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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1904)
KLAMATH Kl.AMATH EVENTS OF THE DAY KI,AMATI! COUNTY, OILEGON, MAKCH 31, 1904. NO. Ö2. 0*1 II Wokk RttN. JAPS DRIVEN Llikagu and Subuiba are Swspt by a I tare» Wind Storm. (IATHERI D IROM ALL PARIS OF THE FALLN, REPUBLICAN. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON CHF. Admiral Togo'» Entire Fleet Bombards MONEY TO CANAL DEPENDS OK FIRST LAND BATT LB. Rusal* Believes That It Will DacMd Port Arthur. < Ineago, March 26 —<i|W1,( lU mi Whether China Remain* NeutraL ••vere «torma tl,I. ,-ity haa known in Ht. Petersburg, March 24.—Another THE DALLES PROJECT IS IN SEN- St. Petersburg, March 23.—In gov TWO HEHISPHEMiS. many year* |.«» m I ovtr Chicago to- attack by the Japanese fie«-t on Port ernment circle* there exist* a strong DRY CIVIL BILL. night Gnat dun.age uua done in ths belief that the question as to whether Arthur, la-ginning with operations by suhiirlia. he rtorm did not atrlki- the Il AW IN I XIIMPTION LAW. Comprehensive Review of the Import China will observe her neutrality will better lumber rate wanted . torja-do I mats anti ending with a bom liUsilM**« portion of the city in iu great. I« (lOO.OOO Shows That Con- depend largely upon the result of the ant Happening* of the Past Week, I fort «*. bard mint by battleships and cruisers, Amount _ A uig vict gr*a* Adopt. Work .. Continuing orTb^th! Rnwi^init •“its 5«ml*Colo* Leave* Meaning of Collage Grova Citizens Inaugurate Move present««! In Condensed Form, Mort 1 >•«» town $»( Iftdlunaharbor, 20 tniku took place after midnight Monday. ory by the Russian army, it in believed, Phrase In Doubt. ment Affecting Southern. Contract - Senator* Will Introduce will insure the acquiescence of the Ce I lhely to Prove Interesting to Otar amitlieast of Chicago, was the heavieat i The emperor received the first mes Hslriii —One more flaw han been Cottage Grove—A meeting of the sufferer. I. Barker, the proprietor of Amendment Making Appropriation of lestial empire, but there are grave .’earn Many Reader*. a dry grnsl* itore, waa killed, *m| )y, I found in the lax exemption act pawed business men of thia j-la< e aaa held at sage regarding the attack late thia af as to what might happen in the event •300,000. ternoon, but nothing was allowed to the city hall last week for the purjioae I iMMiple nlm Were In hie store when the by the legislature at it* special tension, ' of a signal Japanese sucres* in the early reach the public until 10 o'clock. Russian* are strongly fortifying th" storm struck »ere injure«!, aornr .,f of discussing ami effecting an organiza stages of the land operations. For the "bile there is no uncertainty a* to the country about Antung. All information which haa reached tion with the object of trying to obtain Washington, March 28.—The sundry them, althr ugh rione I. intent of the framer of the bill, the a better lumber freight rate from the Ht. Petersburg shows that the defend civil bill reporU-d to the bouse today time being the situation appears to be Japanese continue rush force* from I xh I im I to die. Barker’s store was en- satisfactory, and it is certainly much seriously contains but one important item for better than it was three weeks ago. -------------- lliely deimdished. EightSM residence* punctuation leaven opportunity for Houthern Pacific. The rate as it now ers of Port Arthur bad taken ('hinani|H> to Ping Yang I* is demoralizing the lumber Industry ,o ¡" urt Hie couji of the Japsneae ___ „ __ ______ ___ J tor- the Pacific Northwest, namely, $100,- were blown down, ami a numl«r of I'lention whether there in any limit to The Pekin government has reiterated Flood* follow lug the gale In the vicin l«*.qdr were hurt in the ruins i.( their P*'**" boat* at the beginning of the war. 000 for continuing the improvement of its professions regarding neutrality to the value of houaehold goods that may in thia valley and if a better rate can- and were ity of Chicago cauaed heavy property Gome*. The nunrlwr ol pe«rple injured not lie obtain«*! many of the mills will wcre »"*’ maintaining a sharp the Columbia river lietween The Tralles Paul Laaaar, the Russian minister, and •* claimed an exempt. The doubt lie forced out of business._____________ , ¡ lookout. losses. and Celilo. 