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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1919)
gfrg burning Herald OFFIOIAIi PAPEB O KLAMATH OOUNTT Fourteenth Ycnr-No. 3,714 ffllli'J'.F DESERVE GETS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1919 Price, Five Cent ID'S HELP I Pirector of National Park. V Becomet a Convert WILL BUILD HIGHWAY iiitlmi of til ti liven along (hn great ' hlghwaye that tint now being cuii iHtrilrlctt by dm nliilim nml initloti In npenklng lit thbi lin said "My utlmitlon wnn first directed in thin iimllnr wlilln on rt.lrlp UiriiiiKli l Xiinlitr Niitltuiiil Park Monk the hlghwiiy lending l(t It tint i;ritiit for est tluit witro tin. prlilit of (ho Hindi Wnshlngton htiro been cut ilon ii. ntll todny nothing but diiHtilnllnu ml Imrrannumi incoU tlm eye Tin- punpln of that Matu awakiini'il to tlm grirtt lornt almont too lain, They nr . tmlny working for tlm prenerviitlim of tbn that bus not been rut In n few plnees nloilK tli.twt lilKhwnyM Tlm lilita In for (ho state to purrliamt BRHELLWILE VISITORS HERE TALI TONIGHT: SEPTEMBER 30 BAVARIAN MINISTER PLEADS NATIONAL "SELF INDICTMENT", ORE NT I IJKRLLV, Aug. 28. I'rofosBor K. W. Focrstcr. Ilnvarlan Minister tn . Switzerland, recommends an "honest .. .. .... , . . ' . ' natlonnl self-Indictment" for tho Ocr- .Meelliig Will II,. 11,1.1 H ir On.- Ilun.lml nml Turnl.pira llosr mans. Writing In the Tageblatt on Ity limine. Men Will Arrhe In the, question, of war guilt and tho Klamath Fnlli on Ijwt Hay of conduct of tho war, ho Hays: September. , ..Wo mugt investigate our own part mm Tl Hunan nml l'ioiiiM-it to lie Well! Atli-li.lcil hj TIiiiac Intcrentcil III (hiiiiIIIIuih nf Tiiilny. IN SHORT TIME Kim'ii Interest In being inanlfi'Ntfd, One- hundred and twenty flvo ro- ponents abroad. Not until then In this world brutalizing process ij: . n . . s( ,..,.. i. o. ,..., Indications Point to Clear- iiu . U0 Tl. nMVUlU UU1 UJI" from tlm owner n strip about three1'" ll'" '"" llial '" l" '"' ,:lv"" l,llK ,,re""nUUvo business men from the wo able to understand the Pari de lmtiMrn.1 vnr.u i,i. ,.i. .i., ... I itvwiliiK liv h K i,i.i it... ' l'tlanU Clintnbor of Commerce, In- clslon nil tho tragic result of our own ' " "... ii mini .11 - - ,.... ,,..., .,.,.., . . ... tho highway. Home place, this width lu.llci.llon are that tlm nlnanrrK.Zn,hVnV,yU . L ... . mnv hnvn lo I.., .c..e.l,l . , J. . ... .... .. . , Klnmnth falls, on Tuesday morning, with which we wcro treated our- mny hnvn to bo iixci...!nit in ..rn,.rv.. ' ... . . ' """""l" r ". "" ' uesuay morning, wun wnicti we wcro rater lkr- .n.l "Z U"'hl " ZZn " " rK" """ r"rM "'. H-....nb,.r 30th. and will" upend tho .olve. practiced In the occupied ter- I. !.. In Join t'l InnulM ....... u H.iMil TtlMl . . ttlll IiIIhIii.'HH tlll'Il. fnrinnrit nt.fl t.rnt..'fluv lu.ri. flit iri inula nf fflin ln.1 Tl..ln. tlx... niinMd Mr " iraviirimil. 1)1 mr ti ncpn I t,,..v ,.,.i - I " " """ "'"'' ..... m I'lwc ll"th ThrtMi Hi-miIc- ,V , ,, w,( Tn pUi ( (j ir...lrn on thn IMrcrt HoiHn "f lnniM tlm nttnn .a IM.. .jl tlk ..... " I Vittttttfa fivwl ilio nn Jnt. .. -.!.. t . 1L. A.-AUA 1 .if """in hu iiiu ua,i uuin nas ruccir miupiuu hi mo iruuiineni 01 prison fcIBll thin mornlnc br V. C. Van Rmn. nm and tho VflfnmntM Hpnrmrtlnn I KUinntli KttlU I whh utruck with tliu 0,lll ,m h,lla '" th" vliy lUll ThU ocrotary of tho local organization, of Industrial plant and the deporta- AirmiKi'niuniH imu-irum r.owara w. woiauaum, wno will tlon of tnoufrands or young glrla will pnn '" -- TrttH Orrr thr I'nrinr nn.i iw Drllgho, In Vattin rulloMfMllfurnln Hiiin. , "On tho wny from Anliland to i i-rty ownorH of the rounty. Through CH" Menu Aiwoclatlon. "Who ever hag the slightest con- u mlnuniliTittanillni: the aiitioiinL..