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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1924)
THE KLAMATH NEWS Pace Six Tl'L ... . Public Records OUT TO REFORM DETROIT 72 YEARS AGO lilt FIRST ENTERED KLAMATH BASIN Asu Msrr K. X. Heal to Jamea I. ! Lacey & Co. $ 50 I. K. 8. S-8 initii'-l of SV' of iwllul 15; SKUNWU. WUSV(i. of sev. r ... .. ir .-. ' - a ..4 r- - m n. r n urn JS: and SKU of sue. J. iwp. 17.! ' m. Tl . r;, M bo QsT S. R. 10. Ci-oree Krichsen et al to,1 Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. 110. 500 consideration. VHSV(4, S4SWV, of wr. J4: XK4 8V Vi, S4SW,, XWSKVc of sec. 1 23; SKViSWV,, W'ViSKV of sec' 24; XKXWVi of sec. 25. twp. 36. S. H. 15- 4 4S0 acres). Matilda I.. Crows to Weyer-hieus.-r Timber Co. 12.250 con sideration. SWNKVi. NWV .st't, S SK' of sec. 53. twp. 31. S. U. M. Katharine K. Holt to Weyer- haeuner Timber Co. $3.00 .1 It. j S. of mt. 31: and 84. i SWi of sec. 32. twp. 33. S. It. 1 1 . 1 Honjamln HonJ to Imac X. Cra'Rbea.1 et ux. $1.00 I. It. S. ; Fin: Addt'.on. lot 10. block 41.; Te K. 1. Co. to Uex A. La-! I'rarle. $ 50 I. It. S. Hot bprtnsa Add tion. lot 22, block 40. The K. I). Co. to KUmath .. 1. r-.. t n I u s t . - .1 ft.t.t'..l-.H I ... j ' 32 S3. .l. block The K. H. Co. to Klarna' Ctn.rtte ivpe Co. $.60 I. R. S. S..r nc AdJitton. lot S. blocV J". j The K I" Co. to w. econua and Sat!na Seootido. $ 50 I. It S. Uuena Vista Addition, loi 4. Mock 4. Lavina HrtUKh to William R. Ccvne. $3 00 I. It. S. SK, SE. of IS: NViNEH. WH XK SK4NWU. Ion 3. 4. 5. sec. 19. twp 39. S. It. 11H. . Wm. O. M.iyficld et ux ti Klamath Cattle Co. $f2.00 I. It. 5. KHSWV of sec. 9; W4 NEi of sec. 10; XW14 of sec. 11 t . 30. S. R. 10. V. II. Perry et al to C. H. Newman. $1100 consideration. Railroad Addition, lota 13C. 13D block 4. Satisfaction of MortgAgr Jacob Whltlatch to Frank Van Rchoiack et ux. Satisfaction of mtz. bk. 23. paise 599. Property In ?eos. 20, 17. twp. 40. S. II. ; 11 K. V. M i U. S. OriRsby to It. D. Smith ; et ux. SatinfactUm of mts. bk. j 26. pagi 285. Nichols Addition.! lot D. block A. Mi-llnn-ou Filing G. L. Holbrook et ux to Anni Havana. Mortgage. $2000 at S Der cent due 2 years. Hot mmmm 1 ' n 1 is 1 ins aassmai a is lirr I-V..IM .l.liUn.j M ,. With Mm.y IVIrmU O. A. Stearns, first wh'to t Uer Id th Klamath yalley and Clrat whit, man to reach water', edit of Crator laku .-i--.. u... day vnlog from Ashland and wll .H with rrUllt... -nd Klamath friends, returnlnic to Jackson county next month In lima to b In attendance at the Plonoera Reunion at Jacksonville October 16. Htearna. now nearly gj yWt' old. first saw the, Klamath c.un Iry at th ,0 of 10 yw,. com : ln with his parent across thai plaints, traversing tho southern portion of KUmath county and cross the mountains to Jackson county, bis father taking up a claim on Wagner creek. en listed In the army In November 15. and was- sent to Klamath under Capt. Hprague. remaining! from that time a continuous resl-1 dent of the "country arrow the mountains" unt'l five years ago. when be and Mr. Stearns re moved to Ashland. Il write well, and the (Une was when he could entertain on the platform. Karly Klamath history, as Ktearns knows u, would be a valuable acquisition to the later events and achieve ments that are making for a reat empire of the west. A paper where all the people have opportunity to express thomselvee if they dvslre that's The Klamath News. lr .. ' . All) ii. V .rm.ny ,,, h" h trip a h" didn't he,.1' t " ln,H,"led damij corner of PoBrU -. llMme 803, 727 Mrs; Harriet Siewert TK.UHKR OK mxo Clara Calkins ir:xi:n.u. ksciuxcb KIoukIi lU.lg. I'hone ftSO-W PAINTING and CALS0MIN1NG ' ' Satisfactory Work Guaranteed Estimates Furnished W. F. WIEDEN General Delivery Klamath Falls, Ore. Benjamin B. Lovett and wife of Hudson, Mass., are goine to Detroit to reform dancinrr. Henrv Ford spring Add.uon. lot ii. block has engaged them to do it. The square dances, the james shaw to a. b. craord minuet, the walt2? and all the old-fashioned kinds are et ux. Release of mtg. bk. 1 1. the only ones they believe in. page 105. WHSNV'i of sec. 15; 21: and NWVi XEKNEU of sec NW4 of sec. 22. twp. 37. 