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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1904)
KLAMATH vol.. IX EVENTS OF THE DAY REPUBLICAN KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, Al’lUL officii (I xrht * our. 14, HMM SURE IT IS SAI e. •Menographar (lives Alleged Method« of l.aad Buyer*. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON OAHIEKED I RON ALL PARTS OF THE Oregonians Expect 1901 Bill to Pa*« th* H osm Soon. FAIR BILL PASSES NO. effort to protect tub 2. JEWS. Ruaslan Authorities Di> Not D««lrs Rsps- tltlon of Baator Owtragsa. AND CLARK EXPOSITION Washington, April 7.—There is a LEWIS Han Francisco, April 9 —Heuaational 81. Petenburg. Apr 11 6.—Report* re pro*pe«’t that the Lewi* and Clark ex MONEV NOW SAFE. tealimony waa given today In the hear ceived by the ministry of the interl«w ....... - position bill will be p«sae«l by the ing befote United Htut»-a Commissioner indicate that the precautionary tnsee- NEW OREGON CORPORA I lust*. HEAR* CONVICT CRY. iiouae the latter part ot the present I Inacock in the Hyde and Dlmond land urea taken to prevent anti-Jowiah dis Comprehensive Review of the Import Majority la Large, Rlalag Vota Evea la conspiracy case. Mrs. Belle A. Curtla, Ptcturss of blscharg«* Men No Longer Articles Filed With th* Secretary of week, after baingcoswidered under spac turbance* during Faster week, when ant Happening« of the Pant Week, Not Nacaaaary Confart*<a la Neat ial rule. Chairman Tawney today in 8tate at Salem who was a stenographer tor Hyde fiom to Be <Jlv*n Out the ignorant are easily aiouaed to * troduced a resolution authorizing con Stop—Appropriation Can bo Inervas«* Presented In Uundonaed f orm, Moat October, 1MU7, to November, 1899, waa Salem — Article* of incorporation sideration of the bill at any time dur Salem—In accordance with instruc •ort of religious frenzy regarding but Net Reduced—Carries an Appro l.lkcly to Prove lnter«a( Ing to Our the chief witness, and her ovidem-e tions from Governor Chamlierlain, the were (lied in the office of th* secretary ing the rernain'ler ot the sessiou, and "blood atonement,” will result in the priation of $475.000. Many Readera. went Io show that altldavila were man lenitentiary nutlioi ities have discon of state last week a« follows bad bis resolution referral to the com avoidance of aerion* trouble. ufactured by wholeaal* in the office; tinued the practice of furnishing peace Smith-Premier typewriter company, mittee on rules. There is every asrar- In spite of the precaution«, however, slwi that Hyde and John A. Benson officers with plctuies and description« Hyrauae, N. Y., $190,000. ance that tliis committee will favorably Washington, April 9.—The house of Tin- Anglo-French colonial treaty has it i* con*i<lered poeaible there may be war* partm-ra in the alleged conspiracy of all discharged prisoners. This Woodey Island fishing company, Port report the resolution at its next meet representative«, without a rollcall, or I been «ignml In lauidon. to defraud the government. hlie de change in the rules of the institution land, $(1.000. ing, notwithstanding the fact that even so much m a rising vote, yester attempts at rioting, but the anthoritie* Ex-Oueen Isals-lla, of H|*ln, grand clared Hyde and Benson employed waa rustle a few weeks ago upon the lie- Orplieum amusement company, Port three n.errdiers of the committee voted day afternoon ;«a*M-«l tlie fewis and; may be relied upon to suppress these mother of Alphonao, is dead. "ilummiea" to make out application« lief that it would encourage ex-convicts land, $25,000. against the Portland bill. Clark exposition bill carrying an ag with a strong hand. Tho following Butte Falla sugar pin* lumber com The strong showing on both rollcalls gregate appropriation of $475,000. private telegram was received today Three persona were klllixl and ni nr fur M-hisii lands, and that the colornl to try to lead honest lives. janitor waa frequnetly instructed to The custom of sending out descrip pany, Medford, $70,000. e*tablishe* beyond question the fact The bill waa |>as*e«l 38 minute* after from Odessa: Injured In a tornado in Teas*. bring in Ida friend« to apply f >r achool tions of discharged prisoners was adopt Northwestern logging