-i AiiHiirnnco of tho romlng of the Ceptlon of tho rigorous measures wo nifiit iik made that tho wl..l..... M....I... .... . iu" iiimwiKii " m iiiiii.i iiik nil.'. ii iiiini'V lit , StfPhtn T llatlirr, aiwlntanl uncr." that highway Wo thru ,llr,'",l' ,,,,on ,""tl" ' tho Am.irlrnni handle the excursion for tho Chamber readily understand tho resentment of ........ inferior and director of mium of tlm finest fnrrm,, I mi ... '" ''"" '" ""'" u" """"' ' " ' commerce. tho French people .!.... ...L. .n.l Mn.llanii (Irani. ..r Km.... . ..Ilv ll u..i.i ., ... !(-"' "11. '"' "Oilers to that rffr. t ' Otuonai .". " -- " .,... ...t it. ing of Situation Soon OAKLAND STRIKE ENDS Train An- Running in Han Francisco Despite Workers' Hold-Out Na tional Chief of Brotherhood-. Will Co-Oprrte Willi Federal Admla iMmtlnn Unless Workers Ketnn Saturday Morning. Tho vliiltorH plan to leave Portland "Wo must bo perfectly clear In our .wMent of the Now York Zoologl- ilmtroy tint i-ffoct by rutting ilowii,1""1 '"'''" "'"l ,,lr""Kl0U' ' co'"'- 'V fain on midnight of Scptembor own minds In respect of our own guilt rtlSocleir, tho lloone-,rocktl (luu tr.ns to tlm vnry i-iIk.. of (h high- y A" '""x "M "iIh "" lt'ar",,(1 -11'- Tll0' wl" BPon1 Soptember If we are to bo born again nationally. flab, iBrsl nll-iiruuiid sporUimnn way? Tlm com of purchasing friiiii I ,,r,,,,l,1"nl ""K" promptly Htuppud 30th. In Klamath Falls and will be Wo must always remember that, j ud low ot tlio out nf-ilniirn. Hindu tlm prlvutit owners u nt rip on rltlwr Xlimilh Ksllt flylnK visit, arriving lil would bo liiilgnlflmnt. If the ttr yesterday nftcrnoiia from Ash- dirrltory li.tloitgr.l to the government land nJ IcailiiK ilila morning for arrnngiimenM could bo mndu lo ex 5itrmfnlo sml Sun Francisco, by cludit ll from itnl l,ct tin not malic Tty of Merrill an.l tlm luva beds, tlm iiilMnkn now of c-itt tliif .lni Both men am deeply In In res ted In whnt public sentiment will In time ttsof nine up tif the iintluuul pnrkx deiiiniid shall be replaced The trees c! Iho clllon m an to liii.Kn them tlm lire there now. let u keep Diem " fUf-crounilmf tint Aiuerli an people. Until Mr (lrnnt and Mr Mstlirr Ott (etturu of l.ils ininemeut Is of le't this iniirnliiK tor t,li linu heds. wp Interest to (tin people, of Klnm- uher.t they ulll lnsiect tlm in. rate tlb count)' -the Inclusion of Dlam- anil other ludirentlng pnlnu In this osl Itko ltlim the liiiuiuli.rlui of famous suction of Klamath entj.ii I. CrjKrljkt! National I'.irk This mat- rrnm thnrit they will pro.eed to P;i tirhMbfcn rrpcalcdly hrough to tne rrninento ami Uieiue to San Fran t'.ttotlon ot Mr Mutlier and after u fluco SAN' FRANCISCO, Aug. 28. Fav orable Indications were augured for the settlement of the railroad strike throughout Southern and Central California in the termination of the OnlrltlTirl elrllA .nrlnv nulit,. .....I .,.. .... . .. ... . .!. ... .- ... .. - ..Lt , - .,t ".. fcuuej. """ " m.i...Keinuiii mr . .iii.jiitieu uiiu.u urn couniy 10 view wnuc ino wnoio wor.u is praciicins I Workers Out fti Ix tiirrlm the nun of the iiiurt house ' tho resources. 