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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1924)
Page Two THE KLAMATH NEWS - if eps iy muicn in Sight for Jnnk; TJ FT. KLAMATH "FT. KLAMATH. Sept. M!m Confine Mot of Sacra memo. Csl'.f.. u a vVsltor of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Siemens.. She Arrived here the latter part of rest week, and motored to Aeh land;Ore.. Fuuday. II." L. Wim-r. Mre. Ttea'ha Jackson and Mlas Lenna Sargent motored to Kljniath Fall Satur. day morning to attend to busi ness. ' They returned that after noon. MKi Io'se Weedon of Klam ath Fall Ore., was a visitor at the - Fort ' Klamath hotel. She came up with Mr. and Mr. 'Ray Tsylor Friday evening and re - tnrned home late Sunday eve ning. , . Alvin Copeland ' has . atarted 'tack -to school. He wti absent last year. Mr. and Mra. J. P. MrAuIffe were in Klamath Falls Saturday .on business. . Mri. Ed. Noah, who has been working at the Fort Klamath ho tel the entire summer, haa gone to Roseburg. Ore., which wu her former home. Joe Martin took fcer over. - Rev. Oeo. N. Edwards of Wal la Walla. Wash., is expected to Tlsit the Fort ' Klamath Sunday school next Sunday. Sept. 28. B. T. Youel. principle of the Fort Klamath high school, took his wife over to Medford last Saturday. rinrn'ng Sua day af ternoon. Mrs. Youel will stay there Tislting Willamette va'.ley friend? for two or three weeks. R. A. Moon haft been having his house remodeled. They are painting and papering the inside this week. Jack Ercscoe and Miss McCor oack went to .Klamath Fall Sat urday. 'Registered at the-Fort Klm ath hotel are: Pliley and party of Kirk; Geo. Nichols and V. D. Bropby of Ashland. Ore.; Geo. Chandler and wife of Lakeview; Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Zumbrum of Fort Klamath. Ore.; J. C. Mit chell. F. E. Fennon of Sacra mento. Calif.; Archie Kde of Lakeview; J. G. Bnamball of Skookum: G. I. Casper. John Sklminack and wife of Sclo. Ore.; Frank Bartu and family of Sclo. Ore.; W. C. Wilson. J. T, D.xon. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Givan and Edna M. Scballock. Miss Juantia Taylor .Miss E!va Moon. Harold Maloon, George Hoffman. Jack Martin and Ray Parker motored to Chiloquln to attend the show Sunday evening. Lee Ferguson and Glenn Fer guson were in the county seat attending to business Tuesday. They returned that afternoon. LANGELL VALLEY ALGOMA LANGELL VALLEY, Sept. 24. Reverend Ames. Hallet 'and Brown from Merrill, were visit ors in the valley Monday. Mr. and Mrs. . C. Ferris and daughters Leo la and Josephine, were, visiting at the Duncan home Sunday. -. Miss Mildred Duke of Lower Langell Valley, spent the week end with Mrs. Verna .Hlchen bottom. : : i Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith of Algoma are spending a week -with Mrs. 8mt'.S sister, Mrs. James Malone. Mrs. Verna Hlchenbottom and Mrs. Emma Kilgore motored to Bonanza Saturday to do a little hopping. Mrs. Fred Hilton, and Mrs. James Malone were visitors in Klamath Falls Thursday. . George Noble and son Henry were riding for cattle the last of the week in Langell Valley. .- Sol Dewey, Jr., spent the week end, with bis mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Dewey, Sr. Frank P. Grohs made a busi ness trio to Klamath Falls Fri day. Carl McRendols attended the dance given at Lorella Saturday night . , Mrs. A. E. Gale of Lorella and her mother, Mrs. Petross of Port land motored around the valley Sunday sight-seeing. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kilgore were visitors In the valley Sun day, from their home at Clear Lake, Calif. A. C. Duncan motored to Lor- A LOO MA. SHt. 24 Mr. and Mrs. Austin Cox spent the middle of the week In Klamath FaJIs, Mr. and Mrs. George Hofrnun. aooompea'ed by Mr. and Mrs. J CH1LOQUIN TIIILOQUIN. 