7" |at Indian* ll*rl«>r will ptui«hiy a),. The fact tl>at this appro- has given him fair assuranee in answer Th»; JajianeM! torjiedo boats were priation is carried in the sundry civil to his questions regarding the move A committee was appointed to draft Japanese torpedo ('bins ha* la-en given new a*euranee« |tr<ixIrimlc 25. All thre* rif the hotel* arise* from tho uno of the aemi-colon some line of jiria-<*hire and after much discovered aneaking toward the bill establishes beyond question the fact ment of Chinese troops north of th* that Russia will disarm the in the plme were badly damaged. One m*te*<| of a comma. Il< preneiitativo Bhelley, of fame diacuaaion the meeting adjourned to harbor entrance under cover of dark- that congress has adopte<l The Dalles great wall. The natives manifest a tw<> story frame building «a« entirely Mandjur. _____ t night. .. w rec- Lut both times they were detected project as a continuing contract, and friendlier disposition than they did at If ... the t iifihk I over. ‘»'inly, father of the bill, was com- meet again Tuesday Alnioel all of th«- Panama troop« have «nd were driven off by that necessary appropriations ¡or car the la-ginning of the war, but the Rue- ■minhaU-d with in legard to it, and re ominendationa of the committee will be far 0,11 at At llatnniond, Ind., a number of Ix-eti disbanded. Only one battalion Is ... them, ____ The rying on and completing the work will sians know the Oriental character as no realdeiicca were I«dly damaged, and two plied that it wan hl* intention that the adopted all Western Oregon will I««:’^e hot fire ojx-ne<l on n,iw under the color«. | breaking of day necsesarily prevented hereafter lie made annually in the sun-1 other European* do. They know how peojile were Injured, hut mil fatally, j limitation on the exemption should ap- ' drawn into the matter in question. further torpedo boat operation*, but <iry civil bill, a river and hartxjr bill deep seated ifl the hatred for foreigners Much pro|ierty »«• destroyed and Olle cml of the large plant of the lie- ply to all the item* of projierty «num- Admiral Togo brought hi* battleship* not lieing depende<l upon. . in China, . Far-Reaching Irrigation Rut«*. *rv<-r«l |x-r*on« Injure«! in a tornado jiiiblh- Iron A Hleel conijiany nas blown erutiil. In other Word*, that th* $300 and that the only prestig« of and cruisers up. The division of hi* Kalem — The proposed irrigation rules L"fortunately Jhe bill makes no ap- the Russians is their strong arm. ” near Fort Smith. Ark. down, causing a )<«« <,( $26,900. A sumption might 1« made up from any ■ which were recently sudbrnitted to the Meet was for the purpose of making a propriation for carrying on work at the The recent naval success of the Jap I'liited Htales'* Mmister Dudley I*- numlier u! Imaltirae I ioum - s were un or all the item* mentioned, The quoe- i stale land board for approval are de cross fire upon the harbor in the hope rnouth of the Columbia river but the________ anese has not greatly impressed th* tion is whether thia intention can be roofed. port* that bulsmic plague has broken of destroying the town and of damag reuators will endeavor to attach an Chinese, but 'if ' th’e V/HeianTVliouid signed to apply to all the irrigation To the north ol the < ity the storm **>i rtatneil from the language used. out in three port« in Peru. Hubdivision 8, of the act of the spec projects in the Ih-schutes country. ing the Russian ships lying in the amendment appropriating $500,000 for sustain a really disastrous defeat on was also aevere, much damage having 8<-n«tor Hanford declare* that th" 1 ■eeli done in the ■rilmrl-a of Evanston, ial M-nnion of 1903, provides that the 1 lie rules were proposed by both the basin, or at least demoralizing the per this project $625,000 for the Columbia land the Chinese might suddenly be -* with ■-* the connivance or even r*dr>«d lobby is back of the move to Riqjer* Park ami Thornton. aroused, following property shall be exempt Deachute* irriagtiou and power com sonnel of the defending force. When and W illamette below Portland, an in-'-------- pany »nd the Thre* Hitters irrigation the first official dispatches were re creasing the appropriation for The the censent of Jajian, against Russia, rr|ie«l the present land law*. Ail exieeilingly heavy fall of rain from taxation: and perhaps against all foreigners. " I he following