1'rom here they will the politics of might, we on the other ( Workers In San Francisco are "still p tiro,.... ..I. I.e....... t a ,1... ....n..... ..... . ,. f..... , ...... ...... ... 1 . . . ..... -I .... ....,(. .... ..,....,...,. i,i.ilhn iu i.u- i-.-.iii- iiiuiui in i iiiiur ium; iiu.i win re- llano nave Hjmuniiiiizuu mo ijuiuii-a oxi ou, trains are or mis county a message limy uant turn liy way of .Mc.lford. They will ot might and clevitcd It to a new pol io hear This Is lurtlctilurlv true takii the train north from Medfor.l Itlcal nhllosnhy." about tlm hunlncss men of tlm ill ( According to Mr. Van Kmon every They are at a point today ulicni tnev effort will bn mado by tho Business need enlightenment, direction sml Men's Association to furnish mach- suggcstlon. and If thoy )iav their lnes for the visitors to make their ffj J ill own iiiinn-sis in ntiari, ir tiiey in- trip rrom Kiamntli muik to crater Hpvo in tlm welfare of tlm city mid Lake, and thonr to Medford. Im cimnty, If they want to bo a part of mediate hteps will bo taken by tho tthul will lm a direct benefit to them Business Men to plan for tho enter- tufful InTc-stlgnifou of the merits of Ui propoiltlun lie lias iK't-lded to uit.j III Influence with ll c co.ciiiiiii.'iit to Wtj ilout such n reult. Intrrrsinl In Mnuer. Wtb hlj churaci. rltlc thnrnugli xtulbMaUoliiiertstel Mr. (Irani ia tie matter The latter mado a rwcUllrlp o look over tho sltuntlon, WOMAN TAKEN VITH BOLSHEVIK TROOPS CRIES OVER PHOTO In tin Immediate future, thoy will b- talnment of tho Hose City guests 'out tonight tn hwnr thu one man who m 'tins inner missed an opportunity to, IIOL'SI: I'ASSIIS 1 tl I.I ork f. r Klitiiinth County. I 1 rp.... .... ...... ...... .... ......i .. tl """!. uv iieiu iii .- uMRiiivr.Tns n r a.h $ I - ) CUnDDnPUTMP ii i i tin i II ! H1U I I WlONTEfiESRD, operating. Word received from Los Angeles this morning indicated that the strikers there had not returned to work. They i havo not as yet decided whether or i not they will return to work as order ed to by their chiefs. CLEVELAND, Aug. 28. Chiefs of the four brotherhoods announced to day that unless the members of the railroad brotherhoods, that are strlk- LONDON, Aug 2S - F.ghtlng' ing on the Pacific-Coast, return to broke out everywhere la Montenegro work by Saturday morning, that the and reports aro that the whole coun-l brotherhoods will support the Feder- trv Is In reolution. al Administration In Its efforts to WiKlll.Mt iu., u i , Aug. zs ... m . o'. lock In the circuit cou.t room of ;Ti,e louso ,)Ilbfculi a bill today author-j Tho Serbians are using strong "Perate the railroads w.v ..,.., .... ,u, i.Lient WllsOli to confer the, measures in .o "l'li ,,..clTtv.n.n.. A ,c n. ..... ... ........ the unrlslncs Thev are receiving re-l WASHINGTON. Auc. 2S The exe- lieriiiaueiii raiiK oi Keuurui on I'erau-; v uuar nramnaii tonigui at tuo court housu. , (MB. . nte. Tho bill mm gees to the ton- tO.SVKT I'.U'TTI'.Iil) KC.M. Itiixslan 1 aplnnd. Aug CR. Aiiioiik tho uniformed Ilolshnvlltl . M It has niso lie. om.. an eilthusl- raptured by the Allied troops on the I BBM), Aug. :'i.