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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1963)
(I PACE S-C AM) NKWS. KUm.ilh Fallt. Orrgiiii Thurutay, November 21, 1J OREGON FOOD STORE 2-Avalon & Shasta Way Ma head saffli ft w 0 Casserole Bread SPICY CASSKKOI.K RKKAI) Nutmeg and cinnamon spice this casserole bread. Made hy tlie quick 'n' easy hatlcr meth od, iis flavor will he twice as ood if you use new spices freshly grated at the last minute. CKKOI.K CASSKKOI.K IIIIKAI) (Makei 1 Inall 1 cup milk 3 tablespoons dark brown sugar 1 tahlcspoon salt 2 tablespoons margarine 1 cup warm water ( l(i." de crees - 115 degrees F.I 2 packages or cakes yeast, '. active dry or compressed 1 teaspoon cinnamcn ; 'j teaspoon nutmeg 4 eups unsifted flour ' Scald milk; stir in sugar, salt, and margarine. Cool to luke warm. Measure warm water into large warm bowl. Sprinkle or crumhle in yeast; stir until dissolved. Add Jukcwarm milk mixture, cinnamon, nutmeg and and flour. Stir until well blend ed, about two minutes. Cover. Aicl rise in warm place, free liom draft, until more than doubled in bulk, about one hour. Stir batter down. 'Beat vigor ously, about '4 minute. Turn into greased I'j quart casserole. Bake immediately, uncovered, in a moderate oven T75 degrees V. for about one hour, or un til done. VA ;v.. , .. .. . FOR MOLlDAT BRUNCH Creole Casserole Bread ii subtly spiced just right, for gourmet taste, grate nutmeg and cinnamon just before adding to the batter. Thanks ;; With Lamb Believe it or nut, there are some very patriotic Americans who don't want turkey (or Thanksgiving dinner. Yes, they do have the spirit of Thanksgiv ing in (heir hearts. But they lik lamb. As there is no good Tcason why (hey shouldn't like 'lamb, lei's give ft to them. :u:c. ok i.amb nkapomtan (Makes 6 to 8 servings) 5 pound leg of lamb 2 leasoons salt 1 teaspoon crushed oiega no, 4 medium onions, chopped '. 1 medium green pepper, ". chopped ; 1 clove fiarlic, crushed 1 can 1 pound, 12 ounces) '; tomatoes ; Sprinkle lamb with salt and oregano; place on rack in shal low roasting pan. Bake in 325 degree sluw) oven I'i hours; drain ot drippings. Mix togeth er the onions, green pepiwr, gar Jic and tomatoes. iHaslo lamb with some of the tomato mix lure and bake, lusting occasion ally, one hour or until meat llier fnnmeler registers W5 degrees for medium doneness. Add wa ter to sauce if needed during latter part of cooking time. Serve roast with sauce. lUWIKCl'KI) I.OIM LAMB CHOI'S PARMKSAN (Makes 4 servings) 4 loin lamb chops, about 1 to l'i inches thick Onion salt Pepper 3 tahlcspooons grated Par mesan cheese 1-3 teaspoon garlic powder ' teaspoon oregano THANKSGIVING IS TO THANK GOD FOR OUR ABUNDANCE ... The Pilgrim Fathers and their families suf ficed privations and hardships that wruld leave the modern-day citizen aqhast if he could but comprehend what the Pilqrims and their fami lies wenf through in their early days on our for bidding shorelines. But, did the Pilgrim Fathers go around with their hand out, asking someone lo take care of them? Of course not! They provided for themselves and their families the hard way. And, meager as these provisions were, did they sit and cry that somebody owed them more? They did not! With their wits, their pitiful resources, their stout hearts, and faith in God they fashioned the America that is so bounteous today. We need a reawakening