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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1924)
THE KLAMATH United News and United Press Telegraph Services KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., SATURDAY, SEPT. 27, 1924. Price Five Cents 1 J L liU-U I - fSWSTO IE 151 CUSS fllL HERE Roosevelt Retires n coutti of Jackson and , Shtk will Joint! orl a Km clan. Boy EL council aord,ng to platw. , .... .i . m.tinc of rH- ouilm of the two count e. rL,lon at the chamber of j room IBt n.gni. I (OW"5 ----- Tin mwtlng wa calied hiu temporary duc- S work lne by Qulncyi Ml. deputy regional; , th Scout, who bis been In Miners Oreron tor suuie weeks n. ..(.not nlflfl 1 iwt frt in un i'" --- A lBcIttion of Joephine as well (he other counll but dle ,t from thai county here last tijjt Hated that more education-, work is necessary in Pin hnfnrft the move- attt mb be properly bandied T,inln of organization msana it employment of a permanent &: ewftttive at a salary at tuna iuir hip wtin will have tiir; of lbe direction of the urk p the two counties, the of can time be:ng divided between two counties. Cdw tbtt executive will be lb kottt masters whom he wilt tn. ind d reel without com- tu1ton ThMiA muit iit - r- crfittd locally Md scboded so uat two ran handle not to x d 24 boys. -- "Y 1: is en: ma ted that a budcet f H500 will take care of toe ti counties and Klamath coun- tla to atTidd on a SO-SO basis till Mcdford. At this time no eiktr tows In Jackson county bas iitifld tni Intpnt'on of nnnlm ito the Scout council which ia m organized. Til mee'inc taut nlrht am ffMidM over by R. C. Grosbeck "o mere were delegate from Medford and Grant Pmr. wll " tir attendance of local peo- A committee of six to complete orsaniiatln was authorised 4 these will be from tbl wstjr and three from Mcdford. re. already been named. a. t, Ne1!,n. president at nliMni? Boy Scout movemen: Medford; A. C. Lemon, presl jthe Klwanls club f b J'.?ni JaJne RUe. Prs!- lU Camber of iJll'-8 ,0 '"Present Klain- S.i7 " of representative W '?,Varlou c'vic. fraternal r2l0 organisations of VSf M w,th!n th itttten 8hland iDt0 th ra- ViLan early dale' th W tow- 8 on! of education in C2tf of iocat men "i ,!,te so!, ,einK ,n aw 8ut w,J,,t0 stance i the Boy Rj work in southern Oregon. ''loght' hi. . A' Mery weather ,h LilVr0? of 12 boys to o-eiock w fu1"1 3uBt beore ,afm .ll5h 8om tants and ,f" ta l kr?.0 1118 me l- "1 fe m,. L"ri ,n thumhs of ihh. J the entwtata ,4 Stem, also w"e8ent nd 8riru AWHTIojf LAST NIGHT illlij'nf. f a small barn lr,Cr!n,l on raUed out the Sh,t: Jhe alarm was vk""inR beifor8 12 the J1 omidint lhe, engin6 rrlveJ, Tamf cla foV man f!f ue 8mlth- Cauea of ' unknown v V ; ? t lite' r'j'K JAPAN OBJECTS TO LEAGUE OF, 111 PUN GENEVA, Sept. 28, United! Sa) Ti e Ja'panMe delegation ! firm comm:ss!oa that Japan 1s tn-H i.t a-fcfit lhe proposed ar bitration of security disarmament pro.ocol in jj.e present form. The announcement followed the. re fusal of the first commission to accept the Japanese amendment in ie protocol that would per mit the council to endeavor con ciliate disputes arising from d$ menic iejsiallon such as tha ''n'td States immigration legislation. Bancroft to Japan WASHlXGTO.V.'Sept. 26. l'nltd News! Aanistant Secre tary of. Navy Theodre Hooe vett, republican nominee for gov ernor of New York, today per sonally tendered hSs res'Knat'on to Prerident Calvin Coolidge which be will submit as a formai resignation later . 0. 0. P, LEADERS SHOW fti.iir. fDEPiDEStS CHICAGO. Sept. 26. (United News! Close on the heels of tie suprame court delsion knocking I Follette electors off tbe bal lott of that atate, William M. Butler, chalrmaa of the national republican committ-ee, announced that similar efforts, are underway in North Dakota, the case com ing before the supreme court Monday. Butler aald. A second action was filed with the serre larv nf mate, he beins asked to strike the names for electors from the ballot. Chairman Nel son, of La Kolletle-AVheeler litad nnnrfoM Aartared that the court actlvtti'e of the republican lead ers indicates tney xear me strenltth of the Independent partv and are resorting to every i fort to "take the franchise from the people." $20,000 FIRE , SWEEPS TOWN OF SEASIDE SEASIDE, Ore., Sept. .6. (United News) F?re of unde termined origin swept through a part Of the business district here today with an estimated los of $20,000 The Bartlett building, Lepa Plumbing shop, Chowder Bowl restaurant and Necanicum river boat house wero destroyed. The fire was swept by a high wind. Coast League Results ) tJamea Yesterday Seattle 2, San Francisco 5. Vernon t; Salt 1-ke 3. Portland 4, L.oa Angefiaa 8. . Oakland 7, Sacramento 5. . AUTO RACES AT FAIRGROUNDS TODAY-SUNDAY 'l"h ..Who At'end Pri3niaed Many Hpeedy fvent With 'il Racing Car lb i i BRITISH FlfiHT K I i ' i ; t - I , , M I - i BAG0A0, Sept. 25, (Uattedl Xewl A battalion of native ; liKtiah soidiers under Britisi of- f ieera. ia retiring oa Amad:s, 5 i m;les northwest of 51o3ai, ia tb i face of a Turkish advance. S GENEVA, Soit. 26. ? made representalious Esgiaad to ta ! atva, claiming that Tarkejr k vioiailsg tbe Lausaaae treaty by ( military maueavera uesr Mosul, ! in the diapated oil eeater. T& i d5flcuUies berween the BrStiaa ! and Turkey are o-ver tba border ; line for tha British depeadescy ; of Iraq. The British . want Mo gat la their territory, w&iie ta Turks ciafaa Vilayet, Copyright, Harris & Ewiag Edgar AddJsos Bancroft -of Chicago, newly appointed ambas sador to Japan, will sail saoa for Tokio to take over his new post. He ia well knows both as a law yer aad writer. - - National lbaoitk -Chicago 3, PUteburlsh 0, firat game. ' Plttaburgh 10, Cbk3go. 6, sec ond game. ; -.' AMEniCAX LKAOrR New York 77 PhlTadaTphS V WashtnglQn 1, Boston 2. Detroit 8 Chicago 2. The auto races this afternoon and tomorrow will draw, a crowd to the fairgrounds where every thing is ready for the speed con tents. - Some of the best cars on tbe rac nr !rcult will appear at the race here and, one -of the best programa ever put oa , will be given the people who attend. .The Beaver Special, owned by the . Beaver Portland Cement company, is driven by Mulrbead while Clark walker &a a asax wei! special in which, be won firat place at Medford. Frank Brown baa a Monroe special which was a winner at the Indianapolis races la 191$. Brown expects to make some fast thne en the track here. Paul Reddy with a Fronty Ford ,which held the Medford track record, will be one of the best beta of the day. Joe Myers of the Barnon garage of Med ford will also fca?e a Fronty Ford in the races here. Luck Kincaid will be in with ntet which ia much laraer is displacement than the Fords bat most of the srivers say not o fat. Clyde Beal will represent Klamath Falls with a Fronty Ford and Beal expects to be a winner too. nporea Ltvtt haa a DBrant spe cial which will enter,. This car la attracting considerable attention and will be some wher in tbe money at, the finish. The races will be under A. A. A. sanction which Insures clean racing according to Btandard reg ulations. The races are aa follows: Event No. 1 One mile against time. Event No. 2 Three" fastest car in m!le, 6 laps. Event No. 3 Three second fas'est cars in mila, 6 laps. Event No. 4 Third fastest Mr tn m!)o. fi iaDS. Event No. 5 Three fastest .r in the above beats. 