Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1950)
Jim O’Leary Elected City Councilman Jim O’Leary, owner of the Mill City Variety store in Mill City, suc ceeds Harold Kliewer, owner of Kliewer's Meat Market in Mill City, on the city council according to offi cial tabulations revealed Wednesday by election judges of voting precincts in Mill City. Paul Ressler, owner of Ressler's grocery on Marion county side of Mill City, unsuccessful candidate for the vacated council post, carried the Marion county side of Mill City by a margin of 33 votes. O’Leary massed a 99 vote lead on the Linn county side of Mill City that melted away Ressler’s showing. Final tally gave O’Leary 269 votes to Ressler’s 203. Harold Kliewer re ceived eight votes in spite of his an nounced position of not seeking re election. Several other Mill City citizens received one vote each. O’Leary and Ressler conducted un usual campaigns in that each actively » campaigned for the election of the other. This curious twist of things finally cast the mantel of official-dom upon O’Leary. O’Leary has always exhibited a lively interest in and been a party to every Mill City civic activity. The selection of O’Leary for the council seat proved a difficult one, however. Both Ressler and O’Leary are high type men and were outstand ing candidates. The political affilia tions of the two men apparently played no part in their candidacies for the council post. Interest ran so high in the coun cilman race that only four official ballots remained unused at the close of balloting. O’Leary takes office Jan. 1, 1951 for a three-year term. T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DI 1RO1T ELKHORN GATES 11» \N H \ LYONS MEH AMA MONGOL!) ON TH) SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY' TO THE HEART OF N ATI RE’S EMPIRE Vol. VI—No. •*> MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER ». 1950 $2.50 a Year, 5c a Copy Hospital Opens Advance Gifts Drive, 130 Volunteer Wednesday Night Dinner Starts Campaign Efforts The campaign to raise funds for the Santiam Memorial Hospital started Wednesday night at the American Legion hall. Stay ton, with a School of Instruction for the work ers. The workers are divided into two divisions. Division A of the Ad vance Gifts Committee is under the leadership of Dr. Wm. H. Burrell; this division will solicit for memori als only from those on the Advance Gifts list in the Stayton. Sublimity, Aumsville. Marion. Turner, Mehama, and Scio areas. The members of Division A are: | Group 1: Walter H. Bell, manager; G. W. Schachtsick, assistant; Merton F. Cox, E. A. Ditter, M. F. Headrick, B. J. Minden, Roy Philippi, L. E. Spraker, M. Van Driesche, A. C. Van | Nuys, Everett Ward, and Joe Pieser. Group 2: M. J. Martin, manager; T. Above is a ’’before" scene of the Detroit Dam project. This close-up of the Detroit Dam spillway area shows G. E’reres, assistant; Jos. M. Devers the magnitude of the area and workings covered by the recently flooded North Santiam river as pictured : Jr., H. S. Pendleton, Gene Teague, below. The heavy equipment shown in the picture was moved to safety out of the reach of the flood. II. H. Wright, Wm. J. Lulay, John (Photo Courtesy Capital Journal and Robert Veness) Silbernagel, W. M. Tate, S. IL Wright, Irvin Schumacher, John J. Mackie and George Sandner. Group 3: Anton Moravec Jr., man ager; Dr. Wm. H. Burrell, assistant; Edw. J. Bell, K. B. Farwell, F. M. Dick Morse, owner of the Dick's Forrette, Kenneth Hanson, Wilbur F. Shoe Service and acting commander Lesley, W. N. Simmons, Dr. R. P. of the Mill City American Legion Andersen, F. M. Smith, I. E. Par- Post No. 159, revealed today that I berry and Gale Christensen. Dr. David J. Ferguson, chaplin of the Division B — The Canyon Section post, will conduct appropriate Legion with Lyons, Mill City, Gates, Detroit officer installation ceremonies in the I and Idanha—solicitation will be un- American Legion hall tonight. I der the direction of J. C. Kimmel, Dick Morse takes the helm of the