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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1924)
Page Two THE KLAMATH NEWS Klannaatia Cnnini1ly Now' . . FT. KLAMATH i FT. KLAMATH. Sept. 22. Registered at the Fort Klamath hotel are: Iceland Kasey, of Prinevllle. Ore..; P. Ma field of the Marsh: M. Peterson. P. H. Pennon of Sacramento, Calif.; Geo. M. Tavemer of Elk Grove. Calif.; M. J. V. Taverner of Ashland. Ore.; R. Taverner Rob Inett of Ashland. Ore..; Glenn O. Maxwell and Edition Foulke Jr.. of Gaielle, Calif. 'Mr. and Mrs. Gus Nlcbols. Geo. Nichols. Bjrophy, Henry Barneburg, Mr. and Mrs. Barron. H. W. Barron. Mr. Auntie B. Brown and Edwin Dunn of Jack eon county are here this week looking after cattle that they hare pasturing here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hickman of Fort Klamath, motored to Klam ath Palls early Friday morning. They, will bring their daughter. Mildred bark to thir home here. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Youel. and A It In Sanders went to Klamath Agency. 'where Youel attended a teacher's meeting, and Ah In vis ited his mother. Tom Culbertson of Ashland. Ore., who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson and fam ily, .left Friday for his home in Jackson county. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Loosley have been here visiting relatives for the last few days Wednesday they took Mrs. O. B. Bunch up to . Ben Looaley's ranch. Mrs. Marion Loosley. Mrs. O. B. Bunch and Mrs. Ben Loosley veiled while the two Loosleys went duck hunting. John Utter and R. A. Moon were in town until late Thursday evening attending to business. Jas. Pelton. a rancher of Fort Klamath, started for San Fran cisco Thursday. He is going to visit his wife who is in the hos pital. He is expected back in a week. Miss Marian Bunch. Miss Juan ita Taylor, Miss Elva Moon. Mel Tin Engle and Harold Moon mo tored to Klamath Agency Thurs day evening after school to see Mrs. Dobbins, -who is going to start b mus'c class in Fort Kam ath. Mrs. Dobbins is expected in the ' homes of her pupils either Friday evening or Saturday morning. Friday, the 19th day of Sep tember, was set aside by the Pub J'c and bis! school of Fort Klsni ath as Near East Relief day. The amount donated by the children of the schools was $8.30. BLY BLY. Sept. 22. A' tock .meet ing was held at the community hall Saturday afternoon. The ranger for the summer was dis missed and business affairs were straightened. Mr. and Mrs! William Finley are in Sprague River valley this week visiting with their friends. Mrs. Mary McWindery Cose Is visiting, her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Kilpore this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jody Owens were Lakevlew Business visitors the middle palrt of the week; Friday they drove to Klamath Falls to attend to business af fairs. The motion pictures. The Mar tyrs of the Alnio Friday night and the Three Musketeers given Saturday night at the Bly opera house were well attended both evenings. Mrs. Merle Knots and daugh ter; Hazel visited at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed Casebeer Sr., during the week end. Ralph Lyons was in Bly Fri day, He returnsd to Horsefly Saturday with a load of hogs. Mrs. Finlay was the guest of Mrs-.. Jack Watts Saturday. Mrs. Bertha Bell Is at , Ash land this week. During her ab sence Elba is staying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Parker. ! Arrangements have been made for. a music class to be given by Mrs. J. F.' Is. Barbara Owens. Edwlna Casebeer and Arnold Bock have scheduled so far. Flovd Cunningham. Harry Oldfleld, Guy Oder were In Bly Thursday afternoon. A short talk was given on the Near East at the assembly hour at our, local school Friday morn ing by David Norcrqsa In behalf of MrsT W. E." Rambo who was in that morning. Wednesday of next week was set as Near East Relief Day and the children on thady will bring silver offerings for the upkeep of the Near East or pbants. Mr. and Mrs. Faust and daugh ter Betty were In Bly Saturday from tht Lookout stMlon on Ball mountam. Marvin Cross knd faml'v are pending the week-end at their home at Bly. " V Pat Collins and Elmer Jones arrived at Bly Saturday. They will be here for an- Indefinite length of time. ' ' Vern Meyers was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wallia Satur day. Miss Jack Weaver wi shop ping at Klamath Falls this week end. Word has been received fhat Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Glvan will arrive at Klamath Falls Monday evening from Pendleton. While there Dally won day money for roping but lost his place as sec ond by missing on the last day. O. W. Howard drove to the Bert Lapsham ranch Sunday. He returned that day with two of the largest sheep seen hereabouts for some time. Albert Keady has spent this week-end with his mother. Mrs. Bmma Keady. Harley Keady was In Bly Sunday. The school bouse floors were oiled during the week-end". Friends of young E. T. Glvan will be glod to know that the youngster is reported to be much improved as a result of the breaking of the gathering in his throat. Mrs. Louise Thruston was at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Howard Sundiy morning. Mrs. Thruston left that day for Bonanxa to join her husband there. She took Geral dine with her. "Bug" Osburn motored to Klamath Falls Saturday. bunday school was held at the school house Sunday afternoon. Catherine Lynch was the guest