property, if owned ernopany. The former company has ceived the belief gained ground that Dalles canal to at least $300,000. The dowager empreaa of China haa ■ccomjiaiii«*! tlie atorm. The sundry civil bill carries $24,000 , Russia’s present jdans are based on the by * householder and in actual use, or ab*orb*d the Pilot Butte development 5 ice Admiral Makaroff had put to sea In Thornton a frame dwelling was rrjeetrd the |ir<<|H>«al* of general« to and that a naval fight had taken place, for rent of teinjiorary quarters for the appreciation of the supreme imjiortance Idown into a stone quarry ami reduiwd kept for use, by and for hi* or her fam company and the Oregon irrigation l-ater advices established the fact that make an open alliance with Japan. Portland poetoffice ami for the courts; of the first land liattle, and no fighting to kindling wcmx I. On«* man mi fatally ily; houaehold good*, furniture and company and acquired other interest the admiral had simply gone with the $100,000 additional for the Seattle pub on a large scale will take place, if it A rej-i-rt to the Corean government hurt ami aaveral other jx-reons were ae- Utensils; two cows ten sheep, live swine giving it control of some 200,000 acres almas that Itusalan triMijui Is-gan croaa- verely injured. snd the tools, Implements, apparatus, of arid land. The Three Sisters com- undamaged portion of his fleet to the lic building; $120,000 to commence possibly can be avoided, until the Rua outer roads, where he could more effec construction of the public building at sians f««l morally certain that they can ing Into Corea four daye liehire Japan , team, vehicle, harness or library neces parry has a tract of 27,000 acres. tively support the liatteriee, snd at the Spokane, $40,000 for the Tacoma build deal the enetny a crushing blow. made het first attaik on Port Arthur. sary to enable any person to carry on CHINA kills it . same time take advantage of any weak ing, ami $3,000 for Crater lake national hi* trade, occupation or profeaaion by Grand Ronde Fruit Outlook. Colorado military i* again deporting ness which might develop in the ene park. which *tn h jieiaon earns hi* or her 11 v- wind lifts roof . I a Grande — Judd Geer, horticulturist my’s attack. striking miner«. Exclusion Act Will I spire oa the I Tib it « to the amount of three hundred commissioner lor the Eastern Oregon HAWAII IS BEST CUSTOMER. ol Nest Drcember. Newell is anxious that irriggatioii $300) dollar*, the article* to la- select- district, states that the fruit prosjiecta Tornado Wreck* Fifty Building* la a work* I«* begun In Oregon. AID TO '05 FAIR. Washlugt .ii, Match 26 —The s<l by such householder; provided, for thia district are excellent fur all va Mil*Kurt Town. American Trade With Noncontiguous however, that when the shm - km *! valua I rieties, ami that the weather conditions The bones ha* again voted «garnet an department has received formal i Territory. Higginsville, Mo., March 23.—Fifty investigation of tire Jmsloflire depart- from the Chinese government -h-m-unc- tion of the |iersonal projierty above have lieen very favorable for fruit. The House Committee Decides on an Washington, March 28.—Commerce buildings are partly wrecked, one man mg the i 'bínese exclusion treaty, a . this Appropriation of $473,000. enumerated shall amount to les* than Budding has lieen kept hack to an ex meat. is mortally injured and several other* convention wilt espire atsait iHw-emher three hundred ($300) dollars, then tent on account of the cool weather, Washington, March 24.—A subeti-l of the United Staten with its noncon hurt, the town is in darkness, and the Russia believes that Japan intend* 'J7 next, unie»« repla<-<*l by another only such amount as the total of such and the trees are considered lieyond the tiguous territory now averages about tute for the senate Lewie and Clark ■ to lain! a torce In China <>n neutral treaty by that date. Under it* term« pro|ertty herein enumreated shall lie danger line as far as frost or freezing iJ bill, carrying an aggregate appropria- | 18,000,000 per month, and it is appar streets strewn with debris as the result of a tornado and hailstorm, which groun-l. sii ni'-ntlis la-fore the expiration of a exempt from taxation." .concerned. Mr. Geer looks forward to tion of $475,000, was today ordered re- i ent that for the full fiscal