company, Cut- that the bill is favor«! by a large ma a special rule providing for it* consid "Report* ot anti-Jewieh diitarbence* Makarotl lias engage« I the Jaji .aneae lands lor their own use, and were then ed in res|Hinar to requests from chiefs tage Grove, $10,000. jority of the members of the bouse, and eration wa* laid before the bouse, which are common at Easter time cause fleet off Purl Arthur. No details are piloted to a nelgldsiring notary to of ptdice in the cities. The police offi Ixtat Valley land and lumber corn- it ia lielieve«! by thone in touch with thereby breaking the record of the • mor- -larm than usual thi* year, be- obtainable. make affidavita. Kite said that aaaign- cers want»«I the descriptions so that pany, Ixsit Valley, $800. _..«. of the occurrences last yaar. the situation that tlie committee on of legislation that always leads to Castle Rock land *aeociation, The rules will recognize the wish of the tracted disetmsion. I The Jew* here are nervous but tbs Hie University of Washington de' menta of these claim« to Hyde and B< n- when a convi. t had been discharged h-ated Ilia Unitcraily of Oregon in *b- •on were often made at the aame time. they could be on the lookout for him Dalles, $20,000. majority, an«l consent to con*i«ieration The bill pa.«ee«i in the same form as authorities have confidence in Guv«»- Hhe «aid the plan ol Hyde and Ben- ami could more easily haste him If he Medford athletic club, Medford, $1,- of the bill. If Tawney's resolution is reporta«! by Tawney’s committee on nor Eidhardt, who is in charge of ths bate at Seattle. •on waa to have tlieev acltool lands in committed any offense. Several inci 600. reporte«l as expected, it will lie equiva- March 28. In a<ldition to appropriat city, ami who i* an energetic and hu J«|xii has almost complete I arrange Oregon and California transferred to dents which came to the attention of Express telephone and telegraph mane man, as well as in Baron Kaul- ments for landing tioopa in the vicin forest reserves, with the araietance of the governor convinced him that more company, Durkee, Baker county, $1,- l*nt to a special rule, and will give am ing $475,000, it authorizes the coin pie opportunity for debate on the bill ing of 250,000 souvenir gold dollars, b*ra, commander-in-chief of the troop* ity of Port Arthur. corrupt government oflhial*. When harm than gtx>d resulted from tlie send 500. and permit it* passage by a majority which virtually amount* to a total ap in Southern Russia. Under the cir Is-portel Colorado miners returnwl the land* were so transferred, the as ing out of the descriptions, and he di Oregon lumber, wood and light com Vote. 1 . propriation of v».v,wv. «1» $725,000. In r«?*iiijr reality, ( cumstances, therefore, anything like a pany, I all» City, $l(‘,000. to Telluride, but were met by the mi signees of the achool land errip liad the rected that the practice be stopped. It is now regarded a* certain by Ore- congress is aiding Portland far more serious disturbance ie regarded as im- privilege of exchanging their holdings Bridal Veil box faitory, Bridal Veil, gonian* her* that the bill will be than appears from these figures, poaaible. litia and matie to go again. for more valuable lamia outaide of the $25.000. "The official paper* have published TO CON» INB THU WALLA WALLA. passe«! by the house and that the meaa- Chairman Tawney, speaking on thia I'atteraon. of Coliirailo, holds that all reservation. White Rock irrigation and power ure signed by the president will appro- joint, said: strongly-woided warnings, and the city Chines« exrlMion laws will expire !>«- Thomas McCusker, freight agent ot Free Spac« Under Railway With Levsea company, Tetherow Bridge, Crook priate at least the amount carried by "The $475,000 alloted for govern« is placar<le«l with notices that all who cemls-r 7, ami urges the senate to a*t. the Hoiitliern Pacific, at Portland, Or., county, $25.000. the bouse bill, namely, $475,000. ment building* and exhibits is equiva disturb the jieace will be severely pun Will B* Provided. Nearly $2,000,000 Is now available teetifled that he had secured many ap Grande Ronde creamery company, Tlie strength of the bill, demon- lent, under other circumstances, to an ished." Milton—This