of the spirit that prompted our Pilgrim Fathers to hew an exis tence out of the raw nature they faced every day. We need a return to some of those philoso phies and attitudes that made them thankful for the few blessings thev enjoyed. We need to re kindle the spirit of free enterprise and indivi dual achievement that was so vital to their prog ress, And, we need a strengthening of the re ligious and sacred ties that prompted them to give Almighty God thanks for His support in their endeavors. Let us give Thanks today for the principles of the Pilgrim Fathers who led the way to form the world's mightiest nation and all that goes with it. CARTER-JONES Collection Service, Inc. Good & Choice Beef FRONT QUARTER HALF BEEF HIND QUARTER lb. 9 ib. NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT TILL NEXT YEAR! All prices include expert cutting and wrapping! Whole or Half Porkc"'39c Fresh Bulk Lard 50 6.95 CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Coll Grigsby's for Fosr Serv ice! We have our own sfare inspected, licensed mobile slaughtering unit for use on your ranch. Special rotes if we cut and wrap! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR WINTER SPECIAL! Grigsby's Smokehouse Old Midland Road E-Z TERMS Ph. TU 2 0769 GRIGSBY'S SMOKEHOUSE I freezer filler SALE GREEN STAMPS VISIT OREGON FOOD STORE TOYLAND & 1 pJ GIFT SHOP Something to Please Everyone & Fit Every Budget MATTEL'S TALKING DOLLS Chatty Cathy Bugs Bunny Chatty Baby Talking Cecil $99 REG. $16 PLAY FASHION DOLL NEEDS 39to98c GIFT TOWEL SETS 1 1 98 2 98 COMPLETE LINE OF CORNING WARE COOKIE JARS $298 &$3 31 $0 95 From 0 PUREX COLORED (SET OF THREE) CASSEROLE SET 3 95 PLASTIC LACE 36" 54" t TABLE CLOTHS Sq 70 A- 4 98 BEAUTIFUL ITALIAN GLASS BOTTLES VASES NOVELTY DISHES FROM f LARGE PLASTIC l CONFETTI if I BALL if REG 98c Hi RIVAL fy& ELECTRIC (llr CAN o OPENER J Jf ALL HUBLEY t4. vr- mm vi invv JvrmC llfs OUR PRICE 'k t FOR BARBIE DOLLS ZJl" V-j""- M now KA1 PILLOWS BEAUTIFUL DECORATOR SET OF THREE REG. 14.95 VALUE NOVELTY . RED & WHITE STRIPED three in an tique lilk. Gold, green, blue and brown. Reg. $14.95 value. CANDLES 1""3 00 FROSTED GOBLET SCENTED CANDLES 2 00 SCENTED CANDLES 1 75 IN FROSTED JAM JARS VOTIVE CANDLES " 2;25c RED OR WHITE HOBNAIL GLASS VOTIVE HOLDERS 39c ELECTRIC BLANKETS' 8?8 11.98 SINGLE CONTROL TWIN BED DOUBLE BED I 6 Pc. Ekco Gift-Boxed Set )COOK & SERVE -Boxed ict TOOLS 98 CHRISTMAS CANDLES & TAPERS Infanfs' - White or Red OO Highland Electric HAND MIXER ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC $ TOASTER From 95 CERAMIC BATHROOM PLAQUES Fish & Mormoid Designs Set 2 98 4 on te mm -rc?-- LnKiiiMAj .- TREE LIGHTS I 7 Ttt"'u 98c 1 BABY 398 VALUE BLANKETS SANI-SET BABY 3-PC. J KNIFE -FORK -SPOON INFANT'S TV BOOTIES Blue, White, Pink, Moiie, Red Ladies & Girls 98 Morgan Jonci - Kccpi you cool in summer, INSULAIRE BLANKET 10 98 h JEWEL-LITE INDIVIDUAL m TWINKLE LIGHTS 24o449 Ladies & Girls M f HEAD SCARVES 49c Dominion A AAf HAIRDRYER 1895 SPRAY PAINTS ,FT" Z,, rvrriz-LirfN ,m, , DO-IT-YOURSELF DESIGNER TRIM decorator FINE SELECTION STYROFOAM All Shapoi and Siiei TOYLAND & GIFT STORE AVALON & SHASTA WAY I. ) I A TV 0 SUSANS 3 49 COPPER MOLDS Including Christmas Bells 98 SOMETHING TO PLEASE EVERYONE SOMETHING TO FIT EVERY BUDGET Store Hours: Sundays & Holidays 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Weekdays 9. o.m. tt 8 p.m. n