year it will struck this place late this afternoon. aggregate a round 1100,000,000. In the The supreme court of this state has |H-rl<«l of ten years from December 27, : one of the most productive seasons in The | iil-lic inlni*ter«>f France deride* ported by the house committee on ex The hail on the streets was a foot deep that Colombia ha* no ease in th* Pana 1*1*4. il eitler power l*e di»satisfl«*l several times decided that punctuation ! tlr«* fruit line that thia valley has ever positions, tlie vote lieing unanimous. term ‘'noncontiguous territory” are in within five minutes after the storm cluded Alaska, the Hawaiian islands, with the treaty. It I* r«*piir«--i to di<- mark« are not controlling in construing known. ma canal matter. The provisions of the bill arc $200,- the Philippine islands, Guam, Tutuila came, and some of the hailstones were nounce it. This ie the action which an set for the purpose of ascertaining 000 for a government exhibit, includ The Japanese have effectively block- China has taken, In spite of the strong it* meaning. In the port of Portland and Porto Rico. Records of their ship very large. Dozens of trees in the Favorable Report on Rural Route. ing forestry and irrigation exhibits; aded Port Arthur, »inking seven ««-«Mel* est efforts to the contrary on the part csm - decided last July, th* supreme ments to the porta of the United States town were blown down and several i Oregon City—E. C. Clement, special $250,000 fo* government buildings, and of shipments from the various horses were killed in the street. in the harlsir entrance. court changed the location of punctua- of the state de|iartnieht. Had the | inspector for the government lor rural which will include in addition to the The storm came without warning. Iluasia .h-riie* that one of her war notte« not lu-cn served, the treaty would tioii marks in order to arrive at the ■ free delivery mail routes, has in«)ieeted tegular government exhibit, the Philip ports to them are now regularly pre The wind and hail came first and were But in and favorably report«.*! on a third route pine, Alaska, Hawaiian an«l Oriental sented by the department of commerce vea«el* wa* blow n up l>y coming in have cotitlnu«*l iti force tor another meaning of the legislature. followed by a terrific downpour of rain term of ten y«*ars fr--m l>ee«-mlw-r 27, that case the court found that the . to I* o|ierated from the Oregon City exhibits, ami $25,000 for the Alaskan an<l labor, through its bureau of statis which flooded nearly *verv cellar in the contact with a (baiting mine. tics. tnrsning was otherwise clear. It is not . jiostoffice. The route was inspected exhibit. I ■ I. I hi mag«-1 ItuMian w»r*hl|-* are said These records show that the ship town. The storm came from the west. Th« detriment |uiint«*l out to the certain that the language of the exemp The bill provides that the plans for to have IwM-n r«-palr«-l with *uch baatr I'rkln authoritiea through Mr Conger tion act shows that the punctuation after a largely signed petition having ments from the United States to Alaska, It kept within a narrow path, at least , l*w-n forwarded to the government an- the government buildings shall be pre- Hawaii, Porto Rico, the Philippines, the tornado portion, only about two that they <iaie not venture out. that it was very prol>ah|« that, so far was erroneous. | thoritics asking that the route be estab- pare«l by the supervising architect of Guam and Tutuila aggregated in the blocks of the business portion of the Rtisala ha* Ixxight a wlrele*« tele front Ix-tteiing the condith-ns relating I lishtwl. The new route will di*)iense the treasury and the buildings erected seven months ending with January, town being damaged. graph system and will use It In connec to the admission of Chinese into the NO DEMAND FOR PRUNES. with Beaver Creek, Rcheulie), Carus under contract. The cost of preparing 1904, nearly $21,000,000, and the Two other towns in this section were tion w Illi the transportation o> troop* Units*! Blatte, any new treaty would the grounds and lighting Is included in and Needy poetoffice«. in the path of the storm, and both have merchandise received from them in - li I of approval tiy the senate. The Eastern Market Haa Been .Supplied at acroaa lake Baikel. the appropriation for buildings, and populations of from 500 to 600. Ac authority