associate chairman of the Advance local Legion post as commander. Gifts Committee wtih groups of work .Tack Colburn, Arthur Kriever, and ers at each of these cities: Buford Flatman. teach assume a vice Mill City—Group 1: A. J. Frank, ommandership post. David Kelly manager; Ervin S. Petersvi.,, assist gets sworn in as post adjutant; Bill ant; Chas. E. Coville, W. B. Hirte, Stewart, Jr., as finance officer; Frank Don Jenkins, J. C. Kimmel, John A. Stovall, as historian; Glen V. Soren Peregoy, Donald C. Peterson, Dr. J. sen. as service officer; and Elmer A. Reid, and Tony Ziebert. The Mill City city council voted Barney, as sergeant-at-arms in to Group 2: Albert Toman, manager; last Wednesday night that N. W. night’s installation. R. B. McClain, assistant; D. L. Beebe, Ilaner and Associates, registered Ore Acting-commander Morse invites Frank Caraway, Burnett L. Cole, gon and Washington engineers and all Gold Star Mothers in this area to consultants, should go ahead with present their son’s flags, service rec survey and lay-out work on their ords, and pictures to the Mill City Mill City street drainage and im Legion Post No. 159 where an actual provement control plans. memorial can be established to those After completion of this primary who gave their lives. work, the next step calls for ditch Refreshments will be served subse ing and crowning work on the streets Roy Jewell, president of the Oregon to assure adequate drainage. Water quent to the officer installation cere State Aeries, Fraternal Order ot pockets and poorly drained areas pre monies by the Legion Auxiliary ladies Eagles, in his official capacity, and vent any effective street improve who are in charge of the food. The Shown above is an ’’after" scene of the Detroit dam site. Two flash floods of vicious character swelled the Ethel Vedder, Oregon state auxiliary ment, Haner indicated. public is invited. North Santiam river causing it literally to flood the concrete pourings and channel footings of the new dam president of the Order, visit the San Present city street maintenance to a deplh of some 20 feet in places. After flood waters receded, large pumps began siphoning out the tiam Aerie equipment with some additions can above inundated operations. Now concrete pouring work continues normally. The arrow on the left points 2745, Detroit, handle the drainage problem, Engi Eagles Sponsor Saturday to the submerged diversion tunnel and the arrow on the right points to the flood waters pouring over the on Friday, neer Haner feels. coffer dam. This rush of water lifted out a 50-year-old or more, landmark, log-jam on the North Santiam Nov. 17, dur A catalog of the engineering fact? Armistice Day Dance below the damsite and scooted large logs and much debris on down the foaming channel towards and past ing special on Mill City has been promised for Mill City. (Photo Courtesy Capital Journal and Robert Veness) Barney Oliver, president of the a n n iversary January by Haner. Work on this Santiam Aerie, Fratenal Order of festivities. phase of the project starts immedi Eagles of Detroit announced today A special ately. that a dance to aid the Damon Run a n n i versary Mr. Haner, an inactive Reserve yon Memorial Cancer fund will be I n i t i a tory officer, has had seven and one-half sponsored Saturday, Nov. 11, at the class honor years service in the U. S. Army Corps Eagles hall in Detroit. ing Pres. Roy of Engineers plus many years of civ A special Aerie committee has been Jewell, and a ilian engineering work on a wide and At the Tuesday night meeting of Detroit shuffleboarders shuffled Gates—-The State Highway com appointed to arrange for the dance— joint anni imposing variety of engineering proj Mill City players another sour one members are Emil Kunkel, chairman; the Stayton Lions club it was voted mission placed road signs on the San versary din ects. Recently Engineer Haner and for the second consecutive time in Ray Wallace, Lee Howland. Christian to postpone all meetings of the club tiam highway in town