alfalfa both In the green and I United States Cohimitsioner. Monday evening from Kansas, on u many friends of tlie bride, wurred at moMputo 1» making Ills presence felt dry condition. Green alfalfa may be ¡visit to in» bruiher-ln-law, J. L the r< »)dt nee of Mr». Eli¿abcth A. and even tlie wtxxl lick will mx > ii be cut in the San Joaquin valley as late KI.AMATM LAI LS. OKI!. WOrtman TucMlay afterntam, March making Ills promenade next to our as Dec. 10. He mows alfalfa once a 1 V n<len. Ì HIM V\L l.Ahlli HUSINBSS. 2inti. Tlie I'.iniractlng parties were anatomy. W E. Grlintiiett, last week sold hi» i day and feeds it to his cow» iri the The Ifsli are coming up Lost river yards. While the cows are »landing I property on Mnin street to M. I Marlon F. Caster, of Wenacheo, BLUE PRINTS Wash., and Mias Marie E. Uray, of and some are being caught at the ‘ in tbe barn being milked they are ^urnlhlieil of any land» in Klamath Co. ; Fiatcr of lidding. C«L Consldera- Medford, and tlie oRb latIng minister upper gap und Bonanza springs, but given dry alfalfa. . Hon I looo. But as a milk Correction» iceelved dally. was Rev. W. F. Shields. tlie water is too itigli yet for good producer Mr. Sayre claim» that there Mont E. Iliilclilson makes your Mr. anti Mrs. Caster t<x>k their de tlshlng. Is nothing like green alfalfa. He rulitx-r stamps (■> order, and bundle» part o re the same evening fur their The people of Dairy and snrtotind- makes butter exclusively and '.bis all kind» of office supplies. Mend In future home at Wenachee, Wash. your orient * i Ing country are petitioning the coun brings him from »7 to f - per cow per •y They have the lx-»t wishes of num ty court for money to tlx the roada. month. He receives for his butter George Mrlxinald came In from J. W. SIEMENS, Praprider. erous friend». Mall. It 1» almost Impossible logo to Klam- ' 57j cents per square of one and three- Ltngell valley for a »bort vl»lt with Falls tiy way of Flue Flat, tin- fourtlis of a pound.—A. A. C. in IOH BIMllR HERMANN. lit» family, who have Ix-i-n »|x n<liiig way tlie road Is at present. Cleanliness and Good Work tin- winti t here. Bro-ders Gasette. Tile delegates from Klamath coun Tlie warm »bower» make the grass LI Hoyt and S. II. Gartlm-r came ty to the congressional convention Guaranteed. grow. Farmers are busy putting In ' * down from Fort Klainatb Tuesday. will I m - solid fur lllnger Hermann for their crops and everybody aeema to be 4/so Agent for LONDON AND They r< port considerable snow In the congressman. While the delegates liappv. LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. W<»xl lllver counity yet. wvie not Inst meted for Hermann It Miss Nettie Drew Is convalescent '¡’lii- ranch) rw of T'lle lake have was unamloukly resolved a» tlie sense from an attack of pneumonia. FREE SAMPLE ROOMS. BEST ACCOMMODATIONS w_ tx-en l>ii»y repairing ami raising t I d - of tlie convention that they favor and There was small loss of attx'k in levee tx-loW town to ptVVrtil tll)'ir advocate hl» re iioiuinatIon and elec this valley. In fort Alkali valley has Fish & Balis, * CENTRAL CAFE tion as congressman from till» dis- done well for the season. It has fed lands from tx'lng floated. * Kam Furr* arrived in the city t rlct. most of the cattle of people living Proprietors Tuesday from llogne River Valley, here and alao some of people living i Ik't Cough Medicine fur Children. MERRILL, ORE. Meals at all Hours where tic has been »|»*ndlng tlie win elsewhere. Alkali valley usually fur-: When you buy a cough medicine ter, enroute to Ills liomc at Hiy. nlshcs grain and potabx-s for the The Choicest of Liquors and Day or Night > > Joe hiH-M-i was up from his ranch for small children you want one In Sprague river country, and it* near' Wines always in stock. on l,<w>l river Tuesday. Hr luu been wbR'Ii you can place Implicit confl- proximity to tlie big timber belt of Oysters, any Style I. W. BURRISS, Prop. negotiating the sale of tils pro|x-rty deuce. Vou want one that not only tlie north fork of Sprague river In We also keep the best T rvllcvca but