--Davo Itilihoux. i for Ih" piiipo .limn Miirmnnsk rnlluny (rout, wlioro Ant-tlt,'alH'l onlct, wus captimd i.t-m The matter of plnelug Dlnmoiiil orlc.ui. rnlht'ny triiops operated (or il'iiu yost'-rday through, ul.l gh. n b "HiUDtntm mi. r I ilm I'nrlt n- several month, was n ,imin.. niB.nMrs. M. Kernel-, whom he h..i ic, iaiu jir Matliei. -rests iimrii Heniciinvii I'otom'.cowi, now srrvlar i f'"- nsslstmcu Soitlliwick !K .1... . ...... - . -.. ...u .vu'H' in iwillliaill rnuiltv ll J a conk for n Cnnii.tlfu. nini. uh .iiscsiKKl eonviel. h In. I. ..a I. ...... nii Oregon Hum it does with tlio presented tlm c.trnnqit contr-.t of bh ;lrtf for home time, bus not l.e lorernment offirui Unit I might be Amnion who cried omr n Imovs pint- Irnpturwl. M to Intcrwi in t',e project. If toginph. I r-- - H ..ill ....... ...... ' -""" Miiiij, i. piop-riv i.i tn nt .Mrs. I'nliimUrv.i. who Is ?" veiirt H tir HrmnuoM wiloa of Congre,,,,, .,, sinnoi ami old. wiw tnkoti prlso'ior by Canadian court house. Mm tlmt ti,,,,-,, , ft rpill ,ml),p ,00 (U i-IOK(ur, W,U), ,, ,, , fCHIImnnr fr.t. ii . .. . ... ,""' "" m no more limn n Hed (Jtiard uii'form. trousers iin.1 ' I Hear nramwell 'court house. tonight at the S LESS PROFMinT tonight nt the Eni n rnnn "mpiy m,iur w" Mi 1 hi n.i ,,iKlit ut s 'clock U1..L; UUUU the meeting of i i . . . . .. lnforcements. but are net meeting " cuuve council oi mo railway suop- with success Montenegrins have'"10"8 unions advised the unions to cut tlm railway between Virpazer!ac,:ePt tho resident's offer for a and Antlvart on tho coast, according, smaU waBo tncrea. pending the out to high omclals Iteports indicate; come ot th Bovarnment efforta to that the country Is in for a recur-'0"1 the cost of "ring rence of tho Halkan troubles j - -' j From a local standpoint the rall- .MEiri' TONIGHT AT CITY HALL. 'roluI btr"e may tsko a serious turn ' ' ' , should It continue for some few day3 important and1 There is a shortage of gasoline In be discussed ,c..Knath. Falls. According to officials al the City Hall . ." "" ". """ i- the local post of'"-' ls entlrel' exnausted and they Legion All service ,,', , """ '-' - ii. iey tho American . . '-iiKJie uiiui i. ueu ijiiarii iiii'rorm. trousers ntui p, pi i lLmm '" l'r""! "'' '" HUvU " "" ""1 wlth "lu n"l" niiimtinltl..ii Ii -w. V hen It was Drnt brought to pouches strum: oier her breast.. If fl 2 '""Hon I must confess that I Sim said sl... had loft Fotrogrnd nn '' ' S u, not approclnlo thr t-...i w.ii a...h i ... .. i.. .. niilnn"'0. ' fl"""y """'" "" "xa,n' " N"l'""r ' Flnuhh regiment flgln- uon t Hi,, lerrltory In nuestlon. Ing tlm Allies on this front I' .r llrobeT " 'I)01,MI,,K Thoiimn' 1 Home time slm led tlm life of a sol trotl i U""",",lll",,"tli: N"PI'irt. dler, with her huil.aiid. Tlio latter tiketh I""1?'' Au""" wl" will csnipm! at l,rH,i'.lirn. MMHr, '" '""K ll"" " 'M,r- Mn'- 1'utnmUKWi broke down and ban. I ii ll """""" "iii'rtod orlud, say Allied officers, when she (ornc Inte '',l Mr (!"11" bo- was iiuestloned about a si;rai book niorcslci ;nU i.H ,,,,,, ,r,,,,., . ..... ,.-i,. .,, ,,..,... i, ...... .,.. ,,.,., -,-....., i- )n .......7.., ... ........ n..." ...... ',-.ti,, M FBIM nuDirn nisT nw ,,ac'nc ,,,'t- l n H I r 1 1 1 ! ! I Ti"' ,,('s w,, ,iuv .' 8 J 3 1 1 1 LLJ IJU i the servlcu are 'isually l SANTA UAKHAUA Calif. Aug. 2 s Tlm profanity of thu nerago( -ailor if ho Is profane nt all de-' (reuses us his service iu tho Amerl-i can nay lengthens, nrrordlng to! Captain K. W. Scott, chaplain of the. men are urged to be present. This Includes all men who served undei . tho colors, enlisted regardless of where they Plans Nationalization of Railroads the Min a n- . , -... uiino so imthusln.stl thai if I. i promised names.. Hlio said lor own baby Had Pictures rut from inngazlucri of many 1" he become, tluu I.V Ihni l i. j Hu.inrt, . ' " wl" h, """ '"""I "il Hint slm had no plmtiigmph -.. U1) m. ... , "luiuc, nr mioso '' V.R UMM lr ,1... , ,. ... .