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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1919)
Pyg uenfng Herald i'Ai'i:n '' OPFICIAIi I'APKU OP KLAMATH COUNT l'AM-H Fourteenth Ycnr-No. 3,7 13" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1919 Price, Five Cents 1 0FKIC1AI KIA!IIAT 11011! i 111 OUT OF I BIT CUT CORN CROP AT FORT KLAMATH A SUCCESS ' IaihIIo Roger, i: II Hemmm (luorKo Walt, Mill Hough nml Joo Ciiiiniiinon constituted it parly that visited Fort Klimiiitli yesterday on liilMlncinn, Wlillii tlutru tint)' took oc casion to visit u n inn lur of ranches In that unction unit worn treated to , u Ki'out HUrprlun ut thn L. H. Denton 1 Ilium. Mr, Dnittnii In trying to smash 1 precedent by growing viKtalilni). I Tint micciw hit him mnt with U nur mist imwiw cfoorcramv IP TONNAGE; EAGER HERS' I I C. P. HOLT FINED FOR ! uavimp nrco UPAT I IN HIS POSSESSION L 1 TN Tractor manufacturers, llko other men, are not Immune to hunting for bidden came out of season. In proof, 1 IN Ijitlii-Ainrilian Iteprceiitath. I of IIiIh, C. P. Holt, of the Holt man-l Hi,) m Two Brothers llar llrrn Actlvo In ; ufacturing company, at Stockton, Called for the l'urpoo of Hearing F., I. -l P.ralvze Traffic in I'rUlnit ovuryonu In thi. Fort country. 5triW ."'- i:f; for II has (inn of tho host vuxutahln Souincrn w - Hnii Franclm. Miint Increitxe Hlilp pliiK I'uillltli'M 4i Hold Triuln Hii premiuy In Houth America. , gardens In tliti county. Ono of tho big surprises counuctitd with It U his crop Hognrji state la HAN FRANCISCO, Aug 27. KhlppliiK facilities connuctlnK this Great Britain's Affair for .Many Calif., was fined 2G and costs by I VrarH OrlRlnnlly From Heotliuid I Justice Chapman, for having deer' Hut Ijitcr From America. -. .r- uiUIMCNT"1' c"rn- w,,lr'' Mr li DL ltr !1Y11T111111 . ...i i I tit .... llv i. . v .. . . . trul nml Houth Amur ca will have to.Uenuwi lumiiy. - I Ittrttf In riiriltttr AVltnr innnl n wild n ... LONDON, Aug. 27. Ono of the useful discoveries which the war has Order Krow Nation! Thief" for if.j..M tn I'miIji Mm torarn i "" ' t B fiiiornl I" liiimwl'"'" i" flurf Will H TnkiM Grand Jury, fill IsrollKiK" f"ltllnic of Mnt I view to developing It a an ensllagn supply. bit INFLUENZA FOLLOWED BY TUBERCULOSIS WAIMJKl', Islnmt of Maul, T. H. siv FRANOI.-H'O. Aug. 37. Ad- Aug. 27. Slnco tint Influenza opl- dty with the western pons of Cnr-.K'ven to the British nation is the Hlr Eric Gcddes, as Increased very materially in the1 minister of ways and communlca- tienr future. If thn business innn ofjtlons .anil Hlr Auckland Geddcs, aa thu Pacific Coast expect to maintain president of the board of trade, are their trade supremacy In the western j at the head of the two foremost de duction of the countries affect' I ac-jPartmonls engaged In the great work cording to it statement given our. to-'' reconstruction, while their Bister day by llenno Henoch, thu Latin-. Is commandant of the Woman's Iloy- Mnerlcnii Finance & Commerce Com-! nl Air Force, with a seml-mllltary C. Ilramwrll, Who Is Consider to IJo One of the I,lvet Jtoontea meat In his possession. Mr. Holt in the Htate. plead guilty to the charge and paid ' his fine. A case In the justice court of the' A Bpeclal meeting of the Business Btato vs. w. M. Dewey, for taking Men'8 Association will be held In tk and using a car without permission, , C,ljr IaU tomorrow evening, at which was settled yesterday afternoon. Mr.P- S' nrmwe ' Gt ?"" " iaiK 10 me