cures. You want one sures for It a market for its products ihere nut has nut completed the deal that 1» unquestionably harmless. Vou tn tlie future. Alkali is a wrong yet. < Brands of Cigars. HOUSTON BROS. want one is pieAliant to take. name for our valley as only a small Mrs. W, <). Hill, who has t<cen <'hamlx-rlaln'» Cough Remedy meets port Ion of the valley contains alkali Your Patronage Solicited. spending the winter with her parent« all of th< an conditions. There is Tlie greater part of the soil is tine > Mr. and Mrs. J. L. H nothing mi gtxxi for tlie cough» and arable land. There are plenty of niornlua for her liom<- Ieolita Incident to elilltih.-xl. It |»i places to build levees and hold tbc ath. ' also a certain preventive ami cure for winter's supply of water for irriga SPRING ANO SUMMER MILLINERY Jami’s Tygnrt. who ba« lx-)-n visit- croup, anti there 1» no danger wliat- tion In the summer. It requires on PATTERN HATS READY TO WEAR HATS DRESS HATS Marlon. Ind., Mrs. T. J. Offield. Prop. tng al til» “Id In rim at ever from wlitxtpmg cough when It is ly enterprising people to make this STREET HATS WALKING HATS ,, o tiirm-il to Hi)- city Monday evening given, it ba* tx-en usc’l In many valley equal to any poriiotl of Klam MERRILL, OREGON FOR LADIES. 7VVISSSS HMD CHILDREN , , lb- will remain here during tile Mini- epidemics of that liiM-aae wltti pcr- ath county. — (J mer. fcct success. For sale by C. C. Chll- Bear in mind that we give you more style and quality for Saturday April 2d was a fine day Sam'l LaPoint cam« down fn>in the wtxxt. and there was a g>»xl attendance at Board by the day, week or money than can be obtained elsewhere. Our prices Agency Tuesday, lie left next morn month- the Republican primary. John L<'ffi:c. Till I IRST UA.TE. always the lowest. Hats trimmed to order.................. I ing f*>r the railroad oil his way to III» I. J. Donnell, Wm. Wood, Morton — 0—0---- <1 Ladfe« Furnishing* Dress Trimmings, Hair Goods, Cotai», etc. [home In Koulli Dakota, where he will Tlie first ball game of the season In Shook and Jacob Ruivk were elected MBS. J. C. PEREZ. PROPRIETOR. » The table is furnished with »pend a *lmrt vacation. Klamath Falls played Friday lie- Dielegates to the Convention, the best that the market H. C. Cunningham spent Tuearisy tween tile County High Nchool and DstitY R ktvrtkii . ami Wednesday In the city. lie ha» tlie City School. The game resulted can supply. PORT KLADATO JOTTINGS. I in In favor of the Just returned from n trip to Wash- In a Wore of 1 If to Ington. He left tills morning for ills High Sciuxil. Tlie ' line up was as Hie trade of the traveling public 8. S. Mitchell was up a few days tioni)' nt Fort Klamath. follows: is solicited. since after beef. He secured alx>ut City School. Judge II L H'-nson returned Mon High School. 100 head paying 7 cents therefor. P Sb I ves day evening from a two week* stay In Siemens Somewhat Personal LADIES FURNISHING GOODS. Melliasc Bros. have taken alxmt l»cLsp C Portland. He will leave tomorrow White 500 head of their cattle down on the This may wrin lint lias 1st Clift morning for Ja< ksonvillc. where he Wilson reservation near Modoc Point to Siemens Il ever occurred to VttU Baldwin 2nd will hear a case for Judge Hanna. browse for a few weeks. Withrow 3rd Heidrich that YOU ran protect Mont E. Ilulchlson will do vour CURES While there is yet considerable S s Houston Benson Vol'll family ami Vol'll type writing with neatness and HI« snow in this valley, owing to the fav HunSaker Parker R F A CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY patch. A ml also notorial work; legal ratate with it policy In cz> orable turn of the weather, tbe stix-k- Burris < C F Pickett I «pern pert liming to the transfer of tlie BQI'FTAIILE LIFE mcn are very l»«)f»efvil they will pull Yaden I F L Yaden i>'al estate a »|»s'l»Hy. Office oppo- i I must make room for my new summer g S through the winter without meeting ih it is go-I M ' »• " ' nite |x»>t office. * TOWN BOARD MEETS. witli any loss to speak of. value any day that you goods. Take advantage