Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1954)
Mr. and Mr». Frank Kiecker «nd Business and Professional A newly organized choir will present family who have been visiting •’ DIRECTORY its first anthem at the morning serv ice of the Christian church this Sun- Minnesota, returned to Mill City Sun- | __— day. ' day. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walkup »»r* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weathers and Mr*. Wilbur Evans, of and daughter, Vickie, of Lakeview I in Salem Sunday, guests at the home Physician & Surgeon Harrisburg, visited with Mrs. Harry spent Sunday here at the home of her of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. | Mill City parents, Mr. and Mis. W. J. Timm. and Mrs. R. H. Walkup. Wood Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Stiffler and1 i Mr. and Mrs. George Lindquist and Mr. and Mrs. Russell York and daughter, Bonnie Jean, spent Thurs sons, visited at the O. B. Aasland and son, Dean and daughter, Myrna, of J. W. GOIN day night with Mrs. Harry Wood. Lloyd Woods homes in Harrisburg, Clackamas, were guests at the home , of Mr. and Mrs. Don Moffatt Sunday, j VETERINARIAN They Yorks went on to Klamath over the weekend. A Cooked Food Sale, with spaghetti Rev. Robert Vogt of Milwaukie will Falls the next day to visit her son, STAYTON Phone 4148 speak at the Presbyterian church on and meat ball luncheon, will be held Don Wood. Opposite both Wednesday and Friday evenings Wednesday, March 17, in the Christian Claude Lewis’ Service Station church basement, sponsored by the, of this week at 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. O. I), »'look visited a Woman's Council. We Give Mrs. Leo Poole and Mrs. Jim Poole, few days with the George Flook’s on their return to their home in Weed. spent the weekend in Portland, the | WOOD’S STORE guest of Mrs. Leo Poole's brother, I California. S & H Green Stamps General Dry Goods Mr. and Mrs. Phil Keck of Eugene Bill Mikkelsen, who is attending the I NOTIONS LANGEM® spent the weekend here at the home U of O medical school. . Try Our Service READY-TO-WEAR Robert Veness and his daugh of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wells in River HOSIERY view addition. They enjoyed a drive ter Carol, drove to Portland Sunday I LVZIERS COSMETICS BRYANT’S (morning. After finishing some busi- up the canyon while here. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Plymale visited I ness there, they joined Mrs. Jessie Ve- TEXACO SERVICE at the home of Mr. Plymale’s brother, I ness in seeing the home show. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers returned to John and family in Lebanon Sunday. 565 North High, Salem Ph. 3-9106 They also visited a nephew John Ply- Mill City Monday after having spent Phone 3202 Mill City male and family and attended church the weekend at the home of Mrs. Eva * Metzger in Gresham. While there Ike Heptic Tank» and Sewers Cleaned V there in the evening. went fishing for steelhead in the » Phone SALEM 8-9468, COLLECT ♦ Sandy river. He ieports his party 1079 Elm St., W. Salem J caught five. The American Auxiliary will hold a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of Schoo) District No. 129-J, of Linn-Marion Counties, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING | cooked _____ ___ food ___ sale _______ Saturday, March of the said - district - will be for ---- the of — discussing the -- — held at Mill - City „ High Schoo) on the 9th day of March, 1954, at 8:00 o’clock p. m.. --- — 1 purpose i - - budget «=> for i 6tb, beginning at 10 a. m. at the Hinz WEDDLE FUNERAL the fiscal school year, beginning July 1, 1954, and ending June 30, 1955, hereinafter set forth, and to vote on the proposition of levying a district tax. 1 Coffee Shop on Broadway in Mill HOME City. 9 Modem FunemJ Service Mr. and Mrs. George Mielke and family of Eugene spent Saturday ev STAYTON OREGON > hedule I—ESTIM ATED REt EI1TS AND AVAILABLE ( ASH BALANCES ening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Total All Bob Hill. The Mielkes formerly lived ITEM Funds aanonnaaMBsnMflifiiBttiuntHP | in this locality. Mrs. Mielke is a • ♦ - ‘cousin of Mrs. Hill. Fstimalid Receipts From— ♦ ♦ DR. MARK The Christian Woman’s Fellowship $ 1,000.00 1. Delinquent Taxes ..... will meet Thursday evening, March 5,385.00 HA MM ERICKSEN 4. County School Fund 11, at the home of Mrs. Carl Chance. I REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST 41,220.00 5. Basic School Support Fund The meeting will begin at 7:30, with 445.00 6. Common (Irreducible) School Fund I minister H. E. Jull as program leader 500.00 18. Other Sources Has moved his Mill City office to è land Mrs. Grace Cooke bringing the Stayton in the Post Office Bldg.. ♦ devotions. 