Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1954)
f THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE VOLUME XII $2.50 a Year, ]()(• a Copy NUMBER 8 Todd Heads Talent Show Committee Fire Damage Cost High in Store Blaze I Timberwolves are B League Cage Champions DETROIT DAM WEATHER (Courtesy of Corps of Engineers) Daily 7:30 A M. Readings M.S.L. Pool Max. Min, Pep. Elev. 48 36 0 14 1490.44 17 43 32 0.78 1 l.'O.'J 18 The Mill City Timberwolves eked The Mill City Timberwolves, Marion 3-8” Snow 0.36 1492.09 out a 51-54 Marion "B” league win at B league champs, finished their 14 44 Feb. 19 Scio last Friday night. The Timber schedule Tuesday night with a 71-59 45 33 1.41 1494.66 | Feb. 20 1.61 1 i ■* ■ wolves were still in a slump which has win over Detroit. Burt Borough’s 33 52 Feb. 21 I gripped them since their surprise loss Timberwolves boast a 16-win 2-losS 33 At the Lions club board meeting | Feb. 22 47 0.32 1504.13 A flue fire last Wednesday night I to Gervais. This game with Stan record. Their losses were to Gervaia 0.00 1507.41 caused approximately $9,000 damage held Monday night following the regu- ' Feb. 23 57 ■31 l Whipple s Scio Loggers was nig and and Jefferson, who are currently tied lar dinner hour Vernon Todd was I I to the stock in Stewart’s Grocery and tuck all the way. Mill City’« per for second place spot. All teams in the appointed to again this year head the | to the Oddfellow building. formance on the back board "ss veiy league, except Mill City and Chem* committee for the annual Lions club The alarm was turned in about 5:30 l poor as the Loggers glomnied two- awa, have one more game to be played Talent Show. 1 Wednesday morning by Dewey Flat Fiiday night before the season is i thirds of the rebounds. Date set for the performance will be man, who has an apartment in the Mill City broke a 5-5 tie to lead 7 over. f Thursday, April 29. It was decided rear of their cafe in the same building. to 5 at the »-nd of the first quarter. At that tickets will be sold for $1 for The fire had gained considerable I In Mill City's win over the Detrott the beginning of the second quarter Cougars, who have won only two adults and 65c for all students, ' headway but the firemen extinguish-j Scio went ahead. All through that games, Jack Melting and Elton Greg grade and high school. . ed the blaze with a minimum of dam- Already, officers of the Lions club quarter Mill City tied Scio, then when ory were the high scorers with 17 l age to the grocery stock. Morgan S. Odell Heads have been approached by residents Jack Melling and Al Ward put Mill and 16 points respectively. Gerald The damage is now being i epaired I Mrs. Challes Wolverton, who with of the area, asking when the show City ahead, each scoring a final goal. Vicekrs topped Detroit with 15. her husband at one time owned and and workmen this week are going to Easter Seal Committee would be staged. The Timberwolves started out with published The Mill City Enterprise, redecorate the store and the lodge ■ Dr. Morgan S. Odell, president of Mill City went on to lead 14-20 at the Entertainment after the dinner was and now a social worker in Tacoma, rooms above the store. A new chimney ' L«wis and Clark college, has accepted half time. beautiful playing but reverted to their furnished by Jim Iholtz, piano; Jack Washington, last week put in her is being constructed outside the build- ' appointment as chairman of the 1954 But one minute into the next round sloppy style which has indicated thaC Lake, drums and Don Moffatt banjo. bid for a place on the board of edu ' ing at the present time. and Scio tied the score 25 all. In they have been in a slump since thetr Oregon Easter Seal Sales for the Monday night will be the regular cation in that city. | The store is open for business as society for Ciippled Children and last minutes of that quarter field game with Gervais three weeks ago. pot luck dinner for the club members Friends in Mill City wish her luck. | usual, and this week Dub and Charlie Adults, T. Lawson McCall, society goals by Al Ward and Eddie Gregory Previously in the season the Timber and their families. gave Mill City a 3 point lead. Bob wolves went up to Detroit and pulver In listing her qualifications for the ai e advertising some remarkable president, announced. I “ fire sale ” bargains position, Mrs. Wolverton stated: The Easter Seal sale will open Slover intercepted the throw-in after ized those Cougars, 98-155. In Tues “I am a graduate of Northwestern March 18 and continue through a Scio basket and put Scio ahead 37 day night's game. Mill City led almost to 36. all the way. University. I was a postgraduate stu April 18, Easter Sunday. Then with