of this sale now. CO Harry W> hlwr Is making consider The republican primary pursuant uiay dlr. and Dial la also The regular meeting of the town able Improvements on his lot on Con m to call was held in this precinct on worth In cash all the pre ger avenue. He has const nich'd a board waa held Monday evening. the 2nd Inst, and tlie following dele miums you shall have paid very neat fence and will commence{ After tlie unual business was trans I acted the election returns were can- gates were elected to attend the re (ami prints tx-«,idcs) If you tilling in tlie lot *)x>n. lie expects to vasactl and election certificate» were publican county convention at the build In tlie near future. live twenty years!’ Its Issued to members of the liew board, Falls on the 6th: J. W. McCoy, D. true. For the pixxif and J. N. Watson, register of tlie Lake who will have ten day» In which to ' Cronemiller, George Denton, F. G. An excellent preparation. view land office, camo in from the I qualify. full particulars ask Tlie petition of G. w. Butler and T. B. Kinsman. The del The Klamath County Live Start railroad Sat unlay on his w av home. White and others for the vacation "L egates go to the convention Instruct Harmless to the most delicate Association will pay the above re WILL S. WORDEN, Mr. Watson was returning fnjm Port- a portion of Center street came up ed, with one exception, to use all ward for the arrest and conviction ot Resident Nollcltor, skin. Try it. land where he was called as a Witness for cimsldernt Ion. Mensrs. White, honorable means at their command any person or persons found guilty of Klamath I alls, Oregon. lieforv the grand jury. stealing or altering the marks or I Van Valkenlmrg ami Lewis were to secure the nomination of commis- brands of anv stock belonging to any Postmaster Murdtieh's report allows present. Tlie members present ex sloner for J. W. McCoy. While these i member of this association. that the gross receipts for the flrn-al pressed themselves as favorable to people up here are interested to a Address Chas. Horton, President^ // Tour Eyes are Weak ana year ending March 31, I »04, were the .vacation, provided they bail tin’ i great extent in all nominations to be or J. O. Hamaker,Secretary. or a gain of 354»,l>7 over assurance oi Mr. White that tits com made, vet they thought under the Sight Poor last year. The box receipts Increased pany would construct a building on circumstances, they were willing to KLAMATH LAKE RAILROAD CO. during the year nearly 50 per cent. tbc property In accordance with the trust all the other matters to be at tn Castcin's Glum xml Eye Wash AND TIME TABLE All services as usual at the Pres plans presented to the Ixiarii at the tended to. to tlie delegation. While TESTIMONIAL. time of tlie petition, IN EFFECT OCTOBER iS, 1WB. Mr. White we up here are at a loss at this time byterian elmreh next Sabbath. at II BILLIARD HALL A"htan<l, Oregon. J»n 3», HMM. as to who th* ronuhlican nominees fV»r doctor ! frit th») my In mj a. m. the sermon will be of an iliinl- stated that It was the Intention of I DAILY l’ASSKNOKB 1 —o—o—o— I AKD FREtUHT I ARRIVI? LEAVE Yet Irfl rye WM U m >»< (onr «hr» I ron.ultr.l you i vcrxnry nature. Reports for the Ills company to build but that he for these various olilees will be. • my ryr. I .m nr>» gl.<l to Mr that ) a prominent democrat of this place i 7 A.M. At would not enter Into any agreement 6 f M. t LAIRD kin hrnrfliM «tm.lvrlully la hot | fiscal year being briefly given. -1 3P.M. 9s»A. M/ POKKGAMA The petition was heard to remark :t few days since trr tli.n rvrr to lorr Mid 1 am tint trotihlrd 17:30 jl. m.i “The I'lulosophy of or emitriu't to do so. with br»'1»rhra na I «»., The gl»aara »rr was therefore laid mi the table for that the democrats knew just who All the Popular brands Temptation” will lx- lh<> subject. Sciatic Rheumatism Cured. fraltul »nd naay to niy ryrr Your. Truly, would tie nominated on their ticket, fut ure coiisidetiition Waller Mofelntitl. Methixllst ( h it reh Rltntlay Hchtxd Liquors and Cigars in stock I hate been subject to