Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1948)
CLASSIFIED D E P A R T M E N T RABBITS A SKINS WANT LIVE RABBITS 4 lbs. uo. rab bit skins, hides, wool. mohair, cas- cara live poultry. Baby B Company. 93S S. W. Trout. Portland. Orsfcon. MISCELLANEOUS AUTO TOW CABLE 11.00 New War Surplus Cable 6400 lbs. test. 15 ft. clamped looped ends 11 00 Spliced looped seven strand 2 ton S3 00 Plus 25c postage. Low est price U. S A Atlantic Cable SpUclng Company. Montrose, Calif. NEEDLECRAFT PATTERNS BUSINESS A INEST. OPPO1L Dl’E to Illness, must sell or trade 7 cabins, store, lunch and gas station in heart of Seven Lakes. Come, see, make offer Lakewood Services Bo ute 1, Box SO. Mountain High way, Eatonville, Washington. Oíd-Fashioned Girl Design The daintiest decoration' Pattern 7441. transfer of a 9x194 and two 7x15 inch motifs; crochet directions. • • e Put your spare moments to good ac count' Our Needlework Book wi’J show you how It s only 15 cents This edition has illustrations of the best designs yet. Embroidery, knitting, crochet toys, chil dren's clothes, accessories Each design comes in a simplified pattern that is s<> easy to follow Plus—FREE—a pattern printed in the book. ELECTRICAL contracting and na tionally advertised appliance bus. in Eastern Oregon city, gale at inven tory price «’all eves, or Sat and Sun WB 0591 or write BF 7, Ore gonian. GARAGE BLDG. 2 sections, lot 5vx 160, room for expansion Apts, or Factory, « mi , >15”0 dn Less cash. Mandol, 304 N E. lOOth Ave., Port land, Ore. Sunset 9833. OF THE WEEK INKLINGS By Jarvis Sralng Circle Needlrcrsft Dent. 564 W. Randolph St Chicago 66, 111. Enclose 2u cents for pattern. No_________________ Nama __ ___ AUTO AGCY.—This is one of the big five Ac popular agey with a good franchise g< <>d lease at 1175 mu. rent in a large cone. bldg, con MEDICINE cannot cure arthritis or structed only 3 yrs. ago; beautiful rheumatism, book by prominent show rm.; nice closing rm. & of medical doctor tells how many fices; shop completely equip, with chronic ailments are cured tar diet latest de most modern equip, money alone Write Fred A. BlUott, can buy. Steam heated thruout. Spangle, Wash. Used car lot across street at >50 mo. rent that does well. Will net POU1TBY WANTED hustler >10,000 plus yrly. Fi niuni paid n <*olored hen< Mouti Produce, 533 SW Front, Portland, DELUXE TAVERN—10 booths. 20 stools; newly painted & decorated. Or. AT 5768. ___________ Lady operator with 2 bartenders <& still can show >1000 mo. net. BIBLES — Complete line Christian $17,000 price. bo. ks and supplies. Catalog on re TAVERN & DANCE — Land incl. in nta st. Fir's Book Store, Bellingham, sale; bldg, about 75x90 with one Washington. sub-rental; liv. quarters obtainable; well equipped with solid mahog RECORDS—JAZZ. POPULAR. CLAS bar; direct draw; large cooler. Very SICAL. Christmas Albums and sin littie competition; loc. in pros, farm gles, the most complete stock in Ac logging area. This bustness has tiie Northwest of all labels. We had many mo.«. netting >1500. Own mail records anywhere. Write or er in ill health & forced to sell. pilone EAst 9783. City Amusement Small down pymt. Service, 3313 S. F Hawthorne Blvd. If you dont' have enough cash to Portland 15, Oregon. purchase a business but if you do have a home, contract or mortgage, EGG PRODUCERS—See the Wright we can assist you. egg cleaner in operation, cleans ATTENTION SELLERS 15” ' LISTINGS A rPREC I AT E D PAT NASH SUPPLY CO. Seattle. Wn. 207 S. B. Clay, Portland. Ore. VE 4731 1919 - 5th Ave. ACME BROKERAGE. INC. Wholesale and Car Lots HARDWOOD , FLOORING ASPHALT TILE HAROLD H. NEVIN CO. 4246 S E. Belmont PORTLAND 15, OREGON DEER, ELK, COW, and Fur hides tanned. Coats, Gloves, etc., tailored to your measure. Oldest Estb. Mfgr. in West We Buy hides Cherveny’s Tanneries, 1127 NW 19th Ave., Portland, Oregon. Ad d res s DIESEL POWER UNITS BUCKNER-WEATHERBY LL have such fun with all \ rOU the needlework variety here! make YOUR OWN ICR CREAM Counter service. Large Alag sale. Merchandise boards. Phone BR. 5318. 