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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1924)
THE KLAMATH NEWS Page Seven OREGON JOURNAL TELLS WONDERS OF THIS COUNTY Classified Ads SHANGHAI HOLDS AGAINST ARMY OF GOVENMENT : .HURRY TAXI Open and Closed Car Waldorf Pool Hall ' Phone 84i M.E.Bruner Attjrat-Law '. White Pelican Hotel MISCELLANEOUS 1021. till V" paivt Have 15 gallon BAgh?J-WUll.n.... red lead SS oil barn Paint that am .nVoutal 1125 per gallon. S bv i l0?' 01 nou!! fft that am closing out at f1?1 k M. Lucaa Furniture. S5-..; .trot. B20-23 0 J ITvtfd Woman for general rTtfTEiv-Four or five room 'Show. Central loca Z C.h. See W. T Lee, r"l.,.. office. 816tf ?WrIPTI0N3 TAKEN for all Si, Tel. No. M-H or Efptltett. A28-28 tnR WELL PRILLING mo Un to, ' Millar. Klamath Falla. p?o. 1-J. A28-828' SEWLNO MACHINKS-Have a lit lin of (,od DiclDe" 10 nut- alo aold on term. Have two food uwl electric. F. M. Lacai Furniture. 602 Main St. 820-23 21(0 HIGHEST grade all wool lulling! tailored to meaaure rtr ihown In city, fit guar anteed also work and builneaa laiu made to meaaure, guar anteed 2 years. $12. BO. Sam la 1004 Main. A26-28 ivrrn Watches, clocks and n . " - ill klndf or broken Jewelry to I repair. J. D. Bostwlck Jewelry' Co., (OS Main St Jy 24tf KEflf AND OLD buildings built : ud remodeled. Jas. L. Crla ; bib, general contractor. Phone 479-J. A J9tf (LI HE FOR ESTIMATES, plana aid tpelflcatloas. Immediate errlce, any kind of building. . Ju. L. Crlnman, general caa- traetor.- Phone 479-J. A 29tf FOR RENT fOR RENT I -room house; fur altore for sale; also piano, mahogany case. 1629 Johnson At. S20-25 FOR SALE BEDDING Just received ship ment of Comforters. Pillows, ud Job lot of Blankets that con.lder good value. All prlcei from $1.25 to $5.00; In sorted color. Iuviie your iMpectlon. K. M. Lucal Fur lture. D02 Ma!n St. S20-23 FOR 8ALE Cows, horses, chick en, household goods and farm implements at private sale. To w aold by Oct. 1. Warren ratteraon. S18-27 . RlG8-Have shipment of Axmln ter and Velvet Ruga due to iralve this week; and con 'aer them best values have er carried In rugs; will also TJ mal sample rugs of all Pades up to the best In Wil- inohe. by 21 feet. F. M..Lu- Furniture. 502 Main St. - S20-23 STICK I'OR PUBLICATION (l'ul)liNirr) c nartmot f ,)le InterioP, 0rpDd .0fflce at Lakevlew. NOTipS" ,August 22. 1924. Wick n iher!by given that Oreron k.Pe,k- HUderbrand. lj wh,. on November 26. sUimb. uld Additional Stock 'tor S Kntry' No Ngu ' l0J SHSE4, sec. 27. EV4 Range 11 01: , Townahip 37s. Ua. ki , H Wll'aniette Merld tOtoiv! 2 notice of Intention 11 MUblfsh n , ree Year Pro01" 5Urfleri',e before J. O. Ha onina Xs' Commissioner, at $fanu the d.ay Anderson ha8- F'ackus, J. . P. LIGHT, '-9-16-23 Register. Description of Klamath county la the aim out full page article In laal Sunday' Oregon Journal by Marshall N. liana of that publica tion. Dana wan here during the coun ty fair and Irrigation congreita and traveled over a groat part of the rich farm landi tributary to thla city. Ho describe the coun try and emphaaize the great port abilities of the farm area, lie talks of the town too, but be doei not compliment It as It la now, though be ee a great future when the city really get orga nized to go. The article J Illustrated with characteristic scene of this auc tion and carries a map showing the irrigated farm areas of the county. It Is a great boost for Klamath and will do a large part In at tracting eltlera here. HIGH TEACHERS GUESTS AT FORUM LUNCHEON Tbe forum luncheon tomorrow will be especially for the teachers of tbe high