is granted for the coinage of the same period, nearly $31,000,000. cording to meagre reports that ar* re Very Low Figaro. Resign* From Fair Board. The senate haa paa*e<l the Indian ap- tliilicse Wotllil thus lie exp<«M*!, in the If to thiB is added the gold bullion re I aliaence of the sheltering treaty, to the Haletn—G. A. Westgate, of Albany, 250,000 gold dollars to be used as souv- ceived from Alaska, the grand total of ceived here tonight several houses in l-r priatluti Idll carrying fund« for the Salem—"The prune situation in the Chemawa school and decl-lee that full rig-ir of the tieary ami Hems law, F.sst didn't look good to me,” said has tendered to the governor hie resig eniis. our commerce with the territory in both places have been wrecked, but th* and the exclusion would l>e much more Chairman Tawney, of Minnesota, exact extent of the damage is not nation as a memlier of the state fair Alwkan «tudetila may enroll there. Bruce Cunningham upon his return board. No reason was given for the who ha* the bill in charge, will report question for the seven months ending know*. complete than at present. The isthmian canal com tn i** ion ha* However, the treaty having lieen <le- from a rocent trip to Iowa. Mr. Cunn resignation. The resignation of West it, and no reference will be made to with January would amount to nearly A grocery store in the business part $60,000,000, which makes it quite ap begun Ila preliminary work. nonne**I, there is nothing to do but to ingham is a well-known prune grower gate makes the fonrth change in the Sunday closing. of this place was wrecked by the storm. parent that for the fiscal year ending The senate will refuse to accept this John Dolphen, a clerk, was mortally The house ha* turnml down the pr«icced with a formulation of a nrw of tho Liberty neighborhood. with June 30 next, the total will be After personnel of the board in the last few injured. amendment to give Bristow leea power treaty, which has already ticen initiât- waiting all winter for an opportunity months, and but one experienced mem substitute bill after it is passed by the fully $100,000,000. house, and this will cause it to be sent «.I in a way, although with little hope ber remains. More than 50 houses were unroofed. Of the shipments to these noncon- The Ja|>anese advance towaid Ping of ecuatorial approval. to conference. As all the conferees— to sell his crop at what he considered a tiugous territories, the largest total for Ying ia more raphl than the Ruaalan* Senators Burnham, Hansbrough and ICON TO SHED SHOTS. fair price, he took ■ carload of fruit Cattle Sold for Nome. expected. Daniel, and Representatives Tawney, the seven months under consideration is HEADQUARTERS AT PANAMA. back to Iowa to m -11 it there himself. Echo—R. N. Stanfield has sold to Sheimanand Bartlett—are strongly in to Hawaii, $7,224,156 worth of domes The trial of Renal-ir Button, of Kan "The prune market doesn't look gmxl Mr. Cox, agent for the Pacific<oldstor tic merchandise and of foreign mer Sacred Relic Sent to Russian Torpede Boat Destroyer. ia«, on the cliaige of selling hie Influ Canal Uommlsalnn Settle» Two Import snd 1 don't see any reason to believe age company, of Tacoma, four carloads favor of the Lewis and Clark expo chandise, $52,677. sition, there is good reason to believe ant Point* ence, la l-cguii. that it will improve any this season,” of his heaviest lx«ef steers. These cat St. Petersburg, March 23.—Vic* they will increase the appropriation to FAVORS TWO LAND DISTRICTS. Washington, March 26.—Two im- he continued in answer to inquiries. tle will remain here until April 16 and the $750,900 asked for. Admiral Makaroff has reported the mi Japan believe* foreign adviser* to raculous escape of four sailors from th* Corea are giving Ruaala Information )>ortant (Miiiit* have lieen devcl->|-<«l in "The fact is that the trade is already aie destined for Nome. Interior Department dives It* Approval torpedo boat destroyer Rtereguschtchi, c< nnretioti with the work of the isth supplied. Everywhere I went I found an<l recommend* their removal. War Fund* are Assured. to Alaskan Bill. which foundered during the naval bat mian canal commiaslon. One is that that dealers have all the prunes they PORTLAND MARKETS. Tokio, March 24.—The Diet has Tin- military funeral of the Duke of the lu-adqnsrtera of the commla*ion want and most of it was bought at Washington, March 28.