memoers. Air. uramweu Dewey was found guilty and fined (25 and costs. Two assault and battery cases were settled by Judge Chapman this week. George Isaacs was lined $25 and costs for assault upon Oliver Jefferson. McKinley Jackson was fined $S0 and costs for assaulting puny. Mr Hrhnch says that Great 'organization of soverul hundred un-jMttr' Cowcn. .iiiBil complications were added to ilmiile of last winter, tint spread of.llrltaln and other Kuropenn nations, I"'- her control. lit rllrod tri; that has lied up tuberculosis on Maul has becomn ! are now entering that held with vLr The Gcddes brothers come from i cmihrn! IMclllr trairir itnout iiniriiiiiig nun u tins iirun neoineii an- .itroiiK i om!tltlon ocuuuuu, miicii in upi iu uu u K"ur 11 vv"- ......... ... E. J. Clark, arrested for petty lar ceny was later examined by Drs. A. A. Soule and Geo. Merryman, and Insane, is owner of one of the biggest hard ware establishments' in Southern Oregon, he Is heavily Interested te the banking bnsiness, and is an oin er of much land in this state. Not withstanding this fact, he finds ubm enough to comply with the earnest request of the State Chamber of. Com merce to help with the work of build ing up Oregon. He has been a parti cularly good friend of Klamath Coun ty and It Is due to bis effort:; that it ... ...!.. In 11... luml f1V llnV. V Hn bill tl) llllll I thu CaiiacltV Of till) fin. murki.l m lln. rniiHl anted Of SUCCeBM. anil lieforo the War !' """." iiwuue. lie county h A tY, illanllnn snil rnnatA. riih the annulttiK of all eimt bound Kiln sanitarium. To meet thu cost of of South America loglrally belongs they were almost unknown beyond Court tnen took the case in hand, eration lt na3 wJtn tno powers that T-HJ HV . ..... . . . ... .. . . .... .... ntui will rnrnmlt tltn .!,... I-- Ub( lo'Uy thn work It is planned to rntso .r.,- , ...tmrns ilolni; iuIih-h thrtnirh l' "rcics in ineir own proiessions. -- "" ''""cul lu l"e be loth in Portland and Salem. Tnlai runnlnK to I'ortlnnd have 000 by public subscriptions. Ite- t. p. rl of San Friinrlsro " says A.i Sir Krle (leildes was a railroad mill- ' "obltal at Salem. Va illiconllmicil iiIiihk with many ports of tontiiKluus diseases to thu Srhoeh "And If desire to .' I 'nger, and railroad magiiates do not; otlfrt.No rail traffic Is handled out Muni board of liunlth show that CO our share of it, we iiiiihi provide li Imbl ho largo a place in the public' t hre except the suburban going per cent are tuberculoids, which Is m.-diately the tonnage In nhlps to '' "' Knglnnd aH they do In Anier-, l:cn t Oakland Mole. "Blubs" art responslliln for Miven times as mnny i ir0nrly supply the products tin-' ' 'ca: smaller than p bishop or muster WtinrnJc up In Sacramento as sub- deaths on Maul as typhoid or leprosy. ' , ,r,,i ,,.,mimln. Several dlht 'et of fox hound, which last Is about; itiutM for the Sati Francisco trnlns -- 'lines betneen JnpuneHu and Smith the most purple pinnacle of dlstlnc-; tbat mike tho northern trip. Illll 0011 lllll I Ametlran purts recently have bteji Hon. rrom all accounts the railroad lllll I W 1 1 111 f III I entabllshed " Sir Auckland Geddcs was profess- A movement to secure more ships, or of anatomy at McGIII University for South America through tho Fed-,'" Toronto, lloth of them acknow- eral shipping board Is advocated hylugL a debt to tho Invigorating at BUS NESS MEN REVIEW FLEET ! Irotktthortcl men went nut as Individ- tV, ipparently wlthoiK official (urllon. Tteitrlkennnounciid later In tho dirhoneter, that they were striking ItirmMlhr with the railroad strlk- ! n of Southern Ccllfornln. who In I WASHINGTON, I) t . Aug 27 ten hire (truck In behalf of tho President Wilson will begin liU I'a tt bo lelt tticlr pouts with tho I.os cjfc (;Bi trip as soon as the details Auelw Interurb-tn railways. Ir , arranged. ( lt will probably be ten days or two LOSAXOKI.KH, Aug. 27 Tho fed-' W(M,j,B before ilefliilta plans have nl grand Jury convened today for .M u,. rcordlng to Joseph V UnjurpoM of Inquiring Into tho al- Tumulty, tho President's private sec lfjtd ibandotiment of the train yes- r,,rj-. ttrdi; carrying thu malls at Cotton tf lh trainmen who Joined thu strike there. laitructloni were Issued by tho na- tlotil chiefs of thu "Illg Four" krthfrhooli to thu local officers to rttcrn to work A meeting will lio called Immedl i!l; to cnmliler the order. Opinion prevails amoiic tti strikers thu crdr will l,o iKiuircd. WASIUNOTON'. Aug 27 -Senator Unroot, of Wisconsin Introduced a bill In the Pennte today for the run Mlidttlon (if thu railroads Into one Wlntelr oitnwl sysiem with it inlnl Mn of earnings giiumnteed Hii plan Included uiiinar.unieiit by wnrlty holders the public and em Uo). lth a iir.ivl.'ou tor the ahar IttOfnicIl picfl't letnnun thu M1- Hcnd tho eniiliies It differs riid' y from the I'liiuib plan. MILITARY TACTICS DEPARTMENT UNDER WAY AT STAN FORD STAXPOllI) INIVnitSITY, Aug. 'A doparttiiont of military aclenco tactics has been established lit "janford University and will bo com fWc'jr orcanlzml ami In working o. , ' b)r 0ct0,1r. when tho fall o.uiir " ""'" Forty coniinlsslonod and ""Mmmtalonoil offlcow and on- d men have been assigned by tho department to constitute tho por WMtt Pononnol of tho lnstructlnK B2!r.F,e,',Ar,,",'ryMllU'K,,M,p- r"tfarthenrtlltaryunltllnowbo Jmblctl. Special attontlon il . "'"" '" th0 BOlectln ,7; ,r ,,, ,,r,,1,nr' "'"t to "a,e Polo team. t, :: nc ' ' cmn.. Thu nation's chief extent he will rovlew ilui Heel In Han Francisco en September Kith VALUABLE PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED Mr Hchech cm'STKCUT WACiON ItOAD. NENANA, Alaska. Aug. 27. Ono hundred men havo been ordered put at work aa soon aa posslblo on the, eminent service was for tho organ- ruosphcro of the North American continent, where Eric first worked as a lumberman and later had his first railroading lessons on tho Hal tlmoro & Ohio. Sir Eric's first billet in tho gov- construction of a thirty-five mile wagon road to run from tho end ot sleul on tho government railroad at Mgulto to Carlo creek, near tho llroad Pass summit. Tho Carlo creok end ot tho road will glvo connection with tho end of steel on tho coast div ision of tho nillroul. This will insuro Ixatlon and management of thu nun dreds of miles of railroad lines be- hind tho British army In France, which ho pulled out of something llko chaos, where regular staff offi cers had left it. Then ho succeeded Arthur Halfour ut tho head of the Admiralty at a time when there wore communication tho year round iweeii tho coast and Nouana. l,c. complaints that the navy was In the ILL SET DATE i The coming of Mr Hramwell is the ' result of urgent appeals from a num ! ber of business men here who are J familiar with what he has done and Is I trying to do. His talk tomorrow night , will have to do only with the new pro gram that Is being mapped out by the t State Chamber of Commerce. Aa b 1 puts it. .he la "not passing the