Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1948)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, DECEMBER 16. 19*8 -OtMMKíÁ .7 Suggestions for DAD, SON and BROTHER PANTS JACKETS SHIRTS Dre»« White Stag Down Filled Jen-Cel Lite Wool Melton Woo) W hipconi Leather All Wool Work T Shirt. Flannel SOX i For Everyone Wool Whipcord Army Pinks Day’s Slacks Day*. Cords I HOUSE SLIPPERS SLEEPING BAGS » Down. All Wool and « Kapok. Air matresses. L Romeo g Singles and Doubles. Moccasin The Largest Selection in Town. Dies, I 13.95 .. 65.00 j I___ s and Work SWEATERS Pull Over Sleevelew Coat All Color, and Weave. Felt Opera COWBOY BOOTS BILL FOLD TOBACC O POUCH TIE RACK All Sizes PANTS H INGER SUSPENDERS for Children and Men LES NEWMAN’S Gates Mrs. Tilmon Rains spent a day and Groblcbe, f< rmer residents of Mill ' night in Salem at the home of her City where she was postmistress for I brother and wife, M Ir. and Mrs. E. F. a number of years. Members of the Gates Women’s Club met in the social rooms of the high school Thursday afternoon in regular session. A dessert luncheon was served by the hostesses, M r s. Elmer Stewart aryl Mrs. Melbourne Rambo. Mrs. Stewart presided at the business meeting which followed the luncheon hour. A i eport of the recent bazaar was made, and $1308 was re ported in the building fund. A Christ mas party and gift exchange will be held at the home of Mrs. Joe Joaquin. The next regular meeting, Jan. 13, will have as its subject a demonstra- ion, “Conserffwg You.” For HIM at A preschool clinic was held at the schoolhouse Monday with Dr. Stone, county health physician, and Miss. J. Schneider, nurse, in charge. Local women assisting were Mrs. Glen Hen ness, Mrs. Burrel Cole and Mrs. Lau ra Joaquin. Several children were vac cinated and examined. Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Rambo and two children and Mrs. Steve Champ were Stayton visitors Saturday . Mrs. Rosa Roten who left last June to spend the slimmer with re latives in the east, ieturned Satur day. Mrs. Roten m:.J_ riie trip both ways by air and visited Salt Lake, Chicago an<l North and South Caro lina. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson and daughter Helen and Mis. Robert Wil son did some of their Chistmas shop ping in Stayton Saturday. Ernest Wrigglesworth received word last iweek of the arrival of a new granddaughter born in Glendale, Calif., to his son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wrigglesworth who, until a shoit time ago, resided in Gates. Christmas S FOR DRESS I Mallory Hats Enro Shirts Clothes and Topcoats By the House of Worsted-Tex Wembley Ties Paris Belts aud Suspenders Westminster Hose Í I s 5 FOR SPORT I Airman Sport Shirts Slacks-AII Wool Gabardine Kandel Sweaters Sport Caster Jackets 3 BUTTON SLEEVE GABARDINE Water Systems Sheet Meta) Oil Burners Water Softeners JUDSON’S Plumbing - Heating Service Anywhere" 279 N. Commeicial Salem, Oregon SHIRTS $6.95 ALI. THE FRIENDLY STORE 179 N. Commercial COI j ORS AND SIZES FOR NIGHT: Pajamas, Robes Salem, Oregon Open Friday Nights Until Christman 456 STATE STREET SALEM THE ONLY MEN’S STORE TO GIVE S R H IGRF.EN STAMPS USE PROPANE GAS - THE MAGIC FUEL for clean, quick, depend.'b e cooking! MODERN FUNERAL SERVICE Here is the ideal Stayton, Oregon Christmas Dr. S. A. WHEATLEY OPTOMETRIST 145 Third St. Stayton • • Office hours 6:00 to 9:00 each Tuesday evening. • • • Salem office located at 167 S .High St. Phone 24469 • Give her useful beauty—a smart compact by Elgin American. Our assortment from $2.95 up, will show you why Elgin Ami rican compacts are so much preferred —such perfect giftsl I i a prescription in vour purse or pocket, your first thought is for safety. You want accuracy, competence, fresh potent drugs. But, you also want that prescription com pounded at a fair price. Be cause our business is built on just such a sound basis, we cor dially invite you to try us on your Doctor’s ucxt prescription. Watches Diamonds We will be open till 8:00 P.M. I'ntil Christmas FORREST BAKER Expert Repairing by a LICENSED WATCHM VKER Baker’s Jewelry MILL CITY Capital Drug Co. 1. Its absolutely true. Salem, Oregon NtW MTU« TOP COOKINO New. •«••>!•<•, porcelain b»"»* «"d hav Bv*"«*» Hi le, «•«■doffluR eve« h»aim| a«d eo*v ’o dean Wkeel re«vlator •ive* vee etffoMaffc ove« boa« cowffol et It* be.* teeeded comen In lloatme •vpe ove« •« beffe* beklof rend». AMERICAS a*.»«. Propane Gas & Appliance COMPANY Ferry Street Phone 5098 SALEM • Santiam Highway 1 Mile South A. M. McCUEN NEXT WEEK PORTLAND AND MILL CITY’ CHARLES LOVEU MANAGER ■: ♦ "Common Sense" Hallie« the ♦ ♦ Colonie« to the Idea of In- : deiM-ndcnfir (1776) ♦ ♦ LEBANON Salee, Installation*. Service. in Manon, Polk. Linn and Benton Counties. ——...... ■ -—wur—— 1931 PLYMOUTH I dr. sedan. Good Transportation $75 Mat Treasured Documenta 511 ,T *7*^ AT Sit Ì •7k NfW IfniW OVtN COOKING Power Company \ Self Supporting, Tax Paying Pris ate Enterprise STANDLEY art tile service Drain Board* and Bathroom«. Tub Splash. Beautiful Per manent finish. Stops Leakage. Fireplace«. Front and Hearth Enne Estimates Call evening» 29F5 Stayton Ralph Standley Rt 1, Bx. 17 STAYTON ■'em destinations via (aliform a f northern U. S. lines for no C" straight East amt back! We don when we %<•.. like till th* M* the win*«. t.• Pair Of M thinking we’re kidding -giin It certainly «eema scenic attractions plus ranciaco, I xm Angeles, ion— should cost a whale u . But r tn fa* you t an e . cn add Ne n ia New York. dp! l'ha heat way we can ’ !ir>< is with an actual ticket When yo I k «ft agent to route your ticket Ea«f for yourself. GEORGE I RRET. Local Agent 4 ( T’’- ....... dly jcific