Monday. One ner for mem Associates handled the Kennewick, Etter, and Irene Stout. I until after the completion of the San- cuts the speed of cars and heavy tournament shuffleboard play a week bers and new Wash., water system installation. ago Thursday night in Detroit with Santiam Aerie will donate the I tiam Memorial hospital money rais- candidates of gross proceeds of the dance sans ■ ing campaign. All the business of trucks to 35 miles. This has eased a score of 215 to 194 in favor of th« Santiam the minds of many parents whose Detroit. taxes to the cancer fund. The money | the club will be acted upon by the I Aerie mark the third anniversary of The Detroit team of Esteline Hol ; the Santiam Aerie and the first anni Rock Crusher Installed efurthers cancer research. board of directors during this period. children were compelled to cross the highway twice each day to reach the bert-Gale Fagen piled up the nights’ versary for the Ladies Auxiliary of The Santiam Aerie invites all the According to H. S. Pendleton, presi- On Little North Fork organizations and citizens of the can I dent, “All members of the club who school bus which loads and unloads high tally of 37 points. Tying for the Detroit Aerie. near the post office where several second honors with a score of 32 yon to join the Eagles in making this ' are in a position to do so have volun The Oregon State Auxiliary treas Families living on the Little North dance an outstanding financial suc teered to serve as workers during the serious accidents, one fatal has oc- points were Mill City teams George urer is also expected to attend the Fork are anticipating an improved cured. At certain times each day cess. hospital campaign. The building of when the employees of the Detroit Stewart-Jack Colburn and Pete Pe conclave November 17. Lodge con road from Mehama to the Elkhorn venes at 8 p.m. After the official guest lanch, now that a rock crusher I this hospital to serve the Santiam dam are going to and returning from terson-Earl Bennett. Working earnestly for a Mill City meeting is completed, a dance to the has been installed on the Steve Dark Valley and Canyon Area is so vital work there is a continual stream of to the protection of the people and cars, all in a terrific hurry to get win over Detroit were Milton Irwin, accompaniment of a juke box is property. ; the development of the area we be to work, seem to always be late, or Cliff Waddle, Al and Inez Haun, planned. Site of the crusher, which is oper FRIDAY— Byron and Tally Davis, George Ste lieve that no meetings of our or in a bigger hurry to get home. ated by the Jungwirth Sand and I.O.OF meeting ganization should interfere with the Heavily loaded logging trucks have wart, Jack Colburn, Pete Catherwood, Gravel, has been leased for a t«n-year Mill City IWA meeting last Friday workers of the campaign." Ci Fluke, Earl Bennett, Pete Peter period by Marion county. Road rep been seen to pass each other at the son, Gene and Ruby Armstrong. Alice MONDAY— resentatives state that 10,000 yards junction of the highway and the Elk Hoeye and Ted Crandell. Boy Scouts 6:30 p.m. of rock can be used immediately on horn road, with little regard for the Victorious Detroit shufflers were nearby roads. Lions club meeting. safety of children or adults. With a Auto Accidents Kills Another road which is expected to A F. 4 A.M. No. 180 stated meet speed limit of 35 miles Gates will feel Rex Cecil, Dick Taylor, Bob Layman, Chas. Berman, Bill West. Fred Studer, Mill City Police Chief J. T. King be rocked soon is the Elkhorn to ing third Monday. much safer than in the past. Former Local Teacher Keith Hubbard, Bill Drezel, Audrey issued warning to motorists today Gates hiil road which was planned for TUESDAY— Layman. Irene Stout, "Red" Ryniar- that the police department hence last rummer until rock supplies ran Mrs. Velma Pearson, former Mill Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday son, Esteline Holbert, Gale Fagen, forth will fine those who violate low. The Mill