hat" for any proposition, but will talk I only upon matters that will be of The exact date of tho visit of the ' deep lnterest t0 tne business men." trade excursion of the Portland busl-; Property ownors and farmers of the ness men to Klamath Falls will be ' c"nty. In speaking about this oppor dotermlned at a meeting this week, j tunlty to hear -r. Bramwell, Mr. according to advices received from ' Sonera, president of the Business tho Rose City. i Men's association said: Arrival la scheduled for the latter J We are particularly fortunate la part of September. The following ! being able to hear Mr. Bramwell tor committee of Portland business men two reasens: First he is one of th has been appointed by David T. Hon- best friends Klamath county has Im oyman, chairman of the Jobbers" Oregon. He has never missed an on- committee of tho Portland Chamber portunlty to help us when we needed help, and lt was this reason that prompted the move to get him ta lTitniAsi: m:v iiemi: , business tinnsurtlon as closed today by the Smith Realty oiimpan). Valuable cash prizes and titer rhandlsu will hit awarded to tho win iters of thu various games mid races j wnjt. the home mil J. I. Morrow that urn schedillud for Ijtbur Day. In !. bought by Mr and Mis. A. J conjunction with celebration being e. Thu house lh the one In which staged by the local hoxmnkers iiilll-U,. , ir Voye have made their men's and other imlon.-i. Footraces. Including sprinting, fat man's race and Id yclu races are only a fow of tho maiiy fonlimw of thu day's unturtalniiiunt. An added at traction In tlio nature of a tug-of-wnr between tho local Carpenters and boxmiiliors will llkowlso bo put on. Full program for the day will bo nn iioiiuced on Saturday. WILL NOT TALK OVER MATTERS WITH UNION NEW YOUK. AUK -'7 - -Elbert Oiry. tlmlriiinn of the t'nlixl States Ktcol Corporation, notified the Amer ican Federation of Labor thin lib. corporation wnuld decline to diMtist. htnilnoHH relations with Hade unloiis iih Biieh. The 1-Vdeintloii of Labor has been orKanli-.Ing tho workers in the Iron and Bteol Industry. GOVEU.VOH OM'O'IT HH'ITHXS i'hom EXEt't'Tivi: mi:i:tixj now In . has been ltvtRnnlfrt as tho Malor u l"H,rilt',l0 staff, wltn I Kdwar.1 m.." 'T: ""'1 Cft,Un"1 Hutngod his nttltudo. p.t. wn "" SALEM, Aug. 27. Governor 01 cott rotiirnuil from Salt Laku today following tho eonfurenco ot govoni ors that was held in tho Moimoii city. Govornor Olcott suld ho had Joined tho other governors In docldlng to call iipeclal bohhIohh to ratify woman HUffrngo. Ho doelatvd ho Had not Hnmunl f tS",!!!.-..8"-': . .w I'UIIIIIUU, "Hell.,' Phone WlnL...... ...i . 8AMpiiv '"j"'' "IT,,,, .on.lnC,aCO- Aug. 27,-Telo- hTon 0t matR Wash- "WeS. faclri Telephone & Tele- no;,Vlano,tomPt'"''letoro. . trike voto win bo taken. ' It wiih ropurtml hero that State Printer Arthur V. Lawrtmco will re Hlgn his post, owing to differences with tho govornor. 1IUN8 HKKK POTASH llKI.HS AVEIMAH, Aug. 27. Tho potash commlttoo of tho nssombly have pio nontod a hill which provides pormls alon to oxport potnsh to Swltzorlana nnd Scanillnnvlu. Loss of thn Alsaco fields and tho discovery of potnsh In Spain make tho outlook for Ger many ratjipr gloomy. home nlnce their marriage. There Is uory possibility of mak ing this one of the nionl attractive homes In the city, and the new own er will leave nothing unilono that will luiproie the lol In every way Thu t,ale Included both the large terraied lot and well built two