6 laps- Event No. 8 20 laps free for all. . . Fame program each -day Starts at 2:30 p. m. sharp. t CHEKIANG ARMY SURROUNDED BY OPPOSING FORCE sttANflHAr. Scut. 28. (Unit t Newsl Lu Yung Hsiangs Chekiaiist army is completely snrrounded tonight. The second rvM t?4ih Yuan force moving r-orthward from Hang Chow has reached Kaahing. Lu may sar render : 'mroediataly; otbefwtse serious posslbtutiee are torseea if ha forces fight lo finish. WOMEN SPIES SHOT AT DAV ATI ANGHAl LONDON, Sept. 26. United News) A number of spies, in cluding several women, were shot at dawa Friday at Shanghai ac cording to word received here. Those executed were found near tbe arsenal. DUCK SEASON OPENS SOON IN CALIFORNIA LONDON, Sept, 2S. A dot low flying British airplanes soar ed machine gan fire lato til ranks .of the Turkish foree of 2500 to S008, ranting tbe Moa lemi and killing and wounding; many in a, fight northwest of Mosul, details of which are mad public in the Star ieday. Tbe skirmish took: place a . fortnight ago it was revealed at tbe ieaga ef oai&iaa aseem&ty -. yesteway, Tbe Star's version of ' tlse aair la that the Turkiab troops raided tbe frag border and the British air forces went oat to drive them ; back.' " : ' '' ' ;, . ; DADD1TT WTJt I i LECTURE THIS SUNDAY NIGHT Immigration Conditions Hume of the Problems 'iTiii Be Discussed by Castor- Most Randies in Klamath Posted And Very tittle Good Hunting in County Buck season wiil open ia Cal ifornia next Wednesday morn ing, that being October 1. Reports here from the Tale lake section indicate that t&e shooting thure will be gsod, in fact better than has been enjoy ed ia Klamath couniy iiv.s sea son. Hunters of Kiam3tb Falls are laying off on the shooting until they can go to Tule- lake and the aals of Oailiiomia hunting li censes Is quite anindusiry at ths bme o.f Mrs. Raymoat Vaa Meter Jast over tbe line in Cali fornia and about two miles east ef tba Tale lake . reclrunaiian headquarters. These liceasaa cost Oregoniana 10 but Mrs. Van Meter says the supply Is ualiasit ed and the more she serves the better she likes it. . Hunting in Klamath cwjnty has become almost aa impossi bility because of tbe posting of nearly aU the land where there ia any water. It is probable that tbe miscon duct of many hunters has casea this condition and the inconven iencing of those who are not ob jectionable. 1 At this time Klamath eosniy cannot be exploited as a grea' duck hanting p?ae berans lbe banter who gets ducks here now is almost compelled o be a poacher. At tha present time very lit tle of tbe Modoc ctntv duck iiuntlnT areas are posted and ii ls'"&arffjy'prbbiblehaCTl?"Tit" be be?auaa most of tbe land Is atill govarnanent property. Immigration problems as they America will be discussed 6y Ker. W. E. Bobbitt ia his lecture at the Christian church Sunday ereaiag. This wiil be the aecoad of a ser'.es of three lectures on Am er.can problems, the first oaa given last Sunday evening being on "When the U. S, Was a Melt lag Pot," and the one tomorrow evening beng a continuation of the subject to tbe present time when what need to be termed & "melting pot," Is now' sometimes) called a garbage can, because ; many, of taa Immigrants- of tbe past, thirty years are of a typ, J which cannot be , amalgamated"" into tbe real American. Bobbitt has a message of real worth and be has ibe knack of being able to get it to his aud. ieace in a meaner wnich infr eats and holds the attention through to tbe end. Many ex pressed regret following bis last -lecture that he was compelled to limit his time ; to such a short period. Precedng . ibe lecture there twill be masie by tbe cboir, which. ? ably Isd by E. X, Kendall. ' There wSH also be special music. START TALK OF GERMAN SPIES IN WASHINGTON rnderjjreuwl Psasagpa Lfttrd With 0"bi Vnpvrn Rvivfs Wr Atmosphere- ' WASHINGTON, Sept, S, f United News) A iabyristh of aablerraBean passages dcoYered beneath several blocks of Wash ington's moat exclusive residen tial section, lltered with Ger man newspapers of and old war atmosphere is tbe tai and talks at spies, ' -