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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1924)
7 -' t HE'k'lamath M rJL -1L IV SI i United News and United Press Telegraph Services N EWS .1, No. 108, KLAMATH FALLS,' ORE.; THURSDAY, SEPT. 25, 1924. Price Five Cento LUMBERMAN KILLED UIIIIIR Kama. caiir. spt. 2.- hHTI 1110 l ...... .rfav C tit lutomoblle In which he I ridlsi turneo or f w i until lumber town about ImiiM touth of here on the flu wu Identified as a lum- fV trt Ik f11 f1rj Wn bia. vajr south from that fa fractured skull was the L ik ifaih of Davis, he p Rplnlsi after the acct- t 1W ibore Ulegnm received Hj More midnight last V tu followed by inquirer lti to the Davis but no one I told bo knew him or i flrt Urn at a resident of INANDOAH TO : TART WEST ON - OCTOBER THIRD Mow Coast from r.tirrau iissnie; Date for Kncl " Trip Xot Fixed ) ftt4 News) Two routes mo uigni or tne r wuh;di snenanaoah I I wkik tit . . . j. One route i for fair weather. h. it. r A3Trr t. i Dayton, O.; Little "'; rort Worth: i ucson : San Dleeo! fo; Eurpa. Calif.: L, : 10 Settle. The Wj weatller route i ni Vs.? an.n.n . . ;'H Worth west, Kl San An il- via nd num. : CIVILIAN . .s General John J. Pershing has cast aside bis sword and un buckled hia Sam Browne belt. He's wearing "clvles" entirely now. For the commander of the A. E. F. and chief of the army's general staff U a civilian now. He retired Sept. 13. . WHEELER MS DAVIS FOR HIS rv STRONG STAND MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Sept 91 ITnltoit N'ovil John W Davis, democratic presidential AanilMntA was lauded by his In- dependent " opponent, .Senator wneeier, toaay ior iue wu ageous stand he has taken nimi iht onrrunt forces, in cluding former attorney general Dangherty." Wheeler called upon all the progressives to read the letter uavis sent to uaugu art in which the democrat sta ted that corrupt officials were the worst foes or an nonesi gov ernment. STATE FAIR DAMPENED nv FALLING RAIN N tk wn-Ti "e American KtS ff S r- IHartm irom wmcn I'1' iay tLr10118 aK0 "e until hfilr deParture Rdn.i.. tomorrow morn- V; d Planes are Uea Lieutenant Smith, It Z ""dins wanted' W fli , i?elr families..: - ,Ca', ?,(an t0 off C lma vm- tomorrow. P.h m alpmen reach i iv.i. "I lllprti .in l ""'Dana, i r Pane hck to Clover 24- (United 1 - I.. IIKU1 W ..".. wters ha in ?? 10 fee, tSlnKrad t0 ... l'"n Ik. wrpca- " - Vii SALEM. Sept. 24. (United News) The rain which fell throughout the morning without slgns of a let up blasted hopes of a record attendance at the state fair, on "Salem Day." Salem however, closed ita doors to turnout strong. Coast League Results tiatncfl Yestorday Seattle S. San Francisco 4. 1 Oakland 3, Sacramento 4, (10 Innings). Los Angeles 8. Portland 3. Salt Lake 6, Vernon 7. PARLOR CAR SERVICEFOR KLAMATH FALLS Again Klamath Falls rets a service which Indicates the Im portance of the community and also the appreciation of the bus iness which tht Southern Pacific gets from here. Beginning last nlgnt an obser vation parlor rr to part of the regultr equipment between Wee and this city. The car . is the latest type of observation car be ing the same as used on. tne Del Monte limited, the Stockton Fly er and the fast train between San Francisco and Sacramento. Uesidea affording every con venience for the traveler between here and Weed the car will be held as parlor waiting room at Weed thus avoiding the very dis agreeable conditions whleo have prevailed there for some months past. The new car win oe in cnarge of a regular Southern Pacific Red Cap" who will give especial attention to women and children. The car has, besides the largest observation compartment, a rest room and smoking room.' Cigars, cigarettes, candy and drinks wiU be served. It Is considered a great adver tising feature tor Klamath coun ty to have this car on this route because tne wonderruiiy attrac tive train, equal to the best any where, standing In tne yard at Weed will bring forth many In quiries from travelers on passing trains and the town on a branch line which can support such train equipment is going to be classed as a prosperous community. F. C. Latnrop. general pas senger agent of the Southern racflc. and II. A. Hinsnaw, as !stant freight traffic manager, are in Klamath Falls now com pleting the final details or the new service w.hlch is already es tablished. They were here all dav vesterdav conferring with J. J. Miller, district freight and passenger agent, and will leave this morning. CANDIDATES IN CITY MUST GET PETITIONS IN TO PARIS - Standing of Uie Clubs Cluhs W. L. Pet San Francisco ...95 80 .542 Seattle 93 81 .534 Oakland- 91 85 .517 lios Angeles 87 88 .497 Vernon -...87 88 .497 Salt Lake , 86 89 .491 Pontland 84 90 .z Sacramento 75 98 .436 NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburg 2. New York 4. : 't Chicago 5, Brooklyn 6. "" at T.onia a . Phlladelnhla 4 Cincinnati 6, "Boston 7. first .game. .Cincinnati 3, Boston, 5, second game. AMERICAN LEAGUE ' New York 2, Cleveland 0. Washington 6t Chicago 3. i -Phiiadelphia4, St. Louis" l.r mmmmt hi ! , Daniel . J. Reagan of Terre Haute, Ind., has been named by Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover as trade commissioner to Paris. . DAVIS FORCED TO TAKE ISSUE IN CAMPAIGN !NEW YORK, Sept' 24.--(United News) Honesty- In the government was made ' the - para' mount Issue in the presidential campaign by Davis. The demo cratic candidate has at last been converted from his forced argu ment against the repufbhfcan ad ministration to a strong issue,- th democratic leaders believed- to day. - The spark needed has been furnished by Daugcerty, in their opinion. The democratic chief tains have redonbled their efforts , to - reopen the senate investiga tion of department of Justice. Bnt in attempting to force the Issue they were careful that ' the ac tual calling of a special commit tee meeting should come from Senator Brook&art, a republican. But S'lort Time Left to Get - Names on Ilal'ot for Coming November Election If you're a candidate or want to be a candidate for any otrice of the city of Klamath Falle get vour signed petitions Into the hanH.i nf Pnllne Judze Lem L, Gaghagen o nor before Saturday, fWtnhpr 4. Thoaa nptltlnna must ha check ed and properly certified to with the county clerk on or Detore vc taber 7 and some time is neces sary for Judge Gaghagen to pro norlv hnnilfa tho netltions. ' This ruling applies to the of fice of mayor, police Judge, city treasurer ana councumen. Petitions filed for offices cov orlnr thn entire CitV must COn tain ik nor rent as many names as votes cast for mayor at the last general city election; ror coun oilman the netltions must con tain in nor rent as manv names as votes cast In that wand last election. Petitions for' mayor; police liMe or city treasurer must mntain not less then 330 names. while for ' councUman In tne rirat wnrA la are reoulred: In Vio aannnH . Wftrd 80! the third ward 60; fourth ward 44, and -ttttu-waTjrotr; COOLIDGEFOR RED0C1 TON IN NATIONAL TAX WASHINGTON. Sept. 24. (United News) Coolidge today pledged his efforts to "continue to secure economy of administra Uon so that there may be reduc tion of taxation," in a speech to delegates of the National Retail Druggists association at the .te house today. The presi dent also declared It should be an aim of the government admin lstratton to make contacts ' be tween the government and busi ness "as. few as possible." KLAMATH TRIBE HAS BALANCE : -OF LARGE SUM Karl y Apportionment of ' Money Is Expected By Indians of - Reservation , CHILOQUIN. Sept" 24.- A telegram was received! here to day giving the information from the commissioner of Indian af fairs that the total receipts from timber- sales in the Klamath In dian reservation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1924 was 31,788.538' and of this-' amount $1,582,568 has been expended leaving a balance of $205,952. ' The wire came in answer to, an inquiry by the Klamath In dian tribe as to their financial standing and It Is the - under standing of the Klamath Indians that a substantial allotment of money will be made In the very near future. ' t DYING DEER OF MODOC COUNTY INVESTIGATED BY PARTY FROM KLAMATH FALLS LASTTUESDAY Dead deer to the number ot 62 were counted Tuesday by an in vestigating party from here head ed by Game Warden T. W.' Rich ardson of Modoc county when the district near Mud lake and In the Hackamore district was visited. In the party ibesides 1 Gaime Warden Richardson was Jack Mann, Mark ' Howard and N. Dennis. They left here at 5 o'clock Tuesday morning spend ing the entire day in the area where the -mysterious disease is doing 'ts deadly work. 'Most of the dead det-r were does ni fawns, there being but e'ght dead bucks found though that Is a high percentage ot bucks for a count recently-made by the California game depart ment showed about one buck to 25 does among the mule tail deer of that section. One deer found in a dying condition was killed and' an ex amination made which showed ul cers from the mouth to and In cluding' the " stomach. All the dead-doer- T?ere-rs?7- peorv-t&ftB? being mere bones and skin.1 The bodies were not far from abund- . ant water and feed is not. scares enough there to explain the poor condition of the deer. ' Other deer whose actions indicated that they were sick were seen. Cattle and sheep are passing over the area where the disease Is ravaging the deer but these domestic animals are ' not con tracting the disease. Horse also frequent the district without any ill effects. . ...... ( The - entire area Is closed to s trespassers, - severe penalties 'at taching to anyone entering. The party Tuesday bad a speclaf per mit which - Game Warden Rich ard on secured from Alturaa. 4- So far as any of the ' party "n1d !am no deer In other sec tions ot Modoc or adjoining coun ties have the disease. "Two- car cases have been shipped to Sacra mento for ' examination by so.len-t-'f lc ; investigators for the 1 Call fornia Game commission. ' ; ' - Hackamore and Mud- lake-'ars about 40 -miles south ot 'Malta RCr-tb-tBaiu-Bibir" road." "n