a minute to go in the Juniors Win Too dent in Chicago University in soci I)r. Odell has been closely identi In the junior varsity plemilinary ology, a social worker of 10 years’ fied with the work of the Easter Seal game the Timberwolves began to show expei ience, a former weekly paper Society for several years, and has par a tiny spark of their early season Mill City won 67 to 40. Don Lemke business manager and the mother of ticipated in many community and form. Eldon Gregory sunk a free- was a scoring standout with 34 points five. I am presently editor of the state wide projects since moving to throw and Phil Carey copped two to for the winning JV squad. Don Wat- DETROIT—Ray May, had a rather Portland as the first president of give Mill City a 46-64 lead which was kin’s 14 wa ■ Detroit's highest effort. The minstrel show put on by the YWCA Newsletter and project chan- Individual Scoring Scene Mill City Lions Club in the grade man of a mental health survey foi unpleasant experience with a couple Lewis and Clark college several years nai rowed quickly by a field goal by Tom Stewart. Next Dick Cook scor Herb Romey’s gigantic scoring of school gymnasium Wednesday night the American Association of Uni- of young girl hitchhikers he picked up ago. I at Woodbum, when returning to De- was a ‘howling’ sucecess, with a large versity Women.'’ “The Socitey is most fortunate in ed and Al Ward scored after intercep Tuesday night blasted him out of | troit Fiiday afternoon from Portland. having such an outstanding man as ting a Scio pass, Then Jack Melt- third place to first with 322 points, crowd turning out for the affair. The I On arriving at Detroit he informed Dr. Odell”, McCall stated in announc ing s free throw provided the final 18.9 points per game. Elton Gregory flashy costumes, the well presented Real Estate Starts to I has more points than Romey 335, i the girls that it was as far as he ing the appointment. “He is a great score 51-45. solos and quartet numbers, and com Move In Mill City Area Al Ward took high point honors but has an average of 18.6, since was going. The girl next to him shoved humanitarian and has always dem- ical dance routines added immeas During the past several weeks, real , a .32 automatic in his face and toid onstiated keen interest in the wellfare for the game with 16 points. Scio’s ,i Mill City played one more game than urably to the successful completion of highest was Gordy O’Reilly's 15. estate in Mill City has been changing j him to keep driving, th* rest of the league. If Romey score« weeks of hard work. of the physically handicapped.’’ Mill City—51 Scio—45 I 14 points Friday as Gates hosts St. fcands, giving proof to predictions While he was turning around to The sale of Easter Seals finances The beautiful back-drop completely Gregory (10) F * '^Reilly \ Pau), he will be the league individual covering the back stage, was painted that this area is beginning to grow.1 get back on the highway the gun was the bulk of the society’s projects for Ward (16) (5) Badger1 scoring king for two years in a row. F Much of the activity at the present passed to the other girl. On the way the benefit of Oregon ’ s crippled child- by Faustina Nesbitt. It depicted a C Carey (5) (0) Janis. That would make it three years in a typical Southern scene, including a time is due to the opening in the near to Idanha Mr. May did a lot of fast len and adults, which includes Child Melting (11) G (6) Slover row that Gates had that distinction, future of the M & M plywood plant j talking, with the gun held on him all ren’s Hospital School at Eugene, the river-boat. (11) Stewart a* fabulous Marlin Cole broke all G between here and Lyons. the way. He pulled up in front of Craft Shop of the handicapped in Crook (2) Surprise specialty acts “popping” Subs scoring, Scio: Jacobsen 4; league «coring records three years Deals completed recently are as the Spillway and the girl droppea Portland, the summer camp for crip in and out of the auditorium all eve follows: j the gun to her side. She asked him to pled children near Reedsport, the Dain 2, Gibson 2. Mill City: Ed Greg- • go. The only other player who could ning kept the crowd in an uproar. top Giegory’s 335 is Jefferson’s John Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ellingston drive them to the edge of Idanha, and 1 Speech Center in Portland and many ory 4, Thomas 3. These were enacted by Howard have purchased the Delbert Waite Officials: Scio and Richardson Wright, who now occupies third with me veiuvn. ne saio ne »nina ii sne woum univau ' qrners. he said he would if she would unload . qthers. Means and Robert Thorpe, the latter place on S. E. Fourth; Mr, and