2471 N. W. 27th Ct.. Port land, Ore. Giraffe Clothes Tree Attracts All Children TEXAS TREE-RIPENED TANGER INES Packed In Mexican halt birnlml basket. $5.00. Prepaid Ex press. O. t. Stroman, Rt. 1, Box Mission, Texas. WEEKLY RIB! By Roy Mathison If you foal run and colds hang on — maybe you don't get enough natural AID Vitamin food. Then try good-taetin« Scott'« Emulsion—the HIGH ENERGY FOOD TONIC I Se« how yon ye begin to gel you* strength ♦■’K.u back ! How you can fight off colds I Scott's is a "gold min«" Vitamins and , / / energy-building natural oil. Easy to tak«. Economical. Buy I | today at your drug stor«. 4 MORI then |uit a Ionic— it’s powerful nourishment! MEAT MARKET. grocery and restaurant in Mosier, Ore. >18,000 compl. with equipment, approx. 100x100 lot. bldg., plus inventory. R. E. ANDREWS YOUR SEEDS FOR FLOOB COV ERING FULLY SUPPLIED HERB SCOTTS EMULSION FARMS AND RANCHES All modern colors and patterns tn linoleum. Asphalt tile, Rubber tile and Plastlo linoleum. Free Infor mation and literature. /CHILDREN frequently become * deeply attached to one of their playtime toys and will spend countless hours talking over im aginary trips and adventures. Be cause this Giraffe Clothes Tree seems to understand almost ev erything a child says, he quickly takes first place in the heart of every little child who sees him. FOR SALE: 158 acres dairy farm, Richland, Oregoh, will pasture and feed 4‘» cows and their increase. Carl C. Mason, Kt. 2, Box 9, Poulsbo, Wash. Acme Linoleum Co. 421 S. W. Taylor, Portland 4, Ora, STOCK RANCHES. Dairy Ranches, with Cattle and Machinery, from >12,000, 120 acres, to >50,000, 340 acres. Homes >S00 to >28,000. Good business properties from >5000 to >20,000. Every condition suited to the use and benefit of man seem to exist here. Good climate, less work; more money, easy life T. W. Moul trie, Salmon, Idaho. ('•Ilf. Dates, figs mammoth prunes, 5 lb. carton any one $2 10 postpaid, 3 cartons any one or assorted S5 50, express prepaid. Other fruits, shelled nuts, olives available. CAI.IFKU1T Calimesa. California MACHINERY & SUPPLIES 45-AC RE irrigated dairy or stock farm on highway 730. 7 mile« west McNary dam (construction). Alfal fa crop land, subirrigated pasture, modern 3-bdrm. house. Large barn. H. C. Warner, Irrigon, Oregon. CONSULT US ON ALL OF YOUR Logging and Construction Equipment Requirements LARGE STOCK OF Crawler Tractors, Cranes, Shovels, ot<. Equipped as Drsirtd. Thoroefhly Reconditioned and Guaranteed. Payments arranged to suit your job Contract or Rental Option. NEXT DOOR By Gluyas Williams 24 4 /10-ACRE ranch. 7-room modern house, basement, wired for two elec tric ranges, large barn holds 10 cows; garage; large chicken house; wash house; outside cellar cistern; deep well, lawn, shade trees; won derful view; 5*4 acres grapes, fam ily orchard. *« acre raspberries, 5 acres pasture, 8 acres alfalfa. 2 acres open ground. On main high way. Two miles town on mail route, school bus. milk route. Good Nve Brother«, Monte 1, Prosser, Wash ington. PaciflcTractor & Equipment Co. STM E. Marginal Way Seattle 8. With. Telephone: I.Ander 7i(W and 1800 7th Aeenee. Eegene. Oregea Telephone; Eegene 2544. NEW 30 M circular GMC Diesel and electric mill. All new’ machinery. Simonson turner, heavy duty car riage. 60“ opening, steel saw husk, 54“ saws. V-belt drive. 