season will prooably Union, $10,000. for the l-ewia and Clark fair. Many plication* of achool lamia in Oregon for strata«! by the votes on Monday, teeti- appropriation of lietween $600,000 and alate* have provide«! exhibits and oili John II Schneider, who waa Hyde’s see the last high water damage fol Clatskanie lumber company, Clata- fie* to the effectiveness of the effort* of $700,900 for the Portland exposition, CHANNEL ALMOST BLOCKED. er« will. agent. Mr McCuaker said he received some time just l**y«in<! the junction of kanie, $20,000. friends of that measure in working up tM'caiiae the government exhibit hit al- the Walla Walla river and the O. R. A pay for his service*, but he did not sentiment in it* behalf. | ready been assembled at St. Louis, and Japanese Caw Easily Finish the Bottling A military expert, In reviewing the FEAR HlUH WATER. N., a mile north of Milton, where the war situation, say* Japan I* greatly know that he waa engag»-d in an illegal river lied is almost on a level with tlie will only require transportation to of Pert Arthur. bualneaa. strengthening Iler hand by delaying a Portland, thereby saving that city the PANAMA STRIKE OROWS SERIOUS. fiats on either side. For «everal years Haavy Snow Follow«* by Rain and Chi London, April 6.—Fuither report* Mira Marian Doyle, who auccceded general attack. cost of assembling a new government nook Endanger Psndlslon. Mias Curtis as Hyde s stenographer, the piers in the O. R. A N. trestle over of akitmiahing between the Russian* exhibit." Aaarrica Warns Msriscs and Seamen the river have caught brush, floating Ruasla will endeavor to join it* fleets will testify at the next hearing Pendleton—High water again threat The passage of the bill remove* the and Japanese in the Yalu river legion to Take No Sides. and attack Togo. logs ami debria of all kinds, causing en* Pendleton. !>uring the past two last doubt as to the fate of the tawis are reaching London, but no reliable th* current to cut into the gravelly low week* the weather has be« n extremely Washington, April 7. — The labor Tlie Japanear* liave croMMsl the Yalu lo PRISON I OR LIFO. bunks on either side and scurry over cold and much snow fell in the mom- troubles on the Isthmus of Panama and Clark appropriation. The bill details are given. and occupy sevaral important |s*il the land. The piers are only 16 feet tain*. Even the lower foothill* were growing out of the stiike of the em I that is finally agree*! ujion and signed The Daily Telegraph’s Seoul corres tiona. i by the president will carry at least the Mr« Ilulkln t own* Oullty ot Murdsr la apart. covered-. Ukiah had 17 inches of Dew ploye of the Panama railroad company amount contained in tbe bill jiassetl by pondent believe* that the defenae* of f ha First Dagrva. Kouropatkin ha* now maaaed the The railroad has material on the snow and the fall **• heavy at Meach have taken a serious turn, and the facta the bouse, and may jxiesibly be in Port Arthur have been so weakened (one lie d«slr«-d lie fore Ix-irinnltig active Han Fianciaro, April 9.—Mr*. Cor ground to build a new «pan which will am ami other Blue mountain poiat*. have lieen ieporte«l to the state depart creased. There can be no decrease. that the early capture of the port i* to operation*. la- supported by «tone piers on either ment by the United States charge at A change for the warmer with heavy delia Botkin, acciiMxl of killing Mr*. Any change must be in tbe nature of a end, 10M feet apart. This will leave Panama. The matter was deemed of be expected. There ia little doubt, the According to the cenaua bureau but John P. Dunning, of Ihivei. l>eL, by rain and a cbinook have set in. The t compromise between the senate and 22 alate* now have lea* than a million sending tier |M>is<>ne«l candy through an uninterrupted space lor the river, «now is fast melting and tributaries of suffi. ient importance to warrant consid I the house bills. correspondent says, that only a narrow and the county commissioner* of Wall* the Umatilla n-ar the base of the erable discussion at the cabinet meet Inhabitant* ami 14 exceed two million* passage i* left and that at the flrat tlie malls, wss tonight convicted of Wall* and Umatilla counties will di- mountains are