City, Elkhorn school City elementary teacher sustained American Legion Auxiliary 2d Tues fatal injuries last week when the car James M. Bennett Passes Eric Nyberg, Frances Stout and Carl the city’« parking regulation» bus which ’rav-i» this route in fair Women’s club 8 p.m. 1st, 3rd Tuea ‘‘Wintergreen’’ Ball, an outstanding in which she was riding collided with weather has been forced to detour Numerous parking signs giving WEDNESDAY — shuffleboard player from Elk Flat. a loose logging truck trailer near After Heart Attack regulation* on proper parking have an added 20 miles a day until the Chamber of Commerce 8 p m. Lakeside junction. been installed recently on and near road is rocked. James M. Bennett. Linn county su Altar Society meets 3rd Wed I at, 2nd. and Broadway street« in Many adult local citizens in Mill perintendent of schools, passed a*ay DR. W. J. STONE REPORTS Mill City PT A meets 2nd Wed. Mill City. Police Chief King indi City recall receiving grade school in today in the l^hanen community boo- TWELVE CASES OF ML MPS Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 pm struction in classes conducted by Mrs. pital after a heart attack suffered cated Dr. W. J. Stone, Marion county at Detroit school building Pearson in the old Mill City grade last Sunday. Patrolman Kenneth Hunt ia busy health officer, revealed today, that, Santiam Rebekah 16* 1st ar.d 3rd «chooi building as far back as 1928. Funeral services are scheduled for according to Marion county doctors' today issuing educational warnings A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs. Wed at 8 p m Mrs. Pearson, an ex-principal of an this Saturday at 3 p.m. at the First reports, new casus of communicable to violators of parallel parking Albin Cooper, Detroit, Nov. 9, at THI RAD AY— elementary school in McMinnville, is Presbyterian ( hareh ia Albany. The diseases consist of 11 eases of mumps rule«. Such disregard of parking Salem Memorial hospital. Gates PT A 1st Thursday 8 pm. survived by a sister, Mabel Johnson, Lebanon IOOF will conduct a special in Salem and one outside Salem lim instructions in the future will re A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs. American Legion 2d and 4th Thur» a Portland school teacher, and a service jest prior to interment of its, and one case of scarlet fever in sult tn a fine instead of a warning. J. D. Inman, Mill City. Nov. 9. at Patrolman Hunt motions. brother, Hallie Johnson of Monmouth. the remains. Salem. Garden club fourth Thursday Salem Genera) hospital. Local Legion Helm Goes To Dick Morse V Clarence Estenson, Pau) L. Mason, Ernest Ragsdale, Ben Roten, and Frank R. Stovall. Group 3: J. T. King, manager; George Veteto, assistant; Jack Col burn, W. L. Doughty, C. F. Hunter, K. W. Morse, Ralph Nibler, George L. Steffy, R. L. Stiffler, Dr. Wm. Teutsch, and Robert Veness. Detroit—Nolan P. Rasnick, man ager; R. D. Johnson, assistant; How ard Baldwin, John Cannon, Leo J. Fitzgerald, Emil G. Hintz, Warren Card, Otto Russell, Ray Sophy, and Otis White. Idanha —Huber Ray, manager; Sam Palmerton, assistant; Marion Aider man, Vernon A. Alvin, II. E. Debolt, Jack R. Haseman, Paul N. Reynolds, G. J. Skidmore, Warren A. Stoll and Noyes Whitten. Lyons—George Huffman, manager; L. Burl Smith, assistant; A. W. Olm stead, C. L. Grimes, and Hugh John ston. Gates—O. K. Hirte, manager; J. F. Bowes, assistant. Additional workers for the groups at Lyons and Gates will be published in the next issue of this newspaper. The workers in the Canyon area will solicit for memorials and also mem berships for the Santiam Memorial hospital. Headquarters, with Mrs. Edna F. Ross in charge, will be estab lished in Mil) City. Thirty campaign workers of the Canyon area were in attendance at the meeting Wednes day night. City Fathers Accept Haner City Proposal President of Eagles Visits Detroit Aerie Stayton Lions Club Defers Meetings Speed Limit Signs Placed in Gates Detroit Shufflers Down Mill City Coming Events: Notice Mill City and Canyon Motorists Just Arrived,..