2 acre» pond, 15 acres on approved harbor, 3 million ft. timber, unlimited amt. available, logs available less than >2'» per M. Ideal location, heart of last virgin timber stand in Oregon. Box 157, Brooking«, Oregon. A BARGAIN, 20 acres, small 2-bed- room house. Lights & water, partly furnished, young orchard, some ber ries. 10 miles east of Everett, >2.700 terms. Less for cash. A. F. Strib ling, Mt. No .1, Lake Btevene, Wash. <» REGISTERED COMING 2-year-old Polled Hereford bull« Also some cows Popular blood lines Folinsbe A Oreen. Pomeroy, Wash. Tel. 21-P3 HELP WANTED—MEN PLUS LEVEL A. 50 a. in grain. Perm, pasture, good bldgs, inclu. mod. 7-rm. hse. on mail, milk, and hi-school bus rts. ('lone to grade school and church. With or without stock and mach Write owner, Box 253. St. Helens, Or. FARM MACHINERY 4 EQUIP. ORDER NOW. Minneapolis Moline Farm Equipment, parts, service. Or der rush parts by phone or mall. Fast, dependable service. Now’ Is the time to buy new equipment for Spring 194!» "Z” Tractor now on display only. 1947 Universal “Z ’ in Walk er's Truck A Trailer, 931 Southeast 6th, Portland. Bast 5153, Albany, Oregon. Phone 1360. | REAL ESTATE—MISC. 5-acre tracts, piped, in the Orchards All in fruit and Albert J. Meisner, B 2, Lewiston, Idaho. TO RENT OR LEASE WANTED TO RENT. GOOD grain, dairy farm by Washington State college graduate, experienced dairy, stock and grain fam s McMANIMIB QUICKER From Your Cough Duo to o Cold Cft! rv’C Cough H*n,y Compound *T,r ■ ULLI Anyone can build this delightful piece of whimsy by following the full size pat tern offered below. All materials needed can b«- purchased at your local lumber yard ot small cost The pattern tells you what to buy and where Io use each piece. No special tools, skill or decorating ability is needed. Merely trace the pattern on the wood, saw and assemble. Step by step directions are written in language everyone cxn understand. To simplify decorating and to insure painting the giraffe exactly as illustrated, full size outlines of the nose. eyes, mouth, etc . are printed on the pattern. These are traced on the wood and painted with the colors the pattern specifies. 6 ♦ Send 25 cents for Joe Giraffe Pattern No. 34 to Easi-Bild Pattern Company. Dept W. Pleasantville. N. Y. Promptly rallevo« cough« of BLACK POLAND CHINA BOARS Ex. collent individuals of the right kind. Hoxie Egger«, La Cross, Wash. MAY Get Well U. 8. Woven Cloth Output More than 11.5M.000 linear yards of cloth were woven in the United States during 1946, the last full year for which accurate statistics are yet available. TIGHT ACHING CHEST COLDS LIVESTOCK 2 CHOICE Lewiston Kerrie« Box 716. See how SCOTTS build you up! STRICTLY modern 4 bedroom country home, nice orchard, guest house A ga rage. Half interest in planing mill, good 24-inch Berlin planes, wholesale and re tail business on R. R. Load direct from planer to cars. Price $20,000, half cash. MILL SITE RANCH Sandpoint, Idaho. GI NS—My Personal Guns. 30 06. 257- 22-250, Ackley Improved swift, 12 ga. Automatic, Ammunition 30.06- 180 or 15” gr. 8 mm. 7.62 Russian $3 50 box 20. Write your wants. OBOBOE L GOSNEY. BOX 73 DAYTON. WASHINGTON SALES MANAGER for the itate of Oregon for A-l hospital H A. in,. Excellent com- missions and renewals. Leeds furnished. COMBINED INS. CO MS Ziegler Bld». Spakane. WathiagUn LAeewaed la the ’tale. each nostril and get comforting relief alriuot instantly! Va-tro-nol is so ef fective because it works right where trouble is to soothe irritation, relieve stuffiness, make breathing easier. Try it I Oet Vicks Va-tro-nol Nose Dropsl Embroidery and crochet in a fas cinating old-fashioned girl design for linens. DRY CLEANING UNIT New Vic “900” McKenna 10 H. P. Boil er, Elco Garment Press, Air Vacuum System, Puff sets, spotting and finishing boards, with steam iron, scrub tub, scales, hanging tracks, etc. All ready to install for cleaning plant. GA 3841. B. R. Hayisen, 3116 N. E. Schuyler St., Portland, Ore. SHUFFLE BOARDS for sale 1495.00 & ,625 00. Jim Merten. 