overflowing. Ther* i* ing, and the unanimous opinion was INSURES EARLY ADJOURNMENT. favorable opportunity the Japanese John W. Kalua, Unite«! State* judge murder in tlie first d«-gree, with the vide the expense of levees to confine fear if the river gets too high that the tliat everything should be donetoavoid will block the channel. The Russian* of tiie Second cilcult, at Honolulu, has the mailing waters of the fast flowing town will lie flooded on account of a an entanglement of the t'nited States |w>nalty tlxe«l at life imprisonment. Ho**« Make* Svi)M Case a Special have taken many 12-inch guns out of l>ccn r«-aioved from office by tlie presi The juty was chsrge«i late thia af Walla Walla past the danger point. man moving awav riprap work from with any labor controversy. But it their ships to arm the old and new de Order in December. dent. ternoon, and al 4 3C o'clock tetire«! to the upper end ot the levee. The city wss determined that the government fenses of Tort Arthur. Washington, April 11. — The Swayne Ground ha* lawn broken at the Ix-wis deliberate, latter they were tak«*n out GOOD PRICES IOR SHEARERS. council at its last meeting ordered the would not withhold in any degree the A correspondent of the Morning Tost impeachment proceeding, which ha* and Clark exptialtiaB aite for the first for dinner ami upon returning asked to riprap repla«-ed, but it has not been protection of the Panama railroad. at Yinkow says that the position there lieen looked upon a* the only possible as poe building of importance, tlie atalea have some t««atimony rea>i to them. Work Will Be Expedited Owing to the done, leaving a broken point in the which it has atwntnol by treaty, and it **n ia daily becoming stronger. A fort was directed that the railroad property, ‘hwk an early adjournment. . wa* night ago the Japanese could have building. At II 15 o'clock the the jury re|>orte<l levee. (too* Con*ttoas. _ 111 __ -a . I- A ___ 1 _ . 1 A : . » nf in fivA TTY i n tl toa hv rolling Block, track and termini la i diBpfjaed of in five minute« by the that an agreement had la-en reached. landed with comparative case, while A apecial car Ivarin* 63 Indian* rn Pendleton—Seven end eight cento, •boold 1» protected by force* from the 1“,uge tod“y b7 the “>«ption of a reeo- Rich Fled ol Iron Or*. rit«* *Mt*lM«nMMMNMI «*4 ii»«» MinOttttOtt* now they would experience great diffi tout« to M-e Riseevrlt c«dlide«l with a United State* warahlpe at the i*thmu* | ’ , uHo " " ‘ •• ‘ ¿ “ K caee / ofder ment was apparent in tlie attitude of the former figure including Ixxrd, are Oregon City — Residents in West culty. mall train in lllinoi* «nd three brave* alicep at.earing prices throughout East for December 13 next. In the mean if that became necessary. tlie defamlant, who burled tier face in Oregon City this week discovered a The corrspondent says he has re- were kille«l and 20 injure«!. ern Oregon this sca«on. Sheep shearers time the judiciary committee is to There will, however, be no compul her liaixl* and reuiaineii in that po rich deposit of iron ore in the vicinity »»■ ■■«4 «—•«■< «■ l »j ■ " tUat tlie will not starve at tide figure, as a good take additonl teetimony in the case. Tlie census bureau ha* iaauml • bul sition until the foreman of the jury of Willamette Falls. The ore assays sion exercise«] against the strikers to concentration of troop* along the rail «hearer will handle 10(> bead a day, After disposing of a conference report letin which giv«-a tlie retimat««l popula hail finiahe«! *|>eaking. The court in 54 per cent metallic iron, and the de compel them to return to work. If way has been so rapid that it ie now tion <>t tlie Unite«l States for 1903, ex quins! if a verdict ha«l lieen airived while fast men will take fleeces off posit ie believed to 1« quite extensive, the railroad management can secure a on the army appropriation bill the impossible for the Japanese to carry more. Shearing will lie faster than house took up the bill extending the clusive of Alaska and liia insular p*e- at, and the fun-man hande«l him a slip since the same quality ore has been sufficient force of men to operate the the war into Manchuria, with any hope usual thia season on account of the coastwise laws to the Philippines, and MMiona, at 