sciatic rheu and there would lie tml one ballot east •wrCastclu's Eve Wash cures (.ran- al Io n. tri., Mrs. Beals, anperlntcnd- NOTES I ROM THE CONVENTION matism for years, <:iys E. H. Waiutuii for each nominee. If that beafact, Call ¡ind sample them, tilaled Lids, Weak, Mattery and In ent. Preaching at II it. in., Rubjecf, of Wilton Junction, Iowa. My joints It would appear that, the people at flamed Eyes, Strained and Tired Eyes “llencsforth.” Epworth League nt A tobacco box with a “battle axe” large have Imt little to say as to who Yon are Always Welcome were at iff and gave me much pain aiyl For flilln or adulta, by mall 5ti ceiits. Atldrewt Dll. ,1. E. CASTEIN, Ore 7 p. m., subject, “Two Standards of sign In large letters which had been their nominees will tie. While that ! discomfort. My Joints would crack . for Fatty don ’ t know gon Institute of Optemetry, Ashland, Life,” Mrs. Heals, leader. Preaching used as a bMtot i'”tf ¡1! tlie primaries, i when I straightened up. I used STAI ÎLE« How old Ann is, But Inf 7 1.'* p. tti., subject, "Mountains.” occupied a prominent ptaee on the way of doing evidently is not iu har Orcgun. Conaultation Free. I Chamlierlaln’s Pain Balm and have mony With «eiWWIrtwt itrlneiples, It Caleb T Oliver. Pron i Ilev. Bolinger, it Baptist minister of chairman's table until It was very TOWN TREASURER'S NOI ICE. ■been thoroughly cured. Have pot may be the key to their success on "fiilty,” lie’s a good old soul. ! Western Kansas, will preach at flic appropriately suggested by Mr. ! had a pain or ache from the old trou election days. Also the one above “Friftr" lie’s a dandyi Oregon Merrill Notice is hereby given that tiler« Methodist, church nc»l Hiinilay at 11 Cronemlller of Fort Klamath, that ble for many month*. It iacertalnjy referrer! to conceded thti county to be “ Fatty ” always treals the are funds in the town tieaaury for : o’cloclfi they ought to bury the “battle axe.” strongly republican, but said when ! a riMWt wonderful liniment. For sale the fedemplluil of fhe following war- STRAYED. boyK bv <’. C. Chitwood. Quite a dumber of ladies were pres tlie democratic nominees came into Seven new members were received tanta: 1032, 1030, 1045, loll, liMd, Came to my place Ihx'ember 1. 1903 1047, «52, 104N, 1040, 1050, 1052, at the I’reshyterlan church last Sab ent as spectators at tlie convention tlie tield with a bottle in one hand \\ hen ever they eome hamly a vearllng steer, branded D on right TO THE I kADL. 1053, 1051. Interest will cease bath, making thirty-live now mem yesterday. This Is a good sign. If and a ixix in the other, that enough So call and have a warwhoop ^JTndt.i* “ SSi from tlila date. Come and look at our tine line of bit In right ear and split and tinder tile republicans have tlie ladles on republicans would stampede across Dated at Klamath Falla, Or., thia bers received since the coming of the bit in left car. Owner can have same Hamess and Saddles now madi up. with "Fatty" or Frank present pastor, the middle of last, their side they are assured of victory. the line and vote the ticket as re-! JI* th day of March, 1004. proving property and paying We ta.e pleasure in displaying th 'tn J. W. bjiiMMNi», 'fuwti Treasurer Mav> Tlie )DiNHonsry offerings for', In tbe flyit vote/or county school cptetfted »Dd receive tprrefor » djrtnk. MERRILL OREGON charges N. fi D id "* Dairy, Or. Bradley 5r (¿untile* V. C. lïROWLR, LOCAI. NEWS. X •F i •F Klamath County i Products. i I BUY AND SELL e. <- rtAVKH Notary Public. j. n. riooRE, FLOUR, HAMS, X 'i BACON, LARD, •F y C. H. WITHROW, • « F KLAMATH BARBER SHOP EGGS. BUTTER « ELECTRIC C ash S tore L. F. WILLITS, Prop’r ? s i Saloon. . . . Hotel Link ville... Headquarters for All Stage Lines. Rates $1.59 and $2.00 per day. Main Street, Near Bridge, Klamath Falls, Oregon^ Riverside Hotel. This Space BELONGS TO lia Id w in ’s Studio READY TO WEAR HATS. Veiling Crown Cream Fancy Collars. MA Y LON ES MILLINER Y Chapped Hands ü Í i, $250.00 REWARD Chitwood's Drug Store RIVERSIDE SALOON mascot Offield & Verrill Livery, Feed and Sale 4