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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1924)
IVt Ki-rr. ai. .ai -J-' i i t - : , r 1 1 i mau i urn - . r SOCIETY , J . .l.ll,i -,.tlnK w reii-- church y midI ' ...i ,h,irh It Was " ration far '"T hm,n of Ch hlsh school '",,hf t.nth at . p. were l'rwbjrlr!. !'CBTth'dl., Flrat luo- ll,WK-,l,,rtrl, follows. H-fwhnnl. ir "..a rturrh: decoration. KfSt'l m dayman: CIS bUdlng M. W. K. SlanT chairman. Jnn r- Mtho(Ht church . with -mat Epl-d ,hfVf rand Alee Millar l .... I ccVfEBENCB AT ASHLAND j CiiU KLAMATHIAN8 A Bomber i4 Klsmatb Fall ' p rifiled the Oregon Mftho : lit tonXrn- at Aahland Hun i T mln'eter asigitd In Cisi.tb Falla for the next yr ,1m Reverend T. D. Vrue, tirmrly Spr'nrftHd. Ore, ' fit npect lo preach for lb f( th here net Sund ay. Tbw tfitrtnt T. - itoore ha l-n mimed to Hprlnitfield. Tho ! io jttrtided I be conference "tr: Mr. nd Mr. C. H. Iljrn nib!. Mr. and Mr. c;orit Llnd Vr. Mr. nd Mr. Will Wmil. X Uli llifrhm., Mr. Cr ; rtr Milr, Mr. Moi;! lleldln. Mr. ind Mm. Mrlo Arntt n1 bailr. MIm Ruth M!n!rr and Mr. ui JCri. L. K. rbe2p. . . LC.VCHEON IT AUIOMA POINT Sirs. H. 8. Wood fiilrrlalned Hr. and Mrt. Kred Wohlfert nd ., Jui!itr Allr. and brr duhr : jfn. Jobs Ytd(ii sod family 8t irdjjr it luncheon. Aflr lunch th. party dron ro:;iil Al ii pat PolDt. Mr. and Mrs. Wtbi i.In hr returned to ihnir home a Onnad. Calif., aftet upondlnf i ( dan ( the home of Mf ui Mr. John Yaden. Mr. Ucrt li an old rrbool mst ' Mm Vadf-n'a and bbla ! t fm r-unl(in after an Interval . t( wme year. . AFTERNOON I'AUTY m MRS. MKKYWKATHER Ura. J. C. l!r,K Wont, mil rh n. . iwttth atreel Friday afernon, :ta a Mah Jnn.j; nd fcridse! 7 in oonor r Mm. T. A 7eathr. T-'- In 'M'd the M(.adm Horare . wdMord. T. C. Cmi.!oU. Kar-.V- KuykpndaU, Charla wia. Ed. P ke. c. M. IUmbv. c RoWtM. Oharlwi Stone, car JJt. Earl Wbltlork and-Lougb- ' "IRTHDAY PARTY K Honor of jack elliott li fcf bl" ,lth Mrtbdxy J i,ou niTtalniMl a num fcr . . you,ut 'ndi Satur- IT .J," lln Bnea and diln Wl,rU,nU wtr a-rTed. und,ey- IIc''c" Maon. 0n- Xsthe rC',n an1 lh Meters Cone, Dwainj Dolp, I Maude Booth Shoppe New Location 133 N. Fourth dressmaking- ! THE Vt k Wayna Whitney. Armand LlrU-h Hoy N.'na, and Hob and Jm-m Kl Uwlt . . . OLD IlKKIIiKNTrt j vmrtuu miasm hkuk Vt. and .Mra, (.,liar!t- Mddrun; and on Kran" anomvin d to Mr. Meidmm'a parcnia, Mr and Mr C arles A. UUin, arr d from Milwaukee. fr Haturdai en:. Th Meldruma liver harm mnyty-r and ar inaklna Jmrr'KS iita with a few oU frifnda and ert-whlle ne'.icbUora Thar etvt to ae for i,ak), aaon on their return hm by the jtern (ireicon route. . HOl'PK V.VKHTH AT I'ltKLI'H IIO.MB Vs. and Mra. Anad tt'M. Mm h. K. I'help a aunt, and Mr. and Mra. W. j. ;erdiner. Mra. I,ilpa xrandmother. are rUltina for a tmw dya at the I'help; boma from Co;iaae Orove. The ha been atiend:nj the Metbo d at eooffrenre and accompanied by fb Hererend Mr. and Mra Ttmvl of Marahfleld they came here from Aahland by way of Crater lake. . SUNSKT CAMP KCKNK OK PICNIC TJe fullow'af rary apot Sun day picBii-klnjc at Bunaet camp. Mo4r and Midamea Wlb, J A, I.erH tb Meadamea France Ho)d, Moon, O. T. Canpr, th M ava 1'bylls Ifocan. Ard!a ani Jnye l-eecb. Margaret Young and tbo Mesara Jam4 ilogan ant Darrell and Gale Webb. 8LUMBKR PARTY SATURDAY NIGHT Mien Kelle Elliott Rare i alumber party Saturday n:gbt a which abe entertained the Mlxae Marlon Wnt, Betty Ramaby Gertrude Smith, Frances Wea and Alice Miiier. A good tlm a enjoyed by thoae preaent. . TO IS1T STATE FAIR Mr. and 51ra. H. E. Pelta ac companli-d by the Ml"' Berths P!ti and Mildred Whltaker o' fjikelw are leatlnx tomorrow for Conraiila where the girla wil tnter acbool. Mr. and Mra. Pelt will drive on to the state fall at Salem. BUSINESS WOMEN PlAN DINNER FOR OCTOBEF At a meeting of the Bualnea: Womrt'i league laut n'ght plan were made for a dinner to b g n in the chamber of com merce rooma on October the 6th More dflnte Information w;l b aaoounced later. . . TRIP TO CRATER LAKE Mr. and Mra. F. R. Rennet! and the Minaea Eather .Martenson Rachel Cronqulat and Van De anter motored to Crater lata fcjr the day Sunday. . HAPIY hOltK AT MRS. STEINMETZ Tbe Happy Hour club wll met-t th! afternoon at the homi of Mra. W. J. Steinmeta at 63' North Ninth street. DINNER PARTY SATURDAY EVENING Mr. and Mra. H. E. Pclta gave a dnck d:nner Saturday niffht tc a aumbvr of friends. Those pre -Remodeling I W'- if This la the troe of hesttt the : m nam !cm q preier.j t ieaat thin young woman, Mrs.? '1 n , r. m . i cue i k winner, prominent IB j .ew york artclal c!rcl. aten toi e h!a favorite American dancing artner ent were te M'm HaJ:! N" 1, Eerta pelu and the Mews 'red Fee. Harold Slane and larry Pelta. lUILD MEETINO rilURSDAY AFTERNOON The Ou ld of St. Paul's Epia opal church wll hold a rummage tale the 18th of October. Con ribu lona are to be sent to tb hureb. Articles trill be received Thursday at the regular meeting f the Unlld. The afternoon will e spent fc sewing for the ba aar. If Your ; Head Aches Or it traJi your ejrea to riMl or work then consult us. Vc eamlne jour eyea aclcratifiraify grind - the if? f'h ejer re qulrc. thua relieving your trouble. - Our Inrgf ratwas1; ntmwii thia we KJfOWj HW to produce the re-; salts. Dr. Goble 709 Mdln CImkkcii Ground Frrtwca -Itepsired QllCK SERVICE Phone 93 Not Too Early Holiday CJrwtinat Cards should be ordered now. Viiii run lx amrnrcd of an rxrluaive deakra and fur ther jou will know that jour cards will be ready for urn when desired. x When down town atop at HO South Fourth Street rnd acquaint yourself with what the 1021-23 seaaon ft ,.rf,.-ii,i in the way of tlii iHttiiiMi awd Sew Ver . (?ard. Engraved cams should lie ordered now; Cet first choice. W. 0. Smith Printing Company 1 miitPiii, ?,R n1."15 !by ,-0u" BahTone of the Otf it.Ui.KOtD VMtK Ii,MKrowd that daV.ed to ths wrtck- 1 g to reacoe him. SXTA BARBARA llfS "For tho J5 backa, you can ItAnt I f n : f - . ' ! a V i rt nlanA f 3.... J IJ.J n,i wnaia me rare to Oak - Bd " TMa from J. R, Murphy as he Painfull nndilf hlmaulf trnm ibaTt bronghT rh1m ba'lS rth wfh a bang after a sde jalJp f 200 fe-t. You Will Enjoy Our Cool Dining Room These Hot Summer Days. Dine At THE CLUB CAFE "SERVES YOU RIGHT V (Paid Ad vertlsoment) Best Answer of All IF LABOR were offri-hnj js rrlxa for anmrr to the a extlti. " tir dlmuM Ij Fl?rtt jnd Vbeclr lx -i rt- "1. it would, without !iph t; lim, drrlarr tin Kererrad Dr. i.ti.roco 5mMrtn'jf of fdMiMlrlptiut the whit. Doctor Mrirtwjr U piohali'y the moM i:slinjfu'!i 'fTTnui in the IVenbyterian church in tills country, and In rcognitioii of ttuit fact hf tit now occnpylnjf tlic hi ti' - rt poa.Uon in the chirrc' tiifKlt ralvir of the I'rcshj !-r iau gwtral Metnby. ' In m recent sermon he bad this to aar about Senator La FoUette: ' - Aa for the candMate of tbr tMrd or Indrif niicnt party, Robert M. 1 Foiiftte, HE HAS BEEN MORE TRIED, AS BY FIRE, THAN AXV F HIS COMPTITHLS. The firea of execratfam and passion and hatred have awert around him. i "But after hia long nerviro as governor, representative, t aemator and Independent leader, there he standa hi char ' acter without reproach, hi beantlfnl home life without a stain, and HIS MOST IN8AXB ENEMIES TXABLE Ti POIXT TO A SINGLE ACT IX HIS LONG PTBLIC C REER WHICH WOULD DISCREDIT EDI." . IIUHIHjiiiii A STEAK TO PLEASE Can be had at this market because only the best Klamath county stock Is butchered at our plants. 1 Then we have excellent horns cured hams and bacon as well as the best imported from the east If not entirely satisfied with the meat you are getting try this market. Palace Market 524 Main Street Phone 63 We Appreciate Pasje Five ,a agi tnat i m through . flyicg, I'm go!ng borne. 1 - f, l n - , . "P51 road Ux ot 1 mills. monntB? to $3 947.88 for tb: " ' " ii '1?ia i Your Pauvuagc j j