of Bernlce Howard ' Saturday night. Miss Lynch returned to Lakevlew Sunday. TENNANT Ing hpr death was received, so he v. a unable to roech her bed side before she had passed away. J. O. Miller and Mrs. Milter nto'orpd to Yreka and returned during the .week. James OfUhurt has been off duty at "blacksmith" for a few days on account of Injured band. J. (). Miller did a neat task of cleaning up an Infected cabin In Mexican retirement one day last week whrn he visited the home of Ruberto Moreno where he found a suit caee containing five gallons of so called "exhllartlng fluid." but In fart, would have caused a number of rases of distressing foolishness and head aches, If not d tains. If taken In wardly. ; Ruberto was taken to Weed and placed in jail where he staid until he paid $500 fine, when he had Instructions from the Judge to leave town, and It Is reported he lft for bis native place ef abode. Mexico. Cyral 'Crane came In from Weed to pnd the week-end at home and celebrate bis birthday In same trip. , . Duck hunters can get good coffee at Little Brick Cafe: open all night. S20-23 J totuieiH qx tl paqsttqnd ejt m3 usq enx jofwiv pnt iino3 eqi fuipnp -u sjtan Xu;uode 1H eqx BONANZA BONANZA. Sept. w E Rambo and David Norcroes of' the Near East Relist spoke la the high school Thursday on the condlUons and work to be done In the Near East. JUmVo said that America was being offered a wonderful chance the chanoe to lay the foundations of a great and new nation by saving the Armenians and teaching them the principles of democracy. . Prank Sexton., county club leader was In Uonanta for a short time Tbursdsy on business. Mm. P. J. Howne was In town Thursday from the Ilowne ranch. Mr. Amos was the honor guest at a luncheon given at the Lytle residence Sept.- J 5. Miss M. Crank, and Mies Else Armstrong were also guests. The hostesses. Misses Grace and Alice Lytle and Mrs. Lytle completed the lunch eon' party. Mrs. Ada Parsons of Bonanta made a business trip to Bestty Thursday. Senator 8lnnott was In Bonan aa Tuesday. He was accompan ied by his son and a friend of his Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lytle and daughter Margaret Louise, and the Misses Grace and Alice Lytle left Bonanxta Saturday for Medford where they will attend the Methodist convention being held Uiere. They will return Sunday. ' ' Mlse Grace Lytle was a dinner guest of Mrs. Ada Parsons and Miss EUa Armstrong Wednesday. Mrs. Ferguson, county school superintendent and Mtee Pres con:, .visited the Bonanta school Wedniuii Mmw.II rr1;'7'biwr1 0y from Durban n.j Jsck Morton and hi. ' J'",5"i:.srLT!.-'- Saturday 81011 Quite in .Miss Lol HiMuton w . . Ot Mrs. A tnuMa w.ifci!?? UH dX afternoon. ,UD "" to recover ow. b'8 U b?'alng A birthday puny . v i. the Itoeli-r Iiiihi. (.. ,V' be)d It urdsv. Th- """ ht. Jnh birthday mVUS Dan Drlsr.,11 an(j r)!(.k p. b::,.eE'm',h NNednwtday and Thur.dar ' Mr ml t . i .. yuited Mr. and Mrs. A. A Wn klnson Saturday. llsrold llrowoson hare dror turned Katurdjy. Orvsl DeVsul w Bonania from Uarps vallry Saiurday. Duck hunters ran xet tood coffee at Little-Brick Cafe; open Pl,ht- Salem Marlon ruunty bu completed five-year program of road bulldinx. cokUiiic more than $2,000,000. Nw epbaltic type roads have coat about $ 15.000 per mile. TENNANT. Sept. 22. Mrs. II. Hlckey and Mrs. K. Sloth from Sen Francisco have been visiting tlieir friend Mm. F. M. Fllson through the past week. Mrs. J. N. Friend and little daughter returned from a visit with her sister in Roseburg, Ore Paul Henry returned from Klamath Falls Fridsy where lie had been to make the acquaint ance of Paul Henry Junior, whose happy arrival has been an nounced. Mrs. Henry and baby are reported doing well, and will soon return from the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Clinton motored to Weed Wednesday where Clinton v-ielted the den tist. Monday a party of Long-Bell officials, consisting of J. D. Ten nant, after whom our little city Is named. Wm. Ryder, Flem ning. and Judge White made one of their visits of inspection and business in Tennant, as they do aid the points of established work of logging, of sawing and selling of lumber, that cover a number of states. E. J. McLaughlin Is spending his vacation time o his ranch over near the coast. , - Geo. Luttrell and family of Ft. Jones, Calif., are new residents of Tennant since a week ago. Andrew Wise of Montague Is visiting his daughter,' Mrs. II. F Clark. Mr. and Mrs. James Maeny of Portland. Ore., and Dr. Fred Tebbe of Oakland, Calif., were visitors of the C. W. Murphy family part of the week. The Ku Klux Klan of Tennant is an established institution since Sept. 13 at which time a lodge of 20 members was orga nized by the deputy kleagle of northern California. Meeting was held at the school auditorium and visiting Klansmen from Dor rls and McDoel were In attend ance. After the Initiation ot 14 new members and transaction of the business session the crowd partook of a lunch of cake and coffee and enjoyed a social time of a short time. F. M. Fllson was called to San Diego on Sunday by telegram of the serious Illness of his - aged "mbTfter. "Aiter ne left" for that place another message announc- WARNING! At this time The Klam ath News has no solic itors working in Klam ath County. This notice is given to prevent confusion by the public, as a number of solicitors are working for other Klamath Falls papers, and already in quiry has reached this about the propo- office sition. ,-4