school who will be guests of the chamber of com merce. A special program will be given which will include a vo cal aolo by Miss Elolae McPher son and a violin solo by Miss Catherine Walton and Miss Betty Ramshy s piano accompanist. The chairman of the day will be Rev. T. A. Merjrweather. PHILIP COLE Dentist 818 Main St. Phone 500 V make and rebalr We are special lata m on furnace work and J any time we tackle n Jolt you can be aatia- an fit-Id It will stand the 1 trt of time. Lowest Q prices here. All Work U Q Guaranteed q HAINES n O The Furnace Man n 1023 Main Street Phone 323 rri WELL DRILLING $1.25 per foot ENLOE & MILLER Phone 19-J or Addreu P. .0. Box 392, . Klamath FalU SHANGHAI,. Sept. 22. (Unit-1 rd News) Central Lu Yung Hxlangs Cheklang troops still were In control of Shanghai today holding out agalnm the Klangou' armies which were attacking the; city despite the desert.'on and the great superiority of the en-! em forces. There was widely j scattered fighting over the week end. General Oh I Hales Yuan ev idently withholding his main forces In the hopos that the de fenders would efthor surrender: or abandon siJangh&l - without further fighting. Lu however, appeared determined to fight to the last and rejected the new ap peal of the Shanghai merchants for an armistice. S. CROUCH. D. V. M. Wu-rlnary Surgeon Depntjr State Veterinarian , 843 North Ninth Street ' Phone 760 HELMS CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Estimates Furnished Free 605 Main Street Phone 94 : ; Bring Us Your HIDES and PELTS We are In the market for Hides and Pelts, and will pay the highest market price. Lewis Grocery 223 S. 6th Phone 355 1 1 Work HIiom Clnvea i I Jack Frost i Agent MARSHFIELD LOGGER BllUbS i I Made to Measure I Shoe Repairing I ; 110 So. Sixth Street '' , . ' ' W. A. LEONARD Dentist 400 Main St. . Phone 100-J , W. P. MYERS lawyer Suite S, Loomls Bld. Phone, Office 216: Ren. 456-M DR. P. R. CODDARD Osteopathic PhylcIan-8unceon Phone 821 Office and Ites. I. O. O, P. Temple Klamath Falls, Oregon E. L. ELLIOTT Attorney At Law Allrt-ts 2-3 Sugar-man Bldg. Tel. 120 Office Home, 145-4 Office Honrs On. to 5:80 p. Jf. A. GOLDSMITH ., Custom Tailor , 810 Winter Bldg. Suits From $30.50 to $70.00 DBS. MALLETT. & MALLETT i ( f Chiropractors 7th ' 'Main, over Underwooda Plione, office 420; Res. 567 MRS. NATE OTTERBEIN I. . Real Estate ; . OOl Lincoln St. Phbne-536-M Private Homes. House Clean- ing. .'Floor Waxing and : polishing. " Janitor . Work: and 'Window Cleaning a Specialty. Independent Window Cleaning A." H.' COMBS Phone 130 Klamath Falls, Ore. TRIANGLE CAFE The place to get good eata. OPEN ALL NIGHT 023 Main Phone 624 ! ' ' ' 104Q- Main Street Let Your Glass Troubles Be Ours Window Plate and Windshield Glass; Sash, Door and Cabinet Work. . THE GLASS HOUSE 11th and Pine DR. J. G. GOBLE Glasses Fitted and Ground 700 Slain Street Phone 133-W FRED BUEHIXG Real Estate, Rentals and Fire Insurance 1020 Main St. Plione 274-W GEORGE K. ROSEXQUIST General Insurance Room 4 Sugarman Bldg. Phone 320-W Honrs 9 to S Sat. Evenings Heilbronndr 6? Rea Dealers in Wood Quality, Service and Lew Prices Telephone 239-R and 650 . EVANS Shoe Repairing Good Work Right Price 1014 Main Street , Klamath Falls, Ore. S 185 Large and small cars. White Star Line Better Service 0OAIT WAIT ! Procrastination is still the greatest thief in the world! Do not put off insuring your home from fire wh,en we tan offer such- reason able and protective insur ance. Let us explain. "Think of the Future" IDA B. MOMYER Room Rl, White Bldg. Phone 3i Phone.477-W. 11 ' M Lim v . gel g00d an a a a