8i-Pt. N.Klden 8. Miller, world war veteran la now bavins a petition signed by local cltln ns to place him on, the ballot as a rauJlddte for cotista- O. Sowell made a bus'net Irlp'ble of I ho wood lliver district. to Klamath Falls Friday. George Me of Modoc Point Mr. and Mrs. Harry WnniU la recovering slowly at the Illack were visitors of Klamath Falls' burn hoapltsl In Klamath Falls. Friday. William Crum of Hprague Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dow were' spent the weekend ' purchasing called to Medford Sunday by j supplies. . . the death of Dow'e father. James Jarktnn and sin Patrick Mrs. John Wlndaor and son J. Ja-rson left today for Klam Jack, were visitors la , Klamath ath Fall with Tburman Jackaon Falls the middle of the week.' on a business trip. Mrs. Henrietta Masters- and, Pat Kane, rancher of WlHUm children, accompanied "by " Mrs.' son river . has gone to Klamath Win. L'brroan spent Sunday with: Falls to purchase supplies. Mr. and Mrs. Markwardt. Walter J. Kerrigan, publicity August Kruger was a business ,nan. returned today from a 100 PELICAN CITY PELICAN CITY. Sept. it. The box factory was shut down for a couple of days last week on account ot the fan being broken. ' ." Chester Delstelhorse. Merlin and Roy Bland went deer bunt ing last Saturday and brought a fonr pointer home with them.' Thelroa Concergood spent Sat urday In Pelican City. Mrs. Chester Delstelhorse spent Sunday In Algoma. J. R. Brown and family and Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Ubrln spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. li. C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Glasco of Klamath Fills spent Sunday, eve ning tn Pelican City. Mr. afj Mrs. John Ubrln. W. J. L'brAand son and Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Ubrln of Goblet Ore., are here to attend the funeral of their uncle and brother A. C. L'br'n and are now visiting friends and relatives. John Sneerberger II. C. Smith and A. D. THton joined the Muscovites Saturday evening but were able to work Monday. M. E. Knauss and family spent Saturday evening and Sun day in Pelican visiting at E. D. TUton's home. ASPGROVE Falls on visitor In Klamath Falls Tburs-, tulle trip over the tusrah ronntry day. Hans L'hrman motored out to Yonna Valley Sunday to visit with friends and relatives. The combined harvester is threshing for John HageUtetn. Sr. this wek. ASPGROVE. Sept. 24 Mr. and Mrs. W. Doney of Ch'loqutn were callers at Mrs. Charlie Se vlts and Mrs. W. A. Benson's home Thursday afternoon. H. V. Griffin returned from Portland Friday. Griffin had taken his son Robert to Corvallls where he will attend the O. A. c. C. R. Miller and daughter Claudlne were up from Klamath Falls to spend the week-end with Mrs. Miller. Fred Jackson, Ernest Kramer and Norman were duck hunting on the big marsh Sunday. They returned with a bag of seven ducks. . L. D. Stephenson and the Kes terson brothers were over from Ashland Saturday evening at tending to business here. Mrs. D. Anderson was a busi ness visitor in Klamath Falls Tuesday. Ted Savage was over from Grants Pass last week visiting friends here. Charlie Sevlfs and Walter Wlirams were home to spend Sunday with their famllys. Alex Benson was down from the Ewauna logging camp to spend Sunday with his mother. Mrs. Charlie Sevlts and Mrs. W. A. Benson called on Mrs. J. J. Valiere and Mrs. Gerchberger Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Clements and son William motored to Ft. Klamath Sunday. A booster for Klamath county and Klamath" Falls and every legitimate Industry therein, that's The Klamath News. Hood River Apple picking will be two weeks earlv. Ana tn its, Hunaav MLerttoon cm nuaitJJirjL weaxnet PfowMt-of- and Wt for Klamath a bn-lne trip, Bishop !an Hart of the Ore gon Shaker church has gone to Klamath Falls on a trip In the Intcrea'.a of his church. Henry Burke. KUmsth Falls wrestler, threw his man. Perry White, at the DuVall hall In nine minutes at the recent match. William i Duncan, attorney at law was a recent visitor and left for Klamath Falls. William . Moore, owner of Moore's rorvnlng houe. left fw Klamath Falls on a butlnes trip Jut Dumore was thrown otf a horse recently and bad bis shoulder broken. A baby boy was born at th borne of Mrs. Harry Jackson and the boy and mother are both en Joy'irg excellent health. Tom Lang Is having bis build ing remodeled which Is now oc cupied by the Lee Ling cafe. Charles Chron of the Qual ity cafe is recovering from a se vere cold and expects to be n duty tomorrow. Prick Jim and George Miller have returned from