4537 8. B. Division. Portland 15. Oregon. LABORATORY TECHNICIAN. registered. for doctor's office in Pendleton. Ore. Ex cellent ealarv. Write or phone DI 1. B. BHOt N. Orr,.n. . ■— - "Ah-h! I Cun Breathe TAVERN BY OWNER Including property, about 1 acre, 200’ frontage on busy hiwav, (0 mi. out. Serves hamburgers, chill & sand wiches. Living qtrs. 3 cabins and trailer space. A good buv. >20,000. $12.000 down SHAKE INN, Wemma, Oregon. FOR SALE—Saddle, harness and shoe shop in Eastern Oregon cow town. N<i competition. Reason. health. Box 810, Jordan Valley, Oregon. 1743 1st Ave. South EL 5103 Seattle 4, Washington EXPERIENCED Ford mechanic, for northern Sacramento Valley. Boy C. Ford. Ford Dealer. Corning, Calif. ___ BEAUTY SHOP—West side. Low rent. Good equipment $650.00 comp, with supplies. 708 S. W. King, Port land, Ore. NEW 210 H. P. AT A FRACTION OF ORIGINAL COST. 1 . . , COTB. OMBGON ★★★★★★★★★★★★ DOGS, CATS, PETS, ETC. 1<M KLINE KENNELS — COCKER? Puppies for Xmas! Matrons, stud service, show stock, kennel supplies Write us about your requirements Moute 6. Box 3036 A, Bremerton, Washington. GET a Black Labrador for his Christ- n a« from Lake Pend Oreille Ken nels, Box 572, Sandpoint, Idaho. <71RI STM AS SPECIAL. Cocker Pup- I. WBZPTNG WILLOW KBNNBLS. Union. Oregon. Let the Ad« Guide You When Shopping SEEDS, PLANTS. ETC. AUTOS. TRUCKS 4 ACCESS. BLUEBERRY PLANTS— Newest and ie«t varieties, lowest prices Send Bber- hardt Blueberry Vurseriee. JU 1. Olympia. Wash. 1,1» INTERNATIONAL m-ton truck with stock rack. Excellent 1»4* mo tor. 'w.-ipwi axle, good rubber I67S D F. Bro.., 7131 g. E Xnlght. Portland «. Or.. BLUEBERRY PLANTS Western grwn for western condition«. Of fering al! n*w proven varieties \ < r nr wr.te Terybeet Mlueberriee. Mate. Wash. RURAL FIRE TRUCK ur-whc.l drive. 175 gallon water rank High prr.aur. booster pumv ''omplctely equipped and ready to go. Excellent condition. Any rural of village «.pnrtrrent deatrir.g a ■ mall truck that will go tn field, r t.rrl-ory wii: find • a ■ but at S2Sfto For furth-r It ''■rn • - n r •• John Naylor. Monte 3, Moecow. Idaho, or call 11-F3 MOSCOW. WANTED TO BUY xNTEI» Tread;« we wing nachlnea r • 154» ■ B. Powell Blvd.. Portland. Oregon. J -W ONLY FoRFSlfiHiCD MEMBER OF ^E ODfiSi, REAUZE5 W IF HE JOiHS 1UE IN EMiHfc US LUNCH Ki <3.30 AM. HE’LL W5H HE HADN’T Ai HOOHj AMD |F PE DOE'S N T EAT IT NOW HE'LL W6H HE HAD WHEN MIDDAY C0ME5 t<E 0WR5, HUN6FY AiAiN, WANT 5HARE IT WH HIM MUSTEROLE xSLEEP Tomorrow Night BACK HOME AGAIN By Ed Dodd —without being awakened If you're forced up nightly baeaua« of urgaa, do thia: Start UkiM POLIT Pl LIB for sluggish Kldasy«. They puree kidneys of • Mtas they Booth« those Irrltbttofis eabsiag t K oob urg«w Also alls« huckaehes. log Mine, painful paaaa««« ^om kidney InsetiM Unlssi YOU 4« bd all night tomorrow night DOURER YOUR MONEY BACK. At your druggtot. WNU-13 50-4« TIS. in just 7 days >. . in one short week ... a group of people who changed from their old dentifrices to Calox Tooth Powder sver. aged brighter teeth by scientific test. Why not chsnge to Calox yourself? Buy Calox today ... so your teeth can start looking brighter tomorrow! CALOX TOOTH POWDER McKe««on A Robbins lac., Bridgeport. Co««. SORE, CHAPPED UPS ? Quick relief with MENTHOLATUM • Don't go on suffering iron painful, dry, cracked lips — reach for Mentholstum. Feel fast-acting Menthol stum's fa mous combination of menthol, camphor and ocher ingredients soothe tender lip skin, revise dried-out skin cells, help them retain needed moisture. Soon •marring pain leaves, lips feet •moocher—it's a pleasure to •mile again. In tubes and jars — and 7 ft sizes. MENTHOLATUM