79,900,389. Of the citie* ot ;>aper upon which waa written: found in a number of the ravines and rowd they will be upheld in such an at of success and that the most they can gissl condition Ixith sheep and wool by a vote of 122 to 100 adopted a spec of tlie Northw««et, I’ortlarel i* given "We, the jury, find the defendant, side hills surrounding Willamette falls. tempt. Thi* will be done with the do ie to isolate Port Arthur and possibly ial rule to vote on this bill after a de 98.655; Seattle, 92,020; Tai’oma, 45,- Cordelia Botkin, guilty ot murder in are in» The land on which the discovery has full consent of the Panama government, Vladivostok. Few outaide professionals have come bate of two hours. This debate waa ex 102, Hpokam-, 41,927; Butte, 38,127. tlie first «Icgrve, ami fix tlie punishment I>een made belongs to the Oregon Iron though under broad treaty provisions in yet, abut a numtier of local shear hausted, save five minutes, when the A Steel company, and members of the this is not absolutely necessary. FOR TREATY WITH RUSSIA. Kuaaiana will not allow Servian* to at imprisonment for life." ers are al work around Echo and farth Secretary Moody was charged with house adjourned at 5:30 p. tn. An Mr*. Botkin looked tip a* the court corporation are now investigatiang the enter her army. er west. A crew of about a dosen have amendment to the bill postponing the the duty of carrying out thia decision win thanking the ju'or* for their c I om * extent and value of the find. Ambassador Working for Protection nf Republicans electe«l mayor of Kan attention to the caae, and pre*ente«l a left for towns along th* Northern Pa and with instructing Admirals Glass operation of the law until July 1,1906, American Corporations. cific in Franklin and Lincoln counties, instead of 1905 will be proposed. sas City, Mo, ami will control th*Conn woc strlcken niuntenance to tier mun- and Sigsbee as to the course they shall Suver Warehouse B*-ned. The partial conference oo the army St. Tetersburg, April 6.—Ambassador ett. pursue. There is ample force on the ■el, who (poke some comforting ward* Washington. The majority of outside Independence—The McClain ware- shearers will come in in alsmt 10 days appropriat on bill was agreed to. Four McCormick ia negotiating with the for isthmus for any emergency. At Miwlaukee the Itemocrata electe«l to her. on their migration northward ami east house at Suver, a few miles south of senate amendments were still in dis The court named April 16 fot formal- eign office for a treaty with Ruaaia their mayor ami 24 out of 46 council ward. After finishing in Umatilla and here, been destroyed by fire. The agreement. Iv jironouncing sentence. BOLD DASH FOR LIBERTY. men . building and all of the contents were which will give to the United State* kindred Eastern Oregon counties they About 12,000 bushels of COREA TO PROTECT MINES. push on to Idaho, Wyoming and Mon burned. corporations the right to sue in Russian Tlie tabor Union ticket* carried in BELIBVBS TOOO WILL BLOCK IT. Missouri Convict* Hold Up Guard. but wheat and 1,500 bushels of cats were tana. tlie towns of Colorado where elections court* and to Russian corporation* the Ar* Soon Overpowered. lost. With the exception of slsiut 500 American and British Ministers Make I were held. right to sue in court* of the United Military Expert Predict* Success ol bushels of oats, owned by Mr. McClain, Formal Requests. Coming Events. Jefferson City, Mo., April 7.—Four In Nebraska the Rebtiplican ticket States. Move on Port Arthur. it is thought the law will be small on convict* at the penitentiary today at Republican convention, First congres Seoul, April 11.—J. N. Jordan and has 600 to 1,100 majorities. High Under the' Russian law, United the grain, as it was insured. The loss tempted to escape by holding up the Ixrndon, April 8.