—The interi tle off Port Arthur March 9. The men adopted resolutions thanking the navy or department is heartily in favor of the escaped by swimming when the boat Cambridge was the m<et imprr-walve probably will lie on the Isthmus of pretty low prices. 1 found a jobber since the Ihikr of Wellington diet). Wheat—Walla Walla, 75c; bluestem, in the name of the nation for the sev creation of the two land districts in sank and succeeded in keeping afloat Panama Instead of at Washington, supplied with Oregon prunes that he eral successes that have resulted since Alaska with headquarters at Nome. nntil picked up. Governor Pcalwvly declare* Telluride althoiigli an offiee will ptolmbly lie bought from an Oregon firm at 4 Si •0c; valley, 81c. the beginning of the war. It is an The passage of a bill for this purpose The metropolitan archbishop of St. Barley—Feed, $21022 per ton ¡brew county, Colo., to lie In a state of Inaur- maintain«*! here. The other point is rents in 25 pound twixea. These prunes nounced by the leaders of both political is recommended by Secretary Hitchcock Petersbrg has sent an icon to the tor that a part of the time o’ at least five hr will sell to the retail dealer at 5 K ing, $22.50; rolled, $24025. rertlon and ha* ordered out troop*. parties that they are in complete ac of the coninrieelonera will 1« devoted to to 6 cents ami the retailers will m -11 Flour—Valley, $3.9003.95 per bar cord with the program for raising the and by Commissioner Richards, of the pedo boat Doshitelny, which in the E. F. Calvin is said to lx- slated for their private interest«. them to consumers at 8^ cents, or rel; hard wheat straights, $40 4.20; revenue needed for the conduct of the general land office, their recommenda conflict of March 9 managed to elude president of the O. K. A N. ami A. I. Admiral Walker, the chairman of thre«- |*nimls for a quarter. clears, $3.85*4; hard wheat patents, war. The compromise whereby the tion being based upon a report made by the Japanese fire This icon, it is be ■Mohler ia to get a high position with the comnrisaion, and General Davis, th«- "Ilow did tin* jobber get them so $4.4004.60; graham, $3.5003.90; rre tax on land has been reduced and that James W. Witten, after an investigation lieved, will safeguard the boat from th* Union Pacific. of land conidtions in Alaska. The de further harm. army member of the l*«ly, will devote cheapt That l>eata me; but he had flour, $4.5004.90. proposed on salt and silk stuffs is elim partment believes that Nome is the The Northern Recueitieecompany haa tbeir entire time to the canal work. them, and others liought at the same Prince Abemlik Lazareff, a descend Oats—No 1 white, $ 1.1501.20. gray, inated from the bill has disarmed the »ent out a circ'ilar saying the diroctor« proper location for a land office in ant of the Armenian kings, is giving a Is-gialation now pending before con figure, I learned that early in the aea- $1.1001.15 per cental. opposition, and the revenue bill will Northern Alaska, as it is apparently a series of fetes for the benefit of the Red have decided to distribute the stock gress provides for the ap|*>intnient of a —«* long as last July, jobbers were Millstuffs—Bran, $18019 per ton; likely be passed without a dissenting ami gives future plan*. governor of the American zone on the selling Oregon and California prunes. middlings, $24.500 26; shorts, $19® vote. The total arnonnt affected by permanent city and the center of an Cross society at his historic mansion. Ih-alers liought early and when they Society leaders are figuering in th* The report that Port Arthur had fall isthtntia. If II should be en*< t«*l into had all they wanted they stopped buy 20; chop, $18; linseed, dairy food, $19. the changes is about 15,000,000. It is active mining district. Instead of plac danges at the fetes. ing this office in charge of regular it I" is quite probable ----- that - the I presi IISW, Il en into tin- liamls of the Jajia was on- law, Hay—Timothy. $15016 per ton; said that the bill as finally passed will designate General Davi» Davie a* as ing. That is the condition that exists clovBr, $10011; grain, $11012; cheat, provide that the increased tax shall be land officers, the bill pending in con dent may deaignate found«*!. Three attacks were made but dent _ ths market haa lieen supplied and no Ooc Thousand Soldiers a Day. gress provides that the marshal for tne the governor ol the canal strip. each time the enemy was repulmsl. levied for one year, and not five, as Nome district shall act as register more are wanted. It looks to me as $11012. Harbin, March 23.