Mrs. gun. She agreed and dropper! th» | . McCall emphasized that the society Quarter scores: MC 7 24 3« SI 311, 18.3 per game. Wright would being in charge of all the costuming. !.. Scio 5 20 37 have to score 25 points to do it, but Longview,, bullets in her pocket. He drove them I provides assistance for those physi- • • • Assisting in makeup were .Arthur Le- Althol Underwood of even then he would have to outscore Washington, have purchased the Don1 to the edge of Idanha where they cally handicapped children and adults Cours for the men, and Mrs. Jack Marion “B’’ league Friday night: Romey by 12 points. residence on N. W. River left the car without a word. who cannot qualify for aid from any Lake for the women. Ushers, in Moffatt Road, and Mr. and Mrs. McMahon, | On their trip up the Canyon, they ' other agency, either public or private. Coach Burt Boroughs’ Timberwotves formals, were Rainbow Girls of Mari cinched the Marion "B” league crown of Portland, have purchased the 96 informed Mr May they had left | lyn Assembly. for the second straight year by beat- acre farm northwest of Mill City, be- Seattle early that morning, and were Keith Taylor Injured Lights and sound were taken care longing to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Haun, ^headed for Minnesota, where one of ting Scio. Ordie Hoye’s Gervars of by Robert Veness. Other Lions bunch lost to Jefferson in an overtime All of these deals were closed by the girl«’ mothers had passed away. I In Gas Explosion Friday Club members assisted with tickets, Glen Shelton, who is with C. E. Both were without money and Mr. | 54-52 score. Keith Taylor, who works for Sam arranging of chairs, and other details Coville real estate office here. Individual scoiing: May bought them a sandwich, and Bridges in Lyons, received first and including the advertising. Mill City's Elton Gregory is just glass of milk at Mill City. In Idanha I and second degree burns on both Prelude music was played by an or Girls Volley hall Teams they told him they were sorry for hands face and neck Friday after two tenths of a point per game ahead GATES — The North Santiam chestra composed of Margaret Clise, : their actions, and that they were noon, when he was working on a rest of Jefferson’s John Wright. Gregory Chamber of Commerce met at the , ’ Undefeated This Season Don Moffatt, Jack Lake and Don Nes t nretty green at that sort of thing. aurant stove in the Dawes building, has 319 points in 17 games to Wright's Gates high school Wednesday even bitt, who later moved up to the back The Mill City Girls \ olleyball team They sajd they were 19 and 22 years next to Byron’s Tavern. The explosion 298 in 16 games. Herb Romey, Gate’s ing, February 17 with 67 members of the stage to accompany the num won the league championship Friday oid They were dressed in slacks and was caused by gas which was escaping scoring ace is still third in the indi-l and guests in attendance. afternoon by a 38 to 25 victory over one wore a leather jacket. bers. from unplugged gas lines which had vidual scoring race with 282 points in I Main business of the evening was Following the show moving pictures Stayton. The Mill City team went, been used formerly o.t a steam table. 16 games, one point per game behinu | the election of officers. Oliver Willis, with sound were made oi several of through the season undefeated. They Spillway Defeats Byron’s The steam table had been removed at league leader Gregory. Gates, was elected president; Douglas • * * the numbers and some of the acts will play St. Mary’s for the tourna I one time and the pipes not ptoperly In Shufflehoard Tourney ment chafnpionship March 8 at about The Mill City varsity won an over Heater, vice president and Lindsey by Robert Veness with equipment capped. Mr. Taylor was cleaning and Spillway Tavern dumped Mill City checking the range when the gas ig- time thriller from the Scio JV’s pre Wright of Stayton was re-elected as owned by Shields ReMine. Many 8 p. m. Mill City giade school wound up Tavem tn a close game by 1 points nited. The explosion he<1 gome of liminary to the Mill City’s varsity’s secretary-treasurer. "flash-bulb’’ pictures were taken also. Directors elected to the 27 member the regular play Friday throwing the Santiam Shuffleboard afternoon Just before the Grand Finale, Di the walls of the building and did con win over the Scio Loggers Friday rector Charles Kelly was presented here with a 34-18 loss at the hands league back into a tie between Mill siderable damage to tne tavern rest I night. This contest was a back and board for a term of three years were: Joseph Heuberger and Herman Hass forth affair from start to finish. with a leather bill-fold from the en of the league champion Stayton Pi City Tavern and Meander Inn, each rooms. with one loss. rates. Tournament play begins next tire cast. The Mill City JV’s trailed 9 to 13 at ler, both of Sublimity; R. L. Stewart, The fire department was called but Tuesday afternoon with the follow Other games, Meander Inn defeated the first quarter stop, but halftime Stayton; Luther Stout, Mehama; L. ing pairings: Stayton vs. Mari-Linn; the Cedars and The Lake took Jerry’s. no fire damage was caused by the showed Scio behind 22-23. Scio took F. Myers, Elkhorn; Marshall Powell, Milw aukie Minister To Be blast. Lyons; Tom Morris, Mill City; Floyd Mill City vs St. Mary’s; Turner vs. Lex's was idle. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Iholtz expect to the lead back again in the 3rd canto Völkel, Gates; Otto Russell, Detroit Jefferson; Scio vs St. Boniface. This week starts the second half of At Presbyterian Church to lead 32-31. With 35 seconds left The Mill City game will begin at play with Les’s going to the Lake open a cafe in that building in the to play in the game and Mill City and Jack Haxeman, Idanha. In cooperation with Presbyterian I Meander Inn going up the Canyon to near future. Several of the old timers of the churches throughout the state, the approximately 3:30 p.m. Mr. Taylor is recovering satis trailing by 3 points Don Lemke sent area were guests of the chamber, in Mill City 18 31 Stayton Spillway and the Cedars coming to Presbyterian churches of Mill City it into overtime with a field goal F 4 Perkins 'Mill City Tavern. Jerry's draws the factorily from the burns, according toj which also gave him a'free-throw cluding Mr. and Mrs. Lnicoln Hen- and Mehama next week are having a Bevier 2 his physician. F 13 Champ bye. , Kanoff 6 ness, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Davis, which he made. spiritual Life Mission. ■ ■ I C League Standing* 10 Stevens t Smith 5 Mrs. Ida Geddes and daughter, Miss The special speaker for these serv Towards the end of the overtime Seniors Appreciate Spirit G Won 1 Ware Mae Geddes Mill City. Mr. ices will be Rev. Robert Vogt, of Mil Thomas 5 after a Scio free-throw put Scio in 5 G 5 Ward Mill City Tavern Henness, who is 90 and has lived In waukie. Services will be in Mill City, Longnecker Shown hy Mill City People | front. ____ . Don Lemke scored the win 5 the Gates area most of his life, spoke Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, New Service Station Being Meander Inn We, the members of the Mill City ning basket for Mill City. Ralph Jull briefly telling of changes in the area 4 The Lake February 28, March 3 and 5. In Me clinched it with a free-throw with 4 high school class of 1954, express our 3 Cedars Tavern during his memory. He mentioned the hama. Monday, Tuesday and Thurs Built Near Deer Horn Motel Spillway Tavern gieatest appreciation to the people of seconds to go, after he had been fact that his older brothers had first 2 Workmen are busy this week gett-| day March 1, 2 and 4. The time will be j Mill Ctiy, who so enthusiasticly par- fouled by a fanatic Scio player trying discovered what was later known as 1 Jerry's Tavern 7:30 each night. Everyone is invited. ■ng ground work done on a new Asso- | Les’s Tavern tic i pa ted in our pie and cake auction to get the ball from the stalling Mill the Minto Pass, across the mountaina 1 The general theme, "The Christian ciated service station, which will be I and sale at the basketball game Feb City five. ------------ into Eastern Oregon. Answer to Lifes’ Urgent Problems.” erected just east of the Deer Horn ruary 23. This wa« just another dem The final score was *1 to 39. Portland Lady To Be Claude Kells and Dr. Robert F. Motel. Rev. Streeter of the Mill City and onstration of the friendly spirit which The high scoring destinction went Anderson, both of Salem, were pres- Storage tanks have been installed Guest Speaker at Mehama churches returned Saturday > exists between the Mill City high to Don Ix*mke, MCHS forward, who net. Mr. Kells has been connected with from holding similar services for a and the process of filling in the area Woman’s Club Tuesday j school and the people of Mill City.