—The naval expert ’ sional district, Salem, April 13. H. N. Allen, respectively the ministers license carried In most cilice. They were to Corea of Great Britain and the States corporations can be sued, but of the Ixindoti Times, in an extended Republican convention, Second to farmers will lie slight, as 60 bushels, guard with revolvers. forced to surrender, and when searched United States, have requested the cannot sue in the courts of the empire. Neither fleet is to lie seen at Port review of the aspect of the present situ congressional district, Portland, April will comprise the low. several stick* of dynamite were found Corean government to give protection This has caused United States firms Artliur ami tlie only indication of war ation, express«-* the Iwliet that Ad 13. great annoyance as well as loeeee in the PORTLAND MARKETS. is tlie ever active searchlight. in their poeeeMion. miral Togo will succeed eventually in Republican state convention, Tort to the British and American mines in past. In addition the ambassador They had succeeded in cutting their the country. attaining hi* object in blocking the land, April 14. Republicans carried Topeka, taw- 1 Wheat—Walla Walla, 75c; bl ur way out of their cell*, and when Guar.l hopes to secure in the treaty a broad entrance to Port Arthur harbor. Oregon Cattlemen'sassociation, Port This request is a mere formality as rence and Wichita, Kansas, and elect«*d 1 stem, 81®82c; valley, 81c. John Williams, in making hie founds, the Japansee authorities have given clause which will authentically give to "If he does succeed,** say* the cones- land, April 1«. a majority of candidates at Kansas City Barley — Feed, $23 per ton; rolled, United States corporations all privileg came upon them in the corridor, they pendent, "the Russian fleet cannot pre Democratic state convention. Tort assurances of the safety from local up and 1 x'svcn worth. $24®25. called upon him to halt. Williams risings. Mr. Jordan says the Japanese es in whatever character, now enjoyed vent the landing of Japanese troop« in land, April 19. Flour—Valley, $3.90®4.05 per bar fled and gave the alatm, and a corpe of by the corporations of any foreign France and Britain have reached an Manchuria, or anywhere else, while J Convention state federation of labor, have been extremely considerate to rel; hard wheat straights, 14(24.30; guards responded and soon overpowered country. agreement regarding Newfoundland, the Japan«**«* fleet will be freed from Oregon City, May 2-6. ward the British mines. They have Although there are difficulties in the Egypt and Morocco. Newfoundland is the trying work of holding the harbor I State grange, Corvalllis, begins May cleats, |3.85(24.10; hard wheat pat the convict* and placed them in other shown no desire to hamper mining op ents, $4.40(24.70; graham, $3.50® cells. The convict* assert that they way of accomplishing the desired re to be given up by France. , entrance, and will be available for «4. erations, have promised not to make 3.90; whole wheat, $3.65® 4.05; rye secured the revolvers and dynamite by sult, the Ambassador’s advances have General election, June 6. heavy levies of food upon the farmers Repulilcans elected 18 aidermen ami i service elsewhere. It can then return flour, $4.50(24.75. been met in the friendliest spiiit and express, but the prison authorities be Annual reunion, department of Ore of the surrounding country, and have Democrat* IH in the Chicago city elec to its original base, ami after refitting, Oats—No. 1 white, $1.15(21.17^; lieve the weapon* and explosive* were the indications are that hie negotia agreed to facilitate the passage of specie tion*. Municipal ownerahip of atreet proceed in the search for the Vladivo gon, O. A. R, Hood River, June 15-17. gray, $1.10(21,12 per cental. tions will terminate successfully. smuggled to them by friends. stok fleet." for the payment of wages, and even to railways waa favored by a large ma- I Millstuffs—Bran, $19(220 per ton; The only countries now enjoying th* Form New Creamery Company. supply specie for the purpose. jority. middlings, $25.50(227; shorts, $20(2 privileges which Ambassador McCorm Russia Will Apreal the Cases. ta Grande— Articles of incorpora Strict Censorship Prevails. 21; chop, $18; linseed, dairy food, $19. ick is striving to obtain for the United The Poll Arthur channel I* not ao Desert Land Law Wins. St. Peteisburg, April 7.—Russia has London, April 9.