—Only 33 mili and Vegetable» — Turnips, 80c per sack; was at first supposed. though we will have a considerable the clerk of the court as receiver of the tary trains have Reached here since war The secoml trial of Mr*. Botkin haa Fear Siege by Japs. quantity of carry over stock to sell in carrots, 80c; beets. $1. parsnips, $1; was declared and not lees than half of Nome land office. o|M-ned iii Han Fianclaco. cabbage, l\i02c; lettuce, head, 25® Vladivostok, March 2d. 26. —While the competition with 1904 prunes." Yankee Delle* China. these brought ammunition and provi 40c per do*; parsley, 25c; tomato«**, remains quiet it is not I Bristow declare* that lie did nut situation hero San Francisco, March 24.—Officers Those With Food Can Stay. sions. Of the 20,000 troops landed $1.50® 1.75 per crate; cauliflower, 75c expe. l«*l that Vladivostok will continue regard ih »»era as an boneat man. of the steamer Coptic, just arrived, Sheep Losing Their Fleece. St. Petersburg, March 28.—Procla here during the last four days, 4,000 ®$1 per doz; celery, 65080c; squash, to lie much longer free from tho vigor Echo—Sheep shearing is now in full 2c per lb; cucumbers, $1.7502.25 per saw the Russian gunboat Mandjur ly mations issued by General Voronetz, have been sent to Port Arthur, Niu Baton De Rom-n, ex-mlniater of Jap- ous operations of tho Japanese. In an ing in the river at Shanghai, and re Chwang and Mukden, while 2,000 have an, declares that the cabinet wan ticipation of tho appearance of the en swing in the Echo eonntry, and almost dos; asparagus, 125*c; peas, 9c per lb; port that her commander is a Captain who is in command at Vladivostok, have been sent to Vladivostok. Of the rest, been received at St Petersburg. They every ablebodied man in the neighbor lieans, 10c; onions, Yellow Danvers, Carter, born in the United States, but dragged into the war. emy, and of a pimsiblo siege, a ladies urge the people at Vladivostok to re-, the greater part are on sick leave, hav circle bus lieen formed, which sits six hood is making arrangements to join $202.50 per sack. a Russian by naturalization. When main, but add that only those will be al ing arrived in a wretched condition. Mine crew and go to dipping wool. The British house of common* had a hours daily st the ministry of marine, Honey—$303.50 per case. ordered to leave Chinese waters, Cap lowed to stay who have 432 pounds of It is stated by the commanding officer warm debate over the admission of preparing bamlnges of linen for siek sol I'he price as established here for shear Potatoes—Fancy, 90c©$l per cental; Chinese Into tho Transvaal, but Vote of dier* and sailor*. Most of the women ing is 8 cents where the crew board common, 600 80c; new potatoes, 35<c tain Carter emphatically refused, and flour and 108 pounds of buckwheat, that hereafter the men will arrive at invited somebody to make him move. enough to last eight months. All Chi the rate of a thousand a day. censure was do(eate«l. in Vladivostok belong to thia circle, themselves and 7 cents with board. per lb; sweets, 5c per lb. At last accounts he was still at Shang nese and Coreans who are without oc The latter arrangement prevails here Fruits—Apples, fancy, Baldwins and Henry Norman, a member of the Including the representatives o! tho this year. As this is a forward spring Spitzenbergs, $1.5002.26 per box; hai with his gunboat. A Japanese cupation have been ordered to depart. Filipinos Are Good Politicians. gunboat and a cruiser flying the same Persons who start untrue and alarming British parliament, declares that the aristocracy. in the Umatilla valley, sheep shearing choice, 11®1.50; cooking, 75c, Washington, March 23.—Secretary flag passed out of the river. conhtrol of China is the real Issue of reports will l>e courtmartialed. Loot Taft has receivedn will have to be rushed to get it out of Eggs—Oregon ranch, 16K?- Bxpreaa Satisfaction at HI* Death. the Japanese Russian war. ing is strictly prohibited. the way before haying begins, which is Governor '■'■'■ s'*1- tn,> Butter—Sweet cream butter, 30c per Washington, March 2(1.