— netted 25 point*. High score for Scio the Salem YMCA for the past 30 week in Dayville. He reports a fine is now under way. Plumbers are i The Senior class. counts. was Don Jani* with 12 Mrs. Carl Krause, deputy commis years. Dr. Anderson spoke of the also on the job getting their work turnout at the meeting«. (39) Scio JV Mill City JV (41) sioner for the State Bureau of Labor world work of the YMCA, telling of* done. (9) Thurston it* origin in England and Canada in F will be the guest Speiker at the no Drivers License Examiner Ross (5) This will be a four pump station, Sea Scouts Asking for (12) Janis 1851 and the spread of organizations Lmeke (25) F two pumps being placed on each of i host dinner and meeting of the Mill To He Here March 4th (6) Strong into 78 different countries. He stated C Navy Blues for Uniforms | the two islands. There will be a City Woman’s club Tuesday, March 2 I A drivers license examiner will be Sheythe (0) (1) Burton a centennial celebration would be held G I at the Presbyterian recreation room, • on duty in Mill City, Thursday, March Jull (6) This week the Sea Scouts of Mill I double lube room. (2) -Shields in Pars in 1955. Stettner (5) G ' said Mrs. Muir, president of the City are making a plea to residents At the time of going to press, it was 4th at the fire hall between the hours Sub* scoring: Scio, Fencil 7, Steph- of the area for cast off navy blues. not known who would operate the new ■ Ifroup. of 9 and 4. Shows Film of Area Mrs. Krause will speak on the way i Persons wishing original licenses son 2. Daron Dierks leader of the group 1 station when it is completed. Dr. Anderson, a movie hobbyist, Officials: Sernio and Richardson. ’ our state is meeting employment and or permits to drive are asked to file feels that the use of uniforms would then displayed a 30-minute movie in 41. Quarter scorers. Me 9, 23, 31, 38, industrial needs and equipping our give the sea scouts a feeling of really Marion B Champs To applications well ahead of the sched color which he had filmed of the North | youth to meet some of the interna-1 uled closing hour in order to assure Ccio, 13. 22, 32, 38, 39. belonging to a worthwhile organisa Play Non-Ijeaguc Game Santiam area, with its tourist attrac I tional questions facing their genera time for completion of the required tion. Anyone having clothing of this tions and beauty spots. This shows all The Mill City Timberwolves who Rainbow Girls To Serve type is asked to contact Mr. Dierks have einched the Marion county ‘‘B” tion. tests. four seasons of the year, closing with An invitaQpn to husbands and at the school. Dinner Saturday, March 6 a climbing trip to the top of Mt. league championship for the second friends of the club is extended. BENTON-LINCOLN ELECTRIC The Marilyn assembly, order of Jefferson. 1 consecutive year, travel to Monroe for Veteto’s Purchase Building a non-league ,?ame with the Dragons. The next meeting of the chamber • <> OP TO \SK BIDS FOR Rainbow for Girls will serve a ban CLEARING LINE RIGHT OF WAY quet to Mason and Eastern Star mem will be held in Stay ton, Wednesday The game is scheduled for Friday (’rec I/Mining Truck For Cleaning Business At a meeting of the board of di- bers at the lodge hall here Saturday March 17. Mr. and Mrs. George Veteto of the night. March 26. While Mill City is Damaged at Lyons Members of the Gates Woman’s Lowell Cree, local logging truck op rectors of the Benton-Lincoln Elec evening March 6 at 6:30. Nu-Method Cleaners have completed at Monroe the rest of the league will Those who are selling ticket* are club served refreshments at the close a deal whereby they have purchased be in their laat round. Mill City had erator escaped injury in Lyons Thurs trie Co-Op held at Walt Bell’s office the building just east of the Coville been scheduled to play Chemawa Fri day morning when a load of logs on in Stayton Tuesday night it was de asked to turn in their sales at least of the evening, profit to be added to day night, but played them earlier one of Ercill Wilson's truck rolled cided to ask for bids for clearing of a week in advance of the dinner, to the club building fund. Real Estate office on Broadway. They expect to put a new front on in the sason instead, thus getting a from the truck as it was making a the line right-of-way on the Little Mrs. Wm. Shuey, mother advisor, to Folks used to deny themselves lux enable the committee to know how turn onto the highway at Thiel’s Northfork. the building, construct a new sidewalk, game ahead of the rest. Specifications are being drawn up large a group to prepare for on that uries to have money in the bank Just before Christmas vacation Mill stare. and redecorate the interior before The truck was damaged but no one for the bidders at the present time, evening. Entertainment will be pro- today they go without money to have they move in. They do not plan to City whipped Monroe at Mill City, ’ vided for the evening. luxuries. and will call for auction bids. 65-54, leading all the way. was injured. get this work done for some time. Mrs. C. Wolverton Makes Bid for Place On Tacoma Board Lions Minstrel Huge Success Detroit Man Has Hitch Hiker Trouble SantiamChnmb’r Elects Officers