—The brief dis- tion have I mh 'U filed by the Grand Hay — Timothy, $15(216 per ton; States are Germany, Greece, Bulgaria well chsH'il as Admi'al Togo report*. Ronde Creamery company as successors completed arrangements through the Washington, April 11. — By a vote of |<atchc* from the seat of war in the Far clover, $10®ll; grain, $11® 12; and Italy. to the Cove Creamery coinjutny. The French minister at Tokio to appeal the 8 to 3 the house committee on irriga The Prohibitionist* are likely to East appearing in the London news cheat, $11(212. new company intend* to operate cream- cases of the Russian merchantmen now tion of arid lands today defeated the nominate Gneeral Nelson A. Miles for paper* iluilng the last few days have Eggs—Oregon ranch, 17S@18c. Caal Found Near Port Arthwr. erica at la Grande at.d Union and en all been of a curiously Mereotyped char president. Butter—Sweet cream butter, 30c pet before the Japanese prise couite. bill to repeal the desert land laws. St. Petersburg, April 6.—A corres acter, indicating t hat I an active censor gage in the manufacture and sale of pound; fancy creamery, 25c; choice Three Japanese lawyers have been en Those voting against the bill were: The house committee lias decide«! on ship is prevailing there, and adding butter, ice cream, cheese, etc. It will creamery, 22^® 24c; dairy and store, gaged to present the cases. Appeals Chairman Mondell, of Wyoming, and pondent of the Associated Pres* at Port will l>e made on various grounds. Representatives Terril), Massachu Arthur telegraphs today as follow»*: a lump appropriation of $3,090,000 for nothing to the information contained have skimming stations at Covs and nominal. The Chinese prophesying new attempt* livets and harbors. in the dispatches of the Associated Medical Springs. The creamery at Ia Butter Fat—Sweet cream, 28t*e; Moat of the ships were taken before the setts, Dwight, New York; Marshal, to block the channel are at th* present Grande will la* in a new brick building actual declaration of war, several of North Itakota; Williamson Oregon; Press. This applies particularly to sour cream, 26c. The «qiening of the Culmn congress moment awed. All ie quiet in port on Elm street, which is 40x50 feet, Poultry—Chickens, mixed, 13(213c them were captured on the high seas, Cooper, Pennsylvania; Hitchcock, Ne and the situation is unchanged through wss attend»*«! by wild scenes of disorder. points under Japanese control, but with a cellar. O. F. Harper is presi- having left port before the outbreak of braska, and Bell, California. Those from the Russian side also it is evi per pound; springs, small, 17®18c; Fights wore <|iiite numerous. I»eposits of coal neu- in favor of the repeal were Representa out the peninsula. dent that care is being exercised to dent of the company. hens, 18S<214 c ; turkeys, live, 16® hostilities, while othjrs were in tives Reeder, Kansas; Van Duser, Neva similar to that of Caidiff, Wales, have Russians will only harass Japanese prevent news of operations leaking out. 17c; dressed, 18®20c; ducks, $8®9 per tral ports. been found in the vicinity of Port da, and Underwood, of Alabama. force in Corea, playing the waiting Land OfHc* Rtcalpt*. dosen; geese, live, 8c per pound. Arthur. The discovery iaan extremely China on Vergs ol Joining Japan. game <lcci<le«l upon by Kouropatkin. Kourepatkln Ha* a Surprise. Salem—The receipt* of the state land Vegetables—Turnips, 80e per sack; timely one, in view of the necessity of Now York, April 9.—Reports aie office for the month of March aggregate carrots, 80c; l>eets, $1; parsnips, $1; Taris, April 7.—A St. Tetersburgdis Russians Can Soon Assume Offensive. obtaining an ample supply of fuel for Secretary Hny will intervene for the said to have reached an amltaMsdor, $47,476.55, which represents an un cabbage, ls4 (22c; lettuce, head, 25® patch declares General Kouropatkin Berlin April 11.