- ,"'" "OIIU It w 111 of him, nml that slm wan trying to find In tho mng.wineir it plrturo Hint new that ...i..... . " cdeiuMi. y"lrM tM" "iisomblo.l him. ihligamQ " "u" Bl Hfil with i , Inch,,!,, IMm,,, f,lko. I . ''"lamomi lnlm ., incll,(, ,,. Cth?r0,r?.w'"''"ron,l Mb M rll ,Bkn " thu place It 'OC.1,01 T.f" Tho Dalles " roads urn ,"" ,m"y n "1,le'' ' m, ' Lb0. "'" tlmt will D. . "rt,r,lV0lofl,oth '"Hlghtrni. . " "ml t,m pncl" WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 2S "liable ..'. """"UK It nn In- I'resldont Wilson will leuvu Wash ,lon of ihu - ' 8C0l,lc nttrnn- Inglon next Wednesday on a speech- vl 1018 COUIltv " . . Muilly ..., '', mnklng tour of tho country lu tho eln head of ' (,r,,nt ilntornstH of tho liouty of pimco S'JI dub of nuw y ,,n""-Crockott ! Tho llrst address that tho niitlim'R tlw with a n inmi , "" "WmlM-.clilor oxocutlvo will miiko will bo at i,H Port8inen t f " h,ln" C'"h. Ohio, next Thtnsilay lilt "anio. Lm .,.. "iiKinnny oniy speech Hi Oregon will be tit wwerfni ... '" "o (if tho U cnsorvatin tr,a,keul; ih.7,"OMko ... . cnrflliMP Tmin iirLiimiyi tuun STARTS Sll Jusl entered ho most pro-1 fane." according to Captain Scott, i who has been In tho naval service. An organised ililve or cattlo over U, yenl8f ,,,! Ih iu,Mli,..s captain M , .... ...,.,..x ,iii.e i-oini country c. aieeson of tlm Atlantic Heel, the V the Indians of Klamath Indian . flcul cbaviula w American lleservntlon and r A lluttow. cattlo Illy man. nml engineered by Superlnten- ' ..Tllt) , , to mnko ,ho ,' West of the Mamnth Agency. men ,r,my , l0 nn nopvo , wss not carried out jestonlriy as plan- ,, aro , CM,erlcnccl!i nnU ned. according u, W C. Van Kmon. lhov tlllllk tho uso of ,,, ,he who ,, ,st lllRllt nflor IllVtlstl. 8n n gating tho Rltuntlon. .... , ., . , . , ., ,, , . . , ... , , "Ii" wrk of tho chnpliiln In tho KiiinorR of n who e.inlo rnttlo drlv- . ... r. . . c .. ... . ' ..,.- , mi ,....... , ,.. ny Captain Scott silil. Is along a. ii,.,; of the neJervatrnM ? """. T'W l.'mon attorney for tho Cattlemen's ' " ks ,' l '" y T"" abanl' Assoctlon, to .cnr out warrants "T n!,K,,tI "0t h0, recoBnla , for ii,., rw. f ,1... ..,.1 .,., . ' rcB,,lar clll"1' "Itun.luiits ushoro I lluttow Tlm warrants won, sworn T"y h"a'; ,0 ' ,0 mon ln t,l Bt,r undor Section l-.r.l. which prohibits ',V'C '" , w !nt ,ho)r 1kMW nro tho nnypnu from driving cattlo over 10 ,?,''""' f ,ho ",on '" th" sorvlco mile's off tho range. Uujy "'y t0 oX ,holr I'robloms and Every Indication pointed to tlm"" """ ,,,u", lo t,L'u" filming, fact that Mr. West had authorized n ;'un sl,oakll'B clfn livlng drlvo of tho cattlo for a illstanco ot '""' ",KU ",Lm '" '"siry aim to closo to 10 miles, which would hnvo l"" ""'"'""kb oi too uuvantnges or cost tho rattlo men .1 blgpum of mon- fu,'0', for Promotion. oy..hml It boon carried out. ' u,lt" t,,re" or fol,r yonra ago, nc- Mr. Van Eiiioti, who wns nccoinpan-ll'cri""K to cI'tnln Scott, thoro wore led )i' Fred Morlow cointable. snw (),uy -4 Chaplains In tho navy. Ho; 10 heed of cattlo break thru tho ' wns 0,1 ot thorn, linvlng somo yoars foiico that hold thorn nt Ynlnnx and 1,ofol' '"ft Iho Vale divinity school. A., .'miiiii tit ..., .. yj Glenn E. Plumb r..AnH r, . .. ... will have any within the next few- days. However they havo a car on the road somewhere between