-Ber-retary ,a*t approaching. Russia to Selz« Battleship* guI>ernat®, lb; fancy creamery, 250 271*c; choice Tho senate committee on Indian Taft ami tho officials of the war de- w,r;i." “JWiK Paris, March 24.—The Echo de Agree on Macedonian Reform. creamery, 23024c; dairy and afore, affair*, in reporting the Indian appro partment openly expressed their grati Paris correspondent at St. Petersburg Not Much Illegal Pishing. London, March 28.—According to nominal. priation bill, cut off tho provision for fication at the news of the death of Mu- Butter Fat—Sweet cream, 28 Xc; savs it is rumored in naval circle* the dispatches received today from passed off qnfFnvTand that great inter Astoria—Ro fur as can be ascertained ¡»'■reusing the capacity of tho Choma- carlo Hakay, tin- so calici president <« there that Captain Reitzenstein's Vlad Constantinople, the porte and the Aus est was manifested in the results. He there is very little if any illegal fishing sour cream, 265*0. ws schoo). This reduces the apjiropria- the Philippine republic. Hakay secured lieing done on the Columbia at the Poultry—Chick» ns, mixed, 12J*® ivostok squadron has been ordered to tro-Hungarian authorities have reached added that the Filipinos showed them Hon for that * bool $8,000c hie freedom under the amnesty procla present time, and the closed season is 13c per pound; springs, small, 16017c; overtake at a certain point in the Pa an agreement in regard to the organiza selves adepts in political methods, and The house committee has decided to mation ami fled to the mountains with lieing observed more closely than for hens, 13014c; turkeys, live, 15010c cific the battlship and two enuesrs tion of the Macedonian gendarmie un in some resjx*cts better than the jieople a small force of kindred sp rits, and several years. Deputy Fish Commis dressed, 180 20c; geese, live. 8c; bought from Chile by Japan and return der European officers, so it is believed of the United States. TN'oinmend that Foderal Judge Hwayne, sim-o haa mnde much trouble by attm ic sioner Burton, of Washington, with ducks, $809 per doz. with them to Vladivostok. The Rus that it will not be long before the re °f Florida, be ousted. Range Fire Burn* Buildings. ing small villages and unprotected ex Deputy F. B. Lippincott, of the Puget Cheese—Full cream, twins, 12013c; sian general staff, estimates that the form scheme for Macedonia is recog An amendment has la-on attached to pedition*. number of Japanese troops landed in nized by the emperors of Routnania and Hemingford, Neb. March 23.—Disas Young America, 14015c. sound district, are patrolling the river, •bs Indian appropriation bill to pay Corea does not exceed 75,000. Beef—Dressed, 5075<c per pound. Austria at their meeting at Muersted trous prairie fires have swept the but tho Oregon officers are not out, Klamath Indians $537,007, In sot- American Consul Clolni to Post. range country. One str.p burned is six Mutton—Dressed, 607c; lambs, 8c. Styrim. althongh they are watching the shore Hsment of their claims against the gov Russian* Prepare for Sieg*. Iiondon, Marciati.-A eorresponden to ace that no fish are delivered. by 12 miles, another more than 20 Veal—Dressed, 708c. wnment. No Slcknca* Among tbs Russian*. St. Petersburg, March 24.—The Rua- of the Tinies nt Shanghai says I nit miles long, and is still burning. Pork—Dressed, 7®75ic. St. Petersburg, March 28.—General Ranch sheds, barns, groves on timber Hop* — Choice, 25c per pound sians are continuing preparations for a Sowing Best Seed at Eche. Andrew Carnegie haa 'given another Hiatus Consul Davidson will B,*rt , prospective siege of Port Arthur by Linevitch has telegraphed to the gener claims and property along the railroad , hi* post at Antung next w«k. and Echo—A large lot of sugar beet seed prime, 24c. $6,000,000 for educational purpoRM. I lie has arranged with the I’ Wool — Valley, 174Sl«c; Eastern rushing large quantities of supplies to al staff that there is no sickness among has been destroyed. Several narrow has l>een received here and planters are the Russian troops. that point. escapes are reported from the ranches. An Immense steel plant will lie erect- naval authorltlca to autist Li® '• busily engaged in preparing the ground. Oregon, 12015c; mohair, 32035c, 'd at Ran Diego, California. reach its destination