Lakeview whore they a'tended the ro!eo. Entwine peplne has returned to the h'tne of hi daughter Mrs. Daisy Wright, after having spent the summer with friends at Warm erring. Mary DuVall has Inst return ed from a tr(p to Huckte'ierry mountain wfth her parents Mr. and Mrs. DuVall. a (finlied mor, th.K . "Pwy of th.i?9 M WIIU dM ; " .Wloi s he sho.i kl" ,kl rr Poor J a oout with n. " Jn bunch ib.V n by the J.. ,nwr 'T- lit baa oerer .i. " 'i .round N, f0'r? I ns soured th. ' uwenaiai kia u PHILIP COU Dentltt Main 8C isi VaAixauij Pbost AGENCY KLAMATH AGENCY. Sept. 24. The M!w Lestba and Jes s's Gray, and Florence and Clarice F.lllott. all atud?m at Kar:U Ik-nit .Mt.l.iii-. were home over the week-end ,wlth their rccpocllve parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moffat and Mr. and Mrs. Orvillo Killott. Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Elliott entertained at dinner last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bed ford and family of Klamath Falls. Mrs. Carlylo IevIsee. gueat for about ten days of Miss Muriel King, left with her husband Sun day, for their home In I loll Inter, Calif. , ; - .x . IlAZ.lAlt 1V FT. KLAMATH MXDAY H(';i(MJL OCT. 4 Ily IIKXIIY L. KAItUKI.L (lnlte, Itrmm Kp.,. wWf) Preaa) After convincing examples glvAn the boxing public In the last two years. It seems ttat a new heavy, weight champion will arrive. BOi when challenger has been .ullt up. lut when Jack Dempser t down to the level of an ordinary rival. , Jiempsey Is In' the same po.. tlon that Jim Jeftrle. follnd him. self several years ago. when h was forced U t back to the faim becaua there wan no rtavywelght !,f, for him l(, The present champion. Lj etcr, U plsyJn 0 haider nick than tb former tltlebolder. be es use In Jeffries' time the cham pionship wa not a million-dollar of building up challenger to fool the public aa there is to day. The unusual scarcity of heavv. weights good . enough to bi steamed up Into challenger ma-i lenai is evidenced most strlk'ns ly In .the admUslon of Tex Rlc kard that be has Ulled to find avaTjweigai good enough toi risk the money that is necessary to put over a show In which the' champion takes a part. ! 1 t A i A "witsra was very gloomy i about future business prospects after Harry 'Wills and Luis! Angel FIrpo had mads such a' mess out of the fight In Jersey j City that was ataged for the purpose of finding an """tnt I m u I t rm It m I . I. plonsblp bout. . I t Wills had' ths finest chance of' bis life to make a showing that! would force a promoter to ar-j range a matoh for him with toe' champion. He bad everything to; gain and nothing to loae. Wills did win the fight, of course, but1 he made such a bad showing that more than 40.000 paid cusiwj mere, who support Mg box4 ; irt the arena firm In the con viction that Wills couldnt go! ' MWWmJ la' l. "I Dam nj Jack Frost i Agent MARMHFTHJ) Locf SHOES Made toMranrt Shoe Repairif 119 So. SUtb Stmt 1923 GRAY TOURING A GOOD BUY FOR $300.00 Buick Garage HELMS CONTRACTOR AI ' BUILDER Estimates Furnitbe Fre 605 Main Street Phone 94 I ruLTLariArii-u-iri- " ,MW Bring Us Yw 1 lllAA and I PELlI We are In the wJ Hides sad Pel a the hlfihcst rkrt f Lewis Qrocerf 223 S. 6th PhoM FT. KLAMATH Sept. 24. The Fort Klamath Sunday school will give a .bazair at the com munity hall. Friday evening, Oc tober 3. for tho purpose of rais ing funds to paint and rcnavato the church. . A Gypsy fortune teller will in-j habit her tent during the even'nc and give forth knowledge to those who seek It; Japanese maidens will serve tea. cake and wafers in the lea garden; In an adjoining bocth. coffee, dough nuts, etc., can be purchased for a small sum; a fish pond and other hmusements will be feat ured throughout the entire even ing. A booth containing plain and fancy sewing will also be an attraction. A good time Is as sured every one. The latest sporting news In cluding the Coast and Major league ball games are published In The Klamath News. w rr j mw" awsjMai m m i m s. --,- -l--v-lpunrtruU'U' g. cnoucii. d. v. m. Veterinary Surgeon Deputy State Veterinarian 343 North Ninth Street WELL DRILLING $1.25 per foot ENLOE & MLER Ph..19-J.rAad..P.0.B KJannth FB Bi. crop and higher prices.