Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1954)
»—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. M\RCH 4. 1M4 nf the road and fine them a flat »35.” Serves them right too, as they cause as many accidents as the speeders. • • • The Avenue By lion Moffatt Mill City is fast taking on the look of a thriving community. Buildings are sprouting un here and there and it looks as if things were moving for ward at a steady pacer The new high school gym is going up rapidly. Concrete work is coming along fine, and the good weather this year has been a great aid to the workmen. A new duplex is being constructed over in Riverview addition. That is what we need, more housing for more people. Then Mr. and Mrs. Hartman have moved into their new home on the highway. The jeweler and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Baker are building a new ranch type home on the bank of the North Santiam river, on the Linn county side. They really have a fine view, * • • Another thing that looks good to me. is the project of the Garden club in putting up waste paper receptacles in the city. All these things point toward good solid advancement. They may not mean much by themselves, but it does show pride in our city. Why not buy the Best? Why not buy a ... . HUFFY LAWN MOWER These Lawn Mowers are THE BEST Come in and let us show you why 18 inch 4 cycle gas model $93 18 inch 4 cycle gas DeLuxe model 18 inch Electric model NORTHERN KING MOWER Gas Powered $11450 $723fl 96 s5 LAWN BOY Gas Powered 8993 Hilltop General Store Mill City, Oregon Have any of you folks taken a trip into the State of Washington lately? Better use a light food on the gas. They are using radar now to pick up offenders, and they really mean busi ness. 1 found out last week. We were drifting along nicely on our w’ay home from Tacoma and bingo—out j stepped one of those fellers in the | neat uniforms. My wife had warned me, but of course, I didn’t think it i could happen to me. After the patrol man had finished up with the “cus- I tomer” he had tied up in his “web” I went meekly back and got into the police car. ’Twas nice and warm in there and he was one of those big guys that make you realize right off the bat that it's better to sit down and listen than stand up and talk. He said: “you came over the hill at 55 miles an hour and the limit is 50.” I just said, “yep.” Bruther, what more was there to say. He had me dead to rights with than infernal radar dingus. We visited while he was filling out the necessary blanks, and all the time I could see my few pennies going out the window. Finally I asked how much the “tarrif” would be and he said, I "this is just a warning ticket.’’ I be gan to breathe again then, and felt pretty brave. I then asked him what they did to the slow “Sunday” driv- ers. You know, the rubbernecks that sort of go to sleep at the wheel instead of bed. “Oh, those guys,” he said, “we just haul them off to the side FRIDAY-SATURDAY The powers that be have set the I date for the school election which will determine w hether or not we will have a consolidation of the districts | comprising Detroit-Idanha. Gates and | Mill City. The election has been set I for March 29. This is one date resi dents in these districts should circle with a red pencil. Probably I am no great authority on education but I feel that with a larger school the stud ents have more advantages, more sub jects from which to choose their cour-1 ses and all-around better balance in education. One thing, I haven't been here long enough to build up any predjudice one way or another, so what I say here is strictly from the heart. I sincerely hope that old feuds can be forgotten and all people w’ork for the good of the child ren. There are those in the area, who will disagree with me, that is sure, but my only plea is for everyone to get out and vote. Forget old animosi ties, and think of the good of the ones w ho are going to school. Another thing to think about is the cost. It is cheap er, by far, to educate a student in a larger school. These facts will be brought out later, and they are the result of a study of men from all three districts. Watch The Enterpise for further details. SPECIALS SUNSHINE SHREDDED WHEAT 12 ounce package Pheasant Yellow Freestone PEACHES, No. 2'/j can MARGARINE—NUCOA or DELRICH 1 pound colored quarters ( HEESE ( HEESE WHIZ 8 ounce jar ..................................... BOLOGNA RINGS 3 rings for LIBBY’S ROAST BEEF 12 ounce can ........ 17' 25c 31'' 57c You can save on your grocery bill every day by SHOPPING. RED & WHITE WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN ON SUNDAY From 9 :00 A. M. until 5:00 P. M. Your dollars buy more when vou shop at Red & While Store Mrs. Harry Mason spent the week end in tourist quarters at Oeeanlake on the Oregon coast, believing that to be a good place to concentrate and accomplish a bit of work. Mrs. Mason is an instructor in the high school. Mill City, Oregon SHIP I’UE PARABLE OI 4 Sin is the anchor on a man's soul. It lets him drift with every current and be buffeted by every storm, but it keeps him tied to the FLOOR of the sea. A Faith is Qie sail that rises from man's soul, It links his life to a Strength ABOVE and carries him forward to his destiny. What good is the sail if the anchor is down? 4 That, in parable, was man's spiritual dilemma through all the ages before Christ. And, in parable again, the simple truth of the Christian Gospel is that Jesus Christ in dying for the sins of men has forever cut away the anchor! ¥ a CHURCH FOR AU AU FOR THE CHURCH cho,acl.r and Joo.j* ,bu,ld,n» “ a •tor.hou,.9, d Clll«n»hip I, '"•'hout a ,“‘o„a S' ^moerac, no, c^!"Ch Th.,. ¿7 uj‘°n co" -.a.on. why .y.,7* tour ‘«und »"•nd should •up- or hi« own m I. /«. L -— . f r-',:r.un0'l,’',h-dch< ”,o‘ nation (4* wHeh n..d, h'.'h’o^ureh i '•r»al «uppo,, - ----- w and ,o ’• A M chA 0,1 « read daily iy Sunday Munday ru«»day ¿*»ur»day Fr.d.y 5*'urd«y l I VI Key.. Book Ch«pttr v< f'roy.rb, M.fth.w M,nh«w Act« H«br«wa -XIV, » - ■ ' a Thia Series of Ad* Is Sponsored by the Following Firms in Interest of All Churrhes MUIR’S BAKERY Mill City, Oregon ADAS NEEDLE SHOP Dry Goods and Dressmaking S.W. Broadway.Phone 2243, Mill City KELLOM’S GROC ERY “Your Personal Service Store Mill City, Oregon HIRTE’S FOOD IXM’KERS Phone 7243 Mill City, Oregon RED & WHITE STORE Mill City, Oregon Steaks Sea Foods ( HUCK’S FINE FOODS Modern Cabins 3JV3 MNVH Mill City, Oregon GATES GENERAL STORE Gates, Oregon KELLY LUMBER SALES Building Material Mill City, Oregon IDANHA SUPER SERVICE Don IJoyd Idanha, Oregon WRIGHT TRUCK LINES Ship The Wright Way Stayton, Oregon DR. REYNOLDS CLINIC Proct ologist-N auropath 11M Center Street Salem. Oregon