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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1924)
THE KLAMATH NEWS Page Fire i. . CLASSIFIED ADS DBBN -UfOM . hoiue. two-yoyf-'i-' .leeplng porch. f . ii.m garage, wood shed. I t ..ova. H.500. $1600 do0- ... iurEE-IUX)M house on CaUor- At I? 00"- 1800 1own- A rood buy. u!ltln feature. rnim LOTH on a""" """" Mill Addition at $260.00 each. FOR 8ALK-N 6 room bunga-( lo frekft nook.1 hrdw'" floor In living room and dining room. inclos-, Id Iwwk porch, full basement., cmt cl..M, linen dowt first, clam !" for ( $5,650, In splendid location.. NEW THKKK ItOOM modern bungalow, two porches, con crete foundation, garsgw. cel lar, wood shed, a splendid lit tle' home, price $2,460. A HA fl'I A IN' In a Block ranch. 320 arr. 12 miles en! of n shaping p'nt on Natron eut-off. nar Cxloll lake, so at li cit! of Credent. The land la partly fenced, plenty of water ind good range for stock. Has been b"ld at $10 per acre, will bow fell for $1700. LOTS 1 to 6 In North Klamath Fall for $100 each or $560 for the alx. SPLENDID residence lot on good corner on Kara una Heights. $1500. ' LOTS 1 and 2. black 19 Hot Spring Addition, both for $375. TOR SALE OR TRADE 160 acres on Swan Iake road, five mile oat of this city, will aell for $1000 or tradu for city Iota valued at $1,000. let ACRES NEAR Kerby. Ore goo, on Crescent City road, good ifeocea, large one room painted houae with two 7 foot porches, good well, born, 40 acres In cultivation and quite a lot of timber, will trade for city lota here or sell for $1,000. FOR SALE Lots 6. , and 7 In fiue&a Visu on Third street, all for $1600. on terms. ONE OF THE BEST farms In Langell valley, all fenced and In cultivation, good building. Near Lorella for $3,200 or $20 per acre, $1,000 down, balance on terms to ault customer. SPLENDID CORNER LOT on Ninth and Roosevelt street for $630 cash, a bargain. THREE SPLENDID lota on pave ment on Shlpplngton road for I I l moo or $400 each. SPLENDID VALUE In a five room modern bungalow almost completely furnlahed. electric range, best kind of furniture, wood range, two electric heat era, fireplace, double garage: large vacant lot In connection with property, lawn and shsde trees; lot all ready for nice Home. A bargain, $7,500. BEAUTIFUL URICK home In splendid loca'lon on pavement, modern, furnace heat, full basement, garage, large lot. A splendid home, price furnished ."'0. unfurnished $6,200. ONE GOOD LOT on Oregon Are. on pavement. Price 300 cash. Two good lots In Mills Addi tion. Price $200 each. MRS. NATE OTTERBEIN w Lincoln St Phone 636-M PARTY JOB C"tyrlght. Harris &. Bwlng Vu!"e M. Uo.lson of De tionai i.a-' ha" been selected na frth ,,rect?r of organization rea uPubllcan Women's bu- foil a 1 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Woman for general house work. Call at 205 So. 6'h Bt. S20tf "WANTED-Four or five room wonern nouae. Central loca tion. Cash. See W. T. Lee, AwiMior's Office. S16tf 'L'RHCRIPTIONS TAKEN frr all mugailnes. Tel. No. :9-R for Mrs. Pellett. A28 S28 FOU WELL DRILLING sr Un ion tt Miller, Klamath Falls. Phone 19-J. A28 S28 $23.50 HIGHEST grade all wool suiting tailored to measure ever shown In city, fit guar anteed also work and business suits made to measure, guar anteed 2 years, $12.60. Sam ples 1004 Main. A26-28 WANTED Watches, clocks nd all kinds of broken Jewelry to repair. J. D. Uostwlck Jewelrv Co.. 605 Main St Jy 24tf NEW AND OLD buildings built and remodeled. Jaa. L. Cr le mon, general contractor. Phone 4"-J. A 29tf SEE ME FOR ESTIMATES, plans and spelficatloss. Immediate service, any kind of building. Jas. L. Crlsman, general con tractor. Phone 47S-J. A 28Sf FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished 3 room apartment. Call 2 2 3-J. S25-27 FOR RENT Warm, clean, fur nished cabin for one person. $8.00 per month. Phone 135. 25S FOR RENT One 2-room apart ment. 627 Klamath Ave. FOR RENT 4 -room house; fur niture for sale; also piano, mahogany case. 1629 Johnson Ave. S5;02 FOR RENT 4-room house; fur niture for sale; . also piano, mahogany case. 1629 Johnson Ave. S20-25 FOR SALE FOR SALE Ford chassis, cheap; just overhauled. Phone 92. S25-30 FOR SALE: Brood sow and 10 shoaU. Everett Mann, Rt. 1. S25-07, FOR SAI.R Cows, howf, chick ens, household goods and farm Implements at private sale. To be sold by Oct. 1. Warren Patterson. S1S-27 IRISH LAD IS WINNER IN HIS FIRST MARATHON OAKLAND, Sept 24. (Utolted News) It was Martin Hughes, who does a- steady, mean Jab every day with a pick and shovel, nra .hln arrival here from Ire land. County Mayo, two months ago. who ra naway irom a rieid rvf !t?S trn.lnnH mnnera and took home first place in the Merritt marathon here. Hughes wae a typical unknown but he wanted a watch and be saw by the papers that the win ner of the Merritt marathon would get a nice bright gold one. A couple of days beJore the race Martin knocked off work Kirly and did a few milee around borne to warm up and see how the legs were working. He bluah Ingly admitted as he finished the race far in advance of any of the others, that he had never done any running, except In emergen cies, before. After the tlrst two miles of the race, the runners who. in previous years have led the field, were so far behind Hughes that they set tled down to a contest for sec ond place. HuKes, te first prize safely tucked away In the pocket of his overalls.