stoiy xhiuglod house. TllltKi: AVIATOUS Al'.HIVi: of Cemmerce: Max S. HIrsch, V. H. MItchel. Na than Strauss, O. H. Fithian, John S. (give us a talk. Second, ho Is a 11t Benll, W. H. Beharrell. Jay Smith, F. i wire, a hard-headed business maa M. Seller. Elgar Sensenlch, H. F. twho tells us from the standpoint ot hands of a rather hidebound board 'Tage, Edward Ehrman, B. C. Darnell, practical personal experience just 'of admirals, and needed more ginger j K. H. Crawford nnd C. G. Tenger. jwnat we want to hear. We have had ' which it got. Reservations nro being taken at the ( two good talks hero audi following Sir Auckland entered public life Chamber of 'Commerce office now. each there was not a business man In the uniform of a prlvato soldier. Tentative plans for the trade ex- who 'did not declare himself greatly but ho soon graduated to the war cnrslon havo been made, and call for . heneflted and urged that the experi olllco to be Lord Derby's right hand a vls,t to Hoseburg on the wny south. ' Cnce bo repeated. This is the third man In the direction ot tho Derby Krom Uoseburg tho party will pro- ana, i believe, tho best, and I hope recruiting scheme. Step by step hp'ceP(I t0 Klamath Falls, where a day'ti,at every resident of Klamath coun became minister of national servlco.l w,n ' spent. Automobiles will carry ty who has the real interests ot the president of the local government 'tl10 ullslu3s "ien from that point to community at heart, who wants to boiinl, minister of reconstruction.! r'""tpr l-nke and a-day will be spent 1)oln i,msolf and help his neighbor, nnd filially president of tho board of'at tho national park. From Crater w11 bo ,iresent at the meeUng to trade, which roughly corresponds to Iko the. party will continue by auto- morrow night. It will, also enable us. tho department of tho Interior at mo,llIes to Bedford and Ashland for a .,,y mlr ,,resence, to show Mr. Bram- WiiBlilnginn. inuio iu, juuuuk too apeciui nam wel, tnat we appreciate nts rriena- at .Aieilioru. im uio irip uacK 10 i-on- shlp and want t0 j-eep lt." land stops will bo made at Grants Tho mcetinK wm bo held in the city Pass nnd other Rofcue river valley lla 3t s 0-ci0CK. points. v Juit now tho two brothers have charge of the two toughest problem. of Lloyd George's administration, I tho reconstruction of tho national I railOllJlflllt llll Illl.r,Hi.l.,., .... 1. it Jitnjiui itiiuru, in u iiiui in l il HIV I 'SULPHURED FIELDS MINEOLA. Aug iitoit iii lived from Toronto today, ciuiipletlng the lonud Irlp In the lu tein it ioniil air i .te Search H I"' lug made for Lieutenant Scl'lader, the American entry, who is iiiIkmiii; .. i ISI.'IU'II'I" AII.'.V Will, Ml'I'T i iiiev n i- ibsuo may no derided of tlio trans-, ' vrir-i rv ti iirtTV ivph m.rt ,.,! ,l.,in,. v..,.- e ...... . TIIl'liSIMV liViat.NU.' llEtU UlUUl-IM. I - .........n ak.v...o w. lliu l. ...l-( ed Kingdom it laigu order . There ii Utile family lesemblance 'between tho brothers at first glance , Sir Eric Is tall nnd broad, of tho type called massive, and looks evory Inch! bLiiiwihidiJ lllu S THEIIi EMBASSY having his own way, and when he put his Hit m I to thu plow, to tlrlvu a , deep nnd straight furrow, but his1 flclato. Important business will bo discussed, and all servico men wheth er members of tho legion or not aro asked to bo present. Hi lonlel llnltttliiuiseii Is Selecteil as Ainba-sailor to Hie Lulled Ntnti' AmerlfH Hcfuse t Heivlto Him. BERLIN. Aug. aio to 1110 uiien Hiiliiiliiiusoii. former tho (lurman embassy ut Washington, will bo selected for appointment as tho Gorman umbassmlor to tlio Unit ed St.itos. WASHINGTON'. D. C. Aug. 27 No Inquiry bus boon mwlo of t in United States whothor or not Halin liausnn will bo nccoptublo us nmbus- Biulor. Indications uro uiui mu United Status will not rocolvo him, or anyono elao who was formerly connoctod with tho embassy under Von Burnstoff. ' LENGTHS ALFALFA Klamath Falls post No. S of tho American Legion will hold its regular! Tangible evidence of the value ot meeting Thursday night in tho coun- j sulphuriiiE alfalfa land was brought ell chamber ot tho city hall. The now- 1 10 Klamath Falls this morning by a man ot big business who Is used to!,v clect0(, offIcors ot tuo post wl,U ot" ' County Agriculturist E. H. Thomas. In tho form of tw-i alfalfa specimens from the Bruce Garrdis ranch, located about six miles southwest ot town. Ono bunch ot hay, taken from land that had been sulphured, measure! 30 inches In length. A bunch of al falfa, taken from nearby ground that has not beon sulphured measured but 15 inches. Mr. Thomas says, such results aro tho rule over the county. Inspection by Mr. Thomas of the McClay ranch showed from a 12 to H Inch growth of alfalfa on the third cutting off sulplured land. On tho unpulphured hind the alfnta hafl barely started to grow. Farmers who aro planning on us ing sulphur on their lands this fall and next spring "ire urged to send In tho ordors Immediately to Mr. Thomas. HOUSHEVIK CUTUKB TOWX. LONDON, Aug. 27. Reports re ceived hero today announced that Boishovlk tropa captured the town ot I'skov, which is located southwest ot Potrograd. Tho Boishovlk also claim successes on tho Volga Itlver pink, smooth-shaven face suggests an outdoor llfo moro than thu otllce Sir Auckland also Is tall and smooth shaven, hut ho is thin, with spec tacles and a dome-llko forehead, mid looks uvory molecule a professor. Nelthur of them Is an orator, and tholr parllanruntary tactics display none ot thu subtleties of tho politi cian, and llko President Wilson, thuv n tho Denlkeno's territory, as well as sit at their desks In Whitehall clad tho enpturo of Kamlshlm. Tho "rods" Reports hero i 'n 'nislnrss suits Instead of tho mln- nro advancing toward Tzarltzln whlcn that Dr. Hanloli 'storlul livery of frock coat. Slris located 100 miles south on tho counsellor of 1! rouiis ins speocnes in tno iiout.O Volga mver. or commons, nnd reads thom without any nourishes ot elocution, and F1KK CAUSES HIG I.OSS. whllo they are packed full of moat, It is evident tluit unlike Winston Churchill and Austin Cbnmberlulu, ho burns no midnight oil polishing his sontouev's. DKMAM) KXTUADITION OF KUN. BASLB, Aug. 27 Hungary has de manded tho extradition of Bola Kun and his associates In the former gov ernment, according to reports issued from tho new Austrian office. Fire, tho origin of which Is un known, destroyed Gono Anderson's big barn and 100 tons of hay yester day afternoon. The Anderson ranch is situatod In tho Spencer Creek re gion and is ono ot the largo ranches In that part ot tho country. Mr. Anderson's hay and barn with all its contents were a total loss, since he had no Insurance of any kind on the destroyed property. SHIP BIOWX UP AT SEA. YAItMOUTH, Nova Scotia, Aug. 27 Twelve members Of the tour-masted auxiliary schooner Elmon Roberts arrived here today. They Teported that their ship was loaded with am munition, caught fire, and blew up at sea. r