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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1924)
PSe Four THE KLAMATH NEWS Mi...... THE KLAMATH NKWB lUMlshed Tuesdsy, Thursday and Saturday mornings by THK KLAMATH KKWI PIBUSHIMU CO. lit Bo. nrtk St. Pheee IT Klaraalh relle. Or. Mat Otterbaln, Waitr Stresses, r. C. Nlckla. Prope. CaUrad ootid class tnatur He. U. Ila, at th pertofrioa at ICUaaath Fafle. Orson. linear Iba Ml at March ft. rl. 1'BSOUITIOa RATES (By mall outalds city) a r safcuae BaMMM test tUy carrier la Klamath Falls) t months PERSHING'S LAST MESSAGE EDITORIAL UNDESIRABLE VOTERS Ths hue and cry. "Get m out to vote" seems aomewhat over done. Of course everyone should rote and lt'a a pretty safe bet that everyone worth while does gel out and vote. Naturally there are sometimes conditions legitimately preTent a man or woman from rot In g. but thoae who deliberately do not Tote are not desired voters because they nave automatically classed them selves as poor cltiiens. To force those people to vote would be to force an Inferior gov roment on the people because they would vote without proper thought or even viciously because of the force being used. It should be made possible for very person who values his clt Isenshtp enough to vote to have sufficient time to visit the poll ing Place and cast his ballot. Provision-should be made to assist those who have difficulty in get ting away from' their work or home so that they can easily get to the polls. nHjlrillnn Tirlor to election day should be made a positive. requirement to quaiuy a vo ter. The swearing In of unreg istered men and women as voters Is frequently used to aid corrupt Interests; It la rarely tor the best . interests of a community. The person who does not take the necessary advance time to register and then go voluntarily and vote woud be and Is a liabil ity - rather than an asset to the citfxenshlp of the country. The interested ottlien Is the worth while cltlsen.- ? irmvn It ' 1 I l 3 4 -a i til a I s : 1. ? This is General John J. Pershing's last official message to the American people. The retiring chief of staff is seen here addressing the throng that at tended Washington's defense day exercises. His talk was broadcast throughout the nation. L , J 1 JUST FUN 1 Press OpnaiioEs LlUle Boy Mother. Is It true that sheep are the dumbest ani mals? Mother (ahsent - mtndedly) Yes. my lamb. A roan who had married the daughter of a rich biscuit-maker was accosted by a friend In the street and congratulated on bis marriage. "So you nave taken, not the cake, but the biscuit this time?" said the fr'end. "Yes.! answered the other, "and the tin with it." Ralph De Palma Breaks Record Oakland Trfbune Some men's Idea of an art collection Is a 'windshield full of stickers. Detroit News Some persons know where the children are at sight; others only think they do. St. Joseph News-Prees--Many persons who pass for optimists are. merely too lazy to kick. Baltimore Sun The old time critic was wasteful. He employ ed 400 words to say what mod erns mean by "blah." Boston Transcript -Th "full dinner pall" may be all right, but the iasue that this country is really interested In U the full gasoline tank. San Antonio Light There are said to be 24 political parties In Germany now. In this country we have only two the Ins and outs. .. , Phltidelphla Enquirer The old-fashioned . man who used to blow out the gas now has a grandson who starts up his en gine in a closed garage. Boston Transcript II a v I n g now consented to pay her debts. Germany wiU begin, like an hon est citizen, by borrowing some money. . Kansas City Star It Is be lieved that if the dare-devil makes the trip over Niagara falls safely In a rubber hall, he will next try a grade crossing In Ford. Mom I heah dat Sam Johns tng done got ass-t ixlated. ' Ephralm No sech thing. He was kicked in de etummlck by a Jackass, dat was all; but it sul tingly did fix him. Mose Ain't dat jost what I said in the fust place a ss-4 Ixlated? JudKe Brown Well, Ephralm. what are you preaching to your flock these days? I bear you are making a mighty stir. Ephralm Well. suh. yassar. I Is. I gives It to 'urn dls way: Futly, I tells 'urn what I'm gwine to toll 'urn. den I tel's 'urn what I said I wuz gwine to tell 'urn. and den I tells 'urn what 1 done lole 'em. Dumb Animals. A druggist was aroused one night by the violent ringing of his front door bll. Looking out of the window he saw a young girl In evening 'gown. "What's the matter, miss?" he asked. "Has anyone been taken 111?" "Oh, no!" came back in sweet ton; "but I'm dancing at the ball close . by, and I've run out of rouge." "Indeed!" snorted the dis gusted druggist. "Im sorry, miss, but I never keep enough rouge in stock to cover a cheek like yours!" Royal Magazine. Kansas City Star We know a man who says If he could have the privelege of painting all the detour signs in this country, he would not care who made the flivvers. , f Anaconda Standard No sooner does one man see what is ibest for the country than an other man ees it differently and everybody . accuses everybody of being not a man of vision but a visionary. . Lnsttena It This "Da 'he day's work, if