8. It. 11. L. S. A. to J. D. Orimes. Patent (60 acres) E'4.NWNW. NWHXEV4 of sec. 6. twp. 36, S. K. 7. 7. ' Articles of Incorporation of Klamath Superior Laundry, $20. 000 capital stock. (O. W. &. W. H. Robertson & II. I. McKlm). Satisfaction of mechanic's lien bk. 4. page 450. On dwelling and lots 15. and 16. block 201 Mills Second Addition. Geo. M. Mayfield to KUmath Cattle Co. Hill of sale. On cat tle, horses, hogs. Mortnos Klamath Concrete Pipe Co. to Paul II. May. $6,000 at 8 per: cent due 6 years. Second RaU-i road Addition, lots 32. 33. 34, block 18. Marion E. Crawford et vlr to First National lvink, Hoqulam. $1,700 at 8 per cent due 6 months. Chattel Mortgawn Bernard T. Heifer to Charlie Partin. $2,79 5 at 8 per cent due 5 months. On 86 head cattle. James Daley Harry to The Central Oregon bank. $12,000 at 9 per cent due 10 months. On sheep and hay. Circuit Court Piling No. 1842 Equrty Renner & Mars, attorneys. (Jeorgina Gou iet Bubas vs. John Dubas, di coree complaint. No. 1902 Law Wm. Marx, at torney. Wm. Marx v. A. W. Finch. Plaintiff demands Judg ment for $450. SAX KRAXCI.SCO POPII.ATIOX FIGURED TO HE 7HO,448 CAITAIX AI'PI.KCJATrrK MX HERE Hill NTAMIAR!) I'll, I'ncle Sam's service" and return ing to h'.s position with the oil mii'iij. inn ui uv uh iima ' . Is in the publicity department. O. C. Applegate. son of Captain! O. C. Applegate. was in Klamath j circulation rnrrm ih. .it. Falls yesterday In the Interest of t?..!0-" Jh.''l th KtnHr nil ..,.- "V"'"'" r ne couniy Ing information for a bulletin of!-' atft Klamath county. '" NASH SUITS AND OVERCOATS $23i0 ROBERT SUITS & OVERCOATS $33.50, $3&50 SHER-HURST BOYS' 2-PANTS SUITS $11.75 Taylur ml-o-ttirjuiurr Cap, genuine leather visor; foil leather sweat hand. All wool; any style. S&M. Comer AIMVraUu-r t'oaU and Macklnaws for men, waaei ui children. ft-W) up. OnrraJ Kcrk-r Clothing ("(ioscn" CIMh. wears like Irsllxr.) Nulls f ia..V; pants only fIJM). -U III come to your home with samples anytime, day or ereali. Hailsfactiun jruarantwl on an)ihlng purchased through bm. A. R. RENNER llion 100. Klamath Falls, Ore. P. O. ft 595. Klamath County reprewrnlatlv n for above named compsnl that's the Klamath Applegate. Jr.. has been wlthj AshevilV the J)ig oil concern since before ' should hoK'n the war, putting In bis time In 1 shouldn't end there. Times Charity at home but It SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 22. : (United News) The population 'of this city is now 780,448, ac cording to figure compiled by, the Pacific Telephone and Tele graph company here. The figure W.1M rp:ich()4 hv a ti m In lr ' there are four persons to every telephone in the city, ' Build Your New Home BRICK SAVE PAINTING YEARLY BRING DOWN THE INSURANCE LESSEN FUEL CONSUMPTION Save difference in cost in 'a few years and have a much better house left. , More Comfortable More Substantial More Impressive More Satisfactory COFER BROS. Contractors and Builders - C!. il l f I aixin ana Klamath purt. oQQ vri; Wit ROBERTSON'S 806 Main Street Breakfast 6:00 to 9:00 3hrt M Lunch 11:30 to 1:30 rff Dinner 5:00 lo 7:30 506 Waffles Every Morning SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS Wood Wheels FREE With Every Set of Balloon Tire 15 Reduction on all Tires KLAMATH TIRE HOUSE H. E. CALKING 6th and Klamajth Phone 472 i