Redding and Weed. It was shipped on AugU3t 2Cth, from Oleum, California. May Limit Gasoline. i If tho embargo continues many 1 days, which will prevent any additional gasoline arriving, tho I supply would perhaps be limited to i commercial uses only. Officals ot the ' Standard Oil Company reported to day that they had a three or four days supply on hand, with a car on. the road, i No southern California mall was received last night, nor did any first or second cln-s matter arrive from San Francisco or Sacramento. Hope, i was expressed by postmaster W. A. i Dolzell this morning that mail service from the south would bo normal Ingrain within two days or so. Tho large orders of army stores that were purchased by Klamath Falls people through the postoftico aro due to ar rive this week end. Mr. Delzell Is un certain whether thoy -will bo held up or not. thla ' "which ttmo Glenn E. Plumb HlAnn t.. T1 ....... .... .. ... i . .-,.. ,. n,..i ,wk. t.. ,n, . i ...v.... u, .uii.u, tiiiuruuy lor ioq most, Portland .tho dato of which has not cscn" ,n, l" m,,or "Par"- lm-, ".. " , "-.'""" . ."."' " ,U""KI railroad brothorhon,la ., n,.nHn 1 ho country for been sot. Ho will also speak lu s.Jwro. marly starved forwant of water ". ",c' .I0. . cn t0 "W beforo tho Houg0 ' ... "rrrT " m o position tlo. Los Angolos. San Frnnolsco an.l f ( w J"; " "'""' , , . n Commerce Committee to advo- 1111 ...... I ' irnr.t nniit In Wnalilnrr. 'ftO UUnilg Ino War. It Is itvtieeln.l .... w . mau ",. -"" t siock ban Diego will nl hear tho 1'ies - , ,,,,,,, . ., . i. iimnnw hmii..i ,. ,. cato his 1'Iumb plan for the natlonali- SCCtlnn i.rlll. . . . Int. liv ATr Vnt. Miimn Inlllne- nf 11..-. 1110 Iie I'llCItlC lloet. when cnninlnln .m..wumi In tlm . "lym- uont during his stay lu California . , , , , . ,, . win hnvn n -.r . . . . 7 z"tlon of tho railroads and the shar-l "i lllo end win ..... .. ' nltnntiitn.l drive. rn.I naklmr for ne. "HI liavo JU or 25 chaolulna of vnrl. . ..... ... . o In m"p 'I'"."" fllr8-. w "".. Artmlral Cary (Hay- n7 , nrnvont ,t, S ,.,r. ous denominations. ,nB.r pro "'Ployees. I" a ro- '""- son, tno President's ti ivulcluii. nml ' . ". ... .."....'. .' ...... n o.... ..... ... "nt spoocti, Mr. I'lumb sad Hint for nV "TlnM "" 'Portmnnn, Mother ;h,lrCs'-'vo Trees. ""II,, ihrnrK",n"'aH secured the rJrr-flrm.tiHtl,Q,progor. Secretary Joseph Tumulty will iic conipany President Wilson, along with ti corps of secret sorvlco men and stonogrnplicra. liiitoiiilont West could not bo located by tno locnl nttornny. a Hear Urnmwoll tonight at tho court houso. Captain Scott wns formorly sta tioned at Sim Francisco. Hoar Dramwoll court houso. tonight at tho thoro would bo a rovolutlon if somo such plan were not adopted. Hoar Bramwoll court house. tonight at tho ARTISTS URGED TO DISPLAY PICTURES A letter received from Alice Wels tor, Is conected with the Fifty-' eighth Annual State Pair, which will be held from September 22-27 thla var urges artists and photographers lm Klamath Falla to submit their work tor display. In addition to the regular display ot photographic work sent In by'ama teur professionals over tho state, a special department will be opened for tho exhibition ot Oregon scenery. This exhibit will not be In competi tion with the other pictures. They will consist of many other mediums besides photographic enlargements In black nnd white, which aro the usual run of tho exhibited pictures. Hear Dramwell 'court house. tonight at tho