it bj to protect the right of the weak, whoever objects, do it. If it be to help a powerful corporation better to serve the people, what ever the opposition, do that. Ex pect to be called a stand-patter, but don't be a stand-patter. Ex pect to be called a demagogue, but don't be a demagogue. Don't hesitate to be as reactionary as the multiplication table. Don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong. Don't hurry to legislate. Give admin istration a chance to catah up with legislation." President Calvin (oolidgo. knottier record has gone by the boards. Ralph De Palma. the veteran racing pilot, sent a stock Onrysler six around tne dirt track at Ran Luis Oblapo In the phenomenally fast lime of 53:5 seconds for the mile, and 4 min ute 29 seconds for the five-mile Jaunt, or an average of 6 8-10 miles per hour. This Is the same car in which De Palma hutered the Mt. Wil son climb record and the stiver haired star of the speedway be came so impressed with the per formance of the Chrysler that he now uses one for his personal us In driving around the country. J. E. Howie, of the Howie Motor Co.. local distributors. Is highly , pleaaed with the new rec ords achieved by De Palma In California, at the wheej of the car which he handles, but states that the Chrysler, In the bands of ordinary owners, is slrlnpr the same satisfactory performance as the one which De Palma drove In his two most recent times-shattering trips. raK.MKH HKHIDKNT IUKH ' IX VIHALIA. CAI.IHIKNLl Csrl Adams, who was superin tendent of the water service for the California Oregon Power company In this city for a num ber of years, but who left here about three years ago, was killed In an automobile accident at Vlealla, Calif, last week accord ing to Information Just recclvod here. Adams was well known here having made many friends In this community during bis residence and work among the Klamath people. He was 49 Klamath people. He was id years of age. I. O. O.F. Klamath Lodge No. 137 Meets every Friday night; Carl Sandell, N. 0. Prosperity RebekaU Lodge No. 104 Meets first and third Thurs days; Mrs. W. D. Cofer, N. 3. Ewauna Encampment No. 46 Meets every Tuesday nlcht; Mau rice Leslie, CP. Crater Canton Meets every Wednesday evening; W. C. Wells, Commandant. LITTLE E. T., LOVED CHILD PASSES ON All Illy In Morrow Whxu . . Hnc Coiuiiiuiilir I'llMs E. T.. two and . htlf I. uivan of 111, paM(1( Bw . Medford about 11 u'cWk "'J,,,9, day morning. ' 1 ' The little lad hd lnrn ikn to M.dford becuas of thrZ trouble and friend, vt.". ly hero and at Illy bHIeved thai he wa cttlng along, very w. when word of the daih '. -1 r.h"d ,n "U ,h" l'r c.,,n. i7 mg more mends than "E T. who bore. the loltlss .i popular designation of his fthr being universally called "K. T.': The cMldlsh laurhter aftH friendly greeting of the youns' ster will Im mlasrd by all hiv and scores of friends In othrr places for he was a Juvlal lad and todiy there Is grief In many homes where this baby boy ,0 frequently in the past rom.pd with laughing Joy. Funeral arrangnmcnts win u. made today. The services will probably be held here In Kiam ath Kalis but wherever huld prae. llcally all of Bly' populitlon w,U be present to Join the sorrowing parents In the last rites for the loved child. SUMMERS SUM M Kit. Sept. 14.-(arrle May Fryrear returned from the Klamath ' General boapltal In Klamath Falls last weak where she was operated on for apppn dlcStl. She la getting along nicely but will not be able to re turn to school for some time. L. A. West Is confined to the bouse with a lame back caused from a severe strain. Warren Patterson has sold most of bis farming Implements snd stock and will leave In a ( d,. f3r o.-ssu I'iM hcre they will make their future home. The high school bus Is not very popular with the high school stu dents st present snd It Is hoped that the board will provide a more comfortable means of trans portation. Several ranchers In this com munity are putting up a third cutting of alfalfa and are getting a good yield In spite of the hetvy frost of the past, few nights. This hay makes the best feed ob tainable for cows. Mr. and -Mrs. T. B. Wallers and family spent Sunday at Lake of the Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Waller Weet en tertained F. C. Nlckle of the News at dinner last Sunday. C. Chorpon4ng who has ben Hvtnjr n Chllotjuln for n.e time purchased ten acres of the Will Ktel ranch and will build a home on It In the near future. llM r.... viHg) J .r" 7 1311 h :::: 'fefl irrt tmt t?rZrJn I n,, .u-.. ."," . lh. ........... B lh in " bat b. I?4 rnoa?"--R,w' " nt letln. -"rB r-uiflt " ' vi The KI.m.,1 L H P asd Omti Cm Wsldorf Ftwl Ba Pitts Ml MOXCLAIB BMOTlW Get a modified (Qajk J 120 Mais 8t too J Near corser of Foarti ft. 1923 FORD TOURING BEST OF CONDITION $325.00 Buick Garage s m s 1 1 1 1 ' r Geo. J WaW IXSUUXCE asd B0SD8 "The (TJrnt'i liter fW Ites. Phone S8S, ,T27 Hiii I Clara Calkins GENERAL I.NSTB.UCE Moogh Bldfr Phone S50-W r 0 S0X3U Gray Tubes Vulcsnlred Bplice $150 12x4 6 Ply Cord Tire $18.50 Hub Tire Shop .... at 502 8. H" You Will Enjoy Our ; Steam-Heated Dining Room THESE COOL FALL DAYS Dine At THE CLUB "SERVES YOU Kiwi CAFE D