48,550.00 19. Estimated Total Receipts 2nd Floor, in the » The Woman’s Council of the Chris- 20. Estimated Availatde Cash Balance or Deficit » Dr. Victor J. Myer» offices i ian church will hold a food sale and 15,000.00 » (Add Cash Balance—Deduct Deficit) » Thursdays I p.m. to 6 p m. I serve ndon lunch Wednesday March ♦ 17. Plans for this event were made at « 21. Estimated total receipts and available cash balance or deficit »63,550.00 HOME OFFICE: the last meeting of the organization le II GENERAI FI ND ESTIMATED EX PEN DITi RES 318 W. FIRST, ALBANY I Wednesday, February 24, at the home Expenditures of 2 Fiscal of Mrs. Maggie Shaw. HnnnanaxiaanaHnanannnnDon • Total Budget Years Next Preceding the This Friday at 2:00 p. m. the Elementary Secondary Current School Year Estimated Allowance churches of Mill City will again join ITEM Schools Schools Expenditures in Detail Detailed Grades Grades for the for the First Y’ear in celebrating the World Day of Expenditures Ensuing Prayer, the meeting to be held at the Current Give for the Last 1 to 8 9 to 12 School Year School Presbyterian church under the theme, Yearly Year of the in Detail Year ! “That they may have life.’’ A dis 2-vear Period Totals play on this meeting is in the window 1. GENERAL CONTROL at Muir’s Bakery. ANY ANY 1. Personal Service: Carl Kelly was the guest of DeLos] MAKE MODEL » 250 $ 250 — $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 (1) Superintendent Hoeye at the monthly meeting of the ............ 800 800 1,450 1,600 1,250 (2) Clerk ............................................... FOR YOUR Willamette Valley shop teachers meet ..................... 500 500 7(H) 2,350 1,000 (3) Clerical assistants ing in Salem Thursday evening. Mr. ÎELEVISION OR RADIO 50 50 100 100 (4) Compulsory education and census 100 Hoeye was speaker and discussion ........................... 350 250 600 300 2. Supplies 256 [ leader for the evening’s program. Mr. 3207 200 200 250 400 282 3. Elections anil publicity ' Kelly now claims an insight into the . ..... . ....... ...... 200 200 400 270 4. Ixltal service (clerk's bond, audit, etc.) .. 425 I meaning of “Industrial Arts Educa- Stiffler’s Radio & ....... 180 120 ». Other expenses of general control . 256 300 300 I tion. Appliance Co. The Lions Auxiliary met at the $ 2,530 $ 2,370 4: Total Expense of General Control $ 4,900 $ 4,025 $ 5,264 $ 6,769 I home of Mis. Robert Veness Wednes Mill City, Oregon INSTRUCTION day of last week, with Mrs. George i. Personal Service: Veteto as assisting hostess. During $ 1,850 $ 1,850 $ 3,700 $ 3,500 $ 3,700 the business meeting, it was decided 77,000 33,000 110,000 94,880 89,344 (3) Teachers to ask Mrs. Hale one of the State 675 260 935 1,000 416 (4) Substitutes officers, to attend the next meeting 500 500 500 (5) Special Education . to advise the local group on joining 2,190 3,620 2,910 3,440 1,480 (6) Librai ian the State organization. Mrs. Jay Ma 2,000 2,000 4,000 3,650 1,260 (7) Clerical Assistants son will be hostess in March. 100 125 75 200 152 2. Libi ary supplies, repairs Appointed to serve on the pot-luck 1,800 600 2,400 1,390 2,983 ............ 3. Teaching supplies dinner committee for Monday night • Every prescription en 105 1,100 1,205 1,269 1,882 4. Textbooks were. Mrs. A. E. Nesbitt, Mrs. Jay- trusted to us is compounded a» 540 1,560 1,020 1,440 723 6. Tuition to other districts Mason, Mrs. George Veteto and Mrs. though our reputation rested 300 790 1,090 902 1,943 e. Other expenses of instruction Don Moffatt. upon the accuracy and quality »87,800 $129,210 4 41,410 4111,741 $ 93,021 $105,643 7. Total Expense uf Instruction The Woman’s Council of the Christ of that preacription alone. And ian church met at the home of Mrs. OPERATION OF PLANT it does! That is why we use only Elmer Shaw, the president, last week. 1. Personal Service: During the short business meeting fresh, potent drugs; double (1) Janitois and other employees $ 6,300 $ 9,253 $ 9,540 $ 4,000 $ 10,300 plans were made for a food sale and 2. Supplies 2,800 2,344 1,600 1,200 2,800 check every step for accuracy. spaghetti and meatbail dinner to be 3. Fuel 1,500 1,250 3,124 2,571 2,750 If you seek prescriptions com served in the church basement at noon Water ». 