- was back at work the next day digging nice straight dUches with hia pick and shovel. STRAHORN AND GOODING HAVE ANNIVERSARY Robert E. Htrshnrn, president of the Oregon, California Eaat ern railway, with I. L. C. Good ing, treasurer of that company, will g to Crater lake Frldsy and from there to Med-ford catching the I mlted train out of there that evening enrou'e to Spokane. Frcm S:okane Gooding will go east and 8'rahorn will retu-n to Klamath Kails to take up active ly the extenalon work on bis road which Includes terminals and spur tracks In Klamath Fall. Incldently fitra:.orn and Good ing will join In a celebration at Spokane of the 47th anniversary of both their weddings. Strahorn sta'ed last night that this might not be railroad news but it was, nevertheless, an Interesting event in the lives of the four people most Immediately concerned. . BEET LANDS OF VENTURA TO BE MADE PRODUCE LOS ANGELES. Calif., Sept. 24. (United News) A great farming land transaction Involv ing a consideration of approxi mately $1,250,000 and the par chase of 6,000 acres to be de voted to beet production near Oxnard. has been negotiated by the American Beet Sugar com pany, according to an announce ment from the local ofikea. The reason for the purchase of the property, it was stated. Is due to the fact that the produc tion of beets in southern Califor nia has been on the decline . for several years. The entire production of the 6,000 acre ranch will be shipped to Oxnard where it will be re fined into beet sugar in the Am erican Beet Sogar company re finery. More than 33,000 acres of land in California, Colorado and Nebraska are owned by the concern. MOTION PHOTOS, WILL AID FOOT-, BALL PLAYERS BERKELEY, Calif.. Sept. 24. (United Nevy) Motion pic tures may be introduced as a part of the training .given football players at the University of Cali fornia here, according, to Ray mond W. Cortelyou, athlet.c manager. A new system of visual train ing, to be used In place of the customary chalk talk given play ers is being perfected by Ricuard H. Laney, a senior student from Los Angeles. Laney 's plan Is to take motion pictures of the team In action, showing the location and movements of each play tor any man desired. Experimental tests were re cently approved toy Cortelyou. Coaches . Andy Smith and Nibs price and Captain Babe Horrell. FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR LATE A. G. UHIUN A. C. Uhrln? aged 72. died at the home of bis daughter. Mrs. R. E. Glasgow on Michigan avenue last Saturday, the funeral services being held from W hit lock's undertaking parlors yes terday morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. A. F. Simmons otflcled . at the fiinal exercises. i The deceased is survived by the following children: George and Henry Uhrln of this city; Frank and John Uhrln of Wash ington: Mrs. Glasgow of Klam ath Falls; Mrs. V. L. Black of Bend; Mary D. Uhrln of Silver Lake. Wash.: and Nettle Uhrln of Greenwood. Texas. There are two brothers living, John Uhrln of Goble, Wash., and Andrew Uhrln of Cole Summit, Mo.- SHANGHAI WILL HAVE , NO FEACE JTST.YET SHANGHAI. Sept. 25. (6 a. m.) United News Peace nego tiations between the contending arrn'e has broken down and an immediate pitched battle is ex nnitfvr! : No firing beard vet this morning. The foreign colony is preparing to defend Itself in, case the city Is taken. TRIANGLE CAFE Ths placs to get good eats. OPEN ALL NIGHT 2 Main ffion VIA Hcilbronner &Rea Dealers inrWood QmnMj, SWvIre and Low Prices . TslesKoae 2M-R sad 650 . PAINTING and CALSOMINING Satisfactory Work Guaranteed Estimates Furnished W,JF. WIEDEN Graeral Delivery Klamath Falls, Ore. 1 Let Your Glass Troubles Be v Ours : ; WinJow Plate and Windshield Glass; i Sash, . Door and Cabinet Work. THE GLASS HOUSE JlUi and Pine i NASH SUITS AND OVERCOATS $23.50 ROBERT SUITS & OVERCOATS $33.50, $38.50 SHER-HURST BOYS' 2-PANTS SUITS $11.75 ' Taylor nad-to-measare Caps, genuine leather visor; full r ' leather sweat band; All wool; any style. $25. , Cbaner All. Weather. Coats and Mackinaws for men,. women and " . children. fSJSO op. .Ueaeral Service Clothing ("Gosco". Cloth, wears like leather.) '. : ,' Suits $12.50; pants only S4JS0. ;WQ1 eoaae to your home with samples anytime, day or evening. DaUsfacUoa guaranteed., on anything purchased through me. A. R. RENNER Phone 100, . Klamath Falls, Ore. P. O. Box 595. C Klamath County representaUv e for , above jnamed companies. ROBERTSON'S 806 Main Street Breakfast 00 j to 9:00 .: Short Orders : Luneh-.-U xSO to 1:30 ..40c , Dinner-S I to 7r30 50c, Waff les Every Morning SPECIAL , SUNDAY DINNERS Wood FREE With Eyery Set of Balloon Tires j 15 Reduction on all ' Tires ; (KLAMATH TIRE HOUSE H. E. CALKINS, Prop. : 6th and Klamath . EVANS, Shoe Repairing Cood Work Right Prices). 1014 Main , Street Klamath Falls, Ore. . TAXI Phone Large and small cars. White Star Line: Better Service . Phone 477-W. n Phone 472 Wheels i;