—The Tageblatt's the fleet. release of two American newsps|s*r cor- nays a Herald dispatch from Berlin, to usually large month's business. The 40c per dozen; parsley, 25c; tomatoes, has been notified by the commander of war correspondent, Major tajke, writ reapondenla held by the Russians at the effect that China is on the verge of heavy receipts were due to an $2.25(82.50 per crate; cauliflower, 75c the Cossack division that the Russian ing on a train while nearing Harbin, Niu Chwang. Railroad on les at End. throwing in her lot with Japan. The order from the board, made some ®$l per dosen; celery, 60 ® 80c; cavalry will not be heard of again for says: ‘Only six traians daily pass east Irkutsk, April 6. — The railroad first defeat on land for Russia will, it time ago, requiring holders of land some time, and when it is again squash, 2c per pound; cucumber*, oi< the tailroad to Manchuria, and only Senator Gibson, of Montana, declare* the hue and cry alsmt a land lobby in anaerteri, be the signal for a forward sale certificates upon which small |i.75@2.25 per dosen; asparagus, 8S brought to notice, it will lie through an four thence to Harbin, but they consist actoes take Baikal has ceased in conse urging the repanl of several laws to lie movement on the part of the Celestial balances are due to pay the hal- ®llc; peas, 9c per pound; rhubarb, exploit that will both please and as of as many as 38 cars. The railroad is quence of the breaking up of the ice. empire. Japan, the correspondent ames ami take deeds. Over 200 7®9c; beans, 10c; onions. Yellow Dan tonish Russians. Another St. Teters apparently able to meet the military Its assistance to the government in largely baseless. adds, shows no anxiety for help, rea deeds were issued during the month for vers, $2(22.50 per sack. burg dispatch states that the Russians demands.” The correspondent adds transportation of supplies has been in The house has ls*en asked to see that lising that China's intervention may that reason. Potatoes— Fancy, $1®1.15 per cen have sunk a large number of mines and that the Russians will be ready to take calculable. As an indication of it* Jews get lietter treatment in Russia. cause more eniltatranan ent than profit. tal. common, 601280c; new potatoes, torpedoes at the mouth of the Yalu. the offensive about the middle of this 1 service, it is said that between March 2 and March 28 there passed over it C. D. Wade Cattle Dipped Again. Satisfactory negotiations are proceed 3Sc per pound; sweets, 5c. month. 1,628 freight cars, 67 tioop car*, 25 Japan Iliad Russians Bought It. ing rapidly for a settlement ol the Fruit—Apples, fancy Baldwins and Battleship Virginia Slides Into Action. Pendleton—The 0. B Wade herd of passenger coaches carrying officer* aad Russia Declines a Loan. strike in Colorado and It ia believed box; Berlin, April 9.—Mr. Inottye, the thoroughbreds, sold at the recent sale Spitsenbergs, $1.50® 2.50 per Newport News, Va., April 7.—With cost of the ice Tatis, April 11.—According to private , 65 — locomotives. ------------------- The - the trouhlo will soon lie over. Japanese mln 1st or here, does not share of the defunct cashier’s Union county choice, $l®1.50; cooking, 75c®$1. bands playing "The Star Spangled Ban Beef—Dressed, 5®7®c per pound. ner" and "Dixie" and 30,000 people information received from 8t. Peters- road waa 1250,000. Japan will face big odd* on the Yalu the view that the sale of the Ham stock, have again lieen dipped and can Veal—Dressed. 7®7Ke. The cheering Godspeed, the battleship Vir burg, tne Russian government refused, river as the Russian force I* the larg burg-American line steamslilp Fnerst now be shipped out of the state. Cannon Bought In Englund. Pork—Dressed, 7K®8o. Bismark ia a breach of neutrality. entire herd was dipjied the first time, ginia was launched today at the yards at all events for the pt esent, an offer I ■at. „___________ Paris, April «.—The 8t. Petersburg of a loan coming from French ______ quarters, I Hops—1903 crop, 23®25c per pound. of the Newport News shipbuilding com ______________ "From one viewpoint,” said the minis while only those whose purchaser* in Wool — Valley, 17®18c; Eastern pany. Miss Milday Gay Montague, and declined also a large numtier of correspondent of the Figsro says that Russian* lielieve that the Chineen of ter, "we are glad to see tile Russians tend shipping out of Oregon underwent The hord was Oregon, 12® 15c; mohair, 30®31c per daughter of Governor Montague, was proposals for war supplies made by Russia his ordered 250 cannon in Eng- Manchuria are secretly aiding the Jap buy good ships. The Russian* buy the last operation. foreigner*.____________________________ land for the Manchurian army. pound for choice. anern). them anil we capture them." slightly infected with mange. sponsor. TWO HEMISPHERES. IL