300 600 600 236 300 pounded with the utmost care, March 17. Plans were also made for 4. Light and Power 1,919 1,200 2,400 2,020 1,200 we invite your patronage. serving the ’ Ninety-and-Nine ’ organi «. Telephone 50 116 150 160 100 zation, their district meeting scheduled 7. Other expenses of operation 680 420 350 350 700 to be held here in April. Attending 8. Total Expense of Operation 18,664 $ 17,119 »11,350 » 8,350 $ 19,700 $ 15,651 the afternoon meeting were Mrs. Hugh $ Jull, Mrs. Ike Myers, Mrs. B. Jen IV. M AINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Salem nings Mrs. E. K. Fish, Mrs. Emma 1. Personal Service » I 500 » 500 $ » 1,000 RELJABLta Teeters, Mrs. Glen Shelton. Mrs. Ed 2. Repair, maintenance and replacement Cooke, Mrs. Carl Chance, Mrs. Clar 500 (1.) Furniture and equipment 1,960 998 1,250 750 »•••••• ence Howe, Mrs. Una White, and the (2) Building structura .................................. 1,000 3,100 4,670 1,800 8W PIU SCRIPTIONS hostess, Mrs. Elmer Shaw. 8. Upkeep of grounds ................. .... 600 750 3,131 900 1^00 4 Other expenses of maintenance and repairs 3,207 1,500 1,500 3,000 M—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1954 D For GENUINE PARIS and SERVICE on. :: Briggs Stratton and Clinton Engines . . . find All Make» and Models of Ma finetas See Or (all E.H. BURRELL CO MIKE'S Sepiic Service: NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING BUDGET ♦ Sate COMPOUNDED i W"H CARE Capitol Drug Co. ••••••• . . _ 5. Total Expense of Maintenance and Repairs V. Al XII.IARY AGENCIES ». Health Service: (1) Personal service (nurse, etc) (2) Supplies and other expenses 2. Transportation of Pupils: (1) Personal service _ .................... ...... (2) Supplies and repairs .... ..................... (3) Replacement of buses -...................... I (4) Insurance —.__ —................. ....... ........ (5) Other expenses of transportation » 4,450 » 4,100 » 8,560 $ 4,848 » » s 300 20 » 600 60 $ 660 60 4. Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies VI. F1X1 D < il IRGE8 (Exclusive of items included under V-2) 1. Insurance ......... - ____ 2. Student Insurance —.......______ ..... 3. Retirement ........... ......._______ ......... » 7,290 5 VII. 4. «. 8. 4 1.900 2,500 1,300 2,700 250 200 A Total Fixed t bargee 300 40 » 790 410 3,700 » 1,200 1,300 2,700 200 200 3,700 2,600 5,400 450 400 5,920 $ 13,210 $ 2485 2,630 400 216 376 229 6,001 $ DANCE Every Saturday Night $ 6,176 1,100 165 1,700 I 1,890 575 5,400 $ 1,560 573 6,500 $ 1,519 607 5,327 4 2.965 4 7.865 4 8,63 : $ 7.4.M » 300 360 S 930 J 1,252 4 6,783 544 12 2,430 2.235 » » $ 12,968 4490 $ 7.576 < API I \l. <11 I I AYS Library books _____ _____ __________ Furniture, fixtures and other equipment Other capital outlays ......... 930 810 » 13,509 Total Capital Out la* a IX. 1 Ml Kt. 1 Ml » » 7,500 TOTAL SC HEDULE II GENERAL FUND Total Estimated Expenses, Items 1-6, 11-7, III 8, IV 5, V4, VI-5, Vll-9, V1I1-3, IX $192.675 $162,442 »171,459 »150.929 Schexlule Ml M MM1RY OF ESIIMATES OF EXPEN DITI KES. RECEIPTS AND AY Y1LAB1.E í VSH BALANCES, AND TAX LEVIES ESTIMATION OF TAX LEVY ». 5. FROM 9 to 1 IN DAWES BUILDING ». 1. 2. < F Total estimated expenditures Total estimated receipts and available cash balances (Schedule I) Amount necessary to balance the budget ...... .................. DEDUCT: Balan,. axation 7. Total estimated tax letica for ensuing^fisral year Date«! this February 16, 1954 Signed: EDN A F. ROSS. District Clerk R F. KELLY, Charman, Board of Directors MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries Total all Funds $ 192.675 63,550 129,125 129,125 $ 1. Approved by Budget Committee February 16, 1954 Signed: D. B HILL, JR., Secretary Budget, Committee DAVID M REID, Chairman, Budget Committee FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS